- BlinkDL / ChatRWKV:ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by the RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.
- daveshap / raven:RAVEN (Realtime Assistant Voice Enabled Network) Open Source Software (OSS) community repo
- acheong08 / ChatGPT:Reverse engineered ChatGPT API. Uses official model same as the website.
- microsoft / BioGPT:
- pandas-dev / pandas:Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
- openai / openai-python:The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.
- tiangolo / fastapi:FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- open-mmlab / mmpose:OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark.
- psf / black:The uncompromising Python code formatter
- open-mmlab / mmclassification:OpenMMLab Image Classification Toolbox and Benchmark
- public-apis / public-apis:A collective list of free APIs
- heatz123 / naturalspeech:A fully working pytorch implementation of NaturalSpeech (Tan et al., 2022)
- OpenEthan / SMSBoom:短信轰炸/短信测压/ | 一个健壮免费的python短信轰炸程序,专门炸坏蛋蛋,百万接口,多线程全自动添加有效接口,支持异步协程百万并发,全免费的短信轰炸工具!!hongkonger开发全网首发!!
- bmaltais / kohya_ss:
- jackfrued / Python-100-Days:Python - 100天从新手到大师
- cleanlab / cleanlab:The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and machine learning with messy, real-world data and labels.
- Anjok07 / ultimatevocalremovergui:GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks.
- ultralytics / yolov5:YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
- facebookresearch / metaseq:Repo for external large-scale work
- PyCQA / pylint:It's not just a linter that annoys you!
- alexey-goloburdin / botanim-bot:Telegram bot for botanim.to.digital
- StackStorm / st2:StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation for auto-remediation, incident responses, troubleshooting, deployments, and more for DevOps and SREs. Includes rules engine, workflow, 160 integration packs with 6000+ actions (see https://exchange.stackstorm.org) and ChatOps. Installer at https://docs.stackstorm.com/install/index.html
- zhayujie / chatgpt-on-wechat:使用ChatGPT搭建微信聊天机器人,基于OpenAI API和itchat实现。Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which using OpenAI api and itchat library.
- facebookincubator / AITemplate:AITemplate is a Python framework which renders neural network into high performance CUDA/HIP C++ code. Specialized for FP16 TensorCore (NVIDIA GPU) and MatrixCore (AMD GPU) inference.
- JustAnotherArchivist / snscrape:A social networking service scraper in Python
- damus-io / damus:iOS nostr client
- kean / Pulse:Network logger for Apple platforms
- aheze / Squirrel:Enable scrolling in the Xcode Simulator!
- Dashlane / apple-apps:🍎 Apple applications sources
- pointfreeco / swift-composable-architecture:A library for building applications in a consistent and understandable way, with composition, testing, and ergonomics in mind.
- onevcat / Kingfisher:A lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
- facebook / facebook-ios-sdk:Used to integrate the Facebook Platform with your iOS & tvOS apps.
- airbnb / lottie-ios:An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- ReactiveX / RxSwift:Reactive Programming in Swift
- lwouis / alt-tab-macos:Windows alt-tab on macOS
- siteline / SwiftUI-Introspect:Introspect underlying UIKit components from SwiftUI
- FaceOnLive / Touchless-Fingerprint-Recognition-SDK-iOS:
- teodorpatras / EasyTipView:Fully customisable tooltip view in Swift for iOS.
- mrousavy / react-native-vision-camera:📸 The Camera library that sees the vision.
- nicklockwood / SwiftFormat:A command-line tool and Xcode Extension for formatting Swift code
- danielgindi / Charts:Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- Alamofire / Alamofire:Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- stripe / stripe-ios:Stripe iOS SDK
- mxcl / PromiseKit:Promises for Swift & ObjC.
- pointfreeco / swift-snapshot-testing:📸 Delightful Swift snapshot testing.
