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DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX
Originally this repo exist to share IKRig and IKRetarget for Daz3D Genesis 9 characteres, I posted here about successfully importing and using Gen9 with UE5, that started a conversation about why the UE5 auto-retargeter failed, so I shared everything here (old repo name IKRetarget_DazG9_UE5 , May/2024), details of the older version follows below at v1.0 section.
Now, Oct/2024, I had to work more with Daz3D Genesis 9 characteres and I ported UE5 ControlRig (from ControlRigs Example project) to Gen9 Skeleton and also expanded the ControlRig auto-generating Morph Controls from SkeletalMesh Morph Targets. Both new files, SCR_Gen9 and SCR_MorphTargets are essential tools to animate inside the engine.
Get the full project at Releases Page, repo is missing SK_Gen9 and SKM_Gen9 because of file sizes.
Sample project with IKRig and IKRetarget assets to help retarget Daz3D Genesis 9 characteres to Unreal Engine 5.4.1 .
I'm not a Rigger or Character Artist, I'm sharing this project to help other gamedevs to simplify this process.
Suggestions or contributions are welcome.
Ctrl+LeftClick π· for screenshots.
- Unreal Engine 5.4.4 (https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/download)
- Daz 3D 4.23 (https://www.daz3d.com/technology/)
Optional: Get free Daz packs from Daz Shop (https://www.daz3d.com/shop#filter_compat_figures=Genesis%209&filter_vendor=Daz%20Originals&order=price^-1&filtered=1) - DazToUnreal Plugin (https://github.com/David-Vodhanel/DazToUnreal/releases)
Note: Inside DazToUnreal.Zip plugin there is also an updated version of DazToUnreal Bridge in UE_5.4\DazToUnreal\Resource\dzunrealbridge.dll , I recommend to use this DLL version in Daz too.
- Download this project (releases), unzip and open in Unreal Engine.
- Add Feature or Content Pack (π·) > Third Person Template (π·).
- Open Content\ThirdPerson\Maps\ThirdPersonMap .
Note: If the ThirdPersonMap map shows up completely blank, delete the PostProcessVolume. - Delete Content\ThirdPerson\Characters folder, force delete if asked.
- Add Control Rig Samples Pack from Unreal Engine Marketplace/Epic Games Store to this project, overwrite files if asked.
- Optional: Check DazToUnreal Plugin settings (π·).
- Open Daz Studio, empty scene, add Daz_Library\People\Genesis 9\Genesis 9 character.
Optional: Add clothes from Daz_Library\People\Genesis 9\Clothing\Basic Clothes. - Rename the Character to Gen9 (π·).
- Click File > Send To > Daz To Unreal , configure the settings like the image (π·) .
- In Unreal Engine, after importing from Daz, your Content\DazToUnreal\Gen9 folder shall have 5 files (π·).
- Rename as show in the image (π·): Skeleton = SK_Gen9 , Skeletal Mesh = SKM_Gen9 , Physical Asset = SPA_Gen9 .
- Go to Content\ControlRig\Characters\Mannequins\Animations folder, right-click ABP_Manny > Retarget Animations (π·).
- Select (π·) : Source = SKM_Manny, Target = SKM_Gen9, Disable Auto Generate, Retarget = SRT_Gen9, chose all Manny and MM animations. Click Export Animations.
- Create a new folder at Content\DazToUnreal\Gen9\Animations (π·).
- Add Manny in Search field and Gen9 in Replace field (π·).
- Click Export, then click Ok in the Batch Options window (π·).
- After exporting, click Save All.
- Delete ABP_Gen9_PostProcess.
- Open ABP_Gen9 > AnimGraph > Control Rig node:
Replace Control Rig Class with SCR_Gen9_BasicFootIK (π·).
Open Main States > Land node, link MM_Land directly to Output and disable Looping in Details panel (π·).
Open Main States > Jump node, select MM_Jump node and disable Looping in Details panel (π·). - Open Content\ThirdPerson\Blueprints\BP_ThirdPersonCharacter, go to Viewport tab, Details panel: Change Skeletal Mesh to SKM_Gen9 and Anim Class to ABP_Gen9 (π·).
- Play (π·)! π»π
- Because Manny from ThirdPerson template have less info in the IKRig, I opted to use the more recent Manny from Control Rig Samples Pack π·.
- I edited Manny IKRig (now renamed to Content\DazToUnreal\SIK_Manny) adding Pelvis and Neck chain targets, changed Head to just Head π·.
- After imported Daz character I use Create IK Retargeter with SKM_Manny source mesh π·.
- SIK_Gen9 edited: Sort Chains π·, change Head chain from Neck1>Neck2>Head to just Head π·, add missing LeftHandIK chain π· π·, add Pelvis and Neck (Neck1>Neck2) chains π·.
- SRT_Gen9: Offset target X by 90 π·, check and set Chain Mappings with Head, Neck, Pelvis, LeftHandIK π·, Reset All π·, Root > Align All Bones π·, Reset Feet π·.
- Now because the spine, neck and head was bobbing, I made some small adjustments: Spine Rotation Alpha to 0.65 π·, Head Rotation Alpha to 0.5 π·, Neck disabled FK π·.
Unreal Engine (https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/download)
Daz 3D (https://www.daz3d.com/technology/)
David Vodhanel (https://github.com/David-Vodhanel/DazToUnreal/releases)
@Unlicensed - Free for everyone and any use.
DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX