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The goal of the Modana package is to implement a refinement of moderation analysis with binary outcomes, as proposed by Anto and Su (2023). The function fits three models of interest: a direct model, an inverse model, and a generalized estimating equation (GEE) model. The direct and inverse models are fitted using the glm function to verify the symmetry property of odds ratio/relative risk in moderation analysis for the main treatment effect as well as the moderating effects. The GEE model is fitted using the geeglm function and is used to estimate the treatment effect accounting for within-cluster correlation. The Modana package has three different built functions.


You can install the development version of Modana like so:



This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

## basic example code

You can simulate some data to run moderation analysis

b0 <- c(1, 1.2, 1, 1.5, -2, -.5, 1.2, 1.5)
a0 <- c(-1, 1.5, -1, 1.5)
#a0 <- c(-2, 2, 2, 0, 1)
b0 <- c(-1.5, 1.5, 1.5, -2, 2, -.5, -1, 1.5)
 datt <- sim_data(n = 100, b0, a0 = NULL, binary.Xs = FALSE,
                      sigma = 1, uniform = FALSE, c0 = 1,
                      link.function = "logistic", rho = 0.2,
                      observational = FALSE, trt.p = 0.5,
                      interaction = 1:2, details = FALSE)
#> There are a total of 4 covariates
#>   y trt         x1         x2         x3         x4
#> 1 0   0 -1.0272485  1.5804971 -0.1492128  0.2379859
#> 2 1   0 -2.3314105 -1.6163845  1.9313538  1.8053311
#> 3 0   1  0.4191473 -0.7286691 -0.5131350  1.8232865
#> 4 0   0 -1.8775643  1.0827282  1.3265782 -1.1509396
#> 5 1   0  0.5414926 -0.1900738  0.4512489  0.4825833
#> 6 1   0 -0.6896955  0.6951233  1.9000859 -0.3240436

The refinedmod() function implements refined moderation analysis to estimate both main treatment effect and moderating effects associated with two logistic regression models with binary outcomes/treatment via generalized estimating equations (GEE). The function first performs a role swap algorithm on the original data to obtain a clustered data of size 2 (i.e., swapping the roles of the response variable and treatment variable columns in the original data data and then stacking the resultant data on top of the original data).

