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A Flutter packages that help developers catalog their component or widgets, test them quickly on multiple devices and themes.


A systematic organization of widgets in a design system. which makes it easy to browse, search, and reuse components.

Widgetbook Cloud

A collaboration platform that simplifies the review process for professional team, allowing them to share


Interactive controls: enable users to customizable the appearance and behavior of a widget within Widgetbook.

Hot Reload

Figma integration

The connection between Widgetbook and the Figma tool.


Widgetbook documentation refers to widgets as component. Design tools like Figma use this terminology to describe their reusable UI elements.


A use-case might resemble a variant of a component or just a specific state of the component.


a variant refers to specific version or configuration of component. Variant Variant can represent different visual styles, themes, or state of component, making it easy to test and showcase the various ways a component can appear or behave.


Design system offer:

  • improved consistency
  • collaboration
  • efficiency
  • scalability

effective tool to managing and cataloging the components of the Design system.

Problem & Solution

Developing UI in Flutter application often involve creating and managing numerous widgets. And Developer facing such as:

Inconsistent Design:

[x] Ensure design consistency accross application and platforms can be difficult, leading to disjoined UX. [Yes] Widgetbook's cataloging system helps maintain a cohesive look and feel across application and platforms, promoting a unified UX.

Efficiency Bottlenacks:

[x] reuse components without a proper cataloguing system can be difficult and result duplicating work & wasted resource. [Yes] Widgetbook's cataloging features, developers can reuse components easily, eliminating duplication and conserving resouces.

Collaboration Barriers:

[x] Designer, Developers, and other stackholders often struggle to communicate effectively, leading to misunderstandings and design inconsistencies. [Yes] Widgetbook facilitates communication and collaboration among design, developers, and clients by providing an interactive catalog of widgets that can be easily shared and reviewed.

Testing Limitation:

[X] Testing widgets across multiple devices, themes, and settings can be time-consuming and prone to errors. [Yes] Widgetbooks enables developers to test widget across different devices, themes, locales, text scales, and more. (Adaptability & Responsiveness)

Documentation Gaps:

[X] Lack clear, up-to-date documentation can make it difficult for developers to understand and use existing components effectively. [Yes] Widgetbook offers comprehensive, easy-to-understand documentation that supports developers throughout their journey.

Widgetbook cloud: Streamlining Reviews and Collaboration

  • Widget Sharing: Effortlessly share your widgets with designers, product owners, clients, and other stakeholders.
  • Simplified Review:
  • Figma integration:

12 Reasons should use

  1. Made for Flutter
  2. Open source
  3. Feature-rich
  4. Customizable
  5. Well-maintained:
  6. Support
  7. Efficient Widget Cataloging
  8. Isolated Development
  9. Knobs
  10. Hot Reload
  11. Beautiful Documentation
  12. Widgetbook Cloud