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Gant -- Gant's old Gant build script

Gant's Old Gant Build Script

As an example of a working Gant script this is the Gant script that was Gant's own Gant script as at 2009-08-19T11:12:30+01:00. This assumes Gant 1.7.0 or greater. If you find any errors or inefficiencies, do say, either on the Gant developer mailing list or directly to me [email protected]. Note the use of the past tense in the first paragraph: Gant is no longer using Gant as its build tool, it has switched to using Gradle. This script is therefore no longer being actively evolved.

{%highlight groovy%} // Gant -- A Groovy way of scripting Ant tasks. // // Copyright ?? 2006-9 Russel Winder // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is // distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the // License. // // Author : Russel Winder [email protected]

final zipExtension = '.zip' final tarExtension = '.tar' final tgzExtension = '.tgz'

property ( file : '' ) property ( file : '' )

carryOn = true [ 'gantVersion' , 'groovy15Version' , 'groovy16Version' , 'groovy17Version' , 'groovyStandaloneVersion' , 'junitVersion' , 'commonsCliVersion' , 'ivyVersion' , 'antVersion' , 'mavenVersion' , 'groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFileName' , ].each { name -> try { binding.getVariable ( name ) } catch ( MissingPropertyException mpe ) { ant.project.log ( "${name} is not defined." ) carryOn = false } } if ( ! carryOn ) { ant.project.log ( 'A required property is not set, so terminating.' ) System.exit ( 1 ) }

gantPrefix = 'gant-' + gantVersion

try { usingCobertura = Boolean.valueOf ( usingCobertura ) } catch ( MissingPropertyException mpe ) { usingCobertura = false }

try { ignoreTestFailures = Boolean.valueOf ( ignoreTestFailures ) } catch ( MissingPropertyException mpe ) { ignoreTestFailures = false }

try { skipTests = Boolean.valueOf ( skipTests ) } catch ( MissingPropertyException mpe ) { skipTests = false }

try { testCase } catch ( MissingPropertyException mpe ) { testCase = null }

try { testSpecialDistributionVersion} catch ( MissingPropertyException mpe ) { testSpecialDistributionVersion = false }

// The groovy.home property is only set if Gant is started from the command line. When started // programmatically, and in particular via the Gant Ant task, it will have value null. If the groovy.home // property is set then either it is a copy of the GROOVY_HOME environment variable if that is set or it is // deduced from the location of the groovyc command. The GROOVY_HOME environment variable may or may not // be set. If it is set use the installed Groovy, otherwise use the Groovy specified in the properties // file. This only matters for non-distribution builds.

groovyHome ='groovy.home' groovyHomeEnvironment = System.getenv ( ).GROOVY_HOME if ( groovyHomeEnvironment ) { assert groovyHome == groovyHomeEnvironment } else { assert groovyHomeEnvironment == null }

// The Gant source is structured according to the standard Maven 2 hierarchy.

final sourceDirectory = 'src/main/groovy' final testsDirectory = 'src/test/groovy' final jarfilesDirectory = 'jarfiles' final scriptsDirectory = 'scripts'

final buildDirectory = 'target_gant' final buildClassesDirectory = buildDirectory + '/classes' final buildTestClassesDirectory = buildDirectory + '/test-classes' final buildTestReportsDirectory = buildDirectory + '/test-reports' final buildTestReportsHTMLDirectory = buildDirectory + '/test-reports/html' final buildCoberturaClassesDirectory = buildDirectory + '/cobertura-classes' final buildCoberturaReportsDirectory = buildDirectory + '/cobertura-reports'

final buildFilteredScriptsDirectory = buildDirectory + '/filteredScripts' final buildInstallDirectory = buildDirectory + '/install'

final documentationDirectory = buildDirectory + '/documentation' final apiDocumentationDirectory = documentationDirectory + '/api'

final buildMetadataDirectory = buildClassesDirectory + '/META-INF'

