File names: PascalCase
Folder names: underscore_lower_case
Class names: PascalCase
Struct names: PascalCase
Class members: m_camelCase
Functions: camelCase
Local variables: camelCase
Namespaces: PascalCase
class Foo
void foo();
void bar();
void barFoo();
void fooBar();
int m_number;
Public functions and members at top, protected in middle, private at bottom
Notice a space between the final class member/function and the next accessor!
Private members must be prefixed with "m_"
Initilzation lists:
Foo::Foo(int x, int y)
: m_x (x)
, m_y (y) { }
- NO
using namespace std;
Your pull request will be denied if that is included. - Namespaces should be PascalCase
- Nested namespaces:
namespace Foo {
namespace Bar
void codeGoesHere()
All headers should have header guards (#pragma once)
Includes in files should be in the following order:
"h file corresponding to this cpp file (if applicable)",
"headers from the same component",
"headers from other components",
"headers from SFML"
"system headers and standard lib headers"
#include "System.h"
#include "../component/Components.h"
#include "../Entity.h"
#include "../../maths/MathFunctions.h"
#include "../../util/json.hpp"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
- Do not use C-Style "defines" for constants.
- Use constexpr! It is compile-time determined just like #define is, no excuses!
- Functions can be marked as "constexpr" as well.
- Primitives can be passed by value, or reference
- Objects pass as either const reference (or reference), and NEVER BY VALUE
- Indent style:
bool functionName(int arg1, const std::string& arg2)
if (arg1 > 5)
std::cout << arg2 << "\n";
return true;
return false;
- For setter functions, use R-Value references and move scematics if you can(eg)
void Foo:setString(std::string&& str)
m_string = std::move(str);
or, plain old "const reference"
However, if the setter is for an object <4 bytes in size (or 8 if your compiler is 64 bit), then pass by value
- Don't use the
, it can cause errors on Linux. Correct use:
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
- This goes for strings as file paths too!
std::string filePath = "forward/slashes/so/it/works/cross/platform.png"
- Please prefer unique pointers to raw owning pointers
int* x = new int(5); //No!
auto y = std::make_unique<int>(5) //Yes!
- If you have to use "new" and especially "malloc()", then you are probably doing something wrong.
- Only case raw pointers are fine is if they are non-owning pointers.
- Use enum class, not regular enums!