- microsoft / visual-chatgpt:Official repo for the paper: Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models
- oobabooga / text-generation-webui:A gradio web UI for running Large Language Models like GPT-J 6B, OPT, GALACTICA, LLaMA, and Pygmalion.
- public-apis / public-apis:A collective list of free APIs
- GanymedeNil / document.ai:基于向量数据库与GPT3.5的通用本地知识库方案(A universal local knowledge base solution based on vector database and GPT3.5)
- randaller / llama-chat:Chat with Meta's LLaMA models at home made easy
- butaixianran / Stable-Diffusion-Webui-Civitai-Helper:Stable Diffusion Webui Extension for Civitai, to manage your model much more easily.
- guillaumekln / faster-whisper:Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
- pkuliyi2015 / multidiffusion-upscaler-for-automatic1111:MultiDiffusion implementation with VAE VRAM optimize
- geohot / tinygrad:You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
- Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo:Demonstration of how to leverage Azure OpenAI and Cognitive Search to enable Information Search and Discovery over organizational content
- TheLastBen / fast-stable-diffusion:fast-stable-diffusion + DreamBooth
- SociallyIneptWeeb / LanguageLeapAI:Your Personal Multilingual AI Translator
- StarStringStudio / so-vits-svc:SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion
- d8ahazard / sd_dreambooth_extension:
- Z4nzu / hackingtool:ALL IN ONE Hacking Tool For Hackers
- WassimTenachi / PhySO:Physical Symbolic Optimization
- donnemartin / system-design-primer:Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- yt-dlp / yt-dlp:A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
- Kav-K / GPT3Discord:A robust, all-in-one GPT3 interface for Discord. ChatGPT-style conversations, image generation, AI-moderation, custom indexes/knowledgebase, youtube summarizer, and more!
- qwopqwop200 / GPTQ-for-LLaMa:4 bits quantization of LLaMa using GPTQ
- blackburnnnn / octo-meme:
- deforum-art / deforum-for-automatic1111-webui:Deforum extension script for AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion webui
- Rapptz / discord.py:An API wrapper for Discord written in Python.
- pittcsc / Summer2023-Internships:Collection of Summer 2023 tech internships!
- ansible / ansible:Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain. Automate everything from code deployment to network configuration to cloud management, in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems. https://docs.ansible.com.
- Shopify / tracky:
- appbrewery / Dicee-iOS13:Learn to Code While Building Apps - The Complete iOS Development Bootcamp
- yichengchen / clashX:
- jacklandrin / OnlySwitch:⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻 MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts
- utmapp / UTM:Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
- intitni / CopilotForXcode:The missing GitHub Copilot Xcode Source Editor Extension
- vapor / vapor:💧 A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.
- davidwernhart / AlDente-Charge-Limiter:macOS tool to limit maximum charging percentage
- altstoreio / AltStore:AltStore is an alternative app store for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
- buresdv / Cork:A fast GUI for Homebrew written in SwiftUI
- jellyfin / Swiftfin:Native Jellyfin Client for iOS and tvOS
- signalapp / Signal-iOS:A private messenger for iOS.
- maxgoedjen / secretive:Store SSH keys in the Secure Enclave
- groue / GRDB.swift:A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
- MonitorControl / MonitorControl:🖥 Control your display's brightness & volume on your Mac as if it was a native Apple Display. Use Apple Keyboard keys or custom shortcuts. Shows the native macOS OSDs.
- apple / swift-driver:Swift compiler driver reimplementation in Swift
- rileytestut / Delta:Delta is an all-in-one classic video game emulator for non-jailbroken iOS devices.
- blinksh / blink:Blink Mobile Shell for iOS (Mosh based)
- ginsudev / WDBFontOverwrite:Proof-of-concept app to overwrite fonts on iOS using CVE-2022-46689.
- MikeWang000000 / PD-Runner-Revived:PD-Runner (Parallels Desktop) 补档
- SnapKit / SnapKit:A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
- twostraws / HackingWithSwift:The project source code for hackingwithswift.com
- OpenEmu / OpenEmu:🕹 Retro video game emulation for macOS
- mapbox / mapbox-maps-ios:Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps for iOS powered by vector tiles and Metal
- iina / iina:The modern video player for macOS.