// This is the name used in in // gant.targets.tests.Maven_Tests.testCompileTargetInDirectoryOtherThanTheCurrentBuildDirectory. It would // be good if these could be made dependent rather than independent as they are now.

final buildDirectoryForMavenTargetSet = 'target_forMavenTest'

final sourceCompatibility = '5' final targetCompatibility = '5'

// Labels for supporting use of the Maven Ant task. NB Installing Gant installs the Maven and Ivy Ant // tasks jars into the Groovy library.

final mavenAntTaskJarName = 'maven-ant-tasks-' + mavenVersion + '.jar'

final antlibXMLns = 'antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant' final mavenPOMId = 'maven.pom' final remoteRepositories = [ [ 'codehausSnapshot' , '' ] , [ 'codehausMain' , '' ] , [ 'mavenCentral' , '' ] , ]

// List of files from the top-level directory to put into the distribution files.

final distributionTopLevelFiles = [ 'build.gant' , 'buildMaven.gant' , '' , 'build.xml' , '.classpath' , '.project' , 'LICENCE.txt' , 'README_Distribution.txt' , 'README_Install.txt' , 'releaseNotes.txt' ]

// List of directories to put in wholesale into the distribution files.

final distributionDirectories = [ 'documentation' , 'examples' , '.settings' , scriptsDirectory , jarfilesDirectory , sourceDirectory , testsDirectory ]

// The versions of Gant in the Maven repository to build distribution version of Gant against. // // Introducing the Gant Ant Task written in Java means we have to use the joint compiler to compile Gant // and this means we cannot build Gant against Groovy 1.0 since the joint compiler only arrived with 1.5.0. // Opinion on the user list indicated that it seemed reasonable to drop support for Groovy 1.0. // // It is assumed that the groovyc fork mode works, which means we cannot sensibly build against any version // of Groovy prior to 1.5.2 -- since that is the version in which groovyc fork mode appeared. Using a // forked Java task is not an option because there is no --classpath option in the 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 versions // of Groovyc and this is essential to get things to work correctly. Gant can still be built and // distributed against Groovy 1.5.0 and 1.5.1 but it has to be done the hard (manual) way. // // Allow a mechanism for testing individual distribution entries as well as producing all of them.

final distributionVersions = [ : ] if ( testSpecialDistributionVersion ) { //def theGroovyVersion = groovy15Version def theGroovyVersion = groovy16Version //def theGroovyVersion = groovy17Version distributionVersions.put ( 'groovy-' + theGroovyVersion , [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : theGroovyVersion ] ) } else { [ groovy15Version , groovy16Version , groovy17Version ].each { version -> distributionVersions.put ( 'groovy-' + version , [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : version ] ) } distributionVersions.put ( 'standalone' , [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : groovyStandaloneVersion ] ) }

// As J??rgen Hermann pointed out, the trailing / on the URL is very important.

final distributionURL = ''

// The hierarchy on the Codehaus server for the distributions is fixed and known.

final serverDistributionsDirectory = 'distributions' final serverJarsDirectory = 'jars'

// This is a map with key local source path and value server path.

final serverUploadProducts = [ : ]

// This is the path to the Gant jar currently being processed. It is set when the jar has been successfully created.

currentGantJarPath = null

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Various support Closures. // // Currently these Closures do not have the GantMetaClass as their metaclass so there is no delegated // lookup on the ant object, it has to be done explicitly. // // The various compilation and test actions are parameterized so they can be used with different // classpaths. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

final getDependency = { root , dependencies -> final pathId = root + 'PathId' final filesetId = root + 'FilesetId' binding.setVariable ( pathId , pathId ) binding.setVariable ( filesetId , filesetId ) "${antlibXMLns}:dependencies" ( pathId : pathId , filesetId : filesetId ) { if ( dependencies instanceof List ) { for ( item in dependencies ) { dependency ( item ) } } else { dependency ( dependencies ) } remoteRepositories.each { List item -> remoteRepository ( id : item[0] , url : item[1] ) } } }

