diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
index f384d36a..0d8ea0bf 100644
--- a/.github/dependabot.yml
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ updates:
   - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
     directory: "/"
-      interval: "daily"
+      interval: "weekly"
   - package-ecosystem: pip
     directory: "/"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_and_test.yml b/.github/workflows/build_and_test.yml
index 9de996d7..898402c1 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build_and_test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build_and_test.yml
@@ -152,4 +152,4 @@ jobs:
     - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
       id: deployment
-      uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4.0.3
+      uses: actions/deploy-pages@v4.0.4
diff --git a/_metadata.py b/_metadata.py
index 92614389..45eb90e0 100644
--- a/_metadata.py
+++ b/_metadata.py
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-__extension_version__ = "0.5.4"
+__extension_version__ = "0.5.5"
 __extension_name__ = "pytket-cutensornet"
diff --git a/docs/api.rst b/docs/api.rst
index 89fa9d19..f669c940 100644
--- a/docs/api.rst
+++ b/docs/api.rst
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ API documentation
 .. toctree::
-    modules/mps.rst
+    modules/structured_state.rst
diff --git a/docs/changelog.rst b/docs/changelog.rst
index ef4f76f2..c2a59cf6 100644
--- a/docs/changelog.rst
+++ b/docs/changelog.rst
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+0.5.5 (March 2024)
+* Updated pytket version requirement to 1.26.
 0.5.4 (January 2024)
diff --git a/docs/modules/mps.rst b/docs/modules/mps.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d6fff984..00000000
--- a/docs/modules/mps.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-Matrix Product State (MPS)
-.. automodule:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps
-.. autofunction:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.simulate
-.. autoenum:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.ContractionAlg()
-    :members:
-.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.ConfigMPS()
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.CuTensorNetHandle
-.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.MPS()
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-    .. automethod:: apply_gate
-    .. automethod:: vdot
-    .. automethod:: canonicalise
-    .. automethod:: sample
-    .. automethod:: measure
-    .. automethod:: postselect
-    .. automethod:: expectation_value
-    .. automethod:: get_statevector
-    .. automethod:: get_amplitude
-    .. automethod:: get_qubits
-    .. automethod:: get_virtual_dimensions
-    .. automethod:: get_physical_dimension
-    .. automethod:: get_device_id
-    .. automethod:: is_valid
-    .. automethod:: update_libhandle
-    .. automethod:: copy
-    .. automethod:: __len__
-.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.MPSxGate()
-    :show-inheritance:
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.MPSxMPO()
-    :show-inheritance:
-    .. automethod:: __init__
-.. autoenum:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.DirectionMPS()
-    :members:
-.. autofunction:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps.prepare_circuit
diff --git a/docs/modules/structured_state.rst b/docs/modules/structured_state.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..326a43ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules/structured_state.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Structured state evolution
+.. automodule:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state
+.. autofunction:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.simulate
+.. autoenum:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.SimulationAlgorithm()
+    :members:
+.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.Config()
+    .. automethod:: __init__
+.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.CuTensorNetHandle
+.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.StructuredState()
+    .. automethod:: __init__
+    .. automethod:: is_valid
+    .. automethod:: apply_gate
+    .. automethod:: apply_scalar
+    .. automethod:: vdot
+    .. automethod:: sample
+    .. automethod:: measure
+    .. automethod:: postselect
+    .. automethod:: expectation_value
+    .. automethod:: get_fidelity
+    .. automethod:: get_statevector
+    .. automethod:: get_amplitude
+    .. automethod:: get_qubits
+    .. automethod:: get_byte_size
+    .. automethod:: get_device_id
+    .. automethod:: update_libhandle
+    .. automethod:: copy
+.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.TTNxGate()
+    .. automethod:: __init__
+.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.MPSxGate()
+    .. automethod:: __init__
+.. autoclass:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.MPSxMPO()
+    .. automethod:: __init__
+.. autofunction:: pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.prepare_circuit_mps
diff --git a/examples/mpi/mpi_overlap_bcast_mps.py b/examples/mpi/mpi_overlap_bcast_mps.py
index a0d662d9..4d33eed6 100644
--- a/examples/mpi/mpi_overlap_bcast_mps.py
+++ b/examples/mpi/mpi_overlap_bcast_mps.py
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
 from pytket.circuit import Circuit, fresh_symbol
-from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps import (
+from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state import (
-    ConfigMPS,
-    ContractionAlg,
+    Config,
+    SimulationAlgorithm,
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 this_proc_mps = []
 with CuTensorNetHandle(device_id) as libhandle:  # Different handle for each process
     for circ in this_proc_circs:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, circ, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())
+        mps = simulate(libhandle, circ, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())
 if rank == root:
diff --git a/examples/mps_tutorial.ipynb b/examples/mps_tutorial.ipynb
index ed8bf238..2ae5c1de 100644
--- a/examples/mps_tutorial.ipynb
+++ b/examples/mps_tutorial.ipynb
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
     "from pytket import Circuit\n",
     "from pytket.circuit.display import render_circuit_jupyter\n",
-    "from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps import (\n",
+    "from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state import (\n",
     "    CuTensorNetHandle,\n",
-    "    ConfigMPS,\n",
-    "    ContractionAlg,\n",
+    "    Config,\n",
+    "    SimulationAlgorithm,\n",
     "    simulate, \n",
-    "    prepare_circuit\n",
+    "    prepare_circuit_mps\n",
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     "In essence, whenever we want to apply a gate to certain qubit we will connect a tensor (matrix) representing the gate to the corresponding physical bond and *contract* the network back to an MPS form (tensor contraction is a generalisation of matrix multiplication to multidimensional arrays). Whenever a two-qubit gate is applied, the entanglement information after contraction will be kept in the degrees of freedom of the virtual bonds. As such, the dimension of the virtual bonds will generally increase exponentially as we apply entangling gates, leading to large memory footprints of the tensors and, consequently, long runtime for tensor contraction. We provide functionalities to limit the growth of the dimension of the virtual bonds, keeping resource consumption in check. Read the *Approximate simulation* section on this notebook to learn more.\n",
-    "**NOTE**: MPS methods can only be applied to circuits that only contain gates that act between nearest-neighbours in a line. If your circuit does not satisfy this constraint, you can use the `prepare_circuit` function (see the *Preparing the circuit* section); this will add multiple `SWAP` gates to the circuit that *need* to be simulated explicitly within the MPS, increasing the resources required considerably. In the future, we will support other tensor network state approaches that do not suffer so drastically from this restrictive connectivity.\n",
+    "**NOTE**: MPS methods can only be applied to circuits that only contain gates that act between nearest-neighbours in a line. If your circuit does not satisfy this constraint, you can use the `prepare_circuit_mps` function (see the *Preparing the circuit* section); this will add multiple `SWAP` gates to the circuit that *need* to be simulated explicitly within the MPS, increasing the resources required considerably. In the future, we will support other tensor network state approaches that do not suffer so drastically from this restrictive connectivity.\n",
     "**References**: To read more about MPS we recommend the following papers.\n",
     "* For an introduction to MPS and its canonical form: https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.05824.\n",
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@
        "    <!-- Download Vue 3-->\n",
        "<script type="application/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3"></script>\n",
        "<!-- Download Circuit Renderer with styles -->\n",
-       "<script type="application/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.6/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.umd.js"></script>\n",
-       "<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.6/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.css">\n",
+       "<script type="application/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.7/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.umd.js"></script>\n",
+       "<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.7/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.css">\n",
-       "    <div id="circuit-display-vue-container-6f3d27c2-9192-4cb0-a7ab-af175d1b97d3" class="pytket-circuit-display-container">\n",
+       "    <div id="circuit-display-vue-container-3b04fb9a-abe7-403a-bbff-d603b684fb93" class="pytket-circuit-display-container">\n",
        "        <div style="display: none">\n",
        "            <div id="circuit-json-to-display">{"bits": [], "commands": [{"args": [["q", [0]], ["q", [1]]], "op": {"type": "CZ"}}, {"args": [["q", [2]]], "op": {"type": "H"}}, {"args": [["q", [3]], ["q", [4]]], "op": {"type": "CX"}}, {"args": [["q", [0]]], "op": {"params": ["0.2"], "type": "Ry"}}, {"args": [["q", [2]], ["q", [1]]], "op": {"params": ["0.3", "0.5", "0.7"], "type": "TK2"}}, {"args": [["q", [4]], ["q", [3]]], "op": {"params": ["0.1"], "type": "ZZPhase"}}], "created_qubits": [], "discarded_qubits": [], "implicit_permutation": [[["q", [0]], ["q", [0]]], [["q", [1]], ["q", [1]]], [["q", [2]], ["q", [2]]], [["q", [3]], ["q", [3]]], [["q", [4]], ["q", [4]]]], "phase": "0.0", "qubits": [["q", [0]], ["q", [1]], ["q", [2]], ["q", [3]], ["q", [4]]]}</div>\n",
        "        </div>\n",
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
        "        ></circuit-display-container>\n",
        "    </div>\n",
        "    <script type="application/javascript">\n",
-       "      const circuitRendererUid = "6f3d27c2-9192-4cb0-a7ab-af175d1b97d3";\n",
+       "      const circuitRendererUid = "3b04fb9a-abe7-403a-bbff-d603b684fb93";\n",
        "      const displayOptions = JSON.parse('{}');\n",
        "      // Script to initialise the circuit renderer app\n",
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    my_mps = simulate(libhandle, my_circ, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())"
+    "    my_mps = simulate(libhandle, my_circ, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())"
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
      "name": "stdout",
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "(0.03968884089773739+0.05462700305610267j)\n"
+      "(0.03968884089773739+0.054627003056102665j)\n"
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
    "outputs": [
      "data": {
-      "image/png": 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       "text/plain": [
        "<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>"
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
     "# Simulate them\n",
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    other_mps = simulate(libhandle, other_circ, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())"
+    "    other_mps = simulate(libhandle, other_circ, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())"
@@ -467,14 +467,14 @@
        "    &lt;!-- Download Vue 3--&gt;\n",
        "&lt;script type=&#34;application/javascript&#34; src=&#34;https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3&#34;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;\n",
        "&lt;!-- Download Circuit Renderer with styles --&gt;\n",
-       "&lt;script type=&#34;application/javascript&#34; src=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.6/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.umd.js&#34;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;\n",
-       "&lt;link rel=&#34;stylesheet&#34; href=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.6/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.css&#34;&gt;\n",
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+       "&lt;link rel=&#34;stylesheet&#34; href=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.7/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.css&#34;&gt;\n",
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        "        &lt;/div&gt;\n",
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
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-       "      const circuitRendererUid = &#34;04ed427a-5ec8-4e3d-9fbf-e11d67078a06&#34;;\n",
+       "      const circuitRendererUid = &#34;535c5469-35ff-4718-8871-500dbc8d4fa7&#34;;\n",
        "      const displayOptions = JSON.parse(&#39;{}&#39;);\n",
        "      // Script to initialise the circuit renderer app\n",
@@ -551,14 +551,14 @@
      "name": "stdout",
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "('Some two-qubit gate in the circuit is not acting between', 'nearest neighbour qubits. Consider using prepare_circuit().')\n"
+      "Gates must be applied to adjacent qubits! This is not satisfied by TK2(0.1, 0.2, 0.4) q[1], q[4];.\n"
    "source": [
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
     "    try:\n",
-    "        simulate(libhandle, bad_circ, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())\n",
+    "        simulate(libhandle, bad_circ, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())\n",
     "    except RuntimeError as e:\n",
     "        print(e)"
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
    "id": "ba933c45-63a8-46ae-a578-47d6f59076e4",
    "metadata": {},
    "source": [
-    "As suggested by the error message, we can call `prepare_circuit` to use `pytket` routing capabilities to guarantee that the circuit can be run using our MPS approaches."
+    "We can call `prepare_circuit_mps` to use `pytket` routing capabilities to guarantee that the circuit can be run using our MPS approaches."
@@ -595,14 +595,14 @@
        "    &lt;!-- Download Vue 3--&gt;\n",
        "&lt;script type=&#34;application/javascript&#34; src=&#34;https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3&#34;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;\n",
        "&lt;!-- Download Circuit Renderer with styles --&gt;\n",
-       "&lt;script type=&#34;application/javascript&#34; src=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.6/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.umd.js&#34;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;\n",
-       "&lt;link rel=&#34;stylesheet&#34; href=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.6/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.css&#34;&gt;\n",
+       "&lt;script type=&#34;application/javascript&#34; src=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.7/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.umd.js&#34;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;\n",
+       "&lt;link rel=&#34;stylesheet&#34; href=&#34;https://unpkg.com/pytket-circuit-renderer@0.7/dist/pytket-circuit-renderer.css&#34;&gt;\n",
-       "    &lt;div id=&#34;circuit-display-vue-container-08a5a05d-8989-43a0-a5a9-8c83ea08f5a6&#34; class=&#34;pytket-circuit-display-container&#34;&gt;\n",
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        "        &lt;div style=&#34;display: none&#34;&gt;\n",
        "            &lt;div id=&#34;circuit-json-to-display&#34;&gt;{&#34;bits&#34;: [], &#34;commands&#34;: [{&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [1]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;params&#34;: [&#34;0.8&#34;], &#34;type&#34;: &#34;Ry&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [3]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;type&#34;: &#34;H&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [0]], [&#34;node&#34;, [1]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;type&#34;: &#34;SWAP&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [4]], [&#34;node&#34;, [3]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;type&#34;: &#34;CX&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [2]], [&#34;node&#34;, [1]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;params&#34;: [&#34;0.3&#34;], &#34;type&#34;: &#34;ZZPhase&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [1]], [&#34;node&#34;, [0]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;type&#34;: &#34;CZ&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [3]], [&#34;node&#34;, [2]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;params&#34;: [&#34;0.7&#34;], &#34;type&#34;: &#34;XXPhase&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [3]], [&#34;node&#34;, [2]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;type&#34;: &#34;SWAP&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [2]], [&#34;node&#34;, [1]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;type&#34;: &#34;SWAP&#34;}}, {&#34;args&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [1]], [&#34;node&#34;, [0]]], &#34;op&#34;: {&#34;params&#34;: [&#34;0.1&#34;, &#34;0.2&#34;, &#34;0.4&#34;], &#34;type&#34;: &#34;TK2&#34;}}], &#34;created_qubits&#34;: [], &#34;discarded_qubits&#34;: [], &#34;implicit_permutation&#34;: [[[&#34;node&#34;, [0]], [&#34;node&#34;, [0]]], [[&#34;node&#34;, [1]], [&#34;node&#34;, [1]]], [[&#34;node&#34;, [2]], [&#34;node&#34;, [2]]], [[&#34;node&#34;, [3]], [&#34;node&#34;, [3]]], [[&#34;node&#34;, [4]], [&#34;node&#34;, [4]]]], &#34;phase&#34;: &#34;0.0&#34;, &#34;qubits&#34;: [[&#34;node&#34;, [0]], [&#34;node&#34;, [1]], [&#34;node&#34;, [2]], [&#34;node&#34;, [3]], [&#34;node&#34;, [4]]]}&lt;/div&gt;\n",
        "        &lt;/div&gt;\n",
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
        "        &gt;&lt;/circuit-display-container&gt;\n",
        "    &lt;/div&gt;\n",
        "    &lt;script type=&#34;application/javascript&#34;&gt;\n",
-       "      const circuitRendererUid = &#34;08a5a05d-8989-43a0-a5a9-8c83ea08f5a6&#34;;\n",
+       "      const circuitRendererUid = &#34;4f3d60e5-071a-4c17-9cf5-8914a1326936&#34;;\n",
        "      const displayOptions = JSON.parse(&#39;{}&#39;);\n",
        "      // Script to initialise the circuit renderer app\n",
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
    "source": [
-    "prep_circ, qubit_map = prepare_circuit(bad_circ)\n",
+    "prep_circ, qubit_map = prepare_circuit_mps(bad_circ)\n",
     "# Print the correspondence between qubit names in `prep_circuit` and the original qubits from `circuit` at the output\n",
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@
    "source": [
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    prep_mps = simulate(libhandle, prep_circ, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())\n",
+    "    prep_mps = simulate(libhandle, prep_circ, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())\n",
     "    print(\"Did simulation succeed?\")\n",
     "    print(prep_mps.is_valid())"
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
     "* Bound the maximum value of the virtual bond dimension `chi`. If a bond dimension would increase past that point, we *truncate* (i.e. discard) the degrees of freedom that contribute the least to the state description. We can keep track of a lower bound of the error that this truncation causes.\n",
     "* Provide a value for acceptable two-qubit gate fidelity `truncation_fidelity`. After each two-qubit gate we truncate the dimension of virtual bonds as much as we can while guaranteeing the target gate fidelity. The more fidelity you require, the longer it will take to simulate. **Note**: this is *not* the final fidelity of the output state, but the fidelity per gate.\n",
-    "Values for `chi` and `truncation_fidelity` can be set via `ConfigMPS`. To showcase approximate simulation, let's define a circuit where exact MPS contraction starts struggling."
+    "Values for `chi` and `truncation_fidelity` can be set via `Config`. To showcase approximate simulation, let's define a circuit where exact MPS contraction starts struggling."