getres <- refinedmod(formula = y ~ trt + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4,
                     detail = TRUE, y = "y",
                    trt = "trt", data = datt,
                     effmod = c("x1", "x2"),
                      corstr = "independence")
#> The direct modeling fitting: 
#> =================================================================
#> Call:
#> glm(formula =, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
#>     data = .SD)
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>      Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
#> -2.12526  -0.54951  -0.08492   0.53698   2.68620  
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
#> (Intercept)  -2.1411     0.6469  -3.310 0.000934 ***
#> trt           1.9063     0.7249   2.630 0.008545 ** 
#> x1            1.6592     0.6746   2.459 0.013921 *  
#> x2           -2.3898     0.6830  -3.499 0.000467 ***
#> x3            2.4399     0.5453   4.474 7.67e-06 ***
#> x4           -0.3810     0.2994  -1.273 0.203182    
#> trt:x1       -1.6094     0.7477  -2.153 0.031357 *  
#> trt:x2        1.4938     0.7740   1.930 0.053598 .  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 136.058  on 99  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance:  71.649  on 92  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 87.649
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 6
#> The inverse modeling fitting: 
#> =================================================================
#> Call:
#> glm(formula = form.inverse, family = binomial(link = "logit"), 
#>     data = .SD)
#> Deviance Residuals: 
#>     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
#> -1.8781  -0.9950   0.4503   1.0532   1.8161  
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
#> (Intercept)  -0.3216     0.3075  -1.046   0.2957  
#> y             1.6005     0.6344   2.523   0.0116 *
#> x1            0.1812     0.2571   0.705   0.4810  
#> x2           -0.2929     0.3610  -0.811   0.4172  
#> x3           -0.2798     0.3029  -0.924   0.3556  
#> x4            0.4367     0.2297   1.901   0.0573 .
#> y:x1         -0.6432     0.4373  -1.471   0.1414  
#> y:x2          1.2298     0.5382   2.285   0.0223 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#> (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
#>     Null deviance: 138.27  on 99  degrees of freedom
#> Residual deviance: 120.78  on 92  degrees of freedom
#> AIC: 136.78
#> Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
#> The GEE modeling fitting: 
#> =================================================================
#>               Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.9882558  0.6313724 -3.149102 1.637732e-03
#> trt          1.7420214  0.6742747  2.583548 9.778975e-03
#> x1           1.1263252  0.3902621  2.886073 3.900812e-03
#> x2          -2.1327750  0.4347750 -4.905468 9.320477e-07
#> x3           2.2584618  0.4912020  4.597827 4.269210e-06
#> x4          -0.4006063  0.2991221 -1.339273 1.804817e-01
#> z            1.6338187  0.5822168  2.806203 5.012902e-03
#> x1:z        -0.8611383  0.3730072 -2.308637 2.096371e-02
#> x2:z         1.8597407  0.4994187  3.723811 1.962380e-04
#> x3:z        -2.5671182  0.6832798 -3.757053 1.719264e-04
#> x4:z         0.8363693  0.3954295  2.115091 3.442221e-02
#> trt:x1      -0.9294065  0.4424454 -2.100613 3.567497e-02
#> trt:x2       1.2861794  0.5361274  2.399018 1.643911e-02
summary(getres, 4)
#> Model summary of the direct, inverse and inverse estimation:
#> $
#>              Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -2.141103  0.6469410 -3.309579 9.343624e-04
#> trt          1.906338  0.7249114  2.629753 8.544700e-03
#> x1           1.659156  0.6746465  2.459296 1.392097e-02
#> x2          -2.389839  0.6830095 -3.498984 4.670340e-04
#> x3           2.439921  0.5453335  4.474182 7.670454e-06
#> x4          -0.381040  0.2994330 -1.272538 2.031819e-01
#> trt:x1      -1.609422  0.7476922 -2.152519 3.135650e-02
#> trt:x2       1.493800  0.7739598  1.930075 5.359757e-02
#> $out.inverse
#>               Estimate Std. Error    z value   Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.3215810  0.3075437 -1.0456432 0.29572582
#> y            1.6005048  0.6343528  2.5230515 0.01163414
#> x1           0.1812059  0.2571344  0.7047126 0.48098911
#> x2          -0.2928971  0.3610304 -0.8112808 0.41720442
#> x3          -0.2797805  0.3028536 -0.9238145 0.35558289
#> x4           0.4367291  0.2297411  1.9009620 0.05730699
#> y:x1        -0.6431931  0.4373363 -1.4707059 0.14137067
#> y:x2         1.2297949  0.5382257  2.2849058 0.02231835
#> $out.gee
#>               Estimate Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -1.9882558  0.6313724 -3.149102 1.637732e-03
#> trt          1.7420214  0.6742747  2.583548 9.778975e-03
#> x1           1.1263252  0.3902621  2.886073 3.900812e-03
#> x2          -2.1327750  0.4347750 -4.905468 9.320477e-07
#> x3           2.2584618  0.4912020  4.597827 4.269210e-06
#> x4          -0.4006063  0.2991221 -1.339273 1.804817e-01
#> z            1.6338187  0.5822168  2.806203 5.012902e-03
#> x1:z        -0.8611383  0.3730072 -2.308637 2.096371e-02
#> x2:z         1.8597407  0.4994187  3.723811 1.962380e-04
#> x3:z        -2.5671182  0.6832798 -3.757053 1.719264e-04
#> x4:z         0.8363693  0.3954295  2.115091 3.442221e-02
#> trt:x1      -0.9294065  0.4424454 -2.100613 3.567497e-02
#> trt:x2       1.2861794  0.5361274  2.399018 1.643911e-02

You can call each elements of listed models

Mostly importantly, we can print the results of the refined estimation.