final performCompile = { classpathId -> mkdir ( dir : buildClassesDirectory ) taskdef ( name : 'groovyc' , classname : 'org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc' , classpathref : classpathId ) groovyc ( srcdir : sourceDirectory , destdir : buildClassesDirectory , fork : 'true' , failonerror : 'true' , includeantruntime : 'false' ) { classpath { path ( refid : classpathId ) } javac ( source : sourceCompatibility , target : targetCompatibility , debug : 'on' ) } }

final makeManifest = { -> mkdir ( dir : buildMetadataDirectory ) copy ( todir : buildMetadataDirectory , file : 'LICENCE.txt' ) manifest ( file : buildMetadataDirectory + '/MANIFEST.MF' ) { attribute ( name : 'Built-By' , value :'' ) attribute ( name : 'Extension-Name' , value : 'gant' ) attribute ( name : 'Specification-Title' , value : 'Gant: scripting Ant tasks with Groovy.' ) attribute ( name : 'Specification-Version' , value : gantVersion ) attribute ( name : 'Specification-Vendor' , value : 'The Codehaus' ) attribute ( name : 'Implementation-Title' , value : 'Gant: Scripting Ant tasks with Groovy.' ) attribute ( name : 'Implementation-Version' , value : gantVersion ) attribute ( name : 'Implementation-Vendor' , value : 'The Codehaus' ) } }

final performPackage = { jarPath -> currentGantJarPath = null makeManifest ( ) try { def tempfile = File.createTempFile ( 'gant_compile' , '.jar' ) jar ( destfile : tempfile.path , basedir : buildClassesDirectory , manifest : buildMetadataDirectory + '/MANIFEST.MF' ) taskdef ( resource : 'aQute/bnd/ant/' , classpath : 'lib/bnd-0.0.337.jar' ) bndwrap ( output : jarPath , jars : tempfile.path ) currentGantJarPath = jarPath } finally { tempfile.delete ( ) } }

final performCompileTests = { classpathId -> if ( ! skipTests ) { mkdir ( dir : buildTestClassesDirectory ) taskdef ( name : 'groovyc' , classname : 'org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc' , classpathref : classpathId ) groovyc ( srcdir : testsDirectory , destdir : buildTestClassesDirectory , fork : 'true' , failonerror : 'true' , includeantruntime : 'false' ) { classpath { pathelement ( location : currentGantJarPath ) path ( refid : classpathId ) } javac ( source : sourceCompatibility , target : targetCompatibility , debug : 'on' ) } } }