@@ -775,18 +775,18 @@
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
       "Time taken by approximate contraction with bound chi:\n",
-      "1.89 seconds\n",
+      "2.87 seconds\n",
       "Lower bound of the fidelity:\n",
-      "0.3742\n"
+      "0.4137\n"
    "source": [
     "start = time()\n",
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    config = ConfigMPS(chi=16)\n",
-    "    bound_chi_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, config)\n",
+    "    config = Config(chi=16)\n",
+    "    bound_chi_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, config)\n",
     "end = time()\n",
     "print(\"Time taken by approximate contraction with bound chi:\")\n",
     "print(f\"{round(end-start,2)} seconds\")\n",
@@ -813,18 +813,18 @@
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
       "Time taken by approximate contraction with fixed truncation fidelity:\n",
-      "2.89 seconds\n",
+      "3.43 seconds\n",
       "Lower bound of the fidelity:\n",
-      "0.9298\n"
+      "0.9322\n"
    "source": [
     "start = time()\n",
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    config = ConfigMPS(truncation_fidelity=0.999)\n",
-    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, config)\n",
+    "    config = Config(truncation_fidelity=0.999)\n",
+    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, config)\n",
     "end = time()\n",
     "print(\"Time taken by approximate contraction with fixed truncation fidelity:\")\n",
     "print(f\"{round(end-start,2)} seconds\")\n",
@@ -869,16 +869,16 @@
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "\tTime taken: 1.89 seconds\n",
-      "\tLower bound of the fidelity: 0.3712\n"
+      "\tTime taken: 2.05 seconds\n",
+      "\tLower bound of the fidelity: 0.4137\n"
    "source": [
     "start = time()\n",
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    config = ConfigMPS(chi=16)\n",
-    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, config)\n",
+    "    config = Config(chi=16)\n",
+    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, config)\n",
     "end = time()\n",
     "print(f\"\\tTime taken: {round(end-start,2)} seconds\")\n",
@@ -896,16 +896,16 @@
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
       "MPSxMPO, default parameters\n",
-      "\tTime taken: 27.17 seconds\n",
-      "\tLower bound of the fidelity: 0.3956\n"
+      "\tTime taken: 11.74 seconds\n",
+      "\tLower bound of the fidelity: 0.4426\n"
    "source": [
     "start = time()\n",
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    config = ConfigMPS(chi=16)\n",
-    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO, config)\n",
+    "    config = Config(chi=16)\n",
+    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO, config)\n",
     "end = time()\n",
     "print(\"MPSxMPO, default parameters\")\n",
     "print(f\"\\tTime taken: {round(end-start,2)} seconds\")\n",
@@ -923,16 +923,16 @@
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
       "MPSxMPO, custom parameters\n",
-      "\tTime taken: 26.99 seconds\n",
-      "\tLower bound of the fidelity: 0.4209\n"
+      "\tTime taken: 18.25 seconds\n",
+      "\tLower bound of the fidelity: 0.468\n"
    "source": [
     "start = time()\n",
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    config = ConfigMPS(k=8, optim_delta=1e-15, chi=16)\n",
-    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO, config)\n",
+    "    config = Config(k=8, optim_delta=1e-15, chi=16)\n",
+    "    fixed_fidelity_mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO, config)\n",
     "end = time()\n",
     "print(\"MPSxMPO, custom parameters\")\n",
     "print(f\"\\tTime taken: {round(end-start,2)} seconds\")\n",
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@
    "id": "7607b5bd-f332-4d97-963b-2a163d3fb194",
    "metadata": {},
    "source": [
-    "You can request a verbose log to be produced during simulation, by assigning the `loglevel` argument when creating a `ConfigMPS` instance. Currently, two log levels are supported (other than default, which is silent): \n",
+    "You can request a verbose log to be produced during simulation, by assigning the `loglevel` argument when creating a `Config` instance. Currently, two log levels are supported (other than default, which is silent): \n",
     "- `logging.INFO` will print information about progress percent, memory currently occupied by the MPS and current fidelity. Additionally, some high level information of the current stage of the simulation is provided, such as when `MPSxMPO` is applying optimisation sweeps.\n",
     "- `logging.DEBUG` provides all of the messages from the loglevel above plus detailed information of the current operation being carried out and the values of important variables.\n",
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
      "data": {
       "text/plain": [
-       "<module 'logging' from '/global/homes/p/pam_q/.conda/envs/py-cuquantum-23.06.0-mypich-py3.9/lib/python3.9/logging/__init__.py'>"
+       "<module 'logging' from '/home/brot/anaconda3/envs/py3.11/lib/python3.11/logging/__init__.py'>"
      "execution_count": 21,
@@ -1010,1097 +1010,1081 @@
      "name": "stderr",
      "output_type": "stream",
      "text": [
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Ordering the gates in the circuit to reduce canonicalisation overhead.\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Running simulation...\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00067138671875\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.000732421875\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0008544921875\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0008544921875\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00091552734375\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00103759765625\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00128173828125\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0000000000000002\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00164794921875\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0000000000000002\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=1.0000000000000002\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.999999999999996\n",
-      "[15:41:45] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9999999999999964\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9999999999999964\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00164794921875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999964\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.001708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999964\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0018310546875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999964\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0020751953125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999962\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0025634765625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999962\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0030517578125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071941\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0030517578125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071941\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0030517578125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071941\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00311279296875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071941\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00323486328125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071941\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00347900390625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071941\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00396728515625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071943\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00494384765625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9997200110071943\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0062255859375\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9992820662866865\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006561279296875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9986887177546038\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006561279296875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9986887177546038\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9986887177546038\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9992190736072919\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9992335371417129\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9992335371417129\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006561279296875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9992335371417129\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006622314453125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9992335371417131\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006744384765625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9992335371417131\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006988525390625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9992335371417131\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.007476806640625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9992335371417131\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.007476806640625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982345023466558\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.008209228515625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9975515249441151\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00860595703125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9967787323351995\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00958251953125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.996089833981607\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.996089833981607\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9960898339816068\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9960898339816068\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955765571586642\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01007080078125\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955765571586642\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01031494140625\n",
-      "[15:41:46] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955765571586642\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
-      "[15:41:46] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01080322265625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955765571586642\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01153564453125\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9951866821980899\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.012542724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945684970193788\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.013336181640625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9937800765622566\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.015167236328125\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9933657156418472\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.016326904296875\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9926168168757035\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01806640625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9919907474019105\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01806640625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9919907474019105\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01806640625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9919907474019105\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9919907474019105\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9944986651228879\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9945622863823858\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01806640625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01812744140625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.018218994140625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.018341064453125\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.018707275390625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945744642325651\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.019439697265625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9939252776724739\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.021148681640625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9939252776724739\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.02252197265625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9936102094018504\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.02447509765625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9932716193018882\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.027679443359375\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9926992945331796\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.031036376953125\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9917770056878091\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.034332275390625\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9910186053590768\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035736083984375\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903708169455654\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035736083984375\n",
-      "[15:41:47] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903708169455654\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
-      "[15:41:47] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035736083984375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903708169455654\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035736083984375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903708169455652\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035797119140625\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903708169455652\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035919189453125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903708169455652\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.035919189453125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903532709139039\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.036163330078125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903532709139038\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.036651611328125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9903532709139038\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03765869140625\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9899182044513357\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.038116455078125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9892830604520672\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.040313720703125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9886878009898008\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.043121337890625\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9877332864162025\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.047698974609375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9870492609117136\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.052581787109375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9864155906572986\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.060150146484375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.985553172457638\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.066925048828125\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9848524485301354\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068695068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9848524485301354\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068695068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9848524485301353\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068695068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9848524485301353\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9848524485301353\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9873602516768857\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9874400577886869\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9874665951742544\n",
-      "[15:41:48] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068695068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068756103515625\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068878173828125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.068878173828125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.069122314453125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.069488525390625\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.987479443857063\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9874794438570587\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9874794438570632\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9874794438570632\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.069488525390625\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570632\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.069854736328125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570632\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.070831298828125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570634\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.070831298828125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570634\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.070831298828125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570637\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.071319580078125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570637\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.072784423828125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9874794438570637\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.072540283203125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9866330729559818\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.073211669921875\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9866330729559818\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.073822021484375\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9866330729559818\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.074920654296875\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9866330729559817\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.074920654296875\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.985728058386732\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.076507568359375\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9848905743017655\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0782470703125\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.984200933510651\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.08209228515625\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9833786711539604\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.08514404296875\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9829054162238393\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.093994140625\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9823548457232609\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.10003662109375\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9814914262501793\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.116302490234375\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9806647381641405\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118499755859375\n",
-      "[15:41:49] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9797474281526156\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.137542724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9792041496059278\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.150360107421875\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9784485799686532\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.175567626953125\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.977661825354294\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.192779541015625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9768742140627227\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.236358642578125\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9761008623122066\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.24725341796875\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9752497693902976\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.277008056640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208022\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.277008056640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208022\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208022\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208022\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208022\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208021\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208021\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208023\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284820556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9744546401208023\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284454345703125\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9736774416720088\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9736774416720088\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9822122042244481\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9827583003913757\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9829168903407746\n",
-      "[15:41:50] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.982979344248083\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9830095477136648\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9830260810282695\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9830260810282695\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.284454345703125\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9825960930899819\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.285736083984375\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9819799784936092\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.288055419921875\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9811857364040928\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.2901611328125\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9805589329022365\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.29742431640625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.979774777914149\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.3004150390625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9790302714655779\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.3072509765625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9781050017075105\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.32537841796875\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9772629361326794\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.349822998046875\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9763363776760228\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.358062744140625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9754556940251295\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.365570068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9745025792245486\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.365570068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9745025792245484\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.365570068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9745025792245484\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.365570068359375\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9745025792245482\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.365936279296875\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9745025792245482\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.366973876953125\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739737340007235\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.369415283203125\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9734939221919511\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.374176025390625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9728701873772134\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.378570556640625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9720376362143338\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.383453369140625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.971167337001675\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.39910888671875\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9703795628080001\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.43072509765625\n",
-      "[15:41:51] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695212202086415\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
-      "[15:41:51] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.490478515625\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9686850339371813\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.5670166015625\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9678550687968107\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.61614990234375\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9669360842897095\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9660548082975919\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9660548082975919\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9660548082975922\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9660548082975922\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9660548082975922\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9660548082975922\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9714782872349863\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9716864883910468\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9717552987705841\n",
-      "[15:41:52] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9717903497055657\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9718115474633439\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9718256606609913\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9718256606609913\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9718256606609913\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.64251708984375\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9718256606609913\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.645721435546875\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.971304662959029\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.645721435546875\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.971304662959029\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.645721435546875\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9713046629590292\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.645721435546875\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9713046629590292\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.65234375\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9705519636179583\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6531982421875\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9705519636179583\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6531982421875\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9705519636179583\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9705519636179583\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9710393809351289\n",
-      "[15:41:53] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9710417093966089\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9710417093966089\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6531982421875\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9710417093966089\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6531982421875\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9710417093966089\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.663360595703125\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9703316436673765\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6771240234375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9697826685947312\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6890869140625\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9688822088585105\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.7198486328125\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9681016107658179\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.732025146484375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.967139989859211\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.786224365234375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9667532538346312\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.805267333984375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9657875697333652\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.870452880859375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9649987228797965\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.927581787109375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9641126521361515\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.066741943359375\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9635105846805408\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.15728759765625\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.962589075282592\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.43927001953125\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9617602212979602\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.54986572265625\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9608510935810075\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.54986572265625\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9608510935810075\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.54986572265625\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9600320773213169\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9600320773213169\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9659019975820374\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9661427864728673\n",
-      "[15:41:54] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9662148782989015\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9662495844052902\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9662703863336176\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9662844523829522\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9662844523829522\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.55718994140625\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9653257816354918\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.58184814453125\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9644004614054085\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.660125732421875\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9634633842376111\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.660125732421875\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9634633842376111\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.660125732421875\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9634633842376111\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.662017822265625\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9634633842376114\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.700042724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9625939072465783\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.700042724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9625939072465783\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.700042724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9625939072465782\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.700042724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9625939072465782\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.700042724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9625939072465782\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.700042724609375\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9625939072465782\n",
-      "[15:41:55] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:55] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9625939072465782\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9640884677171835\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9641174266253738\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9641252811032455\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9641252811032455\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9641252811032455\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9641252811032449\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.964125281103245\n",
-      "[15:41:56] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.964125281103245\n",
-      "[15:41:56] Simulation (INFO) - Simulation completed.\n",
-      "[15:41:56] Simulation (INFO) - Final MPS size=1.700042724609375 MiB\n",
-      "[15:41:56] Simulation (INFO) - Final MPS fidelity=0.964125281103245\n"
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Ordering the gates in the circuit to reduce canonicalisation overhead.\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Running simulation...\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 0%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 1%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 2%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00067138671875\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 3%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.000732421875\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=1.0\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0008544921875\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 4%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0008544921875\n",
+      "[10:54:19] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
+      "[10:54:19] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00091552734375\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 5%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00103759765625\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999996\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00128173828125\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999996\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 6%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00164794921875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999996\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9999999999999996\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=1.0000000000000007\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00164794921875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 7%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.001708984375\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0018310546875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9999999999999998\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 8%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0018310546875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9991314405479996\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 9%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.002197265625\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9991314405479996\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0029296875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.99827508368156\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 10%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0029296875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.99827508368156\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0029296875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.99827508368156\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 11%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00299072265625\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.99827508368156\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00311279296875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815598\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 12%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00335693359375\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815598\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00372314453125\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815598\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 13%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00421142578125\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815596\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00555419921875\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815596\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 14%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00592041015625\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815596\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00592041015625\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9982750836815596\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 15%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9982750836815596\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9993723442011109\n",
+      "[10:54:20] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.999372476136822\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.999372476136822\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00592041015625\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.999372476136822\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0059814453125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.999372476136822\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 16%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006103515625\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.999372476136822\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.006103515625\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9993622074384583\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 17%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0064697265625\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9993622074384583\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0067138671875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9990943548110807\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 18%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00726318359375\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9983440200561307\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 19%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.00897216796875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9983440200561309\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01043701171875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9976943520568935\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 20%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9967391001964958\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9967391001964958\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 21%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.009979248046875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9967391001964958\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.010040283203125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9967391001964958\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 22%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.010162353515625\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9967391001964954\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.010284423828125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9966643286899265\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 23%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01043701171875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9964837554756931\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0108642578125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9964837554756929\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 24%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.011688232421875\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9961589960138393\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.012481689453125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9957142860371432\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 25%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0147705078125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9951708417671544\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01812744140625\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9943929555227694\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 26%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.01934814453125\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9939203608165895\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.019866943359375\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9939203608165895\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 27%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.019866943359375\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9939203608165895\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9939203608165895\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9955357632585216\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9955702116444642\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9955834041401609\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9955834041401609\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.019866943359375\n",
+      "[10:54:21] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955834041401609\n",
+      "[10:54:21] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 28%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.019927978515625\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955834041401609\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 29%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.020050048828125\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955834041401609\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.020294189453125\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955834041401609\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 30%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.020721435546875\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9955834041401607\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.02093505859375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9951041950080444\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 31%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.02142333984375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9945177435627294\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.02215576171875\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9940411739284708\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 32%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.02294921875\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9935646527445069\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.025390625\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9928113022215258\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 33%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.029052734375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9919283402969962\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0325927734375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9912000768171119\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 34%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03411865234375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03411865234375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 35%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03411865234375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03411865234375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 36%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0341796875\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0343017578125\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 37%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0345458984375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0350341796875\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9905931522444028\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 38%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0352783203125\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9899877288151842\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03582763671875\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9897933677203272\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 39%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0364990234375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9893753998018908\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.03759765625\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9891162458703916\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 40%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.039154052734375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9888021996671446\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.041595458984375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9883552975481354\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 41%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.046905517578125\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9876998537193106\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.048980712890625\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9869919118956609\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 42%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.057037353515625\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9863296634721933\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.05804443359375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9863296634721933\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 43%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.05804443359375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9863296634721933\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.05804443359375\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9863296634721933\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 44%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9863296634721933\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9890505221400125\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9890889999983853\n",
+      "[10:54:22] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.05804443359375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 45%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.05810546875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0582275390625\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 46%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0584716796875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0589599609375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9890986740334062\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 47%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0596923828125\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9885483797287798\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.0611572265625\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9885483797287798\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 48%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.06201171875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9881174872282237\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.063201904296875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9875262708276239\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 49%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.065277099609375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.986686602346878\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.06817626953125\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9857355073118286\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 50%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.07293701171875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9851580066063106\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.08172607421875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9842229282821433\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 51%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.09393310546875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9834526830890171\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.11138916015625\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9825624978338594\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 52%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118255615234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118255615234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 53%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118255615234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118255615234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 54%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118255615234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118255615234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 55%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118621826171875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9817993631113072\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 56%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.118621826171875\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9816317612554827\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.119964599609375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9816317612554827\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 57%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.120941162109375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9810389197426292\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.120941162109375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9804444980353678\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 58%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.121978759765625\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9796966778644127\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.12255859375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.978836271988995\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 59%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.126068115234375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9781525336471664\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.132476806640625\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9771848210545127\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 60%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.145294189453125\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9764776315208572\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.164337158203125\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9756166145051132\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 61%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.195098876953125\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9748320300628435\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23297119140625\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739764573652526\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 62%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23675537109375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739764573652526\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23675537109375\n",
+      "[10:54:23] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739764573652526\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 63%\n",
+      "[10:54:23] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23675537109375\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739764573652526\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23675537109375\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739764573652526\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9739764573652526\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9782513874640462\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9784099788957649\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9784751549174159\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9785148389318197\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9785415657315543\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9785601642481355\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9785601642481355\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23675537109375\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9785601642481355\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 64%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23675537109375\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9785601642481355\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 65%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.23748779296875\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9782826660913593\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.237945556640625\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9777305146598142\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 66%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.238983154296875\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9767619685870496\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.241424560546875\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9759359374381807\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 67%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.244781494140625\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.975384275853116\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.24920654296875\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9748864247538034\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 68%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.25775146484375\n",
+      "[10:54:24] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9739666699427678\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
+      "[10:54:24] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.27679443359375\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9731228436119972\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 69%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.307464599609375\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9722506169982225\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.358123779296875\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9713035867571528\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 70%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.394744873046875\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9703771300672412\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.413330078125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695499877613101\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 71%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.413330078125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695499877613101\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.413330078125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695499877613101\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.413330078125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695499877613101\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 72%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.413330078125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695499877613101\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 73%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.41412353515625\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9695499877613101\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.415283203125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9687965164769727\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 74%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.417388916015625\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9681745874180638\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.421661376953125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.967316318305627\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 75%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.427520751953125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9664202106456434\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.438018798828125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.965617165150299\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 76%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.456817626953125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9648266649127764\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.492950439453125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.963934771298722\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 77%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.55267333984375\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9629911974183719\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.6326904296875\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9621094113781801\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 78%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.719970703125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9612431375540139\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.74658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9603890887415287\n",
+      "[10:54:25] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9603890887415287\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9664613835077668\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9667151463640826\n",
+      "[10:54:25] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9667973427183506\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9668383700489115\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.966862870923364\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9668789869987773\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9668789869987773\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.74658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9668789869987773\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 79%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.74658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9668789869987773\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 80%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.74658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9668789869987773\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.74859619140625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9663239978628592\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 81%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.7542724609375\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9656363866366784\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.7640380859375\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9648374074349356\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 82%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.7830810546875\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9639845933419957\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.809661865234375\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9630428029628693\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 83%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.83819580078125\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.962166197000186\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.86993408203125\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9613185341560891\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 84%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=0.96539306640625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9604350319109984\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.067291259765625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9594791720420855\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.067291259765625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9594791720420855\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 85%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.067291259765625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9594791720420855\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.067291259765625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9594791720420855\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 86%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.069000244140625\n",
+      "[10:54:26] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9594791720420855\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.0777587890625\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9587078637634951\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 87%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.097900390625\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9577597157368264\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.1484375\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9569223417730577\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 88%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.19775390625\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9559847052113304\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 89%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.302764892578125\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9551000677677791\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.437774658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.954244636142701\n",
+      "[10:54:27] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.954244636142701\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9607489478098933\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.960931259342657\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9609925299537814\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.961024384193863\n",
+      "[10:54:27] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9610437890766452\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9610566895987762\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9610566895987762\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.437774658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9610566895987762\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 90%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.437774658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9610566895987762\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.437774658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9610566895987762\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 91%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.437774658203125\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9610566895987762\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.442535400390625\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9602301237138147\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 92%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.474029541015625\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9593906658288792\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.480133056640625\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9584590204343021\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 93%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.541473388671875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.957531480679061\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.541473388671875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.957531480679061\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 94%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.541473388671875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.957531480679061\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.541473388671875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.957531480679061\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 95%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.541473388671875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.957531480679061\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.545379638671875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.957531480679061\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 96%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.956627902901374\n",
+      "[10:54:28] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.956627902901374\n",
+      "[10:54:28] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9587513675893747\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.958807150393876\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 97%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 98%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS size (MiB)=1.578338623046875\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - MPS fidelity=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Progress... 99%\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Applying variational optimisation.\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Fidelity before optimisation=0.9588222182645398\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.958822218264537\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Doing another optimisation sweep...\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Optimisation sweep completed. Current fidelity=0.9588222182645393\n",
+      "[10:54:29] MPS (INFO) - Final fidelity after optimisation=0.9588222182645393\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Simulation completed.\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Final StructuredState size=1.578338623046875 MiB\n",
+      "[10:54:29] Simulation (INFO) - Final StructuredState fidelity=0.9588222182645393\n"
    "source": [
     "with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:\n",
-    "    config = ConfigMPS(truncation_fidelity=0.999, loglevel=logging.INFO)\n",
-    "    simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO, config)"
+    "    config = Config(truncation_fidelity=0.999, loglevel=logging.INFO)\n",
+    "    simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO, config)"
@@ -2114,9 +2098,9 @@
  "metadata": {
   "kernelspec": {
-   "display_name": "py-cuquantum-23.06.0-mypich-py3.9",
+   "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
    "language": "python",
-   "name": "py-cuquantum-23.06.0-mypich-py3.9"
+   "name": "python3"
   "language_info": {
    "codemirror_mode": {
@@ -2128,7 +2112,7 @@
    "name": "python",
    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
-   "version": "3.9.16"
+   "version": "3.11.7"
  "nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/lint-requirements.txt b/lint-requirements.txt
index 3d9b6a8e..874549f1 100644
--- a/lint-requirements.txt
+++ b/lint-requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/simulation.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/simulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 79604570..00000000
--- a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/simulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019-2024 Quantinuum
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from enum import Enum
-from random import choice  # type: ignore
-from collections import defaultdict  # type: ignore
-import numpy as np  # type: ignore
-from pytket.circuit import Circuit, Command, Qubit
-from pytket.transform import Transform
-from pytket.architecture import Architecture
-from pytket.passes import DefaultMappingPass
-from pytket.predicates import CompilationUnit
-from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.general import set_logger
-from .mps import CuTensorNetHandle, ConfigMPS, MPS
-from .mps_gate import MPSxGate
-from .mps_mpo import MPSxMPO
-class ContractionAlg(Enum):
-    """An enum to refer to the MPS contraction algorithm.
-    Each enum value corresponds to the class with the same name; see its docs for
-    information of the algorithm.
-    """
-    MPSxGate = 0
-    MPSxMPO = 1
-def simulate(
-    libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle,
-    circuit: Circuit,
-    algorithm: ContractionAlg,
-    config: ConfigMPS,
-) -> MPS:
-    """Simulate the given circuit and return the ``MPS`` representing the final state.
-    Note:
-        A ``libhandle`` should be created via a ``with CuTensorNet() as libhandle:``
-        statement. The device where the MPS is stored will match the one specified
-        by the library handle.
-        The input ``circuit`` must be composed of one-qubit and two-qubit gates only.
-        Any gateset supported by ``pytket`` can be used.
-        Two-qubit gates must act between adjacent qubits, i.e. on ``circuit.qubits[i]``
-        and ``circuit.qubits[i+1]`` for any ``i``. If this is not satisfied by your
-        circuit, consider using ``prepare_circuit()`` on it.
-    Args:
-        libhandle: The cuTensorNet library handle that will be used to carry out
-            tensor operations on the MPS.
-        circuit: The pytket circuit to be simulated.
-        algorithm: Choose between the values of the ``ContractionAlg`` enum.
-        config: The configuration object for simulation.
-    Returns:
-        An instance of ``MPS`` containing (an approximation of) the final state
-        of the circuit.
-    """
-    logger = set_logger("Simulation", level=config.loglevel)
-    if algorithm == ContractionAlg.MPSxGate:
-        mps = MPSxGate(  # type: ignore
-            libhandle,
-            circuit.qubits,
-            config,
-        )
-    elif algorithm == ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO:
-        mps = MPSxMPO(  # type: ignore
-            libhandle,
-            circuit.qubits,
-            config,
-        )
-    # Sort the gates so there isn't much overhead from canonicalising back and forth.
-    logger.info(
-        "Ordering the gates in the circuit to reduce canonicalisation overhead."
-    )
-    sorted_gates = _get_sorted_gates(circuit)
-    logger.info("Running simulation...")
-    # Apply the gates
-    for i, g in enumerate(sorted_gates):
-        mps.apply_gate(g)
-        logger.info(f"Progress... {(100*i) // len(sorted_gates)}%")
-    # Apply the batched operations that are left (if any)
-    mps._flush()
-    # Apply the batched operations that are left (if any)
-    mps._flush()
-    # Apply the circuit's phase to the leftmost tensor (any would work)
-    mps.tensors[0] = mps.tensors[0] * np.exp(1j * np.pi * circuit.phase)
-    logger.info("Simulation completed.")
-    logger.info(f"Final MPS size={mps.get_byte_size() / 2**20} MiB")
-    logger.info(f"Final MPS fidelity={mps.fidelity}")
-    return mps
-def prepare_circuit(circuit: Circuit) -> tuple[Circuit, dict[Qubit, Qubit]]:
-    """Prepares a circuit in a specific, ``MPS``-friendly, manner.
-    Returns an equivalent circuit with the appropriate structure to be simulated by
-    an ``MPS`` algorithm.
-    Note:
-        The qubits in the output circuit will be renamed. Implicit SWAPs may be added
-        to the circuit, meaning that the logical qubit held at the ``node[i]`` qubit
-        at the beginning of the circuit may differ from the one it holds at the end.
-    Args:
-        circuit: The circuit to be simulated.
-    Returns:
-        A tuple with an equivalent circuit with the appropriate structure and a
-        map of qubit names at the end of the circuit to their corresponding
-        original names.
