This is the documentation - and executable code! - for the Service Mesh Academy Multicluster Failover workshop. The easiest way to use this file is to execute it with demosh, but you can certainly just read it.
Things in Markdown comments are safe to ignore when reading this later. When
executing this with demosh, things after the horizontal rule below (which is
just before a commented @SHOW
directive) will get displayed.
This workshop requires that you have two Kubernetes clusters, named east
. If you want to create k3d
clusters for this,
has what you need! Otherwise, make sure your clusters are called east
; if your clusters have other names, remember to substitute the same
cluster for east
or west
every time those names appear in these
instructions (or you can use kubectl config rename-context
to rename your
clusters' contexts to match).
In addition, you will need following CLIs installed locally:
We're going to walk through configuring Linkerd in a multicluster configuration multicluster configuration with the linkerd-failover extension. Once this architecture is in place, you will be able to use mirrored services as failover services for your application traffic.
NOTE: This is a long README! We're actually going through everything starting from two empty clusters. It works out, though, just stick with it.
We'll start with setting up our two brand-new k3d
clusters. All of this part
should work fine with other cluster types, too.
For this workshop, we'll be using clusters called east
and west
, so we'll
start by making sure that we have access to both clusters.
kubectl get pods -n kube-system --context east
kubectl get pods -n kube-system --context west
Next up, make sure that we'll be able to deploy Linkerd on both clusters.
linkerd check --pre --context east
linkerd check --pre --context west
For multicluster to work properly, both clusters need to be using the same
trust anchor. We'll set all this up with smallstep
For more details here, you can check out the Service Mesh Academy Certificate Management workshop.
Start by setting up the trust anchor, which will be shared between the two
clusters. The smallstep
profile is appropriate for this: it will
create a CA certificate with an X.509 path length of 1, so it will be able to
sign the issuer certificates that we'll need.
Arguments to step
we use here:
is the CN of the trust anchor. This name is required.root.crt
give the filenames into whichstep
will write the certificate files.--profile root-ca
specifies the profile, as described above.--no-password --insecure
says we don't want a password, which we accept is insecure.
rm -f root.crt root.key
step certificate create \
root.linkerd.cluster.local \
root.crt root.key \
--profile root-ca \
--no-password --insecure
Given the trust anchor, we can create the issuer certificates for each
cluster. These can - and should! - be different, so we'll run step
Although the parameters are identical (except for the filenames), these
certificates will not be the same, since their private keys will be different.
Note that we're using the smallstep
profile here: still a
CA certificate, but the X.509 path length will be 0, meaning that these
certificates can only be used to sign workload certificates.
New step
is the name required for issuer certificates.--profile intermediate-ca
sets the profile, as described above.--ca root.crt
gives the public key certificate to use to sign the new cert--ca-key root.key
gives the private key for the--ca
certificate--not-after 8760h
specifies that we want a one-year expiry for this certificate. (It's unfortunate that we have to use hours for this.)
rm -f east-issuer.crt east-issuer.key west-issuer.crt west-issuer.key
step certificate create \
identity.linkerd.cluster.local \
east-issuer.crt east-issuer.key \
--profile intermediate-ca \
--ca root.crt \
--ca-key root.key \
--not-after 8760h \
--no-password --insecure
step certificate create \
identity.linkerd.cluster.local \
west-issuer.crt west-issuer.key \
--profile intermediate-ca \
--ca root.crt \
--ca-key root.key \
--not-after 8760h \
--no-password --insecure
Finally we're ready to install Linkerd! We'll use the command line for this. There's nothing terribly magical here except that it's critical that we give each cluster the correct certificates.
linkerd install --crds --context east | kubectl apply --context east -f -
linkerd install --context east \
--identity-trust-anchors-file root.crt \
--identity-issuer-certificate-file east-issuer.crt \
--identity-issuer-key-file east-issuer.key | \
kubectl apply --context east -f -
linkerd install --crds --context west | kubectl apply --context west -f -
linkerd install --context west \
--identity-trust-anchors-file root.crt \
--identity-issuer-certificate-file west-issuer.crt \
--identity-issuer-key-file west-issuer.key | \
kubectl apply --context west -f -
We'll run linkerd check
on both clusters to make sure that all is well.
linkerd --context east check
linkerd --context west check
The linkerd-viz
extension provides tools to more easily visualize what's
going on in our clusters. Let's get that installed too. Note that this is
completely identical between the two clusters.