final performTests = { classpathId -> if ( ! skipTests ) { mkdir ( dir : buildTestReportsDirectory ) mkdir ( dir : buildTestReportsHTMLDirectory ) if ( usingCobertura ) { mkdir ( dir : buildCoberturaClassesDirectory ) mkdir ( dir : buildCoberturaReportsDirectory ) getDependency ( 'coberturaJar' , [ groupId : 'net.sourceforge.cobertura' , artifactId : 'cobertura' , version : '1.9' ] ) taskdef ( resource : '' , classpathref : 'coberturaJarPathId' ) 'cobertura-instrument' ( todir : buildCoberturaClassesDirectory ) { fileset ( dir : buildClassesDirectory ) } } getDependency ( 'ivyJar' , [ groupId : 'org.apache.ivy' , artifactId : 'ivy' , version : ivyVersion ] ) def testClasspathId = 'testClasspathId' path ( id : testClasspathId ) { if ( usingCobertura ) { // MUST appear in classpath before the uninstrumented classes. pathelement ( location : buildCoberturaClassesDirectory ) path ( refid : 'coberturaPathId' ) } pathelement ( location : buildTestClassesDirectory ) path ( refid : 'ivyJarPathId' ) fileset ( dir : jarfilesDirectory , includes : mavenAntTaskJarName ) path ( refid : classpathId ) } // Forkmode should be once for speed but perTest for safety. if ( ! ( testCase ==~ 'org.codehaus.gant.ant.tests._Test' ) ) { junit ( printsummary : 'yes' , failureproperty : 'testsFailed' , fork : 'true' , forkmode : 'once' , includeantruntime : 'false' ) { // jvmarg ( line : '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005' ) formatter ( type : 'plain' ) formatter ( type : 'xml' ) // Must have XML output for the continuous integration builds. if ( testCase != null) { test ( name : testCase , todir : buildTestReportsDirectory ) } else { batchtest ( todir : buildTestReportsDirectory ) { fileset ( dir : buildTestClassesDirectory , includes : '**/_Test.class' , excludes : '/ant/tests/' ) } } classpath { path ( refid : testClasspathId ) pathelement ( location : currentGantJarPath ) } } } if ( ( testCase == null ) || ( testCase ==~ 'org.codehaus.gant.ant.tests._Test' ) ) { junit ( printsummary : 'yes' , failureproperty : 'testsFailed' , fork : 'true' , forkmode : 'once' , includeantruntime : 'false' ) { formatter ( type : 'plain' ) formatter ( type : 'xml' ) // Must have XML output for the continuous integration builds. batchtest ( todir : buildTestReportsDirectory ) { fileset ( dir : buildTestClassesDirectory , includes : '/ant/tests/_Test.class' ) } classpath { path ( refid : testClasspathId ) } } } junitreport ( todir : buildTestReportsDirectory ) { fileset ( dir : buildTestReportsDirectory , includes : 'TEST-.xml' ) report ( todir : buildTestReportsHTMLDirectory ) } if ( usingCobertura ) { 'cobertura-report' ( srcdir : sourceDirectory , destdir : buildCoberturaReportsDirectory ) } } // Do not use the mapping of Ant properties to binding values here since that generates a // MissingPropertyException in the case that the property doesn't exist whereas accessing it through the // fully qualified name generates a null return. == null }

final setInstallationDirectory = { path -> if ( path == null ) { ant.project.log ( 'Property installationDirectory is not set, cannot undertake (un)install actions.' ) System.exit ( 1 ) } installationDirectory = path }

final prepareInstallDirectory = { path , gantJarName , pathIdRoots , isStandalone , item -> setInstallationDirectory ( path ) def installationBinDirectory = installationDirectory + '/bin' def groovyJarName = null if ( item != null ) { groovyJarName = ( isStandalone ? 'groovy-all-' : 'groovy-' ) + item.version + '.jar' } else { pathconvert ( property : 'groovyJarName' ) { path ( refid : groovyJarPathId ) mapper ( type : 'flatten' ) } } copy ( todir : installationBinDirectory ) { fileset ( dir : scriptsDirectory + ( isStandalone ? '/bin_standalone' : '/bin_requiresGroovy' ) ) fileset ( dir : scriptsDirectory + '/bin' ) filterset { filter ( token : 'GANT_VERSION' , value : gantVersion ) } filterset { filter ( token : 'GROOVYJAR' , value : groovyJarName ) } } chmod ( perm : 'a+x' ) { fileset ( dir : installationBinDirectory , includes : 'gant*' ) } copy ( todir : installationDirectory ) { fileset ( dir : scriptsDirectory , includes : 'conf/gant-starter.conf' ) } getDependency ( 'ivyJar' , [ groupId : 'org.apache.ivy' , artifactId : 'ivy' , version : ivyVersion ] ) copy ( todir : installationDirectory + '/lib' ) { fileset ( dir : buildDirectory , includes : gantJarName ) fileset ( dir : jarfilesDirectory , includes : mavenAntTaskJarName ) fileset ( refid : ivyJarFilesetId ) if ( isStandalone ) { if ( pathIdRoots instanceof List ) { for ( root in pathIdRoots ) { fileset ( refid : root + 'FilesetId' ) } } else { fileset ( refid : pathIdRoots + 'FilesetId' ) } } mapper ( type : 'flatten' ) } }