-    """
-    # Implement it in a line architecture
-    cu = CompilationUnit(circuit)
-    architecture = Architecture([(i, i + 1) for i in range(circuit.n_qubits - 1)])
-    DefaultMappingPass(architecture).apply(cu)
-    prep_circ = cu.circuit
-    Transform.DecomposeBRIDGE().apply(prep_circ)
-    qubit_map: dict[Qubit, Qubit] = {}
-    for orig_q, arch_q in cu.final_map.items():
-        assert isinstance(orig_q, Qubit)
-        assert isinstance(arch_q, Qubit)
-        qubit_map[arch_q] = orig_q
-    return (prep_circ, qubit_map)
-def _get_sorted_gates(circuit: Circuit) -> list[Command]:
-    """Sorts the list of gates, placing 2-qubit gates close to each other first.
-    Returns an equivalent list of commands fixing the order of parallel gates so that
-    2-qubit gates that are close to each other first. This reduces the overhead of
-    canonicalisation of the MPS, since we try to apply as many gates as we can on one
-    end of the MPS before we go to the other end.
-    Args:
-        circuit: The original circuit.
-    Returns:
-        The same gates, ordered in a beneficial way.
-    """
-    all_gates = circuit.get_commands()
-    sorted_gates = []
-    # Keep track of the qubit at the center of the canonical form; start arbitrarily
-    current_qubit = circuit.qubits[0]
-    # Entries from `all_gates` that are not yet in `sorted_gates`
-    remaining = set(range(len(all_gates)))
-    # Create the list of indices of gates acting on each qubit
-    gate_indices: dict[Qubit, list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
-    for i, g in enumerate(all_gates):
-        for q in g.qubits:
-            gate_indices[q].append(i)
-    # Apply all 1-qubit gates at the beginning of the circuit
-    for q, indices in gate_indices.items():
-        while indices and len(all_gates[indices[0]].qubits) == 1:
-            i = indices.pop(0)
-            sorted_gates.append(all_gates[i])
-            remaining.remove(i)
-    # Decide which 2-qubit gate to apply next
-    while remaining:
-        q_index = circuit.qubits.index(current_qubit)
-        # Find distance from q_index to first qubit with an applicable 2-qubit gate
-        left_distance = None
-        prev_q = current_qubit
-        for i, q in enumerate(reversed(circuit.qubits[:q_index])):
-            if (
-                gate_indices[prev_q]
-                and gate_indices[q]
-                and gate_indices[prev_q][0] == gate_indices[q][0]
-            ):
-                left_distance = i
-                break
-            prev_q = q
-        right_distance = None
-        prev_q = current_qubit
-        for i, q in enumerate(circuit.qubits[q_index + 1 :]):
-            if (
-                gate_indices[prev_q]
-                and gate_indices[q]
-                and gate_indices[prev_q][0] == gate_indices[q][0]
-            ):
-                right_distance = i
-                break
-            prev_q = q
-        # Choose the shortest distance
-        if left_distance is None and right_distance is None:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                "Some two-qubit gate in the circuit is not acting between",
-                "nearest neighbour qubits. Consider using prepare_circuit().",
-            )
-        elif left_distance is None:
-            assert right_distance is not None
-            current_qubit = circuit.qubits[q_index + right_distance]
-        elif right_distance is None:
-            current_qubit = circuit.qubits[q_index - left_distance]
-        elif left_distance < right_distance:
-            current_qubit = circuit.qubits[q_index - left_distance]
-        elif left_distance > right_distance:
-            current_qubit = circuit.qubits[q_index + right_distance]
-        else:
-            current_qubit = circuit.qubits[
-                q_index + choice([-left_distance, right_distance])
-            ]
-        # Apply the gate
-        i = gate_indices[current_qubit][0]
-        next_gate = all_gates[i]
-        sorted_gates.append(next_gate)
-        remaining.remove(i)
-        # Apply all 1-qubit gates after this gate
-        for q in next_gate.qubits:
-            gate_indices[q].pop(0)  # Remove the 2-qubit gate `next_gate`
-            indices = gate_indices[q]
-            while indices and len(all_gates[indices[0]].qubits) == 1:
-                i = indices.pop(0)
-                sorted_gates.append(all_gates[i])
-                remaining.remove(i)
-    assert len(all_gates) == len(sorted_gates)
-    return sorted_gates
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/__init__.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/__init__.py
similarity index 52%
rename from pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/__init__.py
rename to pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/__init__.py
index ccc950c9..be9dd9f5 100644
--- a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/__init__.py
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/__init__.py
@@ -11,27 +11,20 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
-"""Module for circuit simulation by state evolution, with states represented as
-Matrix Product States (MPS). Approximate tensor network contraction is supported.
-For an example of its use, see ``examples/mps_tutorial.ipynb`` in
+"""Module for circuit simulation by state evolution, where the state is
+represented by a tensor network with a predefined structure.
+Approximate tensor network contraction is supported. Both ``MPS`` and ``TTN``
+methods are provided.
+For an example of its use, see the ``examples/`` folder at
-from .mps import (
-    CuTensorNetHandle,
-    DirectionMPS,
-    ConfigMPS,
-    Handle,
-    Tensor,
-    MPS,
+from .general import CuTensorNetHandle, Config, StructuredState
+from .simulation import SimulationAlgorithm, simulate, prepare_circuit_mps
-from .mps_gate import (
-    MPSxGate,
+from .mps import DirMPS, MPS
+from .mps_gate import MPSxGate
+from .mps_mpo import MPSxMPO
-from .mps_mpo import (
-    MPSxMPO,
-from .simulation import ContractionAlg, simulate, prepare_circuit
+from .ttn import TTN, DirTTN
+from .ttn_gate import TTNxGate
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/cut_rKaHyPar_sea20.ini b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/cut_rKaHyPar_sea20.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14d10f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/cut_rKaHyPar_sea20.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# general
+# main -> preprocessing -> min hash sparsifier
+# main -> preprocessing -> community detection
+# main -> preprocessing -> large he removal
+# main -> coarsening
+# main -> coarsening -> rating
+# main -> initial partitioning
+# initial partitioning -> initial partitioning
+# initial partitioning -> bin packing
+# initial partitioning -> local search
+# main -> local search
+# local_search -> flow scheduling and heuristics
+# local_search -> hyperflowcutter configuration
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/general.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/general.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25d65876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/general.py
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2024 Quantinuum
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations  # type: ignore
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+import warnings
+import logging
+from typing import Any, Optional, Type
+import numpy as np  # type: ignore
+from pytket.circuit import Command, Qubit
+from pytket.pauli import QubitPauliString
+    import cupy as cp  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cupy", ImportWarning)
+    import cuquantum.cutensornet as cutn  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cutensornet", ImportWarning)
+# An alias for the CuPy type used for tensors
+    Tensor = cp.ndarray
+except NameError:
+    Tensor = Any
+class CuTensorNetHandle:
+    """Initialise the cuTensorNet library with automatic workspace memory
+    management.
+    Note:
+        Always use as ``with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:`` so that cuTensorNet
+        handles are automatically destroyed at the end of execution.
+    Attributes:
+        handle (int): The cuTensorNet library handle created by this initialisation.
+        device_id (int): The ID of the device (GPU) where cuTensorNet is initialised.
+            If not provided, defaults to ``cp.cuda.Device()``.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, device_id: Optional[int] = None):
+        self.handle = cutn.create()
+        self._is_destroyed = False
+        # Make sure CuPy uses the specified device
+        cp.cuda.Device(device_id).use()
+        dev = cp.cuda.Device()
+        self.device_id = int(dev)
+    def __enter__(self) -> CuTensorNetHandle:
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None:
+        cutn.destroy(self.handle)
+        self._is_destroyed = True
+class Config:
+    """Configuration class for simulation using ``StructuredState``."""
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        chi: Optional[int] = None,
+        truncation_fidelity: Optional[float] = None,
+        float_precision: Type[Any] = np.float64,
+        value_of_zero: float = 1e-16,
+        leaf_size: int = 8,
+        k: int = 4,
+        optim_delta: float = 1e-5,
+        loglevel: int = logging.WARNING,
+    ):
+        """Instantiate a configuration object for ``StructuredState`` simulation.
+        Note:
+            Providing both a custom ``chi`` and ``truncation_fidelity`` will raise an
+            exception. Choose one or the other (or neither, for exact simulation).
+        Args:
+            chi: The maximum value allowed for the dimension of the virtual
+                bonds. Higher implies better approximation but more
+                computational resources. If not provided, ``chi`` will be unbounded.
+            truncation_fidelity: Every time a two-qubit gate is applied, the virtual
+                bond will be truncated to the minimum dimension that satisfies
+                ``|<psi|phi>|^2 >= trucantion_fidelity``, where ``|psi>`` and ``|phi>``
+                are the states before and after truncation (both normalised).
+                If not provided, it will default to its maximum value 1.
+            float_precision: The floating point precision used in tensor calculations;
+                choose from ``numpy`` types: ``np.float64`` or ``np.float32``.
+                Complex numbers are represented using two of such
+                ``float`` numbers. Default is ``np.float64``.
+            value_of_zero: Any number below this value will be considered equal to zero.
+                Even when no ``chi`` or ``truncation_fidelity`` is provided, singular
+                values below this number will be truncated.
+                We suggest to use a value slightly below what your chosen
+                ``float_precision`` can reasonably achieve. For instance, ``1e-16`` for
+                ``np.float64`` precision (default) and ``1e-7`` for ``np.float32``.
+            leaf_size: For ``TTN`` simulation only. Sets the maximum number of
+                qubits in a leaf node when using ``TTN``. Default is 8.
+            k: For ``MPSxMPO`` simulation only. Sets the maximum number of layers
+                the MPO is allowed to have before being contracted. Increasing this
+                might increase fidelity, but it will also increase resource requirements
+                exponentially. Default value is 4.
+            optim_delta: For ``MPSxMPO`` simulation only. Sets the stopping criteria for
+                the optimisation when contracting the ``k`` layers of MPO. Stops when
+                the increase of fidelity between iterations is smaller than this value.
+                Default value is ``1e-5``.
+            loglevel: Internal logger output level. Use 30 for warnings only, 20 for
+                verbose and 10 for debug mode.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If both ``chi`` and ``truncation_fidelity`` are fixed.
+            ValueError: If the value of ``chi`` is set below 2.
+            ValueError: If the value of ``truncation_fidelity`` is not in [0,1].
+        """
+        if (
+            chi is not None
+            and truncation_fidelity is not None
+            and truncation_fidelity != 1.0
+        ):
+            raise ValueError("Cannot fix both chi and truncation_fidelity.")
+        if chi is None:
+            chi = 2**60  # In practice, this is like having it be unbounded
+        if truncation_fidelity is None:
+            truncation_fidelity = 1
+        if chi < 2:
+            raise ValueError("The max virtual bond dim (chi) must be >= 2.")
+        if truncation_fidelity < 0 or truncation_fidelity > 1:
+            raise ValueError("Provide a value of truncation_fidelity in [0,1].")
+        self.chi = chi
+        self.truncation_fidelity = truncation_fidelity
+        if float_precision is None or float_precision == np.float64:  # Double precision
+            self._real_t = np.float64  # type: ignore
+            self._complex_t = np.complex128  # type: ignore
+            self._atol = 1e-12
+        elif float_precision == np.float32:  # Single precision
+            self._real_t = np.float32  # type: ignore
+            self._complex_t = np.complex64  # type: ignore
+            self._atol = 1e-4
+        else:
+            allowed_precisions = [np.float64, np.float32]
+            raise TypeError(
+                f"Value of float_precision must be in {allowed_precisions}."
+            )
+        self.zero = value_of_zero
+        if value_of_zero > self._atol / 1000:
+            warnings.warn(
+                "Your chosen value_of_zero is relatively large. "
+                "Faithfulness of final fidelity estimate is not guaranteed.",
+                UserWarning,
+            )
+        if leaf_size >= 65:  # Imposed to avoid bond ID collisions
+            # More than 20 qubits is already unreasonable for a leaf anyway
+            raise ValueError("Maximum allowed leaf_size is 65.")
+        self.leaf_size = leaf_size
+        self.k = k
+        self.optim_delta = 1e-5
+        self.loglevel = loglevel
+    def copy(self) -> Config:
+        """Standard copy of the contents."""
+        return Config(
+            chi=self.chi,
+            truncation_fidelity=self.truncation_fidelity,
+            float_precision=self._real_t,  # type: ignore
+            value_of_zero=self.zero,
+            leaf_size=self.leaf_size,
+            k=self.k,
+            optim_delta=self.optim_delta,
+            loglevel=self.loglevel,
+        )
+class StructuredState(ABC):
+    """Class representing a Tensor Network state."""
+    @abstractmethod
+    def is_valid(self) -> bool:
+        """Verify that the tensor network state is valid.
+        Returns:
+            False if a violation was detected or True otherwise.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def apply_gate(self, gate: Command) -> StructuredState:
+        """Applies the gate to the StructuredState.
+        Args:
+            gate: The gate to be applied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        Raises:
+            RuntimeError: If the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` is out of scope.
+            RuntimeError: If gate is not supported.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def apply_scalar(self, scalar: complex) -> StructuredState:
+        """Multiplies the state by a complex number.
+        Args:
+            scalar: The complex number to be multiplied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def vdot(self, other: StructuredState) -> complex:
+        """Obtain the inner product of the two states: ``<self|other>``.
+        It can be used to compute the squared norm of a state ``state`` as
+        ``state.vdot(state)``. The tensors within the state are not modified.
+        Note:
+            The state that is conjugated is ``self``.
+        Args:
+            other: The other ``StructuredState``.
+        Returns:
+            The resulting complex number.
+        Raises:
+            RuntimeError: If the two states do not have the same qubits.
+            RuntimeError: If the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` is out of scope.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def sample(self) -> dict[Qubit, int]:
+        """Returns a sample from a Z measurement applied on every qubit.
+        Notes:
+            The contents of ``self`` are not updated. This is equivalent to applying
+            ``state = self.copy()`` then ``state.measure(state.get_qubits())``.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary mapping each qubit in the state to its 0 or 1 outcome.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def measure(self, qubits: set[Qubit]) -> dict[Qubit, int]:
+        """Applies a Z measurement on ``qubits``, updates the state and returns outcome.
+        Notes:
+            After applying this function, ``self`` will contain the projected
+            state over the non-measured qubits.
+            The resulting state has been normalised.
+        Args:
+            qubits: The subset of qubits to be measured.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary mapping the given ``qubits`` to their measurement outcome,
+            i.e. either ``0`` or ``1``.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If an element in ``qubits`` is not a qubit in the state.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def postselect(self, qubit_outcomes: dict[Qubit, int]) -> float:
+        """Applies a postselection, updates the states and returns its probability.
+        Notes:
+            After applying this function, ``self`` will contain the projected
+            state over the non-postselected qubits.
+            The resulting state has been normalised.
+        Args:
+            qubit_outcomes: A dictionary mapping a subset of qubits to their
+                desired outcome value (either ``0`` or ``1``).
+        Returns:
+            The probability of this postselection to occur in a measurement.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If a key in ``qubit_outcomes`` is not a qubit in the state.
+            ValueError: If a value in ``qubit_outcomes`` is other than ``0`` or ``1``.
+            ValueError: If all of the qubits in the state are being postselected.
+                Instead, you may wish to use ``get_amplitude()``.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def expectation_value(self, pauli_string: QubitPauliString) -> float:
+        """Obtains the expectation value of the Pauli string observable.
+        Args:
+            pauli_string: A pytket object representing a tensor product of Paulis.
+        Returns:
+            The expectation value.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If a key in ``pauli_string`` is not a qubit in the state.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_fidelity(self) -> float:
+        """Returns the current fidelity of the state."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_statevector(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Returns the statevector with qubits in Increasing Lexicographic Order (ILO).
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If there are no qubits left in the state.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_amplitude(self, state: int) -> complex:
+        """Returns the amplitude of the chosen computational state.
+        Notes:
+            The result is equivalent to ``state.get_statevector[b]``, but this method
+            is faster when querying a single amplitude (or just a few).
+        Args:
+            state: The integer whose bitstring describes the computational state.
+                The qubits in the bitstring are in increasing lexicographic order.
+        Returns:
+            The amplitude of the computational state in ``self``.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_qubits(self) -> set[Qubit]:
+        """Returns the set of qubits that ``self`` is defined on."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_byte_size(self) -> int:
+        """Returns the number of bytes ``self`` currently occupies in GPU memory."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_device_id(self) -> int:
+        """Returns the identifier of the device (GPU) where the tensors are stored."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def update_libhandle(self, libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle) -> None:
+        """Update the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` used by ``self``. Multiple
+        objects may use the same handle.
+        Args:
+            libhandle: The new cuTensorNet library handle.
+        Raises:
+            RuntimeError: If the device (GPU) where ``libhandle`` was initialised
+                does not match the one where the tensors of ``self`` are stored.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def copy(self) -> StructuredState:
+        """Returns a deep copy of ``self`` on the same device."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    @abstractmethod
+    def _flush(self) -> None:
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps.py
similarity index 79%
rename from pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps.py
rename to pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps.py
index 6f072241..83329f25 100644
--- a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps.py
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps.py
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 from __future__ import annotations  # type: ignore
 import warnings
-import logging
-from typing import Any, Optional, Union
+from typing import Union
 from enum import Enum
 from random import random  # type: ignore
@@ -26,7 +25,6 @@
     warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cupy", ImportWarning)
     import cuquantum as cq  # type: ignore
-    import cuquantum.cutensornet as cutn  # type: ignore
     from cuquantum.cutensornet import tensor  # type: ignore
 except ImportError:
     warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cutensornet", ImportWarning)
@@ -36,168 +34,17 @@
 from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.general import set_logger
-# An alias so that `intptr_t` from CuQuantum's API (which is not available in
-# base python) has some meaningful type name.
-Handle = int
-# An alias for the CuPy type used for tensors
-    Tensor = cp.ndarray
-except NameError:
-    Tensor = Any
+from .general import CuTensorNetHandle, Config, StructuredState, Tensor
-class DirectionMPS(Enum):
+class DirMPS(Enum):
     """An enum to refer to relative directions within the MPS."""
     LEFT = 0
     RIGHT = 1
-class CuTensorNetHandle:
-    """Initialise the cuTensorNet library with automatic workspace memory
-    management.
-    Note:
-        Always use as ``with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:`` so that cuTensorNet
-        handles are automatically destroyed at the end of execution.
-    Attributes:
-        handle (int): The cuTensorNet library handle created by this initialisation.
-        device_id (int): The ID of the device (GPU) where cuTensorNet is initialised.
-            If not provided, defaults to ``cp.cuda.Device()``.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, device_id: Optional[int] = None):
-        self.handle = cutn.create()
-        self._is_destroyed = False
-        # Make sure CuPy uses the specified device
-        cp.cuda.Device(device_id).use()
-        dev = cp.cuda.Device()
-        self.device_id = int(dev)
-    def __enter__(self) -> CuTensorNetHandle:
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_value: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None:
-        cutn.destroy(self.handle)
-        self._is_destroyed = True
-class ConfigMPS:
-    """Configuration class for simulation using MPS."""
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        chi: Optional[int] = None,
-        truncation_fidelity: Optional[float] = None,
-        k: int = 4,
-        optim_delta: float = 1e-5,
-        float_precision: Union[np.float32, np.float64] = np.float64,  # type: ignore
-        value_of_zero: float = 1e-16,
-        loglevel: int = logging.WARNING,
-    ):
-        """Instantiate a configuration object for MPS simulation.
-        Note:
-            Providing both a custom ``chi`` and ``truncation_fidelity`` will raise an
-            exception. Choose one or the other (or neither, for exact simulation).
-        Args:
-            chi: The maximum value allowed for the dimension of the virtual
-                bonds. Higher implies better approximation but more
-                computational resources. If not provided, ``chi`` will be unbounded.
-            truncation_fidelity: Every time a two-qubit gate is applied, the virtual
-                bond will be truncated to the minimum dimension that satisfies
-                ``|<psi|phi>|^2 >= trucantion_fidelity``, where ``|psi>`` and ``|phi>``
-                are the states before and after truncation (both normalised).
-                If not provided, it will default to its maximum value 1.
-            k: If using MPSxMPO, the maximum number of layers the MPO is allowed to
-                have before being contracted. Increasing this might increase fidelity,
-                but it will also increase resource requirements exponentially.
-                Ignored if not using MPSxMPO. Default value is 4.
-            optim_delta: If using MPSxMPO, stopping criteria for the optimisation when
-                contracting the ``k`` layers of MPO. Stops when the increase of fidelity
-                between iterations is smaller than ``optim_delta``.
-                Ignored if not using MPSxMPO. Default value is ``1e-5``.
-            float_precision: The floating point precision used in tensor calculations;
-                choose from ``numpy`` types: ``np.float64`` or ``np.float32``.
-                Complex numbers are represented using two of such
-                ``float`` numbers. Default is ``np.float64``.
-            value_of_zero: Any number below this value will be considered equal to zero.
-                Even when no ``chi`` or ``truncation_fidelity`` is provided, singular
-                values below this number will be truncated.
-                We suggest to use a value slightly below what your chosen
-                ``float_precision`` can reasonably achieve. For instance, ``1e-16`` for
-                ``np.float64`` precision (default) and ``1e-7`` for ``np.float32``.
-            loglevel: Internal logger output level. Use 30 for warnings only, 20 for
-                verbose and 10 for debug mode.
-        Raises:
-            ValueError: If both ``chi`` and ``truncation_fidelity`` are fixed.
-            ValueError: If the value of ``chi`` is set below 2.
-            ValueError: If the value of ``truncation_fidelity`` is not in [0,1].
-        """
-        if (
-            chi is not None
-            and truncation_fidelity is not None
-            and truncation_fidelity != 1.0
-        ):
-            raise ValueError("Cannot fix both chi and truncation_fidelity.")
