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KTX: style builders

Type-safe builders of official Scene2D widget styles.


While creating widget styles in Java is possible, it usually turns out to be too verbose. LibGDX provides an alternative - Skin class and its JSON loader. Thanks to reflection, you can define your styles in a single concise JSON file and load them at runtime. This is fine most of the time, but this approach does have its issues: the two obvious ones being reflection usage and no validation during writing. You basically find out about your typos at runtime, as there seems to be no schema that the JSON could be validated against and no official editors with code completion. JSON format also suffers from no extension mechanism, which leads to data duplication.

Kotlin type-safe builders can make style definitions less verbose than usual, as easily readable as JSON and basically as fast to parse as hand-written Java code thanks to inlined functions and no reflection usage. By converting your JSON skins into ktx-style builders, you speed up your application startup time.


Skin instances can be constructed with skin functions, both of which accept a Kotlin-style init block.

You can quickly extract assets from Skin using the skin.get<DesiredClass>("resourceName") syntax. When the compiler can "guess" the type of variable, this can be shortened even further into skin["resourceName"]. This method can be used for all kinds of resources that can be stored in a Skin.

get and set operator functions were added. Skin assets can now be accessed with brace operators:

val skin = Skin()
skin["name"] = BitmapFont()
val font: BitmapFont = skin["name"]

Note that both of these functions use reified generics, so they need to be able to "extract" the variable type from context. For example, val font = skin["name"] would not compile, as the compiler would not be able to guess that instance of BitmapFont class is requested.

Additional methods were also added to leverage type inference and skip Class parameters:

val res: Resource? = skin.optional("name")
val found = skin.has<Resource>("name")

skin.add(resource, "name")
skin += otherResource  // Uses the "default" name


val map: ObjectMap<String, Resource>? = skin.getAll()

These extension methods and operators include:

  • get (square bracket operator): returns a resource from the Skin or throws an exception.
  • optional: returns null or a resource from the Skin if it exists.
  • set (square bracket operator): assigns a resource to the Skin.
  • add: assigns a resource to the Skin.
  • plusAssign (+= operator): assigns a resource with the default style to the Skin.
  • remove: removes a resource from the Skin.
  • has: checks is the Skin contains a resource.
  • getAll: returns all resources of the selected type.

Note that all name parameters can also be skipped to use the default style name, "default".

An extension method for every style of every Scene2D widget was added to Skin. Each method name matches lowerCamelCase name of the actor class. For example, the method used to create ScrollPaneStyle instances is named scrollPane. Signature of every extension method is pretty much the same - they consume 3 parameters: style name (defaults to "default"), optional name of extended style and an init block, which is usually passed as a Kotlin lambda. If a name of existing style name is given as the extend parameter, the new style will copy its properties.

Currently supported extension methods include:

Skin method Style class
button com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Button.ButtonStyle
checkBox com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.CheckBox.CheckBoxStyle
imageButton com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle
imageTextButton com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageTextButton.ImageTextButtonStyle
label com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.LabelStyle
list com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.List.ListStyle
progressBar com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ProgressBar.ProgressBarStyle
scrollPane com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle
selectBox com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle
slider com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Slider.SliderStyle
splitPaneStyle com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.SplitPane.SplitPaneStyle
textButton com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton.TextButtonStyle
textField com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextField.TextFieldStyle
textTooltip com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle
touchpad com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Touchpad.TouchpadStyle
tree com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Tree.TreeStyle
window com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Window.WindowStyle

To use the DSL on an existing Skin instance, use the Skin.register extension method.

Usage examples

Creating a new empty Skin:


val skin = skin {
  // Customize skin here.

Creating a new Skin with drawables extracted from a TextureAtlas:

import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx

val skin = skin(TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("skin.atlas"))) {
  // Customize skin here.

  // Tip: ktx-assets or ktx-assets-async are preferred for loading assets.

Extending an existing Skin:

import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin

val skin = Skin()

// All style builders are standard extension methods,
// so they can be used directly on a `Skin` instance:
skin.label {
  // Define your label style here.

// Style definitions can also be wrapped in a block
// such as apply or register:
skin.register {
  button {
    // Define your button style here.

Creating a new LabelStyle with "default" name:


skin {
  label {
    font = BitmapFont()
    fontColor = Color.WHITE

Defining colors:


skin {
  color("white", 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f)
  color("black", red = 0f, green = 0f, blue = 0f)
  color("red", red = 1f, green = 0f, blue = 0f, alpha = 1f)
  // Note: last argument (alpha) is optional and defaults to 1f.