final prepareZipFromTarAndRegisterForUpload = { String root , Closure closure -> // Have to put this in the binding :-( rootPath = buildDirectory +'file.separator' + root closure ( ) zip ( destfile : rootPath + zipExtension ) { tarfileset ( src : rootPath + tarExtension ) } gzip ( src : rootPath + tarExtension , destfile : rootPath + tgzExtension ) serverUploadProducts [ rootPath + tgzExtension ] = serverDistributionsDirectory + '/' + root + tgzExtension serverUploadProducts [ rootPath + zipExtension ] = serverDistributionsDirectory + '/' + root + zipExtension }

final preparePom = { String version -> // Return the reference to an edited copy of the POM template , replacing the version numbers and other // tokens with the values for this JAR. def classifier = 'groovy' + version.split ( "[\.-]" ) [ 0..1 ].join ( '.' ) def targetPOM = classifier + '.pom' copy ( tofile : targetPOM , file : '' ) { filterset { filter ( token : 'artifactId' , value : 'gant_' + classifier ) filter ( token : 'gantVersion' , value : gantVersion ) filter ( token : 'groovyVersion' , value : version ) filter ( token : 'commonsCliVersion' , value : commonsCliVersion ) filter ( token : 'antVersion' , value : antVersion ) filter ( token : 'mavenVersion' , value : mavenVersion ) filter ( token : 'ivyVersion' , value : ivyVersion ) } } "${antlibXMLns}:pom" ( file : targetPOM , id : targetPOM ) return targetPOM }

final doWithAllGroovyVersions = { Closure c -> distributionVersions.each { label , item -> def groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFile = new File ( groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFileName ) groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFile.write ( 'groovyAntTaskTestVersion = ' + item.version ) def pathIdRoot = 'classpath' + item.version def pathId = pathIdRoot + 'PathId' getDependency ( pathIdRoot , [ [ groupId : item.groupId , artifactId : item.artifactId , version : item.version ] , [ groupId : 'org.apache.ant' , artifactId : 'ant' , version : antVersion ] , [ groupId : 'org.apache.ant' , artifactId : 'ant-junit' , version : antVersion ] , [ groupId : 'commons-cli' , artifactId : 'commons-cli' , version : commonsCliVersion ] , [ groupId : 'junit' , artifactId : 'junit' , version : junitVersion ] ] ) // Remove the compilation products of the last compilation so as not to affect this one! delete ( dir : buildClassesDirectory ) delete ( dir : buildTestClassesDirectory ) delete ( dir : buildFilteredScriptsDirectory ) delete ( dir : buildInstallDirectory ) performCompile ( pathId ) def jarPath = buildDirectory + '/' + gantPrefix + '_groovy-' + item.version + '.jar' performPackage ( jarPath ) performCompileTests ( pathId ) if ( ! skipTests && ! performTests ( pathId ) ) { someTestsFailed = true } ( label , item , jarPath , pathIdRoot ) groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFile.delete ( ) } }

final doDocumentation = { -> taskdef ( name : 'groovydoc' , classname : 'org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovydoc' ) def javaApiDocumentationDirectory = apiDocumentationDirectory + '/java' def groovyApiDocumentationDirectory = apiDocumentationDirectory + '/groovy' def classpathIdRoot = 'javaDoc' def classpathId = classpathIdRoot + 'PathId' getDependency ( classpathIdRoot , [ [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : groovyStandaloneVersion ] , [ groupId : 'org.apache.ant' , artifactId : 'ant' , version : antVersion ] , [ groupId : 'commons-cli' , artifactId : 'commons-cli' , version : commonsCliVersion ] ] ) mkdir ( dir : javaApiDocumentationDirectory ) mkdir ( dir : groovyApiDocumentationDirectory ) def packageTitle = "Gant (${gantVersion})" def packageIncludeSpec = 'gant.,org.codehaus.gant.' // Don't assume that © and – are understood by the browser -- even though they are in the HTML // 4.0 specification. Copyright symbol is © or ©. N-dash symbol is – or – def copyrightString = 'Copyright © 2006–9 The Codehaus. All rights reserved.' javadoc ( sourcepath : sourceDirectory , destdir : javaApiDocumentationDirectory , packagenames : packageIncludeSpec, overview : 'overview.html' , private : 'true' , encoding : 'UTF-8' , use : 'true' , author : 'true' , version : 'true' , windowtitle : packageTitle , doctitle : packageTitle , header : packageTitle , footer : copyrightString , source : sourceCompatibility ) { classpath { pathelement ( location : currentGantJarPath ) path ( refid : classpathId ) } } groovydoc ( sourcepath : sourceDirectory , destdir : groovyApiDocumentationDirectory , packagenames : packageIncludeSpec , overview : 'overview.html' , private : 'true' , //encoding : 'UTF-8' , use : 'true' , //author : 'true' , //version : 'true' , windowtitle : packageTitle , doctitle : packageTitle , header : packageTitle , footer : copyrightString , //source : sourceCompatibility ) }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The targets for doing a local build, test, install and uninstall. // // install and uninstall require the setting of the property installDirectory -- usually done by creating a // file which is not in version control. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