-        if chi is None:
-            chi = 2**60  # In practice, this is like having it be unbounded
-        if truncation_fidelity is None:
-            truncation_fidelity = 1
-        if chi < 2:
-            raise ValueError("The max virtual bond dim (chi) must be >= 2.")
-        if truncation_fidelity < 0 or truncation_fidelity > 1:
-            raise ValueError("Provide a value of truncation_fidelity in [0,1].")
-        self.chi = chi
-        self.truncation_fidelity = truncation_fidelity
-        if float_precision is None or float_precision == np.float64:  # Double precision
-            self._real_t = np.float64  # type: ignore
-            self._complex_t = np.complex128  # type: ignore
-            self._atol = 1e-12
-        elif float_precision == np.float32:  # Single precision
-            self._real_t = np.float32  # type: ignore
-            self._complex_t = np.complex64  # type: ignore
-            self._atol = 1e-4
-        else:
-            allowed_precisions = [np.float64, np.float32]
-            raise TypeError(
-                f"Value of float_precision must be in {allowed_precisions}."
-            )
-        self.zero = value_of_zero
-        if value_of_zero > self._atol / 1000:
-            warnings.warn(
-                "Your chosen value_of_zero is relatively large. "
-                "Faithfulness of final fidelity estimate is not guaranteed.",
-                UserWarning,
-            )
-        self.k = k
-        self.optim_delta = optim_delta
-        self.loglevel = loglevel
-    def copy(self) -> ConfigMPS:
-        """Standard copy of the contents."""
-        return ConfigMPS(
-            chi=self.chi,
-            truncation_fidelity=self.truncation_fidelity,
-            k=self.k,
-            optim_delta=self.optim_delta,
-            float_precision=self._real_t,  # type: ignore
-            value_of_zero=self.zero,
-            loglevel=self.loglevel,
-        )
-class MPS:
+class MPS(StructuredState):
     """Represents a state as a Matrix Product State.
@@ -206,7 +53,7 @@ class MPS:
             and ``tensors[i+1]`` are connected in the MPS via a bond. All of the
             tensors are rank three, with the dimensions listed in ``.shape`` matching
             the left, right and physical bonds, in that order.
-        canonical_form (dict[int, Optional[DirectionMPS]]): A dictionary mapping
+        canonical_form (dict[int, Optional[DirMPS]]): A dictionary mapping
             positions to the canonical form direction of the corresponding tensor,
             or ``None`` if it the tensor is not canonicalised.
         qubit_position (dict[pytket.circuit.Qubit, int]): A dictionary mapping circuit
@@ -221,9 +68,9 @@ def __init__(
         libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle,
         qubits: list[Qubit],
-        config: ConfigMPS,
+        config: Config,
-        """Initialise an MPS on the computational state ``|0>``.
+        """Initialise an MPS on the computational state ``|0>``
             A ``libhandle`` should be created via a ``with CuTensorNet() as libhandle:``
@@ -246,24 +93,24 @@ def __init__(
         n_tensors = len(qubits)
         if n_tensors == 0:  # There's no initialisation to be done
-            return None
+            pass
         elif n_tensors == 1:
             raise ValueError("Please, provide at least two qubits.")
+        else:
+            self.qubit_position = {q: i for i, q in enumerate(qubits)}
-        self.qubit_position = {q: i for i, q in enumerate(qubits)}
-        # Create the list of tensors
-        self.tensors = []
-        self.canonical_form = {i: None for i in range(n_tensors)}
+            # Create the list of tensors
+            self.tensors: list[Tensor] = []
+            self.canonical_form = {i: None for i in range(n_tensors)}
-        # Append each of the tensors initialised in state |0>
-        m_shape = (1, 1, 2)  # Two virtual bonds (dim=1) and one physical
-        for i in range(n_tensors):
-            m_tensor = cp.empty(m_shape, dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
-            # Initialise the tensor to ket 0
-            m_tensor[0][0][0] = 1
-            m_tensor[0][0][1] = 0
-            self.tensors.append(m_tensor)
+            # Append each of the tensors initialised in state |0>
+            m_shape = (1, 1, 2)  # Two virtual bonds (dim=1) and one physical
+            for i in range(n_tensors):
+                m_tensor = cp.empty(m_shape, dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
+                # Initialise the tensor to ket 0
+                m_tensor[0][0][0] = 1
+                m_tensor[0][0][1] = 0
+                self.tensors.append(m_tensor)
     def is_valid(self) -> bool:
         """Verify that the MPS object is valid.
@@ -358,6 +205,18 @@ def apply_gate(self, gate: Command) -> MPS:
         return self
+    def apply_scalar(self, scalar: complex) -> MPS:
+        """Multiplies the state by a complex number.
+        Args:
+            scalar: The complex number to be multiplied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        """
+        self.tensors[0] *= scalar
+        return self
     def canonicalise(self, l_pos: int, r_pos: int) -> None:
         """Canonicalises the MPS object.
@@ -374,13 +233,13 @@ def canonicalise(self, l_pos: int, r_pos: int) -> None:
         self._logger.debug(f"Start canonicalisation... l_pos={l_pos}, r_pos={r_pos}")
         for pos in range(l_pos):
-            self.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+            self.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirMPS.LEFT)
         for pos in reversed(range(r_pos + 1, len(self))):
-            self.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
+            self.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirMPS.RIGHT)
         self._logger.debug(f"Finished canonicalisation.")
-    def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirectionMPS) -> None:
+    def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirMPS) -> None:
         """Canonicalises a tensor from an MPS object.
         Applies the necessary gauge transformations so that the tensor at
@@ -393,7 +252,7 @@ def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirectionMPS) -> None:
                 connected to its left bond and physical bond. Similarly for RIGHT.
-            ValueError: If ``form`` is not a value in ``DirectionMPS``.
+            ValueError: If ``form`` is not a value in ``DirMPS``.
             RuntimeError: If the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` is out of scope.
         if form == self.canonical_form[pos]:
@@ -419,7 +278,7 @@ def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirectionMPS) -> None:
         T = self.tensors[pos]
         # Assign the bond IDs
-        if form == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
+        if form == DirMPS.LEFT:
             next_pos = pos + 1
             Tnext = self.tensors[next_pos]
             T_bonds = "vsp"
@@ -427,7 +286,7 @@ def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirectionMPS) -> None:
             R_bonds = "as"
             Tnext_bonds = "sVP"
             result_bonds = "aVP"
-        elif form == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
+        elif form == DirMPS.RIGHT:
             next_pos = pos - 1
             Tnext = self.tensors[next_pos]
             T_bonds = "svp"
@@ -436,7 +295,7 @@ def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirectionMPS) -> None:
             Tnext_bonds = "VsP"
             result_bonds = "VaP"
-            raise ValueError("Argument form must be a value in DirectionMPS.")
+            raise ValueError("Argument form must be a value in DirMPS.")
         # Apply QR decomposition
         self._logger.debug(f"QR decompose a {T.nbytes / 2**20} MiB tensor.")
@@ -465,7 +324,7 @@ def canonicalise_tensor(self, pos: int, form: DirectionMPS) -> None:
         self.tensors[next_pos] = result
         self.canonical_form[next_pos] = None
-    def vdot(self, other: MPS) -> complex:
+    def vdot(self, other: MPS) -> complex:  # type: ignore
         """Obtain the inner product of the two MPS: ``<self|other>``.
         It can be used to compute the squared norm of an MPS ``mps`` as
@@ -475,7 +334,7 @@ def vdot(self, other: MPS) -> complex:
             The state that is conjugated is ``self``.
-            other: The other MPS to compare against.
+            other: The other MPS.
             The resulting complex number.
@@ -820,6 +679,10 @@ def expectation_value(self, pauli_string: QubitPauliString) -> float:
         self._logger.debug(f"Expectation value is {value.real}.")
         return value.real
+    def get_fidelity(self) -> float:
+        """Returns the current fidelity of the state."""
+        return self.fidelity
     def get_statevector(self) -> np.ndarray:
         """Returns the statevector with qubits in Increasing Lexicographic Order (ILO).
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps_gate.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps_gate.py
similarity index 97%
rename from pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps_gate.py
rename to pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps_gate.py
index 06864530..c21dc958 100644
--- a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps_gate.py
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps_gate.py
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ def _apply_2q_gate(self, positions: tuple[int, int], gate: Op) -> MPSxGate:
             # remove any singular values below ``self._cfg.zero``.
             self._logger.debug(f"Truncating singular values below={self._cfg.zero}.")
             if self._cfg.zero > self._cfg._atol / 1000:
-                self._logger.info(  # This was raised as a warning in ConfigMPS already
+                self._logger.info(  # This was raised as a warning in Config already
                     "Your chosen value_of_zero is relatively large. "
                     "Faithfulness of final fidelity estimate is not guaranteed."
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps_mpo.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps_mpo.py
similarity index 89%
rename from pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps_mpo.py
rename to pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps_mpo.py
index 6e1fa49a..192d2566 100644
--- a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/mps/mps_mpo.py
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/mps_mpo.py
@@ -29,11 +29,9 @@
     warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cutensornet", ImportWarning)
 from pytket.circuit import Op, Qubit
+from .general import CuTensorNetHandle, Tensor, Config
 from .mps import (
-    CuTensorNetHandle,
-    DirectionMPS,
-    ConfigMPS,
-    Tensor,
+    DirMPS,
 from .mps_gate import MPSxGate
@@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ def __init__(
         libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle,
         qubits: list[Qubit],
-        config: ConfigMPS,
+        config: Config,
         """Initialise an MPS on the computational state ``|0>``.
@@ -281,7 +279,7 @@ def _get_physical_bond(self, position: int) -> int:
             return self._new_bond_id()
-    def _get_column_bonds(self, position: int, direction: DirectionMPS) -> list[int]:
+    def _get_column_bonds(self, position: int, direction: DirMPS) -> list[int]:
         """Returns the unique identifier of all the left (right) virtual bonds of
         MPO tensors at ``position`` if ``direction`` is ``LEFT`` (``RIGHT``).
@@ -290,17 +288,17 @@ def _get_column_bonds(self, position: int, direction: DirectionMPS) -> list[int]
             RuntimeError: If ``position`` is out of bounds.
-            ValueError: If ``direction`` is not a value in ``DirectionMPS``.
+            ValueError: If ``direction`` is not a value in ``DirMPS``.
         if position < 0 or position >= len(self):
             raise RuntimeError(f"Position {position} is out of bounds.")
-        if direction == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
+        if direction == DirMPS.LEFT:
             index = 1  # By convention, left bond at index 1
-        elif direction == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
+        elif direction == DirMPS.RIGHT:
             index = 2  # By convention, right bond at index 2
-            raise ValueError("Argument form must be a value in DirectionMPS.")
+            raise ValueError("Argument form must be a value in DirMPS.")
         return [b_ids[index] for b_ids in self._bond_ids[position]]
@@ -316,9 +314,9 @@ def _flush(self) -> None:
         l_cached_tensors: list[Tensor] = []
         r_cached_tensors: list[Tensor] = []
-        def update_sweep_cache(pos: int, direction: DirectionMPS) -> None:
+        def update_sweep_cache(pos: int, direction: DirMPS) -> None:
             """Given a position in the MPS and a sweeping direction (see
-            ``DirectionMPS``), calculate the tensor of the partial contraction
+            ``DirMPS``), calculate the tensor of the partial contraction
             of all MPS-MPO-vMPS* columns from ``pos`` towards ``direction``.
             Update the cache accordingly. Applies canonicalisation on the vMPS
             tensor before contracting.
@@ -326,10 +324,10 @@ def update_sweep_cache(pos: int, direction: DirectionMPS) -> None:
             self._logger.debug("Updating the sweep cache...")
             # Canonicalise the tensor at ``pos``
-            if direction == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
-                self._aux_mps.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
-            elif direction == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
-                self._aux_mps.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+            if direction == DirMPS.LEFT:
+                self._aux_mps.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirMPS.RIGHT)
+            elif direction == DirMPS.RIGHT:
+                self._aux_mps.canonicalise_tensor(pos, form=DirMPS.LEFT)
             # Glossary of bond IDs
             # p -> the physical bond of the MPS tensor
@@ -363,26 +361,26 @@ def update_sweep_cache(pos: int, direction: DirectionMPS) -> None:
             # Also contract the previous (cached) tensor during the sweep
-            if direction == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
+            if direction == DirMPS.LEFT:
                 if pos != len(self) - 1:  # Otherwise, there is nothing cached yet
-                    r_cached_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos + 1, DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+                    r_cached_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos + 1, DirMPS.LEFT)
                     interleaved_rep.append(["r", "R"] + r_cached_bonds)
-            elif direction == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
+            elif direction == DirMPS.RIGHT:
                 if pos != 0:  # Otherwise, there is nothing cached yet
-                    l_cached_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos - 1, DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
+                    l_cached_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos - 1, DirMPS.RIGHT)
                     interleaved_rep.append(["l", "L"] + l_cached_bonds)
             # Figure out the ID of the bonds of the contracted tensor
-            if direction == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
+            if direction == DirMPS.LEFT:
                 # Take the left bond of each of the MPO tensors
-                result_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos, DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+                result_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos, DirMPS.LEFT)
                 # Take the left virtual bond of both of the MPS
                 interleaved_rep.append(["l", "L"] + result_bonds)
-            elif direction == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
+            elif direction == DirMPS.RIGHT:
                 # Take the right bond of each of the MPO tensors
-                result_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos, DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
+                result_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos, DirMPS.RIGHT)
                 # Take the right virtual bond of both of the MPS
                 interleaved_rep.append(["r", "R"] + result_bonds)
@@ -390,11 +388,11 @@ def update_sweep_cache(pos: int, direction: DirectionMPS) -> None:
             T = cq.contract(
                 options={"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id},
-                optimize={"samples": 1},
+                optimize={"samples": 0},
-            if direction == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
+            if direction == DirMPS.LEFT:
-            elif direction == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
+            elif direction == DirMPS.RIGHT:
             self._logger.debug("Completed update of the sweep cache.")
@@ -436,12 +434,12 @@ def update_variational_tensor(
             if left_tensor is not None:
-                left_tensor_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos - 1, DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
+                left_tensor_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos - 1, DirMPS.RIGHT)
                 interleaved_rep.append(["l", "L"] + left_tensor_bonds)
                 result_bonds[0] = "L"
             if right_tensor is not None:
-                right_tensor_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos + 1, DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+                right_tensor_bonds = self._get_column_bonds(pos + 1, DirMPS.LEFT)
                 interleaved_rep.append(["r", "R"] + right_tensor_bonds)
                 result_bonds[1] = "R"
@@ -452,7 +450,7 @@ def update_variational_tensor(
             F = cq.contract(
                 options={"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id},
-                optimize={"samples": 1},
+                optimize={"samples": 0},
             # Get the fidelity
@@ -483,22 +481,22 @@ def update_variational_tensor(
         # Begin by doing a sweep towards the left that does not update
         # the variational tensors, but simply loads up the ``r_cached_tensors``
         for pos in reversed(range(1, len(self))):
-            update_sweep_cache(pos, direction=DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+            update_sweep_cache(pos, direction=DirMPS.LEFT)
         prev_fidelity = -1.0  # Dummy value
         sweep_fidelity = 0.0  # Dummy value
         # Repeat sweeps until the fidelity converges
-        sweep_direction = DirectionMPS.RIGHT
+        sweep_direction = DirMPS.RIGHT
         while not np.isclose(prev_fidelity, sweep_fidelity, atol=self._cfg.optim_delta):
             self._logger.info(f"Doing another optimisation sweep...")
             prev_fidelity = sweep_fidelity
-            if sweep_direction == DirectionMPS.RIGHT:
+            if sweep_direction == DirMPS.RIGHT:
                 sweep_fidelity = update_variational_tensor(
                     pos=0, left_tensor=None, right_tensor=r_cached_tensors.pop()
-                update_sweep_cache(pos=0, direction=DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
+                update_sweep_cache(pos=0, direction=DirMPS.RIGHT)
                 for pos in range(1, len(self) - 1):
                     sweep_fidelity = update_variational_tensor(
@@ -506,19 +504,19 @@ def update_variational_tensor(
-                    update_sweep_cache(pos, direction=DirectionMPS.RIGHT)
+                    update_sweep_cache(pos, direction=DirMPS.RIGHT)
                 # The last variational tensor is not updated;
                 # it'll be the first in the next sweep
-                sweep_direction = DirectionMPS.LEFT
+                sweep_direction = DirMPS.LEFT
-            elif sweep_direction == DirectionMPS.LEFT:
+            elif sweep_direction == DirMPS.LEFT:
                 sweep_fidelity = update_variational_tensor(
                     pos=len(self) - 1,
-                update_sweep_cache(pos=len(self) - 1, direction=DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+                update_sweep_cache(pos=len(self) - 1, direction=DirMPS.LEFT)
                 for pos in reversed(range(1, len(self) - 1)):
                     sweep_fidelity = update_variational_tensor(
@@ -526,11 +524,11 @@ def update_variational_tensor(
-                    update_sweep_cache(pos, direction=DirectionMPS.LEFT)
+                    update_sweep_cache(pos, direction=DirMPS.LEFT)
                 # The last variational tensor is not updated;
                 # it'll be the first in the next sweep
-                sweep_direction = DirectionMPS.RIGHT
+                sweep_direction = DirMPS.RIGHT
                 "Optimisation sweep completed. "
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/simulation.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/simulation.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0df64f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/simulation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2024 Quantinuum
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from typing import Optional
+import warnings
+from enum import Enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from collections import defaultdict  # type: ignore
+import numpy as np  # type: ignore
+import networkx as nx  # type: ignore
+    import kahypar  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import kahypar", ImportWarning)
+from pytket.circuit import Circuit, Command, Qubit
+from pytket.transform import Transform
+from pytket.architecture import Architecture
+from pytket.passes import DefaultMappingPass
+from pytket.predicates import CompilationUnit
+from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.general import set_logger
+from .general import CuTensorNetHandle, Config, StructuredState
+from .mps_gate import MPSxGate
+from .mps_mpo import MPSxMPO
+from .ttn_gate import TTNxGate
+class SimulationAlgorithm(Enum):
+    """An enum to refer to the StructuredState contraction algorithm.
+    Each enum value corresponds to the class with the same name; see its docs for
+    information about the algorithm.
+    """
+    TTNxGate = 0
+    MPSxGate = 1
+    MPSxMPO = 2
+def simulate(
+    libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle,
+    circuit: Circuit,
+    algorithm: SimulationAlgorithm,
+    config: Config,
+) -> StructuredState:
+    """Simulates the circuit and returns the ``StructuredState`` of the final state.
+    Note:
+        A ``libhandle`` should be created via a ``with CuTensorNet() as libhandle:``
+        statement. The device where the ``StructuredState`` is stored will match the one
+        specified by the library handle.
+        The input ``circuit`` must be composed of one-qubit and two-qubit gates only.
+        Any gateset supported by ``pytket`` can be used.
+    Args:
+        libhandle: The cuTensorNet library handle that will be used to carry out
+            tensor operations.
+        circuit: The pytket circuit to be simulated.
+        algorithm: Choose between the values of the ``SimulationAlgorithm`` enum.
+        config: The configuration object for simulation.
+    Returns:
+        An instance of ``StructuredState`` for (an approximation of) the final state
+        of the circuit. The instance be of the class matching ``algorithm``.
+    """
+    logger = set_logger("Simulation", level=config.loglevel)
+    logger.info(
+        "Ordering the gates in the circuit to reduce canonicalisation overhead."
+    )
+    if algorithm == SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate:
+        state = MPSxGate(  # type: ignore
+            libhandle,
+            circuit.qubits,
+            config,
+        )
+        sorted_gates = _get_sorted_gates(circuit, algorithm)
+    elif algorithm == SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO:
+        state = MPSxMPO(  # type: ignore
+            libhandle,
+            circuit.qubits,
+            config,
+        )
+        sorted_gates = _get_sorted_gates(circuit, algorithm)
+    elif algorithm == SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate:
+        qubit_partition = _get_qubit_partition(circuit, config.leaf_size)
+        state = TTNxGate(  # type: ignore
+            libhandle,
+            qubit_partition,
+            config,
+        )
+        sorted_gates = _get_sorted_gates(circuit, algorithm, qubit_partition)
+    logger.info("Running simulation...")
+    # Apply the gates
+    for i, g in enumerate(sorted_gates):
+        state.apply_gate(g)
+        logger.info(f"Progress... {(100*i) // len(sorted_gates)}%")
+    # Apply the batched operations that are left (if any)
+    state._flush()
+    # Apply the circuit's phase to the state
+    state.apply_scalar(np.exp(1j * np.pi * circuit.phase))
+    logger.info("Simulation completed.")
+    logger.info(f"Final StructuredState size={state.get_byte_size() / 2**20} MiB")
+    logger.info(f"Final StructuredState fidelity={state.fidelity}")
+    return state
+def prepare_circuit_mps(circuit: Circuit) -> tuple[Circuit, dict[Qubit, Qubit]]:
+    """Transpiles the circuit for it to be ``MPS``-friendly.
+    Returns an equivalent circuit with the appropriate structure to be simulated by
+    an ``MPS`` algorithm.
+    Note:
+        The qubits in the output circuit will be renamed. Implicit SWAPs may be added
+        to the circuit, meaning that the logical qubit held at the ``node[i]`` qubit
+        at the beginning of the circuit may differ from the one it holds at the end.
+    Args:
+        circuit: The circuit to be simulated.
+    Returns:
+        A tuple with an equivalent circuit with the appropriate structure and a
+        map of qubit names at the end of the circuit to their corresponding
+        original names.
