diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+## Installation
+Just add `ContextMenu` to your Podfile and `pod install`. Done!
+pod 'ContextMenu'
+## Usage
+Show the menu from one of your `UIViewController`s:
+ sourceViewController: self,
+ viewController: MyContentViewController()
+You must provide a custom `UIViewController` to display in the menu. The only requirement is that you must set `preferredContentSize` to size your content.
+class MyContentViewController: UIViewController {
+ override func viewDidLoad() {
+ super.viewDidLoad()
+ title = "Demo"
+ preferredContentSize = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)
+ }
+## Customizations
+### Display from a Source View
+Animate the menu out from a button or view. `ContextMenu` will take care of layout so that your menu doesn't clip the screen.
+@IBAction func onButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
+ ContextMenu.shared.show(
+ sourceViewController: self,
+ viewController: MyContentViewController(),
+ sourceView: sender
+ )
+### Container Style & Display
+Use `ContextMenu.Options` to change the appearance of the containing view.
+ sourceViewController: self,
+ viewController: MenuViewController(),
+ options: ContextMenu.Options(containerStyle: ContextMenu.ContainerStyle(backgroundColor: .blue)),
+ sourceView: button
+There's plenty more you can customize with `ContextMenu.ContainerStyle`:
+- `cornerRadius`: The corner radius of the menu
+- `shadowRadius` and `shadowOpacity`: Appearance of the container shadow
+- `xPadding`, `yPadding`, `edgePadding`: Padding from the source view and screen edge
+- `overlayColor`: The color of the background
+- `motionEffect`: Respond to device gyroscope changes, similar to app icons on Springboard.app.
+If you want more customizations, we will gladly accept a Pull Request!
+## Acknowledgements
+- Heavy inspiration from [SlackTextViewController](https://github.com/slackhq/SlackTextViewController)
+- Created with ❤️ by [Ryan Nystrom](https://twitter.com/_ryannystrom)
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