includeTargets << gant.targets.Clean cleanPattern << [ '**/*~' , 'cobertura.ser' , 'texput.log' ] cleanDirectory << [ buildDirectory , buildDirectoryForMavenTargetSet ]

includeTool <<

target ( reallyClean : 'Ensure all clean operations for the entire tree get actioned.' ) { clobber ( ) ( "cd packaging/debian && gant clobber" ) }

target ( initializeNonDistribution : '' ) { def groovyJarPathIdRoot = 'groovyJar' groovyJarPathId = groovyJarPathIdRoot + 'PathId' compileJarSetPathId = 'compileJarSetPathId' testJarSetPathId = 'testJarSetPathId' // If GROOVY_HOME is set then create a build of Gant dependent on that Groovy, otherwise pull down all // the required bits and pieces to make a standalone build. NB'groovy.home' is not a // good discriminator! if ( groovyHomeEnvironment ) { ant.project.log ( "Building with the Groovy installation at GROOVY_HOME=${groovyHomeEnvironment}." ) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TODO : Need to find out which version is actually being used -- this is currently a bug. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- groovyVersion = groovy17Version path ( id : groovyJarPathId ) { fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'groovy-.jar' ) } path ( id : compileJarSetPathId ) { path ( refid : groovyJarPathId ) fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'commons-cli.jar' ) // The ASM and Antlr jars are just transitive dependencies of the Groovy jar, the Ant and Commons CLI // jars are needed directly by the Gant code. fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'asm*.jar' ) fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'ant*.jar' ) // Intentionally includes Ant and Antlr jars. } path ( id : testJarSetPathId ) { path ( refid : compileJarSetPathId ) fileset ( dir : groovyHome + '/lib' , includes : 'junit*.jar' ) } } else { groovyVersion = groovyStandaloneVersion ant.project.log ( "Building without a Groovy installation. Using Groovy ${groovyVersion}, Commons CLI ${commonsCliVersion}, Ant ${antVersion} from Maven repository." ) getDependency ( groovyJarPathIdRoot , [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : groovyVersion ] ) def compileJarsNotGroovyPathIdRoot = 'compileJarsNotGroovy' compileJarsNotGroovyPathId = compileJarsNotGroovyPathIdRoot + 'PathId' getDependency ( compileJarsNotGroovyPathIdRoot , [ [ groupId : 'commons-cli' , artifactId : 'commons-cli' , version : commonsCliVersion ] , ] ) path ( id : compileJarSetPathId ) { path ( refid : groovyJarPathId ) path ( refid : compileJarsNotGroovyPathId ) } def testAntJarSetPathIdRoot = 'testAntJarSet' testAntJarSetPathId = testAntJarSetPathIdRoot + 'PathId' getDependency ( testAntJarSetPathIdRoot , [ [ groupId : 'org.apache.ant' , artifactId : 'ant-junit' , version : antVersion ] , ] ) path ( id : testJarSetPathId ) { path ( refid : compileJarSetPathId ) path ( refid : testAntJarSetPathId ) } } }