+    """
+    # Implement it in a line architecture
+    cu = CompilationUnit(circuit)
+    architecture = Architecture([(i, i + 1) for i in range(circuit.n_qubits - 1)])
+    DefaultMappingPass(architecture).apply(cu)
+    prep_circ = cu.circuit
+    Transform.DecomposeBRIDGE().apply(prep_circ)
+    qubit_map: dict[Qubit, Qubit] = {}
+    for orig_q, arch_q in cu.final_map.items():
+        assert isinstance(orig_q, Qubit)
+        assert isinstance(arch_q, Qubit)
+        qubit_map[arch_q] = orig_q
+    return (prep_circ, qubit_map)
+def _get_qubit_partition(
+    circuit: Circuit, max_q_per_leaf: int
+) -> dict[int, list[Qubit]]:
+    """Returns a qubit partition for a TTN.
+    Proceeds by recursive bisection of the qubit connectivity graph, so that
+    qubits that interact with each other less are connected by a common ancestor
+    closer to the root.
+    Args:
+        circuit: The circuit to be simulated.
+        max_q_per_leaf: The maximum allowed number of qubits per node leaf
+    Returns:
+        A dictionary describing the partition in the format expected by TTN.
+    Raises:
+        RuntimeError: If gate acts on more than 2 qubits.
+    """
+    # Scan the circuit and generate the edges of the connectivity graph
+    edge_weights: dict[tuple[Qubit, Qubit], int] = dict()
+    for cmd in circuit.get_commands():
+        if cmd.op.is_gate():
+            if cmd.op.n_qubits == 2:
+                edge = (min(cmd.qubits), max(cmd.qubits))
+                if edge in edge_weights:
+                    edge_weights[edge] += 1
+                else:
+                    edge_weights[edge] = 1
+            elif cmd.op.n_qubits > 2:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    "Gates must act on only 1 or 2 qubits! "
+                    + f"This is not satisfied by {cmd}."
+                )
+    # Create the connectivity graph in NetworkX
+    connectivity_graph = nx.Graph()
+    connectivity_graph.add_nodes_from(circuit.qubits)
+    for (u, v), weight in edge_weights.items():
+        connectivity_graph.add_edge(u, v, weight=weight)
+    # Apply balanced bisections until each qubit group is small enough
+    partition = {0: circuit.qubits}
+    stop_bisec = False  # Do at least one bisection (TTN reqs >1 leaf nodes)
+    while not stop_bisec:
+        old_partition = partition.copy()
+        for key, group in old_partition.items():
+            # Apply the balanced bisection on this group
+            (groupA, groupB) = _apply_kahypar_bisection(
+                connectivity_graph.subgraph(group),
+            )
+            # Groups A and B are on the same subtree (key separated by +1)
+            partition[2 * key] = groupA
+            partition[2 * key + 1] = groupB
+        # Stop if all groups have less than ``max_q_per_leaf`` qubits in them
+        stop_bisec = all(len(group) <= max_q_per_leaf for group in partition.values())
+    qubit_partition = {key: list(leaf_qubits) for key, leaf_qubits in partition.items()}
+    return qubit_partition
+def _apply_kahypar_bisection(
+    graph: nx.Graph,
+) -> tuple[list[Qubit], list[Qubit]]:
+    """Use KaHyPar to obtain a bisection of the graph.
+    Returns:
+        Two lists, each containing the vertices in either group of the bisection.
+    """
+    vertices = list(graph.nodes)
+    edges = list(graph.edges)
+    weight_dict = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, "weight")
+    qubit_dict = {q: i for i, q in enumerate(vertices)}
+    num_vertices = len(vertices)
+    num_edges = len(edges)
+    k = 2  # Number of groups in the partition
+    epsilon = 0.03  # Imbalance tolerance
+    # Special case where the graph has no edges; KaHyPar cannot deal with it
+    if num_edges == 0:
+        # Just split the list of vertices in half
+        return (vertices[: num_vertices // 2], vertices[num_vertices // 2 :])
+    # KaHyPar expects the list of edges to be provided as a continuous set of vertices
+    # ``edge_stream`` where ``edge_indices`` indicates where each new edge begins
+    # (the latter is necessary because KaHyPar can accept hyperedges)
+    edge_stream = [qubit_dict[vertex] for edge in edges for vertex in edge]
+    edge_indices = [0] + [2 * (i + 1) for i in range(num_edges)]
+    edge_weights = [weight_dict[edge] for edge in edges]
+    vertex_weights = [1 for _ in range(num_vertices)]
+    hypergraph = kahypar.Hypergraph(
+        num_vertices,
+        num_edges,
+        edge_indices,
+        edge_stream,
+        k,
+        edge_weights,
+        vertex_weights,
+    )
+    # Set up the configuration for KaHyPar
+    context = kahypar.Context()
+    context.setK(k)
+    context.setEpsilon(epsilon)
+    context.suppressOutput(True)
+    # Load the default configuration file provided by the KaHyPar devs
+    ini_file = str(Path(__file__).parent / "cut_rKaHyPar_sea20.ini")
+    context.loadINIconfiguration(ini_file)
+    # Run the partitioner
+    kahypar.partition(hypergraph, context)
+    partition_dict = {i: hypergraph.blockID(i) for i in range(hypergraph.numNodes())}
+    # Obtain the two groups of qubits from ``partition_dict``
+    groupA = [vertices[i] for i, block in partition_dict.items() if block == 0]
+    groupB = [vertices[i] for i, block in partition_dict.items() if block == 1]
+    return (groupA, groupB)
+def _get_sorted_gates(
+    circuit: Circuit,
+    algorithm: SimulationAlgorithm,
+    qubit_partition: Optional[dict[int, list[Qubit]]] = None,
+) -> list[Command]:
+    """Sorts the list of gates so that there's less canonicalisation during simulation.
+    Returns an equivalent list of commands fixing the order of parallel gates so that
+    2-qubit gates that are close together are applied one after the other. This reduces
+    the overhead of canonicalisation during simulation.
+    Args:
+        circuit: The original circuit.
+        algorithm: The simulation algorithm that will be used on this circuit.
+        qubit_partition: For TTN simulation algorithms only. A partition of the
+            qubits in the circuit into disjoint groups, describing the hierarchical
+            structure of the TTN.
+    Returns:
+        The same gates, ordered in a beneficial way for the given algorithm.
+    """
+    all_gates = circuit.get_commands()
+    sorted_gates = []
+    # Entries from `all_gates` that are not yet in `sorted_gates`
+    remaining = set(range(len(all_gates)))
+    # Do some precomputation depending on the algorithm
+    if algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate]:
+        if qubit_partition is None:
+            raise RuntimeError("You must provide a qubit partition!")
+        leaf_of_qubit: dict[Qubit, int] = dict()
+        for leaf, qubits in qubit_partition.items():
+            for q in qubits:
+                leaf_of_qubit[q] = leaf
+    elif algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO]:
+        idx_of_qubit = {q: i for i, q in enumerate(circuit.qubits)}
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Sorting gates for {algorithm} not supported.")
+    # Create the list of indices of gates acting on each qubit
+    gate_indices: dict[Qubit, list[int]] = defaultdict(list)
+    for i, g in enumerate(all_gates):
+        for q in g.qubits:
+            gate_indices[q].append(i)
+    # Schedule all 1-qubit gates at the beginning of the circuit
+    for q, indices in gate_indices.items():
+        while indices and len(all_gates[indices[0]].qubits) == 1:
+            i = indices.pop(0)
+            sorted_gates.append(all_gates[i])
+            remaining.remove(i)
+    # Decide which 2-qubit gate to apply next
+    last_qubits = [circuit.qubits[0], circuit.qubits[0]]  # Arbitrary choice at start
+    while remaining:
+        # Gather all gates that have nothing in front of them at one of its qubits
+        reachable_gates = [gates[0] for gates in gate_indices.values() if gates]
+        # Among them, find those that are available in both qubits
+        available_gates: list[int] = []
+        for gate_idx in reachable_gates:
+            gate_qubits = all_gates[gate_idx].qubits
+            assert len(gate_qubits) == 2  # Sanity check: all of them are 2-qubit gates
+            # If the first gate in both qubits coincides, then this gate is available
+            if gate_indices[gate_qubits[0]][0] == gate_indices[gate_qubits[1]][0]:
+                assert gate_indices[gate_qubits[0]][0] == gate_idx
+                available_gates.append(gate_idx)
+        # Sanity check: there is at least one available 2-qubit gate
+        assert available_gates
+        # Find distance from last_qubits to current applicable 2-qubit gates
+        gate_distance: dict[int, int] = dict()
+        for gate_idx in available_gates:
+            gate_qubits = all_gates[gate_idx].qubits
+            # Criterion for distance depends on the simulation algorithm
+            if algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate]:
+                gate_distance[gate_idx] = max(  # Max common ancestor distance
+                    leaf_of_qubit[last_qubits[0]] ^ leaf_of_qubit[gate_qubits[0]],
+                    leaf_of_qubit[last_qubits[0]] ^ leaf_of_qubit[gate_qubits[1]],
+                    leaf_of_qubit[last_qubits[1]] ^ leaf_of_qubit[gate_qubits[0]],
+                    leaf_of_qubit[last_qubits[1]] ^ leaf_of_qubit[gate_qubits[1]],
+                )
+            elif algorithm in [
+                SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate,
+                SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO,
+            ]:
+                gate_distance[gate_idx] = max(  # Max linear distance between qubits
+                    abs(idx_of_qubit[last_qubits[0]] - idx_of_qubit[gate_qubits[0]]),
+                    abs(idx_of_qubit[last_qubits[0]] - idx_of_qubit[gate_qubits[1]]),
+                    abs(idx_of_qubit[last_qubits[1]] - idx_of_qubit[gate_qubits[0]]),
+                    abs(idx_of_qubit[last_qubits[1]] - idx_of_qubit[gate_qubits[1]]),
+                )
+            else:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"Sorting gates for {algorithm} not supported.")
+        # Choose the gate with shortest distance
+        chosen_gate_idx = min(gate_distance, key=gate_distance.get)  # type: ignore
+        chosen_gate = all_gates[chosen_gate_idx]
+        # Schedule the gate
+        last_qubits = chosen_gate.qubits
+        sorted_gates.append(chosen_gate)
+        remaining.remove(chosen_gate_idx)
+        # Schedule all 1-qubit gates after this gate
+        for q in last_qubits:
+            gate_indices[q].pop(0)  # Remove the 2-qubit `chosen_gate`
+            indices = gate_indices[q]
+            while indices and len(all_gates[indices[0]].qubits) == 1:
+                i = indices.pop(0)
+                sorted_gates.append(all_gates[i])
+                remaining.remove(i)
+    assert len(all_gates) == len(sorted_gates)
+    return sorted_gates
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/ttn.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/ttn.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47e9770f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/ttn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2024 Quantinuum
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations  # type: ignore
+import warnings
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from enum import IntEnum
+import math  # type: ignore
+import numpy as np  # type: ignore
+    import cupy as cp  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cupy", ImportWarning)
+    import cuquantum as cq  # type: ignore
+    from cuquantum.cutensornet import tensor  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cutensornet", ImportWarning)
+from pytket.circuit import Command, Op, Qubit
+from pytket.pauli import QubitPauliString
+from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.general import set_logger
+from .general import CuTensorNetHandle, Config, StructuredState, Tensor
+class DirTTN(IntEnum):
+    """An enum to refer to relative directions within the TTN."""
+    PARENT = -1
+    LEFT = 0
+    RIGHT = 1
+# An alias for the TTN path from root to a TreeNode
+RootPath = tuple[DirTTN, ...]
+class TreeNode:
+    """Represents a single tensor in the TTN.
+    The shape of the tensor agrees with the convention set in ``DirTTN``, meaning
+    that ``tensor.shape[DirTTN.PARENT]`` corresponds to the dimension of the bond
+    connecting this tree node with its parent. Notice that, since DirTTN.PARENT is
+    -1, this is always the last entry.
+    In the case the TreeNode is a leaf, it will contain only one virtual bond
+    (the parent) and as many physical bonds as qubits in the group it represents.
+    These qubits will correspond to bonds from ``0`` to ``len(tensor.shape)-2``.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, tensor: Tensor, is_leaf: bool = False):
+        self.tensor = tensor
+        self.is_leaf = is_leaf
+        self.canonical_form: Optional[DirTTN] = None
+    def copy(self) -> TreeNode:
+        new_node = TreeNode(
+            self.tensor.copy(),
+            is_leaf=self.is_leaf,
+        )
+        new_node.canonical_form = self.canonical_form
+        return new_node
+class TTN(StructuredState):
+    """Represents a state as a Tree Tensor Network.
+    Attributes:
+        nodes (dict[RootPath, TreeNode]): A dictionary providing the tree node
+            of the given root path in the TTN.
+        qubit_position (dict[pytket.circuit.Qubit, tuple[RootPath, int]]): A dictionary
+            mapping circuit qubits to their address in the TTN.
+        fidelity (float): A lower bound of the fidelity, obtained by multiplying
+            the fidelities after each contraction. The fidelity of a contraction
+            corresponds to ``|<psi|phi>|^2`` where ``|psi>`` and ``|phi>`` are the
+            states before and after truncation (assuming both are normalised).
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle,
+        qubit_partition: dict[int, list[Qubit]],
+        config: Config,
+    ):
+        """Initialise a TTN on the computational state ``|0>``.
+        Note:
+            A ``libhandle`` should be created via a ``with CuTensorNet() as libhandle:``
+            statement. The device where the TTN is stored will match the one specified
+            by the library handle.
+            The current implementation requires the keys of ``qubit_partition`` to be
+            integers from ``0`` to ``2^l - 1`` for some ``l``.
+        Args:
+            libhandle: The cuTensorNet library handle that will be used to carry out
+                tensor operations on the TTN.
+            qubit_partition: A partition of the qubits in the circuit into disjoint
+                groups, describing the hierarchical structure of the TTN. Each key
+                identifies a leaf of the TTN, with its corresponding value indicating
+                the list of qubits represented by the leaf. The leaves are numbered
+                from left to right on a planar representation of the tree. Hence, the
+                smaller half of the keys correspond to leaves in the left subtree and
+                the rest are in the right subtree; providing recursive bipartitions.
+            config: The object describing the configuration for simulation.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If the keys of ``qubit_partition`` do not range from ``0`` to
+                ``2^l - 1`` for some ``l``.
+            ValueError: If a ``Qubit`` is repeated in ``qubit_partition``.
+            ValueError: If there is only one entry in ``qubit_partition``.
+        """
+        self._lib = libhandle
+        self._cfg = config
+        self._logger = set_logger("TTN", level=config.loglevel)
+        self.fidelity = 1.0
+        self.nodes: dict[RootPath, TreeNode] = dict()
+        self.qubit_position: dict[Qubit, tuple[RootPath, int]] = dict()
+        n_groups = len(qubit_partition)
+        if n_groups == 0:  # There's no initialisation to be done
+            pass
+        elif n_groups == 1:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Only one entry to qubit_partition provided."
+                "Introduce a finer partition of qubits."
+            )
+        else:
+            n_levels = math.floor(math.log2(n_groups))
+            if n_groups != 2**n_levels:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "The number of entries in qubit_partition must be a power of two."
+                )
+            # Create the TreeNodes of the different groups of qubits
+            for k, qubits in qubit_partition.items():
+                if k < 0 or k >= n_groups:
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        f"Keys of qubit_partition must range from 0 to {n_groups-1}."
+                    )
+                # Calculate the root path of this group
+                path = []
+                for l in reversed(range(n_levels)):
+                    if k < 2**l:
+                        path.append(DirTTN.LEFT)
+                    else:
+                        path.append(DirTTN.RIGHT)
+                        k -= 2**l
+                # Add each qubit to the qubit_position dictionary
+                for i, q in enumerate(qubits):
+                    if q in self.qubit_position:
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            f"Qubit {q} appears more than once in qubit_partition."
+                        )
+                    self.qubit_position[q] = (tuple(path), i)
+                # This tensor has a physical bond per qubit and one virtual bond at the
+                # end for the parent (dim=1)
+                shape = tuple([2] * len(qubits) + [1])
+                # Initialise the tensor of this group of qubits to |0>
+                tensor = cp.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
+                ket_zero_entry = tuple(0 for _ in shape)  # Index 0 on all bonds
+                tensor[ket_zero_entry] = 1  # Amplitude of |0> set to 1
+                # Create the TreeNode
+                node = TreeNode(tensor, is_leaf=True)
+                self.nodes[tuple(path)] = node
+            # Create the internal TreeNodes
+            paths: list[list[DirTTN]] = [[]]
+            for _ in range(n_levels):
+                # Create the TreeNode at this path
+                for p in paths:
+                    tensor = cp.ones(shape=(1, 1, 1), dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
+                    self.nodes[tuple(p)] = TreeNode(tensor)
+                # Generate the paths for the next level
+                paths = [
+                    p + [direction]
+                    for p in paths
+                    for direction in [DirTTN.LEFT, DirTTN.RIGHT]
+                ]
+            self._logger.debug(f"qubit_position={self.qubit_position}")
+            self._logger.debug(f"All root paths: {list(self.nodes.keys())}")
+    def is_valid(self) -> bool:
+        """Verify that the TTN object is valid.
+        Specifically, verify that the TTN does not exceed the dimension limit ``chi``
+        specified in the ``Config`` object, that physical bonds have dimension 2,
+        that all tensors except the leaves are rank three and that tensors have shapes
+        consistent with the bond dimensions.
+        Returns:
+            False if a violation was detected or True otherwise.
+        """
+        chi_ok = all(
+            self.get_dimension(path, DirTTN.PARENT) <= self._cfg.chi
+            for path in self.nodes.keys()
+        )
+        phys_ok = all(
+            self.nodes[path].tensor.shape[bond] == 2
+            for path, bond in self.qubit_position.values()
+        )
+        rank_ok = all(
+            node.is_leaf or len(node.tensor.shape) == 3 for node in self.nodes.values()
+        )
+        shape_ok = all(
+            self.get_dimension(path, DirTTN.PARENT)
+            == self.get_dimension(path[:-1], path[-1])
+            for path in self.nodes.keys()
+            if len(path) != 0
+        )
+        shape_ok = shape_ok and self.get_dimension((), DirTTN.PARENT) == 1
+        # Debugger logging
+        self._logger.debug(
+            "Checking validity of TTN... "
+            f"chi_ok={chi_ok}, "
+            f"phys_ok={phys_ok}, "
+            f"rank_ok={rank_ok}, "
+            f"shape_ok={shape_ok}"
+        )
+        return chi_ok and phys_ok and rank_ok and shape_ok
+    def apply_gate(self, gate: Command) -> TTN:
+        """Apply the gate to the TTN.
+        Note:
+            Only single-qubit gates and two-qubit gates are supported.
+        Args:
+            gate: The gate to be applied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        Raises:
+            RuntimeError: If the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` is out of scope.
+            RuntimeError: If gate acts on more than 2 qubits.
+        """
+        if self._lib._is_destroyed:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "The cuTensorNet library handle is out of scope.",
+                "See the documentation of update_libhandle and CuTensorNetHandle.",
+            )
+        self._logger.debug(f"Applying gate {gate}")
+        if len(gate.qubits) == 1:
+            self._apply_1q_gate(gate.qubits[0], gate.op)
+        elif len(gate.qubits) == 2:
+            self._apply_2q_gate(gate.qubits[0], gate.qubits[1], gate.op)
+        else:
+            # NOTE: This could be supported if gate acts on same group of qubits
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Gates must act on only 1 or 2 qubits! "
+                + f"This is not satisfied by {gate}."
+            )
+        return self
+    def apply_scalar(self, scalar: complex) -> TTN:
+        """Multiplies the state by a complex number.
+        Args:
+            scalar: The complex number to be multiplied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        """
+        self.nodes[()].tensor *= scalar
+        return self
+    def canonicalise(
+        self, center: Union[RootPath, Qubit], unsafe: bool = False
+    ) -> Tensor:
+        """Canonicalise the TTN so that all tensors are isometries from ``center``.
+        Args:
+            center: Identifies the bond that is to become the center of the canonical
+                form. If it is a ``RootPath`` it refers to the parent bond of
+                ``self.nodes[center]``. If it is a ``Qubit`` it refers to its physical
+                bond.
+            unsafe: If True, the final state will be different than the starting one.
+                Specifically, the information in the returned bond tensor at ``center``
+                is removed from the TTN. It is expected that the caller will reintroduce
+                the bond tensor after some processing (e.g. after SVD truncation).
+        Returns:
+            The bond tensor created at ``center`` when canonicalisation is complete.
+            Applying SVD to this tensor yields the global SVD of the TTN.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If the ``center`` is ``tuple()``.
+        """
+        self._logger.debug(f"Canonicalising to {str(center)}")
+        options = {"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id}
+        if isinstance(center, Qubit):
+            target_path = self.qubit_position[center][0]
+            assert not unsafe  # Unsafe disallowed when ``center`` is a qubit
+        elif center == ():
+            raise ValueError("There is no bond at path ().")
+        else:
+            target_path = center
+        # Separate nodes to be canonicalised towards children from those towards parent
+        towards_child = []
+        towards_parent = []
+        for path in self.nodes.keys():
+            # Nodes towards children are closer to the root and coincide in the path
+            if len(path) < len(target_path) and all(
+                path[l] == target_path[l] for l in range(len(path))
+            ):
+                towards_child.append(path)
+            # If the center is a physical bond (qubit), its node is skipped
+            elif path == target_path and isinstance(center, Qubit):
+                continue
+            # All other nodes are canonicalised towards their parent
+            else:
+                towards_parent.append(path)
+        # Sanity checks
+        assert len(towards_child) != 0
+        assert len(towards_parent) != 0
+        # Glossary of bond IDs
+        # chr(x) -> bond of the x-th qubit in the node (if it is a leaf)
+        # l -> left child bond of the TTN node
+        # r -> right child bond of the TTN node
+        # p -> parent bond of the TTN node
+        # s -> bond between Q and R after decomposition
+        # Canonicalise nodes towards parent, start from the furthest away from root
+        for path in sorted(towards_parent, key=len, reverse=True):
+            self._logger.debug(f"Canonicalising node at {path} towards parent.")
