class Fermat
init(self, alpha, path_method='L', k=None, landmarks=None, estimator='up', seed=None)
alpha: float Parameter of the Fermat distance.
path_method: string ['FW','D','L']
Options are:
'FW': Computes the exact Fermat distance using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
'D': Computes an approximation of the Fermat distance using k nearest neighbours and the Dijkstra algorithm.
'L': Computes an approximation of the Fermat distance using landmarks and k-nn.
k: integer, optional Number of nearest neighbors to be considered. Incompatible with path_method == 'FW'
landmarks: integer, optional Number of landmarks considered in the Fermat distance computation. Only available when path_method = 'L'
estimator: string ['up', 'down', 'mean', 'no_lca'] (default: 'up')
When computing an approximation of the Fermat distance, there are lower and upper bounds of the true value.
- If estimator == 'no_lca', the distance for a pair of points is calculated as the minimum sum of the distance from both points to one of the landmarks.
- If estimator == 'up', the distance for a pair of points is calculated as the minimum sum of the distance from both points to the lowest common ancestor in the distance tree of one of the landmarks.
- If estimator == 'down', the distance for a pair of points is calculated as the maximum difference of thedistance from both points to one of the landmarks.
- If estimator == 'mean', the mean between 'up' and 'down' estimators.
Only available when path_method = 'L'
seed: int, optional Only available when path_method = 'L'
- Parameters
- X: input distances matrix
- Return
- self
- Parameters
get_distance(a, b)
- Parameters
- a: int, index of the first data point
- b: int, index of the second data point
- Return
- float, the Fermat distance between poins a and b
- Parameters
- Parameters
- None
- Return
- np.matrix, Fermat distance between all pairs of points
- Parameters