- openai / openai-python:The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.
- zhayujie / chatgpt-on-wechat:使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于ChatGPT3.5 API和itchat实现。Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library.
- microsoft / unilm:Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
- mukulpatnaik / researchgpt:An open-source LLM based research assistant that allows you to have a conversation with a research paper
- yihong0618 / xiaogpt:play chatgpt with xiaomi ai speaker
- karfly / chatgpt_telegram_bot:
- bregman-arie / devops-exercises:Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
- Asabeneh / 30-Days-Of-Python:30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace.
- hwchase17 / langchain:⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡
- acheong08 / ChatGPT:Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
- openai / tiktoken:
- python-poetry / poetry:Python packaging and dependency management made easy
- heartexlabs / label-studio:Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
- aws / aws-cli:Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
- mlflow / mlflow:Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
- zhayujie / bot-on-anything:Connect AI models (like ChatGPT-3.5, GPT-3.0) to apps (like Wechat, public account, DingTalk, Telegram, QQ). 将 ChatGPT 等算法模型应用于各类平台,目前已完成命令行、个人微信、公众号、QQ、Telegram、Gmail邮箱、Slack,计划接入Web、企业微信、钉钉等。
- RockChinQ / QChatGPT:高稳定性、低耦合、支持插件、适配多种模型的 ChatGPT QQ 机器人
- AnTi-anti / damai_ticket:大麦网抢票脚本
- caronc / apprise:Apprise - Push Notifications that work with just about every platform!
- celery / celery:Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
- networkx / networkx:Network Analysis in Python
- LlmKira / Openaibot:Gpt-3.5-turbo/ChatGPT Chatbot/Voice Assistant | 📱 Cross-Platform | 🦾 Async | 🗣 Good Contextual Support | 🌻 sh & docker Deployment| 🔌 API Server Provided| 🎤 Azure/Vits for Voice Chatting | 🌎 Real-time Information Searching| 📷 Multi-modal/Image Understanding | 💐 Self-maintained LLM Framework
- explosion / spaCy:💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
- Cvaniak / NoteSH:NoteSH fully functional sticky notes App in your Terminal!
- 521xueweihan / HelloGitHub:分享 GitHub 上有趣、入门级的开源项目。Share interesting, entry-level open source projects on GitHub.
- adamrushy / OpenAISwift:This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API
- Alamofire / Alamofire:Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- nicklockwood / SwiftFormat:A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
- danielgindi / Charts:Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- hmlongco / Factory:A new approach to Container-Based Dependency Injection for Swift and SwiftUI.
- Moya / Moya:Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- pointfreeco / swift-composable-architecture:A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
- ReactiveX / RxSwift:Reactive Programming in Swift
- mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera:📸 The Camera library that sees the vision.
- yonaskolb / XcodeGen:A Swift command line tool for generating your Xcode project
- alexwidua / prototypes:little monorepo of misc prototypes
- airbnb / lottie-ios:An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- mac-cain13 / R.swift:Strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- realm / SwiftLint:A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- tuist / tuist:🚀 Create, maintain, and interact with Xcode projects at scale
- utmapp / UTM:Virtual machines for iOS and macOS
- shogo4405 / HaishinKit.swift:Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS and tvOS.
- apple / swift-collections:Commonly used data structures for Swift
- daltoniam / Starscream:Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- apple / swift-nio:Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
- SDWebImage / SDWebImageSwiftUI:SwiftUI Image loading and Animation framework powered by SDWebImage
- pointfreeco / swift-dependencies:A dependency management library inspired by SwiftUI's "environment."
- exyte / PopupView:Toasts and popups library written with SwiftUI
- apple / swift-package-manager:The Package Manager for the Swift Programming Language
- aws-amplify / amplify-swift:A declarative library for application development using cloud services.
- ErickWendel / semana-javascript-expert07:JS Expert Week 7.0 - 🙅 🤏🏻 Controlling Streaming Platforms using Eye and Hand Detection 👁 🖐
- Koenkk / zigbee2mqtt:Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉 , get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
- waylaidwanderer / node-chatgpt-api:A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app.
- nolimits4web / swiper:Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
- yetone / bob-plugin-openai-translator:基于 ChatGPT API 的文本翻译、文本润色、语法纠错 Bob 插件,让我们一起迎接不需要巴别塔的新时代!