+            # If already in desired canonical form, do nothing
+            if self.nodes[path].canonical_form == DirTTN.PARENT:
+                self._logger.debug("Skipping, already in canonical form.")
+                continue
+            # Otherwise, apply QR decomposition
+            if self.nodes[path].is_leaf:
+                n_qbonds = len(self.nodes[path].tensor.shape) - 1  # Num of qubit bonds
+                q_bonds = "".join(chr(x) for x in range(n_qbonds))
+                node_bonds = q_bonds + "p"
+                Q_bonds = q_bonds + "s"
+            else:
+                node_bonds = "lrp"
+                Q_bonds = "lrs"
+            R_bonds = "sp"
+            Q, R = tensor.decompose(
+                node_bonds + "->" + Q_bonds + "," + R_bonds,
+                self.nodes[path].tensor,
+                method=tensor.QRMethod(),
+                options=options,
+            )
+            # Update the tensor
+            self.nodes[path].tensor = Q
+            self.nodes[path].canonical_form = DirTTN.PARENT
+            # Contract R with the parent node
+            if path[-1] == DirTTN.LEFT:
+                R_bonds = "sl"
+                result_bonds = "srp"
+            else:
+                R_bonds = "sr"
+                result_bonds = "lsp"
+            node_bonds = "lrp"
+            parent_node = self.nodes[path[:-1]]
+            parent_node.tensor = cq.contract(
+                R_bonds + "," + node_bonds + "->" + result_bonds,
+                R,
+                parent_node.tensor,
+                options=options,
+                optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+            )
+            # The canonical form of the parent node is lost
+            parent_node.canonical_form = None
+            self._logger.debug(f"Node canonicalised. Shape: {Q.shape}")
+        # Canonicalise the rest of the nodes, from the root up to the center
+        for path in sorted(towards_child, key=len):
+            # Identify the direction of the canonicalisation
+            target_direction = target_path[len(path)]
+            # Sanity checks
+            assert not self.nodes[path].is_leaf
+            assert target_direction != DirTTN.PARENT
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Canonicalising node at {path} towards {str(target_direction)}."
+            )
+            # If already in the desired canonical form, do nothing
+            if self.nodes[path].canonical_form == target_direction:
+                self._logger.debug("Skipping, already in canonical form.")
+                continue
+            # Otherwise, apply QR decomposition
+            if target_direction == DirTTN.LEFT:
+                Q_bonds = "srp"
+                R_bonds = "ls"
+            else:
+                Q_bonds = "lsp"
+                R_bonds = "rs"
+            node_bonds = "lrp"
+            Q, R = tensor.decompose(
+                node_bonds + "->" + Q_bonds + "," + R_bonds,
+                self.nodes[path].tensor,
+                method=tensor.QRMethod(),
+                options=options,
+            )
+            # If the child bond is not the center yet, contract R with child node
+            child_path = tuple(list(path) + [target_direction])
+            if child_path != target_path:
+                child_node = self.nodes[child_path]
+                # Contract R with the child node
+                child_node.tensor = cq.contract(
+                    "lrp,ps->lrs",
+                    child_node.tensor,
+                    R,
+                    options=options,
+                    optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+                )
+                # The canonical form of the child node is lost
+                child_node.canonical_form = None
+                # Update the tensor
+                self.nodes[path].tensor = Q
+                self.nodes[path].canonical_form = target_direction
+                self._logger.debug(f"Node canonicalised. Shape: {Q.shape}")
+        # If ``center`` is not a physical bond, we are done canonicalising and R is
+        # the tensor to return. Otherwise, we need to do a final contraction and QR
+        # decomposition on the leaf node corresponding to ``target_path``.
+        if isinstance(center, Qubit):
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Applying QR decomposition on leaf node at {target_path}."
+            )
+            leaf_node = self.nodes[target_path]
+            n_qbonds = len(leaf_node.tensor.shape) - 1  # Number of qubit bonds
+            q_bonds = "".join(chr(x) for x in range(n_qbonds))
+            node_bonds = q_bonds + "p"
+            new_bonds = q_bonds + "s"
+            R_bonds = "ps"
+            # Contract R with the leaf node
+            leaf_node.tensor = cq.contract(
+                node_bonds + "," + R_bonds + "->" + new_bonds,
+                leaf_node.tensor,
+                R,
+                options=options,
+                optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+            )
+            # The canonical form of the leaf node is lost
+            leaf_node.canonical_form = None
+            # Update the parent tensor
+            parent_path = target_path[:-1]
+            self.nodes[parent_path].tensor = Q
+            self.nodes[parent_path].canonical_form = target_path[-1]
+            self._logger.debug(f"Node canonicalised. Shape: {Q.shape}")
+            # Finally, apply QR decomposition on the leaf_node to obtain the R
+            # tensor to be returned
+            target_bond = self.qubit_position[center][1]
+            Q_bonds = node_bonds[:target_bond] + "s" + node_bonds[target_bond + 1 :]
+            R_bonds = chr(target_bond) + "s"
+            Q, R = tensor.decompose(
+                node_bonds + "->" + Q_bonds + "," + R_bonds,
+                leaf_node.tensor,
+                method=tensor.QRMethod(),
+                options=options,
+            )
+            # Note: Since R is not contracted with any other tensor, we cannot update
+            #   the leaf node to Q. That'd change the state represented by the TTN.
+        # Otherwise, if ``unsafe`` is enabled, update the last tensor to Q
+        elif unsafe:
+            self.nodes[target_path[:-1]].tensor = Q
+            self.nodes[target_path[:-1]].canonical_form = target_path[-1]
+            self._logger.debug(f"Node canonicalised (unsafe!). Shape: {Q.shape}")
+        self._logger.debug(
+            f"Finished canonicalisation. Returning R tensor of shape {R.shape}"
+        )
+        return R
+    def vdot(self, other: TTN) -> complex:  # type: ignore
+        """Obtain the inner product of the two TTN: ``<self|other>``.
+        It can be used to compute the squared norm of a TTN ``ttn`` as
+        ``ttn.vdot(ttn)``. The tensors within the TTN are not modified.
+        Note:
+            The state that is conjugated is ``self``.
+        Args:
+            other: The other TTN.
+        Returns:
+            The resulting complex number.
+        Raises:
+            RuntimeError: If the two TTNs do not have the same qubits.
+            RuntimeError: If the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` is out of scope.
+        """
+        if self._lib._is_destroyed:
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "The cuTensorNet library handle is out of scope.",
+                "See the documentation of update_libhandle and CuTensorNetHandle.",
+            )
+        if len(self.qubit_position) != len(other.qubit_position):
+            raise RuntimeError("Number of qubits do not match.")
+        if self.get_qubits() != other.get_qubits():
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "The sets of qubits are not the same."
+                "\n\tself has {self.get_qubits()}"
+                "\n\tother has {other.get_qubits()}"
+            )
+        if len(self.qubit_position) == 0:
+            raise RuntimeError("There are no qubits in the TTN.")
+        self._logger.debug("Applying vdot between two TTNs.")
+        # We convert both TTNs to their interleaved representation and
+        # contract them using cuQuantum. A single sample is enough for
+        # contraction path optimisation, since there is little to optimise.
+        ttn1 = self.get_interleaved_representation(conj=True)
+        ttn2 = other.get_interleaved_representation(conj=False)
+        interleaved_rep = ttn1 + ttn2 + [[]]  # Discards dim=1 bonds with []
+        result = cq.contract(
+            *interleaved_rep,
+            options={"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id},
+            optimize={"samples": 0},  # There is little to no optimisation to be done
+        )
+        self._logger.debug(f"Result from vdot={result}")
+        return complex(result)
+    def sample(self) -> dict[Qubit, int]:
+        """Returns a sample from a Z measurement applied on every qubit.
+        Notes:
+            The contents of ``self`` are not updated. This is equivalent to applying
+            ``state = self.copy()`` then ``state.measure(state.get_qubits())``.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary mapping each qubit in the state to its 0 or 1 outcome.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    def measure(self, qubits: set[Qubit]) -> dict[Qubit, int]:
+        """Applies a Z measurement on ``qubits``, updates the state and returns outcome.
+        Notes:
+            After applying this function, ``self`` will contain the projected
+            state over the non-measured qubits.
+            The resulting state has been normalised.
+        Args:
+            qubits: The subset of qubits to be measured.
+        Returns:
+            A dictionary mapping the given ``qubits`` to their measurement outcome,
+            i.e. either ``0`` or ``1``.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If an element in ``qubits`` is not a qubit in the state.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    def postselect(self, qubit_outcomes: dict[Qubit, int]) -> float:
+        """Applies a postselection, updates the states and returns its probability.
+        Notes:
+            After applying this function, ``self`` will contain the projected
+            state over the non-postselected qubits.
+            The resulting state has been normalised.
+        Args:
+            qubit_outcomes: A dictionary mapping a subset of qubits to their
+                desired outcome value (either ``0`` or ``1``).
+        Returns:
+            The probability of this postselection to occur in a measurement.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If a key in ``qubit_outcomes`` is not a qubit in the state.
+            ValueError: If a value in ``qubit_outcomes`` is other than ``0`` or ``1``.
+            ValueError: If all of the qubits in the state are being postselected.
+                Instead, you may wish to use ``get_amplitude()``.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    def expectation_value(self, pauli_string: QubitPauliString) -> float:
+        """Obtains the expectation value of the Pauli string observable.
+        Args:
+            pauli_string: A pytket object representing a tensor product of Paulis.
+        Returns:
+            The expectation value.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If a key in ``pauli_string`` is not a qubit in the state.
+        """
+        raise NotImplementedError(f"Method not implemented in {type(self).__name__}.")
+    def get_fidelity(self) -> float:
+        """Returns the current fidelity of the state."""
+        return self.fidelity
+    def get_statevector(self) -> np.ndarray:
+        """Returns the statevector represented by the TTN, with qubits ordered
+        in Increasing Lexicographic Order (ILO).
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If there are no qubits left in the TTN.
+        """
+        if len(self.get_qubits()) == 0:
+            raise ValueError("There are no qubits left in this TTN.")
+        # Create the interleaved representation with all tensors
+        interleaved_rep = self.get_interleaved_representation()
+        # Specify the output bond IDs in ILO order
+        output_bonds = []
+        for q in sorted(self.get_qubits()):
+            output_bonds.append(str(q))
+        interleaved_rep.append(output_bonds)
+        # Contract
+        result_tensor = cq.contract(
+            *interleaved_rep,
+            options={"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id},
+            optimize={"samples": 0},  # There is little to no optimisation to be done
+        )
+        # Convert to numpy vector and flatten
+        statevector: np.ndarray = cp.asnumpy(result_tensor).flatten()
+        return statevector
+    def get_amplitude(self, state: int) -> complex:
+        """Returns the amplitude of the chosen computational state.
+        Notes:
+            The result is equivalent to ``self.get_statevector[b]``, but this method
+            is faster when querying a single amplitude.
+        Args:
+            state: The integer whose bitstring describes the computational state.
+                The qubits in the bitstring are in increasing lexicographic order.
+        Returns:
+            The amplitude of the computational state in the TTN.
+        """
+        interleaved_rep = self.get_interleaved_representation()
+        ilo_qubits = sorted(self.get_qubits())
+        for i, q in enumerate(ilo_qubits):
+            # Create the tensors for each qubit in ``state``
+            bitvalue = 1 if state & 2 ** (len(ilo_qubits) - i - 1) else 0
+            tensor = cp.zeros(shape=(2,), dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
+            tensor[bitvalue] = 1
+            # Append it to the interleaved representation
+            interleaved_rep.append(tensor)
+            interleaved_rep.append([str(q)])  # The bond
+        # Ignore the dim=1 tensors in the output
+        interleaved_rep.append([])
+        # Contract
+        result = cq.contract(
+            *interleaved_rep,
+            options={"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id},
+            optimize={"samples": 0},  # There is little to no optimisation to be done
+        )
+        self._logger.debug(f"Amplitude of state {state} is {result}.")
+        return complex(result)
+    def get_qubits(self) -> set[Qubit]:
+        """Returns the set of qubits that this TTN is defined on."""
+        return set(self.qubit_position.keys())
+    def get_interleaved_representation(
+        self, conj: bool = False
+    ) -> list[Union[Tensor, str]]:
+        """Returns the interleaved representation of the TTN used by cuQuantum.
+        Args:
+            conj: If True, all tensors are conjugated and bonds IDs are prefixed
+                with * (except physical bonds). Defaults to False.
+        """
+        self._logger.debug("Creating interleaved representation...")
+        # Auxiliar dictionary of physical bonds to qubit IDs
+        qubit_id = {
+            location: str(qubit) for qubit, location in self.qubit_position.items()
+        }
+        interleaved_rep = []
+        for path, node in self.nodes.items():
+            # Append the tensor
+            if conj:
+                interleaved_rep.append(node.tensor.conj())
+            else:
+                interleaved_rep.append(node.tensor)
+            # Create the ID for the parent bond
+            parentID = "".join(str(int(d)) for d in path)
+            if conj:
+                parentID = "*" + parentID
+            # Append the bonds
+            if node.is_leaf:
+                bonds = []
+                for b in range(len(node.tensor.shape) - 1):
+                    bonds.append(qubit_id[(path, b)])
+                bonds.append(parentID)
+            else:
+                bonds = [parentID + "0", parentID + "1", parentID]
+            interleaved_rep.append(bonds)
+            self._logger.debug(f"Bond IDs: {bonds}")
+        return interleaved_rep
+    def get_dimension(self, path: RootPath, direction: DirTTN) -> int:
+        """Returns the dimension of bond ``dir`` of the node at ``path``.
+        Args:
+            path: The path to a node in the TTN.
+            direction: The direction of the bond.
+        Returns:
+            The dimension of the specified bond.
+        Raises:
+            ValueError: If ``path`` is not in the TTN.
+        """
+        if path not in self.nodes:
+            raise ValueError(f"The path {path} is not in the TTN.")
+        dim: int = self.nodes[path].tensor.shape[direction]
+        return dim
+    def get_byte_size(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Returns:
+            The number of bytes the TTN currently occupies in GPU memory.
+        """
+        return sum(node.tensor.nbytes for node in self.nodes.values())
+    def get_device_id(self) -> int:
+        """
+        Returns:
+            The identifier of the device (GPU) where the tensors are stored.
+        """
+        return int(self.nodes[tuple()].tensor.device)
+    def update_libhandle(self, libhandle: CuTensorNetHandle) -> None:
+        """Update the ``CuTensorNetHandle`` used by this ``TTN`` object. Multiple
+        objects may use the same handle.
+        Args:
+            libhandle: The new cuTensorNet library handle.
+        Raises:
+            RuntimeError: If the device (GPU) where ``libhandle`` was initialised
+                does not match the one where the tensors of the TTN are stored.
+        """
+        if libhandle.device_id != self.get_device_id():
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Device of libhandle is not the one where the TTN is stored.",
+                f"{libhandle.device_id} != {self.get_device_id()}",
+            )
+        self._lib = libhandle
+    def copy(self) -> TTN:
+        """
+        Returns:
+            A deep copy of the TTN on the same device.
+        """
+        # Create a dummy object
+        new_ttn = TTN(self._lib, qubit_partition=dict(), config=self._cfg.copy())
+        # Copy all data
+        new_ttn.fidelity = self.fidelity
+        new_ttn.nodes = {path: node.copy() for path, node in self.nodes.items()}
+        new_ttn.qubit_position = self.qubit_position.copy()
+        self._logger.debug(
+            "Successfully copied a TTN "
+            f"of size {new_ttn.get_byte_size() / 2**20} MiB."
+        )
+        return new_ttn
+    def _apply_1q_gate(self, qubit: Qubit, gate: Op) -> TTN:
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            "TTN is a base class with no contraction algorithm implemented."
+            + " You must use a subclass of TTN, such as TTNxGate."
+        )
+    def _apply_2q_gate(self, q0: Qubit, q1: Qubit, gate: Op) -> TTN:
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            "TTN is a base class with no contraction algorithm implemented."
+            + " You must use a subclass of TTN, such as TTNxGate."
+        )
+    def _flush(self) -> None:
+        # Does nothing in the general MPS case; but children classes with batched
+        # gate contraction will redefine this method so that the last batch of
+        # gates is applied.
+        return None
diff --git a/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/ttn_gate.py b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/ttn_gate.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c7d2c85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytket/extensions/cutensornet/structured_state/ttn_gate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,676 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2024 Quantinuum
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import annotations  # type: ignore
+import warnings
+    import cupy as cp  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cupy", ImportWarning)
+    import cuquantum as cq  # type: ignore
+    from cuquantum.cutensornet import tensor  # type: ignore
+    from cuquantum.cutensornet.experimental import contract_decompose  # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn("local settings failed to import cutensornet", ImportWarning)
+from pytket.circuit import Op, Qubit
+from .ttn import TTN, DirTTN, RootPath
+class TTNxGate(TTN):
+    """Implements a gate-by-gate contraction algorithm to calculate the output state
+    of a circuit as a ``TTN``.
+    """
+    def _apply_1q_gate(self, qubit: Qubit, gate: Op) -> TTNxGate:
+        """Applies the 1-qubit gate to the TTN.
+        This does not increase the dimension of any bond.
+        Args:
+            qubit: The qubit that this gate is applied to.
+            gate: The gate to be applied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        """
+        # Load the gate's unitary to the GPU memory
+        gate_unitary = gate.get_unitary().astype(dtype=self._cfg._complex_t, copy=False)
+        gate_tensor = cp.asarray(gate_unitary, dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
+        path, target = self.qubit_position[qubit]
+        node_tensor = self.nodes[path].tensor
+        n_qbonds = (
+            len(node_tensor.shape) - 1
+        )  # Total number of physical bonds in this node
+        # Glossary of bond IDs
+        # qX -> where X is the X-th physical bond (qubit) in the TTN node
+        # p  -> the parent bond of the TTN node
+        # i  -> the input bond of the gate
+        # o  -> the output bond of the gate
+        node_bonds = [f"q{x}" for x in range(n_qbonds)] + ["p"]
+        result_bonds = node_bonds.copy()
+        node_bonds[target] = "i"  # Target bond must match with the gate input bond
+        result_bonds[target] = "o"  # After contraction it matches the output bond
+        # Contract
+        new_tensor = cq.contract(
+            node_tensor,
+            node_bonds,
+            gate_tensor,
+            ["o", "i"],
+            result_bonds,
+            options={"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id},
+            optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+        )
+        # Update ``self.nodes``
+        # NOTE: Canonicalisation of the node does not change
+        self.nodes[path].tensor = new_tensor
+        return self
+    def _apply_2q_gate(self, q0: Qubit, q1: Qubit, gate: Op) -> TTNxGate:
+        """Applies the 2-qubit gate to the TTN.
+        Truncation is automatically applied according to the parameters
+        in the ``Config`` object passed to this ``TTN``.
+        The TTN is converted to canonical form before truncating.
+        Args:
+            q0: The 0-th qubit the gate acts upon.
+            q1: The 1-st qubit the gate acts upon.
+            gate: The gate to be applied.
+        Returns:
+            ``self``, to allow for method chaining.
+        """
+        options = {"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id}
+        # Load the gate's unitary to the GPU memory
+        gate_unitary = gate.get_unitary().astype(dtype=self._cfg._complex_t, copy=False)
+        gate_tensor = cp.asarray(gate_unitary, dtype=self._cfg._complex_t)
+        # Reshape into a rank-4 tensor
+        gate_tensor = cp.reshape(gate_tensor, (2, 2, 2, 2))
+        (path_q0, bond_q0) = self.qubit_position[q0]
+        (path_q1, bond_q1) = self.qubit_position[q1]
+        # Glossary of bond IDs
+        # a -> the input bond of the gate on q0
+        # b -> the input bond of the gate on q1
+        # A -> the output bond of the gate on q0
+        # B -> the output bond of the gate on q1
+        # l -> left child bond of the TTN node
+        # r -> right child bond of the TTN node
+        # p -> the parent bond of the TTN node
+        # s -> the shared bond resulting from a decomposition
+        # chr(x) -> bond of the x-th qubit in a leaf node
+        gate_bonds = "ABab"
+        # If the two qubits are in the same leaf node, contract the gate with it.
+        # No truncation is required.
+        if path_q0 == path_q1:
+            leaf_node = self.nodes[path_q0]
+            n_qbonds = len(leaf_node.tensor.shape) - 1  # Num of qubit bonds
+            aux_bonds = [chr(x) for x in range(n_qbonds)]
+            aux_bonds[bond_q0] = "a"
+            aux_bonds[bond_q1] = "b"
+            leaf_bonds = "".join(aux_bonds) + "p"
+            aux_bonds[bond_q0] = "A"
+            aux_bonds[bond_q1] = "B"
+            result_bonds = "".join(aux_bonds) + "p"
+            self.nodes[path_q0].tensor = cq.contract(
+                f"{leaf_bonds},{gate_bonds}->{result_bonds}",
+                leaf_node.tensor,
+                gate_tensor,
+                options=options,
+                optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+            )
+            self._logger.debug(
+                "The qubits the gate acts on are on the same group. "
+                "Gate trivially applied, no dimensions changed."
+            )
+            return self
+        # Otherwise, we must include the gate in the common ancestor tensor and
+        # rewire the inputs and outputs. First, identify common path and direction
+        common_dirs = []
+        for d0, d1 in zip(path_q0, path_q1):
+            if d0 == d1:
+                common_dirs.append(d0)
+            else:
+                break
+        common_path = tuple(common_dirs)
+        # We begin by canonicalising to the left child bond of the common ancestor.
+        # This canonicalisation could be done later (just before truncation), but
+        # doing it now will prevent the need to recanonicalise the tensors that have
+        # grown (by a factor of x16) when introducing this gate.