- vsouza / awesome-ios:A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- Moya / Moya:Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- SwiftGen / SwiftGen:The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
- kudoleh / iOS-Clean-Architecture-MVVM:Template iOS app using Clean Architecture and MVVM. Includes DIContainer, FlowCoordinator, DTO, Response Caching and one of the views in SwiftUI
- apple / swift-nio:Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
- wangrongding / wechat-bot:🤖 一个基于OpenAi ChatGPT + WeChaty 实现的微信机器人 ,可以用来帮助你自动回复微信消息,或者管理微信群/好友,检测僵尸粉等...
- waylaidwanderer / node-chatgpt-api:A ChatGPT implementation using the official ChatGPT model via OpenAI's API.
- atom / atom:The hackable text editor
- semantic-release / semantic-release:📦 🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
- ToolJet / ToolJet:Extensible low-code framework for building business applications. Connect to databases, cloud storages, GraphQL, API endpoints, Airtable, etc and build apps using drag and drop application builder. Built using JavaScript/TypeScript. 🚀
- vincelwt / chatgpt-mac:ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar.
- OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-contracts:OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.
- NaiboWang / EasySpider:A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider一个可以无代码可视化设计和执行的爬虫软件
- inovua / reactdatagrid:Empower Your Data with the best React Data Grid there is
- AlaSQL / alasql:AlaSQL.js - JavaScript SQL database for browser and Node.js. Handles both traditional relational tables and nested JSON data (NoSQL). Export, store, and import data from localStorage, IndexedDB, or Excel.
- codemirror / codemirror5:In-browser code editor (version 5, legacy)
- varunshenoy / GraphGPT:Extrapolating knowledge graphs from unstructured text using GPT-3 🕵️♂️
- vercel / next.js:The React Framework
- odoo / odoo:Odoo. Open Source Apps To Grow Your Business.
- sudheerj / reactjs-interview-questions:List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers....Coding exercise questions are coming soon!!
- carbon-design-system / carbon:A design system built by IBM
- OddPvP / unblockedgames:Unblocked games website --- 1v1.lol ~ slope ~ RetroBowl ~ Odd Games ~ Tetris ~ Sans ~ Pong
- nolimits4web / swiper:Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
- pmndrs / drei:🥉 useful helpers for react-three-fiber
- BlueWallet / BlueWallet:Bitcoin wallet for iOS & Android. Built with React Native
- hiddify / hiddify-config:
- SortableJS / vue.draggable.next:Vue 3 compatible drag-and-drop component based on Sortable.js
- studio-freight / lenis:How smooth scroll should be
- popcorn-official / popcorn-desktop:Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) A Butter-Project Fork
- parallax / jsPDF:Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
- moby / moby:Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
- gofiber / fiber:⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go
- kubernetes / kubernetes:Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- gruntwork-io / terratest:Terratest is a Go library that makes it easier to write automated tests for your infrastructure code.
- slimtoolkit / slim:Slim(toolkit): Don't change anything in your container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
- golang / go:The Go programming language
- djun / wechatbot:为个人微信接入ChatGPT
- FiloSottile / mkcert:A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like.
- hashicorp / vault:A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
- redis / go-redis:Type-safe Redis client for Golang
- dominikh / go-tools:Staticcheck - The advanced Go linter
- grafana / loki:Like Prometheus, but for logs.
- avelino / awesome-go:A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- kubernetes / ingress-nginx:Ingress-NGINX Controller for Kubernetes
- pyroscope-io / pyroscope:Continuous Profiling Platform. Debug performance issues down to a single line of code
- Shopify / sarama:Sarama is a Go library for Apache Kafka.
- influxdata / telegraf:The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics.
- grafana / tempo:Grafana Tempo is a high volume, minimal dependency distributed tracing backend.
- cloudwego / kitex:Go RPC framework with high-performance and strong-extensibility for building micro-services.
- pulumi / pulumi:Pulumi - Universal Infrastructure as Code. Your Cloud, Your Language, Your Way 🚀
- kubernetes / enhancements:Enhancements tracking repo for Kubernetes
- eatmoreapple / openwechat:golang微信SDK
- prometheus / prometheus:The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
- rancher / rancher:Complete container management platform
- go-delve / delve:Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language.