print(getres, model = 2)
#>               Estimate Std. Error    z value   Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept) -0.3215810  0.3075437 -1.0456432 0.29572582
#> y            1.6005048  0.6343528  2.5230515 0.01163414
#> x1           0.1812059  0.2571344  0.7047126 0.48098911
#> x2          -0.2928971  0.3610304 -0.8112808 0.41720442
#> x3          -0.2797805  0.3028536 -0.9238145 0.35558289
#> x4           0.4367291  0.2297411  1.9009620 0.05730699
#> y:x1        -0.6431931  0.4373363 -1.4707059 0.14137067
#> y:x2         1.2297949  0.5382257  2.2849058 0.02231835

Example usage on a real-world data

data(Warts, package = "Modana")
dat <- Warts
#data wrangling
dat$type <- ifelse(dat$type == 3, 1, 0)
res <- refinedmod(formula = response ~ cryo + age + time + type,
                     detail = FALSE, y = "response",
                    trt = "cryo", data = dat,
                     effmod = c("age", "type"),
                      corstr = "independence")

summary(res, 4)
#> Model summary of the direct, inverse and inverse estimation:
#> $
#>                Estimate Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)  7.43389234 1.44174216  5.1561871 2.520291e-07
#> cryo         0.59583647 1.31994245  0.4514109 6.516934e-01
#> age         -0.03101099 0.02544718 -1.2186414 2.229803e-01
#> time        -0.58626540 0.11036007 -5.3122965 1.082523e-07
#> type        -0.54809045 0.87790128 -0.6243190 5.324181e-01
#> cryo:age    -0.05274381 0.04052874 -1.3013930 1.931240e-01
#> cryo:type   -2.84915648 1.43163124 -1.9901469 4.657476e-02
#> $out.inverse
#>                   Estimate Std. Error   z value    Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)    1.330124634 1.12688939  1.180351 0.237860775
#> response       1.122502722 1.10380267  1.016941 0.309181269
#> age           -0.007120097 0.02312125 -0.307946 0.758123388
#> time          -0.091230920 0.06679007 -1.365935 0.171959267
#> type           1.878541061 0.70810373  2.652918 0.007979928
#> response:age  -0.071976045 0.03263765 -2.205307 0.027432563
#> response:type -3.632251469 0.95771302 -3.792630 0.000149060
#> $out.gee
#>                Estimate Std. Error    z value     Pr(>|z|)
#> (Intercept)  7.42036779 2.12457045  3.4926438 4.782640e-04
#> cryo         0.94854255 1.09332337  0.8675773 3.856258e-01
#> age         -0.02664027 0.02350883 -1.1332029 2.571291e-01
#> time        -0.60056451 0.16830032 -3.5684098 3.591544e-04
#> type        -0.35357228 0.91818191 -0.3850787 7.001791e-01
#> z           -6.07463142 1.39817721 -4.3446792 1.394794e-05
#> age:z        0.01717663 0.02031301  0.8455974 3.977774e-01
#> time:z       0.51570766 0.13299353  3.8776897 1.054531e-04
#> type:z       2.13458124 0.65420080  3.2628839 1.102847e-03
#> cryo:age    -0.06485767 0.03032095 -2.1390378 3.243260e-02
#> cryo:type   -3.40781554 0.91201807 -3.7365658 1.865506e-04

confint(res, model = 3)
#>                    Coef         lwr         upr
#> (Intercept)  7.42036779  3.25628622 11.58444936
#> cryo         0.94854255 -1.19433188  3.09141699
#> age         -0.02664027 -0.07271674  0.01943619
#> time        -0.60056451 -0.93042707 -0.27070195
#> type        -0.35357228 -2.15317576  1.44603120
#> z           -6.07463142 -8.81500840 -3.33425443
#> age:z        0.01717663 -0.02263614  0.05698939
#> time:z       0.51570766  0.25504512  0.77637020
#> type:z       2.13458124  0.85237123  3.41679125
#> cryo:age    -0.06485767 -0.12428565 -0.00542969
#> cryo:type   -3.40781554 -5.19533811 -1.62029296