+        # The choice of the left child bond is arbitrary, any bond in the TTN that
+        # is in the arc connecting qL to qR would have worked.
+        #
+        # NOTE: In fact, none of the tensors that are affected by the gate need to
+        #   be canonicalised ahead of time, but I don't expect the saving would be
+        #   particularly noticeable, and it'd require some non-trivial refactoring
+        #   of `canonicalise()`.
+        self.canonicalise(center=(*common_path, DirTTN.LEFT))
+        # The overall strategy is to connect the `a` bond of the gate tensor to
+        # the corresponding bond for `q0` in the TTN (so that its bond `A`) becomes
+        # the new physical bond for `q0`. However, bonds `b` and `B` corresponding to
+        # `q1` are left open. We combine this `gate_tensor` with the leaf node of `q0`
+        # and QR-decompose the result; where the Q tensor will be the new
+        # (canonicalised) leaf node and R becomes our `msg_tensor`. The latter contains
+        # the open bonds `b` and `B` and our objective is to "push" this `msg_tensor`
+        # through the TTN towards the leaf node of `q1`. Here, "push through" means
+        # contract with the next tensor, and apply QR decomposition, so that the
+        # `msg_tensor` carrying `b` and `B` ends up one bond closer to `q1`.
+        # Once `msg_tensor` is directly connected to the leaf node containing `q1`, we
+        # just need to contract them, connecting `b` to `q1`, with `B` becoming the
+        # new physical bond.
+        bonds_to_q0 = [  # Bonds in the "arc" from the common ancestor to `q0`
+            path_q0[:i] for i in range(len(common_path) + 1, len(path_q0) + 1)
+        ]
+        # Sanity checks:
+        assert all(
+            len(bond_address) != len(common_path) for bond_address in bonds_to_q0
+        )
+        assert len(bonds_to_q0) == 1 or len(bonds_to_q0[0]) < len(bonds_to_q0[1])
+        assert len(bonds_to_q0[-1]) == len(path_q0)
+        bonds_to_q1 = [  # Bonds in the "arc" from the common ancestor to `q1`
+            path_q1[:i] for i in range(len(common_path) + 1, len(path_q1) + 1)
+        ]
+        # Sanity checks:
+        assert all(
+            len(bond_address) != len(common_path) for bond_address in bonds_to_q1
+        )
+        assert len(bonds_to_q1) == 1 or len(bonds_to_q1[0]) < len(bonds_to_q1[1])
+        assert len(bonds_to_q1[-1]) == len(path_q1)
+        # The `msg_tensor` has four bonds. Our convention will be that the first bond
+        # always corresponds to `B`, the second bond is `b`, the third bond connects
+        # it to the TTN in the child direction and the fourth connects it to the TTN
+        # in the `DirTTN.PARENT` direction. If we label the third bond with `l`, then
+        # the fourth bond will be labelled `L` (and vice versa). Same for `r` and `p`.
+        # We begin applying the gate to the TTN by contracting `gate_tensor` into the
+        # leaf node containing `q0`, with the `b` and `B` bonds of the latter left open.
+        # We immediately QR-decompose the resulting tensor, so that Q becomes the new
+        # (canonicalised) leaf node and R becomes the `msg_tensor` that we will be
+        # "pushing" through the rest of the arc towards `q1`.
+        leaf_node = self.nodes[path_q0]
+        n_qbonds = len(leaf_node.tensor.shape) - 1  # Num of qubit bonds
+        aux_bonds = [chr(x) for x in range(n_qbonds)]
+        aux_bonds[bond_q0] = "a"
+        leaf_bonds = "".join(aux_bonds) + "p"
+        aux_bonds[bond_q0] = "A"
+        Q_bonds = "".join(aux_bonds) + "s"
+        R_bonds = "Bbsp"  # The `msg_tensor`
+        # Apply the contraction followed by a QR decomposition
+        leaf_node.tensor, msg_tensor = contract_decompose(
+            f"{leaf_bonds},{gate_bonds}->{Q_bonds},{R_bonds}",
+            leaf_node.tensor,
+            gate_tensor,
+            algorithm={"qr_method": tensor.QRMethod()},
+            options=options,
+            optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+        )
+        # Update the canonical form of the leaf node
+        leaf_node.canonical_form = DirTTN.PARENT
+        # We must push the `msg_tensor` all the way to the common ancestor
+        # of `q0` and `q1`.
+        bond_addresses = list(reversed(bonds_to_q0))  # From `q0` to the ancestor
+        # For all of these nodes; push `msg_tensor` through to their parent bond
+        for child_bond in bond_addresses[:-1]:  # Doesn't do it on common ancestor!
+            child_dir = child_bond[-1]
+            parent_bond = child_bond[:-1]
+            node = self.nodes[parent_bond]
+            node_bonds = "lrp"
+            msg_bonds = "BbLl" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "BbRr"
+            Q_bonds = "Lrs" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "lRs"
+            R_bonds = "Bbsp"  # The new `msg_tensor`
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Pushing msg_tensor ({msg_tensor.nbytes // 2**20} MiB) through node "
+                f"({node.tensor.nbytes // 2**20} MiB) at {parent_bond}."
+            )
+            # Apply the contraction followed by a QR decomposition
+            node.tensor, msg_tensor = contract_decompose(
+                f"{node_bonds},{msg_bonds}->{Q_bonds},{R_bonds}",
+                node.tensor,
+                msg_tensor,
+                algorithm={"qr_method": tensor.QRMethod()},
+                options=options,
+                optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+            )
+            # Update the canonical form of the node
+            node.canonical_form = DirTTN.PARENT
+        # The `msg_tensor` is now on a child bond of the common ancestor.
+        # We must push it through to the other child node.
+        child_bond = bond_addresses[-1]  # This is where msg_tensor currently is
+        child_dir = child_bond[-1]
+        parent_bond = child_bond[:-1]
+        common_ancestor_node = self.nodes[parent_bond]
+        node_bonds = "lrp"
+        msg_bonds = "BbLl" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "BbRr"
+        Q_bonds = "Lsp" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "sRp"
+        R_bonds = "Bbrs" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "Bbls"  # The new `msg_tensor`
+        self._logger.debug(
+            f"Pushing msg_tensor ({msg_tensor.nbytes // 2**20} MiB) through node "
+            f"({common_ancestor_node.tensor.nbytes // 2**20} MiB) at {parent_bond}."
+        )
+        # Apply the contraction followed by a QR decomposition
+        common_ancestor_node.tensor, msg_tensor = contract_decompose(
+            f"{node_bonds},{msg_bonds}->{Q_bonds},{R_bonds}",
+            common_ancestor_node.tensor,
+            msg_tensor,
+            algorithm={"qr_method": tensor.QRMethod()},
+            options=options,
+            optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+        )
+        # Update the canonical form of the node
+        if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT:
+            common_ancestor_node.canonical_form = DirTTN.RIGHT
+        else:
+            common_ancestor_node.canonical_form = DirTTN.LEFT
+        # We must push the `msg_tensor` from the common ancestor to the leaf node
+        # containing `q1`.
+        bond_addresses = bonds_to_q1  # From ancestor to `q1`
+        # For all of these nodes; push `msg_tensor` through to their child bond
+        for child_bond in bond_addresses[1:]:  # Skip common ancestor: already pushed
+            child_dir = child_bond[-1]
+            parent_bond = child_bond[:-1]
+            node = self.nodes[parent_bond]
+            node_bonds = "lrp"
+            msg_bonds = "BbpP"
+            Q_bonds = "srP" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "lsP"
+            R_bonds = "Bbls" if child_dir == DirTTN.LEFT else "Bbrs"  # New `msg_tensor`
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Pushing msg_tensor ({msg_tensor.nbytes // 2**20} MiB) through node "
+                f"({node.tensor.nbytes // 2**20} MiB) at {parent_bond}."
+            )
+            # Apply the contraction followed by a QR decomposition
+            node.tensor, msg_tensor = contract_decompose(
+                f"{node_bonds},{msg_bonds}->{Q_bonds},{R_bonds}",
+                node.tensor,
+                msg_tensor,
+                algorithm={"qr_method": tensor.QRMethod()},
+                options=options,
+                optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+            )
+            # Update the canonical form of the node
+            node.canonical_form = child_dir
+        # Finally, the `msg_tensor` is in the parent bond of the leaf node of `q1`.
+        # All we need to do is contract the `msg_tensor` into the leaf.
+        leaf_node = self.nodes[path_q1]
+        n_qbonds = len(leaf_node.tensor.shape) - 1  # Num of qubit bonds
+        aux_bonds = [chr(x) for x in range(n_qbonds)]
+        aux_bonds[bond_q1] = "b"  # Connect `b` to `q1`
+        leaf_bonds = "".join(aux_bonds) + "p"
+        msg_bonds = "BbpP"
+        aux_bonds[bond_q1] = "B"  # `B` becomes the new physical bond `q1`
+        result_bonds = "".join(aux_bonds) + "P"
+        # Apply the contraction
+        leaf_node.tensor = cq.contract(
+            f"{leaf_bonds},{msg_bonds}->{result_bonds}",
+            leaf_node.tensor,
+            msg_tensor,
+            options=options,
+            optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+        )
+        # The leaf node lost its canonical form
+        leaf_node.canonical_form = None
+        # Truncate (if needed) bonds along the arc from `q1` to `q0`.
+        # We truncate in this direction to take advantage of the canonicalisation
+        # of the TTN we achieved while pushing the `msg_tensor` from `q0` to `q1`.
+        if self._cfg.truncation_fidelity < 1:
+            # Truncate as much as possible before violating the truncation fidelity
+            self._fidelity_bound_sequential_weighted_truncation(
+                list(reversed(bonds_to_q1)), bonds_to_q0
+            )
+        else:
+            # Truncate so that all bonds have dimension less or equal to chi
+            self._chi_sequential_truncation(list(reversed(bonds_to_q1)), bonds_to_q0)
+        return self
+    def _fidelity_bound_sequential_weighted_truncation(
+        self,
+        bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor: list[RootPath],
+        bonds_from_ancestor_to_q0: list[RootPath],
+    ) -> None:
+        """Truncate as much as possible up to the truncation fidelity.
+        Our target is to assign a local truncation fidelity `f_i` to each bond `i` in
+        the input lists so that the lower bound of the fidelity satisfies:
+            self.fidelity * prod(f_i) < self.fidelity * truncation_fidelity         (A)
+        Let e_i = 1 - f_i, where we refer to `e_i` as the "truncation error at bond i".
+        We can use that when e_i is close to zero, the bound:
+            prod(1 - e_i)   >   1 - sum(e_i)                                        (B)
+        is fairly tight, with an inaccuracy of an additive O(e_i^2) term. Hence, for
+        simplicity we take prod(f_i) ~ 1 - sum(e_i). Let
+            `admissible_error`   =   1 - `truncation_fidelity`                 (C)
+        and assign each e_i = w_i * `admissible_error` where 0 < w_i < 1 is a weight
+        factor such that sum(w_i) = 1. Thus, if each bond `i` is truncated to a fidelity
+            f_i = 1 - w_i * `admissible_error`                                      (D)
+        then the total fidelity factor on the LHS of equation (A) should approximate
+        `truncation_fidelity`. There is risk of overshooting with truncation and
+        end up with a new `self.fidelity` slightly lower than the target, but this
+        should be fine in practice, since `self.fidelity` is a lower bound anyway.
+        Each of the `w_i` weight factors is assigned depending on the bond dimension,
+        with larger bonds given higher weight, so they are truncated more aggressively.
+        Args:
+            bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor: A list of bonds (each as their RootPath address).
+                These bonds will be truncated. The list must be ordered in such a way
+                that consecutive bonds share a common tensor and such that the first
+                bond in the list corresponds to the leaf node that `q0` is assigned to
+                and the last bond in the list corresponds to child bond of the common
+                ancestor between the leaves of `q0` and `q1`.
+            bonds_from_ancestor_q1: Same as above, but the list starts from the other
+                child bond of the common ancestor and ends at the leaf node that `q1`
+                is assigned to. Together, these two lists provide a path in the TTN
+                from the leaf node of `q0` to the leaf node of `q1`.
+        """
+        self._logger.debug("Starting sequential weighted truncation (fidelity bound).")
+        initial_fidelity = self.fidelity
+        options = {"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id}
+        admissible_error = 1 - self._cfg.truncation_fidelity
+        # Combine the two lists of bonds, but remember at which entry the direction
+        # of the path is switched from going towards root to going towards leaves.
+        truncation_bonds = bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor + bonds_from_ancestor_to_q0
+        switch_direction_at = len(bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor)
+        towards_root = True  # First half of truncation_bonds is path towards ancestor
+        # Obtain the dimension of each bond
+        dimensions = [
+            self.get_dimension(bond, DirTTN.PARENT) for bond in truncation_bonds
+        ]
+        # Assign the weight `w_i` of each bond.
+        # NOTE: currently uses w_i = dim_i / sum(dim_i), for no other reason that it is
+        #   simple. Better weight functions may exist and research on this is desirable.
+        weights = [dim / sum(dimensions) for dim in dimensions]
+        # Assign a fidelity `f_i` to each bond.
+        bond_fidelities = [1 - w * admissible_error for w in weights]
+        # Truncate each bond as much as possible up to its assigned bond fidelity
+        for i, bond_address in enumerate(truncation_bonds):
+            dimension_before = self.get_dimension(bond_address, DirTTN.PARENT)
+            # Canonicalise to this bond (unsafely, so we must reintroduce bond_tensor)
+            bond_tensor = self.canonicalise(bond_address, unsafe=True)
+            # Flip ``towards_root`` if we have reached the common ancestor
+            # i.e. if the ``bond_tensor`` needs to go towards a child tensor rather
+            # than towards the parent
+            if switch_direction_at == i:
+                towards_root = False
+            # Apply SVD decomposition to truncate as much as possible before exceeding
+            # a `discarded_weight_cutoff` of `1 - f_i`. Contract S directly into U/V and
+            # normalise the singular values so that the sum of its squares is equal
+            # to one (i.e. the TTN is a normalised state after truncation).
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Truncating at {bond_address} to target fidelity={bond_fidelities[i]}"
+            )
+            svd_method = tensor.SVDMethod(
+                abs_cutoff=self._cfg.zero,
+                discarded_weight_cutoff=1 - bond_fidelities[i],
+                partition="V" if towards_root else "U",  # Contract S to parent or child
+                normalization="L2",  # Sum of squares singular values must equal 1
+            )
+            # Apply the SVD decomposition using the configuration defined above
+            U, S, V, svd_info = tensor.decompose(
+                "cp->cs,sp",
+                bond_tensor,
+                method=svd_method,
+                options=options,
+                return_info=True,
+            )
+            assert S is None  # Due to "partition" option in SVDMethod
+            # discarded_weight is calculated within cuTensorNet as:
+            #                             sum([s**2 for s in S'])
+            #     discarded_weight = 1 - -------------------------
+            #                             sum([s**2 for s in S])
+            # where S is the list of original singular values and S' is the set of
+            # singular values that remain after truncation (before normalisation).
+            # It can be shown that the fidelity |<psi|phi>|^2 (for |phi> and |psi>
+            # unit vectors before and after truncation) is equal to 1 - disc_weight.
+            #
+            # We multiply the fidelity of the current step to the overall fidelity
+            # to keep track of a lower bound for the fidelity.
+            this_fidelity = 1.0 - svd_info.discarded_weight
+            self.fidelity *= this_fidelity
+            dimension_after = V.shape[0]
+            # Contract U and V into the TTN. This reintroduces the data of bond_tensor
+            # back into the TTN, as required by ``canonicalise(.., unsafe=True)``.
+            self._contract_decomp_bond_tensor_into_ttn(U, V, bond_address)
+            # The next node in the path towards qR loses its canonical form, since
+            # S was contracted to it (either via U or V)
+            if towards_root:
+                self.nodes[bond_address[:-1]].canonical_form = None
+            else:
+                self.nodes[bond_address].canonical_form = None
+            # Report to logger
+            self._logger.debug(f"Truncation done. Truncation fidelity={this_fidelity}")
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Reduced bond dimension from {dimension_before} to {dimension_after}."
+            )
+        self._logger.debug(
+            "Finished sequential weighted truncation (fidelity bound). "
+            f"Fidelity factor = {self.fidelity / initial_fidelity}"
+        )
+        # Sanity check: reached the common ancestor and changed direction
+        assert not towards_root
+    def _chi_sequential_truncation(
+        self,
+        bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor: list[RootPath],
+        bonds_from_ancestor_to_q0: list[RootPath],
+    ) -> None:
+        """Truncate all bonds in the input lists to have a dimension of chi or lower.
+        The lists of bonds are explored sequentially, truncating the bonds
+        one by one.
+        Args:
+            bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor: A list of bonds (each as their RootPath address).
+                These bonds will be truncated. The list must be ordered in such a way
+                that consecutive bonds share a common tensor and such that the first
+                bond in the list corresponds to the leaf node that `q0` is assigned to
+                and the last bond in the list corresponds to child bond of the common
+                ancestor between the leaves of `q0` and `q1`.
+            bonds_from_ancestor_q1: Same as above, but the list starts from the other
+                child bond of the common ancestor and ends at the leaf node that `q1`
+                is assigned to. Together, these two lists provide a path in the TTN
+                from the leaf node of `q0` to the leaf node of `q1`.
+        """
+        self._logger.debug("Starting sequential truncation (chi bound).")
+        initial_fidelity = self.fidelity
+        options = {"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id}
+        # Combine the two lists of bonds, but remember at which entry the direction
+        # of the path is switched from going towards root to going towards leaves.
+        truncation_bonds = bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor + bonds_from_ancestor_to_q0
+        switch_direction_at = len(bonds_from_q1_to_ancestor)
+        towards_root = True  # First half of truncation_bonds is path towards ancestor
+        for i, bond_address in enumerate(truncation_bonds):
+            dimension_before = self.get_dimension(bond_address, DirTTN.PARENT)
+            # Canonicalise to this bond (unsafely, so we must reintroduce bond_tensor)
+            bond_tensor = self.canonicalise(bond_address, unsafe=True)
+            # Flip ``towards_root`` if we have reached the common ancestor
+            # i.e. if the ``bond_tensor`` needs to go towards a child tensor rather
+            # than towards the parent
+            if switch_direction_at == i:
+                towards_root = False
+            # Apply SVD decomposition on bond_tensor and truncate up to
+            # `self._cfg.chi`. Ask cuTensorNet to contract S directly into U/V and
+            # normalise the singular values so that the sum of its squares is equal
+            # to one (i.e. the TTN is a normalised state after truncation).
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Truncating at {bond_address} to (or below) chosen chi={self._cfg.chi}"
+            )
+            svd_method = tensor.SVDMethod(
+                abs_cutoff=self._cfg.zero,
+                max_extent=self._cfg.chi,
+                partition="V" if towards_root else "U",  # Contract S to parent or child
+                normalization="L2",  # Sum of squares equal 1
+            )
+            U, S, V, svd_info = tensor.decompose(
+                "cp->cs,sp",
+                bond_tensor,
+                method=svd_method,
+                options=options,
+                return_info=True,
+            )
+            assert S is None  # Due to "partition" option in SVDMethod
+            # discarded_weight is calculated within cuTensorNet as:
+            #                             sum([s**2 for s in S'])
+            #     discarded_weight = 1 - -------------------------
+            #                             sum([s**2 for s in S])
+            # where S is the list of original singular values and S' is the set of
+            # singular values that remain after truncation (before normalisation).
+            # It can be shown that the fidelity |<psi|phi>|^2 (for |phi> and |psi>
+            # unit vectors before and after truncation) is equal to 1 - disc_weight.
+            #
+            # We multiply the fidelity of the current step to the overall fidelity
+            # to keep track of a lower bound for the fidelity.
+            this_fidelity = 1.0 - svd_info.discarded_weight
+            self.fidelity *= this_fidelity
+            dimension_after = V.shape[0]
+            # Contract U and V into the TTN. This reintroduces the data of bond_tensor
+            # back into the TTN, as required by ``canonicalise(.., unsafe=True)``.
+            self._contract_decomp_bond_tensor_into_ttn(U, V, bond_address)
+            # The next node in the path towards qR loses its canonical form, since
+            # S was contracted to it (either via U or V)
+            if towards_root:
+                self.nodes[bond_address[:-1]].canonical_form = None
+            else:
+                self.nodes[bond_address].canonical_form = None
+            # Report to logger
+            self._logger.debug(f"Truncation done. Truncation fidelity={this_fidelity}")
+            self._logger.debug(
+                f"Reduced bond dimension from {dimension_before} to {dimension_after}."
+            )
+        self._logger.debug(
+            "Finished sequential truncation (chi bound). "
+            f"Fidelity factor = {self.fidelity / initial_fidelity}"
+        )
+        # Sanity check: reached the common ancestor and changed direction
+        assert not towards_root
+    def _contract_decomp_bond_tensor_into_ttn(
+        self, U: cp.ndarray, V: cp.ndarray, bond_address: RootPath
+    ) -> None:
+        """Contracts a decomposed bond_tensor back into the TTN.
+        Args:
+            U: The tensor of the decomposition adjacent to the child node of the bond.
+            V: The tensor of the decomposition adjacent to the parent node of the bond.
+            bond_address: The address to the bond that was decomposed; explicitly, the
+                DirTTN.PARENT bond of the corresponding child node.