Creating a new ButtonStyle named "default" with drawables extracted from the atlas:


skin(myAtlas) {
  // Skin is available under `it` parameter, so you can access other resources.
  button { 
    up = it["buttonUp"] // Automatically extracts drawable with buttonUp name.
    down = it["buttonDown"]

Creating a new ButtonStyle named "toggle" that extends style with "default" name (it inherits its properties and allows to override them):


skin(myAtlas) {
  button {
    up = it["buttonUp"]
    down = it["buttonDown"]
  button("toggle", extend = defaultStyle) {
    checked = it["buttonChecked"]

Reusing an existing style - passing a LabelStyle instance to TooltipStyle:


skin(myAtlas) {
  val labelStyle = label {
    font = BitmapFont()
    fontColor = Color.WHITE
  textTooltip {
    label = labelStyle // or it[defaultStyle]
    background = it["tooltipBackground"]

Nested style definitions with renamed skin parameter - creating a LabelStyle and a Color on demand to customize TooltipStyle (all three resources will be available in the skin afterwards):


skin(myAtlas) { skin ->
  textTooltip {
    label = skin.label("tooltipText") {
      font = skin["arial"]
      fontColor = skin.color("black", 0f, 0f, 0f)
    background = skin["tooltipBackground"]

Extracting resources from the skin - getting instances of previously created styles for SelectBoxStyle:

import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle

skin {
  scrollPane("selectScroll") {
    // Customize ScrollPane...
  list("selectList") {
    // Customize ListStyle...
  selectBox {
    scrollStyle = it["selectScroll"]
    listStyle = it["selectList"]
    // Note: generics are mostly optional, as Kotlin is smart enough to guess the type of
    // requested asset and insert its class automatically. This applies to most assets like
    // fonts, colors, styles, drawables and texture regions.

Adding custom widget style with similar Kotlin builder syntax:


skin {
  addStyle("customStyleName", YourCustomWidgetStyle()) {
    customProperty = true

Implementation tip: type-safe style assets

As long as you use strings for the IDs, it is hard to call the API truly type-safe. After all, what is stopping you from trying to extract a Drawable or Color that does not exist or is stored under a different type in the Skin?

Same applies to creating actors: they usually consume a String parameter as style name and it is not validated at compile time if the style actually exists. However, if you are willing to put some extra effort into styles building, you can improve the safety of your GUI building code.

You can leverage Kotlin enums to do just that. For example, take a look at these ButtonStyle definitions:

button {
  up = it["buttonUp"]
  down = it["buttonDown"]
button("toggle", extend = defaultStyle) {
  checked = it["buttonChecked"]

Since they use plain strings as drawable names, we can safely assume that these could be converted into enum values - preferably listing all drawables in the atlas:


enum class Drawables {
  buttonChecked; // Add all drawables from TextureAtlas.

Along with a static import, this brings our type-safe boilerplate to a pleasant minimum.

While we're at it, it makes sense to list all styles with non-default name to provide validation when invoking actor constructors:


enum class Buttons {
  toggle; // Add all non-default ButtonStyle names.

  operator fun invoke() = toString()

invoke operator above allows to invoke enum instances like any function to obtain their name - for example: Buttons.toggle(). This is just a syntax sugar that will shorten style definitions. You can skip it altogether and call toString().

Let's sum it up and refactor the ButtonStyle definitions:


skin(myAtlas) {
  button {
    up = it[buttonUp]
    down = it[buttonDown]
  button(Buttons.toggle(), extend = defaultStyle) {
    checked = it[buttonChecked]

What is best about it, enums do not necessarily make your code longer or less readable - all while having the advantage of powerful code completion of your IDE of choice and validation at compile time. As long as you do not need to create assets at runtime with custom string IDs, we encourage you to store your drawables, fonts, colors and styles names as enums to ensure safely at compile time.

The advantage of using an enum over a "standard" singleton (object) with String properties or String constants is that you can easily extract a list of all values from an enum, while getting all fields from an object or constants from a package requires reflection.


ktx-assets or ktx-assets-async might prove useful for loading and management of Skin assets including Textures and TextureAtlases.

ktx-scene2d can be used to build Scene2D views using the defined widget styles.


  • Default LibGDX JSON skin loading mechanism allows to customize Skin instances thanks to reflection. Apart from the issues listed in the introduction, it does have an advantage over type-safe builders: skins can be reloaded without recompilation of the application, allowing for GUI tweaks without restarting. While a certainly useful feature during prototyping phase, it also requires the developer to prepare Skin reloading and GUI rebuilding code to make it work.
  • USL is a DSL that compiles to LibGDX JSON skin files. While similar to JSON in structure, it adds some more features like packages handling and style inheritance. Furthermore, it features no runtime overhead, as it is translated to plain skin JSON data. Its style inheritance mechanism might prove more flexible than ktx-style, as you can extend styles even if they do not share the same class. However, since it relies on LibGDX JSON skin loading (based on reflection) and currently contains no editor capable of code completion, it still suffers from the same issues as regular skin JSON.

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