PyTorch implementation for OD-cheap-convolution.
Illustration of our online distillation method with cheap convolutions.
In this code, you can run our code on CIFAR10 dataset. The code has been tested by Python 3.6, Pytorch 0.4.1 and CUDA 9.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.
In our implementation, there are totally three kinds of cheap convolution, including shift operation, depthwise convolution and group convolution. You can feel free to select any one of it by the hyperparameter block_type
for setting it to 'Shift', 'DW' or 'Group' correspondingly.
For training, change the job_dir
to the path where you would like to save your checkpoint and logger files.
python3 \
--data_dir ./data \
--job_dir [saving_path] \
--block_type Shift \
--num_stu 4 \
--gpu 0
For fine-tuning, set the resume
parameter to the path where you place the pretrain model or checkpoint.
python3 \
--data_dir ./data \
--job_dir [saving_path] \
--block_type DW \
--num_stu 4 \
--resume [checkpoint_path] \
--gpu 0
For test-only, you can also set the test_only
to only validate the model without wasting time training.
python3 \
--data_dir ./data \
--job_dir [saving_path] \
--block_type DW \
--num_stu 4 \
--test_only \
--resume [checkpoint_path] \
--gpu 0
The shift convolution is implemented by referring to shiftresnet-cifar.