- caesarHQ / textSQL:
- Postcatlab / postcat:Postcat 是一个可扩展的 API 工具平台。集合基础的 API 管理和测试功能,并且可以通过插件简化你的 API 开发工作,让你可以更快更好地创建 API。An extensible API tool.
- EddieHubCommunity / LinkFree:Connect to your audience with a single link. Showcase the content you create and your projects in one place. Make it easier for people to find, follow and subscribe.
- tangly1024 / NotionNext:一个使用 NextJS + Notion API 实现的,部署在 Vercel 上的静态博客系统。为Notion和所有创作者设计。
- github / docs:The open-source repo for docs.github.com
- iptv-org / iptv:Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
- mschwarzmueller / nextjs-course-code:Source code for my NextJS course (https://acad.link/nextjs)
- jtydhr88 / sd-3dmodel-loader:A custom extension for stable diffusion webui to load local 3D model/animation
- hexojs / hexo:A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
- ponlponl123 / AIVTuber:I'm not Neuro-Sama, I'm an artificial intelligence created by DevPattarapong It is currently in development using OpenAI models and Live2D characters.
- Nerver4Ever / SevenSha1UIAdvancedHelper:转存助手ui优化版
- victornpb / undiscord:Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
- warengonzaga / css-text-portrait-builder:A popular pure CSS text portrait builder for your loved ones. 🥰
- PipedreamHQ / pipedream:Connect APIs, remarkably fast. Free for developers.
- Pylogmon / pot:😃 一个跨平台的划词翻译软件 | A cross-platform translation software
- timlrx / tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog:This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
- preactjs / preact:⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.
- betaflight / betaflight-configurator:Cross platform configuration tool for the Betaflight firmware
- trekhleb / javascript-algorithms:📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
- discordjs / discord.js:A powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
- Asabeneh / 30-Days-Of-JavaScript:30 days of JavaScript programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn JavaScript programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than 100 days, please just follow your own pace.
- DarkMakerofc / Queen-Elisa-MD-V2:ᴛʜᴇ ǫᴜᴇᴇɴ ᴇʟɪsᴀ ᴡᴀ ʙᴏᴛ ɪs ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴇʟɪsᴀ ʙᴏᴛ ᴛᴇᴀᴍ | ʙᴀsᴇ : ᴛᴜɴᴀ
- DIYgod / RSSHub:🍰 Everything is RSSible
- KingRan / KR:
- openwrt / luci:LuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface
- v2fly / domain-list-community:Community managed domain list. Generate geosite.dat for V2Ray.
- cloudflare / cloudflared:Cloudflare Tunnel client (formerly Argo Tunnel)
- fyne-io / fyne:Cross platform GUI in Go inspired by Material Design
- Dreamacro / clash:A rule-based tunnel in Go.
- XIU2 / CloudflareSpeedTest:🌩 「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP (IPv4 / IPv6)!另外也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~
- pocketbase / pocketbase:Open Source realtime backend in 1 file
- AdguardTeam / AdGuardHome:Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
- XTLS / Xray-core:Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
- SagerNet / sing-box:The universal proxy platform
- go-gitea / gitea:Git with a cup of tea, painless self-hosted git service
- meshery / meshery:Meshery, the cloud native manager
- v2fly / v2ray-core:A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
- photoprism / photoprism:AI-Powered Photos App for the Decentralized Web 🌈 💎 ✨
- pressly / goose:A database migration tool. Supports SQL migrations and Go functions.
- wader / fq:jq for binary formats - tool, language and decoders for working with binary and text formats
- sundowndev / phoneinfoga:Information gathering framework for phone numbers
- authelia / authelia:The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- ethereum / go-ethereum:Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
- syncthing / syncthing:Open Source Continuous File Synchronization
- fatedier / frp:A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
- restic / restic:Fast, secure, efficient backup program
- FloatTech / ZeroBot-Plugin:基于 ZeroBot 的 OneBot 插件
- smartcontractkit / chainlink:node of the decentralized oracle network, bridging on and off-chain computation
- kopia / kopia:Cross-platform backup tool for Windows, macOS & Linux with fast, incremental backups, client-side end-to-end encryption, compression and data deduplication. CLI and GUI included.