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Gant -- Ivy Tool

Ivy Tool

Ivy is a dependency management system for Ant. As Gant uses Ant tasks, Gant can make use of Ivy very straightforwardly. Installing Gant installs the Ivy jar, so there are no missing dependencies (Gant 1.2.0 installs Ivy 2.0.0-beta2). Gant provides an Ivy tool that is used to work with Ivy, so you need the statement:

{%highlight groovy%} includeTool << {%endhighlight%}

to access the features. This creates an object called Ivy which can then be used to invoke all the features of the Ivy system, for example:

{%highlight groovy%} ivy.cachepath(...) ivy.cleancache() {%endhighlight%}

The Ivy distribution has an example in it, that installs Ivy, ensures the local presence of the Commons-Lang jar, compiles and runs a small test program. A Gantified version of part of this example is provided in the Gant source. The Gantfile for this example shows how simple and straightforward using Ivy can be:

{%highlight groovy%} buildDirectory = 'build' sourceDirectory = 'source'

includeTargets << gant.targets.Clean cleanDirectory << buildDirectory cleanPattern << ['/*~', '/*.bak']

includeTool <<

target(runTest: 'Run the Ivy "Hello" test.') { def classpathRef = 'libraryClasspath' ivy.cachepath(organisation: 'commons-lang', module: 'commons-lang', revision: '2.3', pathid: classpathRef, inline: 'true') mkdir(dir: buildDirectory) javac(srcdir: sourceDirectory, destdir: buildDirectory, debug: 'true', classpathref: classpathRef) java(classname: 'example.Hello', classpathref: classpathRef) { classpath { pathelement location: buildDirectory } } }

target(cleanCache: 'Clean the Ivy cache.') { ivy.cleancache() }

setDefaultTarget runTest {%endhighlight%}

For full details of the Ivy features, it is best to check the Ivy manual pages for the version of Ivy associated with your Gant installation. To replicate the information here is probably just a bad idea, as well as being a lot of work :-).