Supabase Account
- Sign up at supabase.com
- Create a new project
- Save project URL and API keys
Required Credentials
- Project URL (format:
) - Anon/Public key (starts with
) - Service Role key (for initial setup only)
- Project URL (format:
# Development (.env)
VITE_SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY=your-service-role-key # Optional, for setup only
// src/lib/supabaseClient.ts
export const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey, {
auth: {
autoRefreshToken: true,
persistSession: true,
detectSessionInUrl: true
db: {
schema: 'public'
global: {
headers: {
'x-client-info': '[email protected]'
The application uses a simple query to check database connectivity:
export const checkHealth = async () => {
try {
const { data, error } = await supabase
return !error;
} catch (err) {
log.error('Health check failed:', err);
return false;
- Development mode:
- Credentials stored in localStorage
- Auto-populated in SecretsManager
- Persists across sessions
- Production mode:
- Uses environment variables
- No local storage
- Docker mode:
- Only uses environment variables
- Enhanced security for containerized deployments
// Validate credentials format
const issues = verifyCredentialsFormat(url, anonKey, serviceKey);
if (issues.length > 0) {
throw new Error(`Invalid credentials: ${issues.join(', ')}`);
// Test connection with retries
const isConnected = await checkConnection(3);
if (!isConnected) {
throw new Error('Failed to connect to database');
-- Profiles
create table public.profiles (
id uuid references auth.users primary key,
email text unique not null,
resume_url text,
resume_content jsonb,
linkedin_url text,
personal_website text,
job_preferences jsonb,
created_at timestamptz default now(),
updated_at timestamptz default now()
-- Jobs
create table public.jobs (
id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
user_id uuid references auth.users,
title text not null,
company text not null,
location text not null,
type text,
description text,
requirements text[],
posted_at timestamptz default now(),
source text not null,
source_url text unique,
match_score real,
match_reasons jsonb,
active boolean default true
-- Applications
create table public.applications (
id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
user_id uuid references auth.users,
job_id uuid references public.jobs,
status text default 'applied',
applied_at timestamptz default now(),
last_contact_at timestamptz,
customized_resume text,
notes text
-- API Keys
create table public.api_keys (
id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
provider text unique not null,
key_value text not null,
is_active boolean default true,
created_at timestamptz default now(),
updated_at timestamptz default now()
- resumes (private)
- 5MB limit
- PDF, DOC, DOCX only
- avatars (public)
- 2MB limit
- JPG, PNG, GIF only
Invalid Credentials
- Check URL format (must be
) - Verify key format (must start with
) - Ensure credentials are not placeholder values
- Check URL format (must be
Connection Issues
- Check network connectivity
- Verify project status in Supabase dashboard
- Check for rate limiting or IP restrictions
Authentication Issues
- Clear local storage cache if needed
- Check token expiration
- Verify auth configuration
Client Initialization
- Verify environment variables
- Check credential format
- Monitor initialization logs
Connection Issues
- Check network connectivity
- Verify Supabase project status
- Review error logs
Data Access
- Verify table permissions
- Check RLS policies
- Monitor query performance
- Never expose service role key in client
- Use RLS policies for data access
- Implement proper auth flows
- Use connection pooling
- Implement query caching
- Monitor API usage
- Regular health checks
- Monitor error rates
- Keep dependencies updated