diff --git a/app/api/repo/[graph]/route.ts b/app/api/repo/[graph]/route.ts
index bceef1a6..f6430e0c 100644
--- a/app/api/repo/[graph]/route.ts
+++ b/app/api/repo/[graph]/route.ts
@@ -31,185 +31,185 @@ export async function POST(request: NextRequest, { params }: { params: { graph:
try {
switch (type) {
- case "commit": {
- const result = await fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/list_commits`, {
- method: 'POST',
- body: JSON.stringify({ repo: graphName }),
- headers: {
- "Authorization": process.env.SECRET_TOKEN!,
- "Content-Type": 'application/json'
- }
- })
+ // case "commit": {
+ // const result = await fetch(`${process.env.BEAKEND_URL}/list_commits`, {
+ // method: 'POST',
+ // body: JSON.stringify({ repo: graphName }),
+ // headers: {
+ // "Authorization": process.env.SECRET_TOKEN!,
+ // "Content-Type": 'application/json'
+ // }
+ // })
- if (!result.ok) {
- throw new Error(await result.text())
- }
+ // if (!result.ok) {
+ // throw new Error(await result.text())
+ // }
- const json = await result.json()
+ // const json = await result.json()
- return NextResponse.json({ result: json }, { status: 200 })
- }
- case "switchCommit": {
- return NextResponse.json({
- result: {
- deletions: {
- 'nodes': [
- {
- "alias": "",
- "id": 2,
- "labels": [
- "Function"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "args": [
- [
- "cls",
- "Unknown"
- ]
- ],
- "name": "setUpClass",
- "path": "tests/test_kg_gemini.py",
- "src": "def setUpClass(cls):\n\n cls.ontology = Ontology([], [])\n\n cls.ontology.add_entity(\n Entity(\n label=\"Actor\",\n attributes=[\n Attribute(\n name=\"name\",\n attr_type=AttributeType.STRING,\n unique=True,\n required=True,\n ),\n ],\n )\n )\n cls.ontology.add_entity(\n Entity(\n label=\"Movie\",\n attributes=[\n Attribute(\n name=\"title\",\n attr_type=AttributeType.STRING,\n unique=True,\n required=True,\n ),\n ],\n )\n )\n cls.ontology.add_relation(\n Relation(\n label=\"ACTED_IN\",\n source=\"Actor\",\n target=\"Movie\",\n attributes=[\n Attribute(\n name=\"role\",\n attr_type=AttributeType.STRING,\n unique=False,\n required=False,\n ),\n ],\n )\n )\n\n cls.graph_name = \"IMDB_gemini\"\n\n model = GeminiGenerativeModel(model_name=\"gemini-1.5-flash-001\")\n cls.kg = KnowledgeGraph(\n name=cls.graph_name,\n ontology=cls.ontology,\n model_config=KnowledgeGraphModelConfig.with_model(model),\n )",
- "src_end": 82,
- "src_start": 29
- }
- },
- {
- "alias": "",
- "id": 13,
- "labels": [
- "Function"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "args": [
- [
- "self",
- "Unknown"
- ],
- [
- "restaurants_kg",
- "KnowledgeGraph"
- ],
- [
- "attractions_kg",
- "KnowledgeGraph"
- ]
- ],
- "name": "import_data",
- "path": "tests/test_multi_agent.py",
- "src": "def import_data(\n self,\n restaurants_kg: KnowledgeGraph,\n attractions_kg: KnowledgeGraph,\n ):\n with open(\"tests/data/cities.json\") as f:\n cities = loads(f.read())\n with open(\"tests/data/restaurants.json\") as f:\n restaurants = loads(f.read())\n with open(\"tests/data/attractions.json\") as f:\n attractions = loads(f.read())\n\n for city in cities:\n restaurants_kg.add_node(\n \"City\",\n {\n \"name\": city[\"name\"],\n \"weather\": city[\"weather\"],\n \"population\": city[\"population\"],\n },\n )\n restaurants_kg.add_node(\"Country\", {\"name\": city[\"country\"]})\n restaurants_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_COUNTRY\",\n \"City\",\n \"Country\",\n {\"name\": city[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": city[\"country\"]},\n )\n\n attractions_kg.add_node(\n \"City\",\n {\n \"name\": city[\"name\"],\n \"weather\": city[\"weather\"],\n \"population\": city[\"population\"],\n },\n )\n attractions_kg.add_node(\"Country\", {\"name\": city[\"country\"]})\n attractions_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_COUNTRY\",\n \"City\",\n \"Country\",\n {\"name\": city[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": city[\"country\"]},\n )\n\n for restaurant in restaurants:\n restaurants_kg.add_node(\n \"Restaurant\",\n {\n \"name\": restaurant[\"name\"],\n \"description\": restaurant[\"description\"],\n \"rating\": restaurant[\"rating\"],\n \"food_type\": restaurant[\"food_type\"],\n },\n )\n restaurants_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_CITY\",\n \"Restaurant\",\n \"City\",\n {\"name\": restaurant[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": restaurant[\"city\"]},\n )\n\n for attraction in attractions:\n attractions_kg.add_node(\n \"Attraction\",\n {\n \"name\": attraction[\"name\"],\n \"description\": attraction[\"description\"],\n \"type\": attraction[\"type\"],\n },\n )\n attractions_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_CITY\",\n \"Attraction\",\n \"City\",\n {\"name\": attraction[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": attraction[\"city\"]},\n )",
- "src_end": 310,
- "src_start": 230
- }
- },
- ],
- 'edges': [
- {
- "alias": "",
- "dest_node": 13,
- "id": 460,
- "properties": {},
- "relation": "CALLS",
- "src_node": 2
- },
- ]
- },
- additions: {
- 'nodes': [
- {
- "alias": "",
- "id": 13,
- "labels": [
- "File"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "ext": ".py",
- "name": "test_kg_gemini.py",
- "path": "tests"
- }
- },
- {
- "alias": "",
- "id": 2,
- "labels": [
- "Class"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "doc": "\"\"\"\n Test Knowledge Graph\n \"\"\"",
- "name": "TestKGGemini",
- "path": "tests/test_kg_gemini.py",
- "src_end": 106,
- "src_start": 23
- }
- },
- ],
- 'edges': [
- {
- "alias": "",
- "dest_node": 13,
- "id": 460,
- "properties": {},
- "relation": "DEFINES",
- "src_node": 2
- },
- ],
- },
- modifications: {
- 'nodes': [
- {
- "alias": "",
- "id": 3,
- "labels": [
- "Function"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "args": [
- []
- ],
- "name": "",
- "path": "",
- "src": "",
- "src_end": 0,
- "src_start": 0
- }
- },
- {
- "alias": "",
- "id": 61,
- "labels": [
- "Function"
- ],
- "properties": {
- "args": [
- [],
- []
- ],
- "doc": "",
- "name": "",
- "path": "",
- "ret_type": "",
- "src": "",
- "src_end": 0,
- "src_start": 0
- }
- },
- ],
- 'edges': [
- {
- "alias": "",
- "dest_node": 61,
- "id": 439,
- "properties": {
- name: "Source"
- },
- "relation": "CALLS",
- "src_node": 3
- },
- ]
- }
- }
- }, { status: 200 })
- }
+ // return NextResponse.json({ result: json }, { status: 200 })
+ // }
+ // case "switchCommit": {
+ // return NextResponse.json({
+ // result: {
+ // deletions: {
+ // 'nodes': [
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "id": 2,
+ // "labels": [
+ // "Function"
+ // ],
+ // "properties": {
+ // "args": [
+ // [
+ // "cls",
+ // "Unknown"
+ // ]
+ // ],
+ // "name": "setUpClass",
+ // "path": "tests/test_kg_gemini.py",