- Kong / insomnia:The open-source, cross-platform API client for GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC.
- google / zx:A tool for writing better scripts
- axios / axios:Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- Asabeneh / 30-Days-Of-React:30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. It requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. You should be comfortable with JavaScript before you start to React. If you are not comfortable with JavaScript check out 30DaysOfJavaScript. This is a continuation of 30 Days Of JS. This challenge may take more than 100…
- openai / openai-quickstart-node:Node.js example app from the OpenAI API quickstart tutorial
- quasarframework / quasar:Quasar Framework - Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time
- RiyadArgoub / all-freecodecamp-projects:A collection of all projects completed for the FreeCodeCamp certifications.
- rdi-berkeley / zkp-mooc-lab:
- circleci / circleci-docs:Documentation for CircleCI.
- airbnb / javascript:JavaScript Style Guide
- artiebits / fake-git-history:Generate Git commits.
- wangrongding / wechat-bot:🤖 一个基于OpenAi ChatGPT + WeChaty 实现的微信机器人 ,可以用来帮助你自动回复微信消息,或者管理微信群/好友,检测僵尸粉等...
- fabricjs / fabric.js:Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
- swagger-api / swagger-ui:Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
- vercel / next.js:The React Framework
- kenwheeler / slick:the last carousel you'll ever need
- parallax / jsPDF:Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
- aquasecurity / cloudsploit:Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
- dream-num / Luckysheet:Luckysheet is an online spreadsheet like excel that is powerful, simple to configure, and completely open source.
- yjs / yjs:Shared data types for building collaborative software
- ServiceWeaver / weaver:Programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications.
- sashabaranov / go-gpt3:OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3 and DALL·E API wrapper for Go
- eryajf / chatgpt-dingtalk:ChatGPT机器人在钉钉群聊中交互
- Leizhenpeng / feishu-chatGpt:Feishu ChatGpt 在飞书上与ChatGPT随时对话~
- xinliangnote / go-gin-api:基于 Gin 进行模块化设计的 API 框架,封装了常用功能,使用简单,致力于进行快速的业务研发。比如,支持 cors 跨域、jwt 签名验证、zap 日志收集、panic 异常捕获、trace 链路追踪、prometheus 监控指标、swagger 文档生成、viper 配置文件解析、gorm 数据库组件、gormgen 代码生成工具、graphql 查询语言、errno 统一定义错误码、gRPC 的使用、cron 定时任务 等等。
- hashicorp / terraform:Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
- influxdata / telegraf:The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.
- grafana / mimir:Grafana Mimir provides horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long-term storage for Prometheus.
- stretchr / testify:A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library
- elastic / beats:🐠 Beats - Lightweight shippers for Elasticsearch & Logstash
- 869413421 / chatgpt-web:基于ChatGPT3.5 API实现的私有化web程序
- go-zoox / chatgpt-for-chatbot-feishu:快速将 ChatGPT 接入飞书,基于 OpenAI 官方接口,作为私人工作助理或者企业员工助理
- kubernetes-sigs / kwok:Kubernetes WithOut Kubelet - Simulates thousands of Nodes and Clusters.
- swaggo / swag:Automatically generate RESTful API documentation with Swagger 2.0 for Go.
- hashicorp / nomad:Nomad is an easy-to-use, flexible, and performant workload orchestrator that can deploy a mix of microservice, batch, containerized, and non-containerized applications. Nomad is easy to operate and scale and has native Consul and Vault integrations.
- open-policy-agent / gatekeeper:Gatekeeper - Policy Controller for Kubernetes
- coder / coder:A tool that provisions remote development environments via Terraform
- open-telemetry / opentelemetry-go:OpenTelemetry Go API and SDK
- cilium / cilium:eBPF-based Networking, Security, and Observability
- hashicorp / packer:Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
- kubernetes-sigs / aws-load-balancer-controller:A Kubernetes controller for Elastic Load Balancers
- docker / compose:Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- ccfos / nightingale:An enterprise-level cloud-native monitoring system, which can be used as drop-in replacement of Prometheus for alerting and Grafana for visualization.
- hyperledger / fabric-samples:Samples for Hyperledger Fabric