target ( compile : 'Compile everything needed for a Groovy installation dependent build of Gant.' ) { depends ( initializeNonDistribution ) performCompile ( compileJarSetPathId ) }

target ( 'package' : 'Create the jar file for a Groovy installation dependent build of Gant.' ) { depends ( compile ) performPackage ( buildDirectory + "/gant-${gantVersion}.jar" ) }

target ( compileTests : 'Compile all the tests for a Groovy installation dependent build of Gant.' ) { depends ( 'package' ) if ( ! skipTests ) { performCompileTests ( testJarSetPathId ) } }

target ( test : 'Test a build of Gant.' ) { depends ( compileTests ) if ( ! skipTests ) { if ( ! groovyHomeEnvironment ) { groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFile = ( new File ( groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFileName ) ) groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFile.write ( 'groovyAntTaskTestVersion = ' + groovyVersion ) } def returnCode = performTests ( testJarSetPathId ) ant.project.log ( 'Tests ' + ( returnCode ? 'suceeded' : 'failed' ) + '.' ) if ( ! groovyHomeEnvironment ) { groovyAntTaskTestVersionPropertyFile.delete ( ) } return returnCode ? 0 : 1 } return 0 }

target ( coberturaTest : 'Test a Groovy installation dependent build of Gant using Cobertura to get a coverage report.' ) { usingCobertura = true depends ( test ) }

target ( documentation : 'Create the API documentation of Gant.' ) { depends ( compile ) doDocumentation ( ) }

target ( install : "Install a Groovy installation dependent build of Gant." ) { depends ( test ) prepareInstallDirectory ( installDirectory , 'gant-' + gantVersion + '.jar' , ( groovyHomeEnvironment ? 'compileJarSet' : 'compileJars' ) , groovyHomeEnvironment == null , null ) }

target ( uninstall : "Uninstall Gant." ) { setInstallationDirectory ( installDirectory ) delete ( dir : installationDirectory ) }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The targets for handling the builds for the Maven repository. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

target ( mavenInstall : "Install Gant artifacts into local Maven cache." ) { doWithAllGroovyVersions { label , item , jarPath , pathIdRoot -> // Skip the standalone artifact since Maven artefacts always depend on the artifacts rather than packaging them. if ( label != 'standalone' ) { def targetPOM = preparePom ( item.version ) "${antlibXMLns}:install" ( file : jarPath ) { pom ( refid : targetPOM ) } delete ( file : targetPOM ) } } }

target ( mavenDeploy : "Deploys the Gant artifacts to the appropriate Maven repository." ) { "${antlibXMLns}:install-provider" ( artifactId : 'wagon-webdav' , version : '1.0-beta-2' ) doWithAllGroovyVersions { label , item , jarPath , pathIdRoot -> // Skip the standalone artifact since Maven artefacts always depend on the artifacts rather than packaging them. if ( label != 'standalone' ) { def targetPOM = preparePom ( item.version ) "${antlibXMLns}:deploy" ( file : jarPath ) { pom ( refid : targetPOM ) } delete ( file : targetPOM ) } } }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The targets for handling the distribution builds. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