+ // "src": "def setUpClass(cls):\n\n cls.ontology = Ontology([], [])\n\n cls.ontology.add_entity(\n Entity(\n label=\"Actor\",\n attributes=[\n Attribute(\n name=\"name\",\n attr_type=AttributeType.STRING,\n unique=True,\n required=True,\n ),\n ],\n )\n )\n cls.ontology.add_entity(\n Entity(\n label=\"Movie\",\n attributes=[\n Attribute(\n name=\"title\",\n attr_type=AttributeType.STRING,\n unique=True,\n required=True,\n ),\n ],\n )\n )\n cls.ontology.add_relation(\n Relation(\n label=\"ACTED_IN\",\n source=\"Actor\",\n target=\"Movie\",\n attributes=[\n Attribute(\n name=\"role\",\n attr_type=AttributeType.STRING,\n unique=False,\n required=False,\n ),\n ],\n )\n )\n\n cls.graph_name = \"IMDB_gemini\"\n\n model = GeminiGenerativeModel(model_name=\"gemini-1.5-flash-001\")\n cls.kg = KnowledgeGraph(\n name=cls.graph_name,\n ontology=cls.ontology,\n model_config=KnowledgeGraphModelConfig.with_model(model),\n )",
+ // "src_end": 82,
+ // "src_start": 29
+ // }
+ // },
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "id": 13,
+ // "labels": [
+ // "Function"
+ // ],
+ // "properties": {
+ // "args": [
+ // [
+ // "self",
+ // "Unknown"
+ // ],
+ // [
+ // "restaurants_kg",
+ // "KnowledgeGraph"
+ // ],
+ // [
+ // "attractions_kg",
+ // "KnowledgeGraph"
+ // ]
+ // ],
+ // "name": "import_data",
+ // "path": "tests/test_multi_agent.py",
+ // "src": "def import_data(\n self,\n restaurants_kg: KnowledgeGraph,\n attractions_kg: KnowledgeGraph,\n ):\n with open(\"tests/data/cities.json\") as f:\n cities = loads(f.read())\n with open(\"tests/data/restaurants.json\") as f:\n restaurants = loads(f.read())\n with open(\"tests/data/attractions.json\") as f:\n attractions = loads(f.read())\n\n for city in cities:\n restaurants_kg.add_node(\n \"City\",\n {\n \"name\": city[\"name\"],\n \"weather\": city[\"weather\"],\n \"population\": city[\"population\"],\n },\n )\n restaurants_kg.add_node(\"Country\", {\"name\": city[\"country\"]})\n restaurants_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_COUNTRY\",\n \"City\",\n \"Country\",\n {\"name\": city[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": city[\"country\"]},\n )\n\n attractions_kg.add_node(\n \"City\",\n {\n \"name\": city[\"name\"],\n \"weather\": city[\"weather\"],\n \"population\": city[\"population\"],\n },\n )\n attractions_kg.add_node(\"Country\", {\"name\": city[\"country\"]})\n attractions_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_COUNTRY\",\n \"City\",\n \"Country\",\n {\"name\": city[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": city[\"country\"]},\n )\n\n for restaurant in restaurants:\n restaurants_kg.add_node(\n \"Restaurant\",\n {\n \"name\": restaurant[\"name\"],\n \"description\": restaurant[\"description\"],\n \"rating\": restaurant[\"rating\"],\n \"food_type\": restaurant[\"food_type\"],\n },\n )\n restaurants_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_CITY\",\n \"Restaurant\",\n \"City\",\n {\"name\": restaurant[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": restaurant[\"city\"]},\n )\n\n for attraction in attractions:\n attractions_kg.add_node(\n \"Attraction\",\n {\n \"name\": attraction[\"name\"],\n \"description\": attraction[\"description\"],\n \"type\": attraction[\"type\"],\n },\n )\n attractions_kg.add_edge(\n \"IN_CITY\",\n \"Attraction\",\n \"City\",\n {\"name\": attraction[\"name\"]},\n {\"name\": attraction[\"city\"]},\n )",
+ // "src_end": 310,
+ // "src_start": 230
+ // }
+ // },
+ // ],
+ // 'edges': [
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "dest_node": 13,
+ // "id": 460,
+ // "properties": {},
+ // "relation": "CALLS",
+ // "src_node": 2
+ // },
+ // ]
+ // },
+ // additions: {
+ // 'nodes': [
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "id": 13,
+ // "labels": [
+ // "File"
+ // ],
+ // "properties": {
+ // "ext": ".py",
+ // "name": "test_kg_gemini.py",
+ // "path": "tests"
+ // }
+ // },
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "id": 2,
+ // "labels": [
+ // "Class"
+ // ],