+        """
+        options = {"handle": self._lib.handle, "device_id": self._lib.device_id}
+        # Contract V to the parent node of the bond
+        direction = bond_address[-1]
+        if direction == DirTTN.LEFT:
+            indices = "lrp,sl->srp"
+        else:
+            indices = "lrp,sr->lsp"
+        self.nodes[bond_address[:-1]].tensor = cq.contract(
+            indices,
+            self.nodes[bond_address[:-1]].tensor,
+            V,
+            options=options,
+            optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+        )
+        # Contract U to the child node of the bond
+        if self.nodes[bond_address].is_leaf:
+            n_qbonds = (
+                len(self.nodes[bond_address].tensor.shape) - 1
+            )  # Total number of physical bonds in this node
+            node_bonds = [f"q{x}" for x in range(n_qbonds)] + ["p"]
+        else:
+            node_bonds = ["l", "r", "p"]
+        result_bonds = node_bonds.copy()
+        result_bonds[-1] = "s"
+        self.nodes[bond_address].tensor = cq.contract(
+            self.nodes[bond_address].tensor,
+            node_bonds,
+            U,
+            ["p", "s"],
+            result_bonds,
+            options=options,
+            optimize={"path": [(0, 1)]},
+        )
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index abc65423..c7d90902 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     license="Apache 2",
-    install_requires=["pytket ~= 1.24"],
+    install_requires=["pytket ~= 1.26"],
         "Environment :: Console",
         "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 32ae62c2..4f7bcc28 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -50,6 +50,18 @@ def quantum_volume_circuit(n_qubits: int) -> Circuit:
     return c
+def q5_empty() -> Circuit:
+    circuit = Circuit(5)
+    return circuit
+def q8_empty() -> Circuit:
+    circuit = Circuit(8)
+    return circuit
 def q2_x0() -> Circuit:
     circuit = Circuit(2)
@@ -173,12 +185,6 @@ def q4_multicontrols() -> Circuit:
     return circ
-def q5_empty() -> Circuit:
-    circuit = Circuit(5)
-    return circuit
 def q5_h0s1rz2ry3tk4tk13() -> Circuit:
     circuit = Circuit(5)
@@ -191,6 +197,16 @@ def q5_h0s1rz2ry3tk4tk13() -> Circuit:
     return circuit
+def q8_x0h2v5z6() -> Circuit:
+    circuit = Circuit(8)
+    circuit.X(0)
+    circuit.H(2)
+    circuit.V(5)
+    circuit.Z(6)
+    return circuit
 def q5_line_circ_30_layers() -> Circuit:
@@ -207,3 +223,15 @@ def q20_line_circ_20_layers() -> Circuit:
 def q6_qvol() -> Circuit:
     return quantum_volume_circuit(n_qubits=6)
+def q8_qvol() -> Circuit:
+    np.random.seed(1)
+    return quantum_volume_circuit(n_qubits=8)
+def q15_qvol() -> Circuit:
+    np.random.seed(1)
+    return quantum_volume_circuit(n_qubits=15)
diff --git a/tests/test_mps.py b/tests/test_structured_state.py
similarity index 56%
rename from tests/test_mps.py
rename to tests/test_structured_state.py
index ab2c5b0d..d08ae50a 100644
--- a/tests/test_mps.py
+++ b/tests/test_structured_state.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from typing import Any
+from typing import Any, Union
 import random  # type: ignore
 import pytest
@@ -8,16 +8,19 @@
 from pytket.circuit import Circuit, Qubit, OpType  # type: ignore
 from pytket.pauli import Pauli, QubitPauliString  # type: ignore
-from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.mps import (
+from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state import (
-    ConfigMPS,
+    Config,
+    TTNxGate,
+    DirTTN,
-    prepare_circuit,
-    ContractionAlg,
+    prepare_circuit_mps,
+    SimulationAlgorithm,
+from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.structured_state.ttn import RootPath
 from pytket.extensions.cutensornet.utils import circuit_statevector_postselect
@@ -26,8 +29,9 @@ def test_libhandle_manager() -> None:
     # Proper use of library handle
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = MPS(libhandle, circ.qubits, ConfigMPS())
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        cfg = Config()
+        mps = MPS(libhandle, circ.qubits, cfg)
+        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1, atol=cfg._atol)
     # Catch exception due to library handle out of scope
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
@@ -35,25 +39,29 @@ def test_libhandle_manager() -> None:
 def test_init() -> None:
-    circ = Circuit(5)
+    circ = Circuit(8)
+    qubit_partition = {i: [q] for i, q in enumerate(circ.qubits)}
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps_gate = MPSxGate(libhandle, circ.qubits, ConfigMPS())
+        mps_gate = MPSxGate(libhandle, circ.qubits, Config())
         assert mps_gate.is_valid()
-        mps_mpo = MPSxMPO(libhandle, circ.qubits, ConfigMPS())
+        mps_mpo = MPSxMPO(libhandle, circ.qubits, Config())
         assert mps_mpo.is_valid()
+        ttn_gate = TTNxGate(libhandle, qubit_partition, Config())
+        assert ttn_gate.is_valid()
-def test_canonicalise() -> None:
+def test_canonicalise_mps() -> None:
     circ = Circuit(5)
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps_gate = MPSxGate(libhandle, circ.qubits, ConfigMPS())
+        cfg = Config()
+        mps_gate = MPSxGate(libhandle, circ.qubits, cfg)
         # Fill up the tensors with random entries
         # Leftmost tensor
-        T_d = cp.empty(shape=(1, 4, 2), dtype=mps_gate._cfg._complex_t)
+        T_d = cp.empty(shape=(1, 4, 2), dtype=cfg._complex_t)
         for i1 in range(T_d.shape[1]):
             for i2 in range(T_d.shape[2]):
                 T_d[0][i1][i2] = cp.random.rand() + 1j * cp.random.rand()
@@ -61,7 +69,7 @@ def test_canonicalise() -> None:
         # Middle tensors
         for pos in range(1, len(mps_gate) - 1):
-            T_d = cp.empty(shape=(4, 4, 2), dtype=mps_gate._cfg._complex_t)
+            T_d = cp.empty(shape=(4, 4, 2), dtype=cfg._complex_t)
             for i0 in range(T_d.shape[0]):
                 for i1 in range(T_d.shape[1]):
                     for i2 in range(T_d.shape[2]):
@@ -69,7 +77,7 @@ def test_canonicalise() -> None:
             mps_gate.tensors[pos] = T_d
         # Rightmost tensor
-        T_d = cp.empty(shape=(4, 1, 2), dtype=mps_gate._cfg._complex_t)
+        T_d = cp.empty(shape=(4, 1, 2), dtype=cfg._complex_t)
         for i0 in range(T_d.shape[0]):
             for i2 in range(T_d.shape[2]):
                 T_d[i0][0][i2] = cp.random.rand() + 1j * cp.random.rand()
@@ -89,7 +97,7 @@ def test_canonicalise() -> None:
         # Check that canonicalisation did not change the vector
         overlap = mps_gate.vdot(mps_copy)
-        assert np.isclose(overlap, norm_sq, atol=mps_gate._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(overlap, norm_sq, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Check that the corresponding tensors are in orthogonal form
         for pos in range(len(mps_gate)):
@@ -107,13 +115,106 @@ def test_canonicalise() -> None:
             assert cp.allclose(result, cp.eye(result.shape[0]))
+    "center",
+    [
+        (DirTTN.RIGHT,),
+        (DirTTN.LEFT, DirTTN.RIGHT),
+        Qubit("q", [2]),
+    ],
+def test_canonicalise_ttn(center: Union[RootPath, Qubit]) -> None:
+    cp.random.seed(1)
+    n_levels = 3
+    n_qubits = 2**n_levels
+    max_dim = 8
+    circ = Circuit(n_qubits)
+    qubit_partition = {i: [q] for i, q in enumerate(circ.qubits)}
+    with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
+        ttn = TTNxGate(libhandle, qubit_partition, Config())
+        # Fill up the tensors with random entries
+        for path, node in ttn.nodes.items():
+            if node.is_leaf:
+                T = cp.empty(shape=(2, max_dim), dtype=ttn._cfg._complex_t)
+                for i0 in range(T.shape[0]):
+                    for i1 in range(T.shape[1]):
+                        T[i0][i1] = cp.random.rand() + 1j * cp.random.rand()
+            else:
+                shape = (max_dim, max_dim, max_dim if len(path) != 0 else 1)
+                T = cp.empty(shape=shape, dtype=ttn._cfg._complex_t)
+                for i0 in range(shape[0]):
+                    for i1 in range(shape[1]):
+                        for i2 in range(shape[2]):
+                            T[i0][i1][i2] = cp.random.rand() + 1j * cp.random.rand()
+            node.tensor = T
+        assert ttn.is_valid()
+        # Calculate the norm of the TTN
+        norm_sq = ttn.vdot(ttn)
+        # Keep a copy of the non-canonicalised TTN
+        ttn_copy = ttn.copy()
+        # Canonicalise at target path
+        R = ttn.canonicalise(center)
+        assert ttn.is_valid()
+        # Check that canonicalisation did not change the vector
+        overlap = ttn.vdot(ttn_copy)
+        assert np.isclose(overlap / norm_sq, 1.0, atol=ttn._cfg._atol)
+        # Check that the tensor R returned agrees with the norm
+        overlap_R = cq.contract("ud,ud->", R, R.conj())
+        assert np.isclose(overlap_R / norm_sq, 1.0, atol=ttn._cfg._atol)
+        # Check that the corresponding tensors are in orthogonal form
+        for path, node in ttn.nodes.items():
+            # If it's the node just below the center of canonicalisation, it
+            # cannot be in orthogonal form
+            if isinstance(center, Qubit):
+                if path == ttn.qubit_position[center][0]:
+                    assert node.canonical_form is None
+                    continue
+            else:
+                if path == center[:-1]:
+                    assert node.canonical_form is None
+                    continue
+            # Otherwise, it should be in orthogonal form
+            assert node.canonical_form is not None
+            T = node.tensor
+            if node.is_leaf:
+                assert node.canonical_form == DirTTN.PARENT
+                result = cq.contract("qp,qP->pP", T, T.conj())
+            elif node.canonical_form == DirTTN.PARENT:
+                result = cq.contract("lrp,lrP->pP", T, T.conj())
+            elif node.canonical_form == DirTTN.LEFT:
+                result = cq.contract("lrp,Lrp->lL", T, T.conj())
+            elif node.canonical_form == DirTTN.RIGHT:
+                result = cq.contract("lrp,lRp->rR", T, T.conj())
+            # Check that the result is the identity
+            assert cp.allclose(result, cp.eye(result.shape[0]))
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_empty"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_empty"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x1"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_v0"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_x0h2v5z6"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0cx01"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x1cx10x1"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0cx01cx10"),  # type: ignore
@@ -124,51 +225,57 @@ def test_canonicalise() -> None:
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_lcu3"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q3_v0cx02"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q3_cx01cz12x1rx0"),  # type: ignore
-        # pytest.lazy_fixture("q4_lcu1"),  # MPS doesn't support n-qubit gates with n>2
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_h0s1rz2ry3tk4tk13"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_line_circ_30_layers"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q6_qvol"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_qvol"),  # type: ignore
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxGate,
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate,
-def test_exact_circ_sim(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -> None:
-    prep_circ, _ = prepare_circuit(circuit)
+def test_exact_circ_sim(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: SimulationAlgorithm) -> None:
+    if algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO]:
+        circuit, _ = prepare_circuit_mps(circuit)
     n_qubits = len(circuit.qubits)
-    state = prep_circ.get_statevector()
+    state_vec = circuit.get_statevector()
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, prep_circ, algorithm, ConfigMPS())
-        assert mps.is_valid()
+        cfg = Config(leaf_size=2)
+        state = simulate(libhandle, circuit, algorithm, cfg)
+        assert state.is_valid()
         # Check that there was no approximation
-        assert np.isclose(mps.fidelity, 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.get_fidelity(), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Check that overlap is 1
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.vdot(state), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Check that all of the amplitudes are correct
         for b in range(2**n_qubits):
             assert np.isclose(
-                mps.get_amplitude(b),
-                state[b],
-                atol=mps._cfg._atol,
+                state.get_amplitude(b),
+                state_vec[b],
+                atol=cfg._atol,
         # Check that the statevector is correct
-        assert np.allclose(mps.get_statevector(), state, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.allclose(state.get_statevector(), state_vec, atol=cfg._atol)
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_empty"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_empty"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x1"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_v0"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_x0h2v5z6"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0cx01"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x1cx10x1"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0cx01cx10"),  # type: ignore
@@ -179,37 +286,43 @@ def test_exact_circ_sim(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -> None:
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_lcu3"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q3_v0cx02"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q3_cx01cz12x1rx0"),  # type: ignore
-        # pytest.lazy_fixture("q4_lcu1"),  # MPS doesn't support n-qubit gates with n>2
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_h0s1rz2ry3tk4tk13"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_line_circ_30_layers"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q6_qvol"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_qvol"),  # type: ignore
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxGate,
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate,
-def test_approx_circ_sim_gate_fid(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -> None:
-    prep_circ, _ = prepare_circuit(circuit)
+def test_approx_circ_sim_gate_fid(
+    circuit: Circuit, algorithm: SimulationAlgorithm
+) -> None:
+    if algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO]:
+        circuit, _ = prepare_circuit_mps(circuit)
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(
-            libhandle, prep_circ, algorithm, ConfigMPS(truncation_fidelity=0.99)
-        )
-        assert mps.is_valid()
+        cfg = Config(truncation_fidelity=0.99, leaf_size=2)
+        state = simulate(libhandle, circuit, algorithm, cfg)
+        assert state.is_valid()
         # Check that overlap is 1
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.vdot(state), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_empty"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_empty"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x1"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_v0"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_x0h2v5z6"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0cx01"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x1cx10x1"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_x0cx01cx10"),  # type: ignore
@@ -220,26 +333,30 @@ def test_approx_circ_sim_gate_fid(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q2_lcu3"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q3_v0cx02"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q3_cx01cz12x1rx0"),  # type: ignore
-        # pytest.lazy_fixture("q4_lcu1"),  # MPS doesn't support n-qubit gates with n>2
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_h0s1rz2ry3tk4tk13"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q5_line_circ_30_layers"),  # type: ignore
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q6_qvol"),  # type: ignore
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q8_qvol"),  # type: ignore
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxGate,
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate,
-def test_approx_circ_sim_chi(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -> None:
-    prep_circ, _ = prepare_circuit(circuit)
+def test_approx_circ_sim_chi(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: SimulationAlgorithm) -> None:
+    if algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO]:
+        circuit, _ = prepare_circuit_mps(circuit)
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, prep_circ, algorithm, ConfigMPS(chi=4))
-        assert mps.is_valid()
+        cfg = Config(chi=4, leaf_size=2)
+        state = simulate(libhandle, circuit, algorithm, cfg)
+        assert state.is_valid()
         # Check that overlap is 1
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.vdot(state), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
@@ -256,8 +373,9 @@ def test_approx_circ_sim_chi(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -> Non
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxGate,
-        ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO,
+        SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate,
@@ -268,40 +386,44 @@ def test_approx_circ_sim_chi(circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg) -> Non
 def test_float_point_options(
-    circuit: Circuit, algorithm: ContractionAlg, fp_precision: Any
+    circuit: Circuit, algorithm: SimulationAlgorithm, fp_precision: Any
 ) -> None:
-    prep_circ, _ = prepare_circuit(circuit)
+    if algorithm in [SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO]:
+        circuit, _ = prepare_circuit_mps(circuit)
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
         # Exact
-        mps = simulate(
-            libhandle, prep_circ, algorithm, ConfigMPS(float_precision=fp_precision)
-        )
-        assert mps.is_valid()
+        cfg = Config(float_precision=fp_precision, leaf_size=2)
+        state = simulate(libhandle, circuit, algorithm, cfg)
+        assert state.is_valid()
         # Check that overlap is 1
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.vdot(state), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Approximate, bound truncation fidelity
-        mps = simulate(
+        cfg = Config(
+            truncation_fidelity=0.99, float_precision=fp_precision, leaf_size=2
+        )
+        state = simulate(
-            prep_circ,
+            circuit,
-            ConfigMPS(truncation_fidelity=0.99, float_precision=fp_precision),
+            cfg,
-        assert mps.is_valid()
+        assert state.is_valid()
         # Check that overlap is 1
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.vdot(state), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Approximate, bound chi
-        mps = simulate(
+        cfg = Config(chi=4, float_precision=fp_precision, leaf_size=2)
+        state = simulate(
-            prep_circ,
+            circuit,
-            ConfigMPS(chi=4, float_precision=fp_precision),
+            cfg,
-        assert mps.is_valid()
+        assert state.is_valid()
         # Check that overlap is 1
-        assert np.isclose(mps.vdot(mps), 1.0, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(state.vdot(state), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
@@ -310,47 +432,74 @@ def test_float_point_options(
         pytest.lazy_fixture("q20_line_circ_20_layers"),  # type: ignore
-def test_circ_approx_explicit(circuit: Circuit) -> None:
+def test_circ_approx_explicit_mps(circuit: Circuit) -> None:
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
         # Finite gate fidelity
         # Check for MPSxGate
+        cfg = Config(truncation_fidelity=0.99, leaf_size=4, float_precision=np.float32)
         mps_gate = simulate(
-            ContractionAlg.MPSxGate,
-            ConfigMPS(truncation_fidelity=0.99),
+            SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate,
+            cfg,
-        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.fidelity, 0.4, atol=1e-1)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.get_fidelity(), 0.4, atol=1e-1)
         assert mps_gate.is_valid()
-        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.vdot(mps_gate), 1.0, atol=mps_gate._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.vdot(mps_gate), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Check for MPSxMPO
         mps_mpo = simulate(
-            ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO,
-            ConfigMPS(truncation_fidelity=0.99),
+            SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO,
+            cfg,
-        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.fidelity, 0.6, atol=1e-1)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.get_fidelity(), 0.6, atol=1e-1)
         assert mps_mpo.is_valid()
-        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.vdot(mps_mpo), 1.0, atol=mps_mpo._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.vdot(mps_mpo), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Fixed virtual bond dimension
         # Check for MPSxGate
-        mps_gate = simulate(
-            libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS(chi=8)
-        )
-        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.fidelity, 0.03, atol=1e-2)
+        cfg = Config(chi=8, leaf_size=4, float_precision=np.float32)
+        mps_gate = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, cfg)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.get_fidelity(), 0.03, atol=1e-2)
         assert mps_gate.is_valid()
-        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.vdot(mps_gate), 1.0, atol=mps_gate._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_gate.vdot(mps_gate), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
         # Check for MPSxMPO
-        mps_mpo = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxMPO, ConfigMPS(chi=8))
-        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.fidelity, 0.04, atol=1e-2)
+        mps_mpo = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxMPO, cfg)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.get_fidelity(), 0.05, atol=1e-2)
         assert mps_mpo.is_valid()
-        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.vdot(mps_mpo), 1.0, atol=mps_mpo._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(mps_mpo.vdot(mps_mpo), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
+    "circuit",
+    [
+        pytest.lazy_fixture("q15_qvol"),  # type: ignore
+    ],
+def test_circ_approx_explicit_ttn(circuit: Circuit) -> None:
+    random.seed(1)
+    with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
+        # Finite gate fidelity
+        # Check for TTNxGate
+        cfg = Config(truncation_fidelity=0.99, leaf_size=3, float_precision=np.float32)
+        ttn_gate = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate, cfg)
+        assert np.isclose(ttn_gate.get_fidelity(), 0.769, atol=1e-3)
+        assert ttn_gate.is_valid()
+        assert np.isclose(ttn_gate.vdot(ttn_gate), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
+        # Fixed virtual bond dimension
+        # Check for TTNxGate
+        cfg = Config(chi=120, leaf_size=3, float_precision=np.float32)
+        ttn_gate = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.TTNxGate, cfg)
+        assert np.isclose(ttn_gate.get_fidelity(), 0.857, atol=1e-3)
+        assert ttn_gate.is_valid()
+        assert np.isclose(ttn_gate.vdot(ttn_gate), 1.0, atol=cfg._atol)
@@ -385,10 +534,11 @@ def test_postselect_2q_circ(circuit: Circuit, postselect_dict: dict) -> None:
         sv = sv / np.sqrt(sv_prob)  # Normalise
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())
+        cfg = Config()
+        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, cfg)
         prob = mps.postselect(postselect_dict)
-        assert np.isclose(prob, sv_prob, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
-        assert np.allclose(mps.get_statevector(), sv, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(prob, sv_prob, atol=cfg._atol)
+        assert np.allclose(mps.get_statevector(), sv, atol=cfg._atol)
@@ -415,10 +565,11 @@ def test_postselect_circ(circuit: Circuit, postselect_dict: dict) -> None:
         sv = sv / np.sqrt(sv_prob)  # Normalise
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())
+        cfg = Config()
+        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, cfg)
         prob = mps.postselect(postselect_dict)
-        assert np.isclose(prob, sv_prob, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
-        assert np.allclose(mps.get_statevector(), sv, atol=mps._cfg._atol)
+        assert np.isclose(prob, sv_prob, atol=cfg._atol)
+        assert np.allclose(mps.get_statevector(), sv, atol=cfg._atol)
@@ -460,9 +611,10 @@ def test_expectation_value(circuit: Circuit, observable: QubitPauliString) -> No
     # Simulate the circuit and obtain the expectation value
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())
+        cfg = Config()
+        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, cfg)
         assert np.isclose(
-            mps.expectation_value(observable), expectation_value, atol=mps._cfg._atol
+            mps.expectation_value(observable), expectation_value, atol=cfg._atol
@@ -490,7 +642,7 @@ def test_sample_circ_2q(circuit: Circuit) -> None:
     # Compute the samples
     sample_dict = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0}
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())
+        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())
         # Take samples measuring both qubits at once
         for _ in range(n_samples):
@@ -517,7 +669,7 @@ def test_measure_circ(circuit: Circuit) -> None:
     qB = circuit.qubits[-3]  # Third list significant qubit
     with CuTensorNetHandle() as libhandle:
-        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, ContractionAlg.MPSxGate, ConfigMPS())
+        mps = simulate(libhandle, circuit, SimulationAlgorithm.MPSxGate, Config())
         # Compute the probabilities of each outcome
         p = {(0, 0): 0.0, (0, 1): 0.0, (1, 0): 0.0, (1, 1): 0.0}