target ( distribution : 'Create the distributions of Gant.' ) { def distributionClasspathId = 'classpath' clean ( ) someTestsFailed = false doWithAllGroovyVersions { label , item , jarPath , pathIdRoot -> def isStandalone = label == 'standalone' def discriminator = isStandalone ? gantPrefix : gantPrefix + '_groovy-' + item.version def jarName = new File ( jarPath ).name serverUploadProducts [ jarPath ] = serverJarsDirectory + '/' + jarName prepareInstallDirectory ( buildInstallDirectory , jarName , pathIdRoot , isStandalone , item ) prepareZipFromTarAndRegisterForUpload ( discriminator ) { // NB Rely on Closures not being closures: rootPath is only resolved when the Closure is executed. tar ( destfile : rootPath + tarExtension ) { tarfileset ( dir : buildInstallDirectory , mode : '755' , prefix : gantPrefix ) { include ( name : 'bin/' ) } tarfileset ( dir : buildInstallDirectory , prefix : gantPrefix ) { include ( name : '**' ) exclude ( name : 'bin/' ) } tarfileset ( dir : '.' , includes : 'README*' , prefix : gantPrefix ) } } } // Create the source distribution. prepareZipFromTarAndRegisterForUpload ( 'gant_src-' + gantVersion ) { // NB Rely on Closures not being closures: rootPath is only resolved when the Closure is executed. tar ( destfile : rootPath + tarExtension ) { tarfileset ( dir : '.' , includes : distributionTopLevelFiles.join ( ',' ) , prefix : gantPrefix ) distributionDirectories.each { directory -> tarfileset ( dir : directory , prefix : gantPrefix +'file.separator' + directory ) } } } // Create the API documentation distribution. doDocumentation ( ) prepareZipFromTarAndRegisterForUpload ( 'gant_doc-' + gantVersion ) { // NB Rely on Closures not being closures: rootPath is only resolved when the Closure is executed. tar ( destfile : rootPath + tarExtension ) { tarfileset ( dir : documentationDirectory , prefix : gantPrefix +'file.separator' + 'doc' ) } } // Return the result of the test executions so that uploadDistributions can choose not to upload a failed // compilation. ! someTestsFailed }

target ( uploadDistribution : 'Upload a complete distribution.' ) { if ( ( ! distribution ( ) ) && ( ! ignoreTestFailures ) ) { ant.project.log ( 'Not uploading as some tests failed.' ) return } // Slide has been retired by the Apache Foundation in favour of Jackrabbit, but we use Slide anyway. "${antlibXMLns}:dependencies" ( pathId : 'slidePathId' ) { //dependency ( groupId : 'org.apache.jackrabbit' , artifactId : 'jackrabbit-webdav' , version : '1.3.3' ) dependency ( groupId : 'slide' , artifactId : 'slide-webdavlib' , version : '2.1' ) } // Is there a way of extracting the username and password information from the Maven Ant Task? For the // moment simply read the ~/.m2/settings.xml file. def loader = getClass ( ).getClassLoader ( ) ( path ( refid : 'slidePathId' ).list ( ) as List ).each { location -> loader.addURL ( new URL ( 'file://' + location ) ) } def settings = ( new XmlSlurper ( ) ).parse ('user.home' + '/.m2/settings.xml' ).servers.server.find { item -> == '' } def credentials = loader.loadClass ( 'org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials' ).getConstructor ( String , String ).newInstance ( settings.username.toString ( ) , settings.password.toString ( ) ) // Have to put resource in the binding so that the Closures can access it. resource = loader.loadClass ( 'org.apache.webdav.lib.WebdavResource' ).getConstructor ( String , loader.loadClass ( 'org.apache.commons.httpclient.Credentials' ) , boolean ).newInstance ( distributionURL , credentials , true ) if ( resource.statusCode != 200 ) { ant.project.log ( 'Failed to open ' + distributionURL ) } else { serverUploadProducts.each { source , destination -> def serverPath = resource.path + '/' + destination ant.project.log ( 'Uploading ' + source + ' -> ' + destination + ' : ' ) def result = 'Failed.' if ( resource.putMethod ( serverPath , new File ( source ) ) ) { result = 'OK.' } ant.project.log ( result + ' Status : ' + resource.statusMessage ) } } if ( resource != null ) { resource.close ( ) } }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // A target needed in support of building a deb. See packaging/debian/build.gant. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

target ( debDistribution : '' ) { distributionVersions = [ ( 'groovy-' + groovyDebianVersion ) : [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : groovyDebianVersion ] , standalone : [ groupId : 'org.codehaus.groovy' , artifactId : 'groovy-all' , version : groovyStandaloneVersion ] ] distribution ( ) }

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Set the default target. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

setDefaultTarget ( test ) {%endhighlight%}