+ // "properties": {
+ // "doc": "\"\"\"\n Test Knowledge Graph\n \"\"\"",
+ // "name": "TestKGGemini",
+ // "path": "tests/test_kg_gemini.py",
+ // "src_end": 106,
+ // "src_start": 23
+ // }
+ // },
+ // ],
+ // 'edges': [
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "dest_node": 13,
+ // "id": 460,
+ // "properties": {},
+ // "relation": "DEFINES",
+ // "src_node": 2
+ // },
+ // ],
+ // },
+ // modifications: {
+ // 'nodes': [
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "id": 3,
+ // "labels": [
+ // "Function"
+ // ],
+ // "properties": {
+ // "args": [
+ // []
+ // ],
+ // "name": "",
+ // "path": "",
+ // "src": "",
+ // "src_end": 0,
+ // "src_start": 0
+ // }
+ // },
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "id": 61,
+ // "labels": [
+ // "Function"
+ // ],
+ // "properties": {
+ // "args": [
+ // [],
+ // []
+ // ],
+ // "doc": "",
+ // "name": "",
+ // "path": "",
+ // "ret_type": "",
+ // "src": "",
+ // "src_end": 0,
+ // "src_start": 0
+ // }
+ // },
+ // ],
+ // 'edges': [
+ // {
+ // "alias": "",
+ // "dest_node": 61,
+ // "id": 439,
+ // "properties": {
+ // name: "Source"
+ // },
+ // "relation": "CALLS",
+ // "src_node": 3
+ // },
+ // ]
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }, { status: 200 })
+ // }
case "autoComplete": {
const prefix = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get('prefix')!
const result = await fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/auto_complete`, {
diff --git a/app/api/repo/route.ts b/app/api/repo/route.ts
index cf27cd82..5e6c3872 100644
--- a/app/api/repo/route.ts
+++ b/app/api/repo/route.ts
@@ -21,26 +21,26 @@ export async function GET() {
-export async function POST(request: NextRequest) {
- const url = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get('url');
- try {
- const result = await fetch(`${process.env.BACKEND_URL}/process_repo`, {
- method: 'POST',
- body: JSON.stringify({ repo_url: url, ignore: ["./.github", "./sbin", "./.git", "./deps", "./bin", "./build"] }),
- headers: {
- "Authorization": process.env.SECRET_TOKEN!,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- }
- })
- if (!result.ok) {
- throw new Error(await result.text())
- }
- return NextResponse.json({ message: "success" }, { status: 200 })
- } catch (err) {
- return NextResponse.json({ message: (err as Error).message }, { status: 400 })
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+// export async function POST(request: NextRequest) {
+// const url = request.nextUrl.searchParams.get('url');
+// try {
+// const result = await fetch(`${process.env.BEAKEND_URL}/process_repo`, {
+// method: 'POST',
+// body: JSON.stringify({ repo_url: url, ignore: ["./.github", "./sbin", "./.git", "./deps", "./bin", "./build"] }),
+// headers: {
+// "Authorization": process.env.SECRET_TOKEN!,
+// 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
+// }
+// })
+// if (!result.ok) {
+// throw new Error(await result.text())
+// }
+// return NextResponse.json({ message: "success" }, { status: 200 })
+// } catch (err) {
+// return NextResponse.json({ message: (err as Error).message }, { status: 400 })
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/app/components/code-graph.tsx b/app/components/code-graph.tsx
index 63a402da..6d84b253 100644
--- a/app/components/code-graph.tsx
+++ b/app/components/code-graph.tsx
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ export function CodeGraph({
- {
+ {/* {
graph.Id && commits.length > 0 &&
- + {/*Tip
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ export default function Home() { : } - + */}