For more details about linkerd-viz
, check out its documentation at
We start by installing Grafana.
helm repo add grafana
helm install --kube-context east \
grafana -n grafana --create-namespace grafana/grafana \
helm install --kube-context west \
grafana -n grafana --create-namespace grafana/grafana \
Once that's done, we can install linkerd-viz
linkerd --context=east viz install --set grafana.url=grafana.grafana:3000 \
| kubectl --context=east apply -f -
linkerd --context=west viz install --set grafana.url=grafana.grafana:3000 \
| kubectl --context=west apply -f -
Finally, check to make sure everything is still OK.
linkerd check --context east
linkerd check --context west
We're going to use Emissary-ingress here, but the actual choice of ingress
controller isn't important -- in fact, the real reason we're installing an
ingress controller is just to avoid needing kubectl port-forward
while using
the browser to check things out.
for ctx in east west; do \
echo "Installing Emissary-ingress in $ctx..." ;\
kubectl --context $ctx create namespace emissary ;\
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL ${EMISSARY_CRDS} | \
sed -e 's/replicas: 3/replicas: 1/' | \
kubectl apply --context $ctx -f - ;\
echo "" ;\
echo " waiting for webhooks in $ctx..." ;\
kubectl --context $ctx wait --timeout=90s --for=condition=available \
-n emissary-system deployment emissary-apiext ;\
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL ${EMISSARY_INGRESS} | \
sed -e 's/replicas: 3/replicas: 1/' | \
linkerd inject --context $ctx - | \
kubectl apply --context $ctx -f - ;\
for ctx in east west; do \
echo "" ;\
echo " waiting for Emissary to be ready in $ctx..." ;\
kubectl --context east wait --for condition=available --timeout=90s \
-n emissary deployment -lproduct=aes ;\
echo "" ;\
echo " all ready in $ctx..." ;\
For our demo application, we're going to use emojivoto
. Again, we'll set
this up in both clusters.
for ctx in east west; do \
echo "Installing emojivoto in $ctx..." ;\
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL \
| linkerd inject --context $ctx - \
| kubectl apply --context $ctx -f - ;\
echo "" ;\
echo " waiting for emojivoto to be ready in $ctx..." ;\
kubectl --context east wait --for condition=available --timeout=90s \
-n emojivoto deployment ;\
echo "" ;\
echo " all ready in $ctx..." ;\
Finally, we'll set up Emissary-ingress so that we can talk to our applications. We'll mimic the real world here, and have separate configuration resources for each cluster.
(If you actually look into these resources, they'll look a little odd because
we're using k3d
here, which causes both ingress controllers to appear on the
same host IP address and forces us to differentiate them by port number. In
the real world, they'd have actual different hostnames, and likely not use the
port number.)
kubectl --context east apply -f emissary-yaml-east
kubectl --context west apply -f emissary-yaml-west
At this point, we should be able to use both the east
and west
applications from the browser, and we should be able to use linkerd viz
study them in both clusters, too.
Now that our clusters are working independently, it's time to set things so that we can use them together.
For failover, we need the linkerd-smi
extension and the linkerd-failover
extension: linkerd-failover
actually relies on linkerd-smi
for the heavy
lifting of traffic splitting.
Since linkerd-smi
is actually built in to the standard Linkerd distribution,
we'll use the linkerd
CLI to install it:
for ctx in east west; do \
echo "" ;\
echo "Installing linkerd-smi on cluster ${ctx}" ;\
linkerd smi --context="$ctx" install | \
kubectl --context="$ctx" apply -f - ;\
, though, is a completely separate thing, so we'll use
to install that:
for ctx in east west; do \
echo "" ;\
echo "Installing linkerd-failover on cluster ${ctx}" ;\
helm install --kube-context $ctx \
-n linkerd-failover --create-namespace \
linkerd-failover linkerd/linkerd-failover \
--wait ;\
Once those are ready, we can make sure all's well again.
linkerd --context east check
linkerd --context west check
After getting linkerd-smi
and linkerd-failover
set up, we'll install the
extension. This is another builtin, so we'll use the
CLI for this.
for ctx in east west ; do \
echo "" ;\
echo "Installing linkerd-multicluster on cluster ${ctx}" ;\
kubectl --context="$ctx" create ns linkerd-multicluster ;\
kubectl --context="$ctx" annotate ns/linkerd-multicluster \'linkerd=info,warn' ;\
sleep 2 ;\
linkerd --context="$ctx" multicluster install | \
kubectl --context="$ctx" apply -f - ;\
Finally, once again, we'll check that all is well:
linkerd --context east check
linkerd --context west check
Everything should still be working from the browser as two independent clusters, too: we've installed the extensions but not linked everything together at this point.
OK -- let's link our clusters together, bidirectionally, so that we can shuffle traffic from cluster to cluster.
makes things a bit weird at this point.
Our two clusters are attached to the same host network, which means that their
APIservers actually have the same IP address, which the host running k3d
sees as localhost
. This makes the multicluster link tricky, since it will
try to read credentials for the Kubernetes cluster we're linking to... but it
will do that from the linkerd
CLI running on the host, so it will see
instead of an IP address that'll actually work from the other
So we're going to cheat a bit. This apiserveraddr
function first checks
kubectl cluster-info
to figure out if it sees a localhost
address, and, if
so, it instead uses the load balancer address of the emissary-ingress
service to find the right IP address. (Emissary-ingress doesn't have to route
APIserver traffic -- this is just a simple way to find the k3d
IP address.)
apiserveraddr () {
# Is this localhost?
url=$(env TERM=dumb kubectl --context="$cluster" cluster-info \
| grep 'control plane' \
| sed -e 's/^.*https:/https:/')
is_local=$(echo "$url" | fgrep -c '//')
if [ -n "$url" -a \( $is_local -eq 0 \) ]; then
# This should be fine.
echo "$url"
# Use the emissary-ingress service to find the APIserver's IP.
lb_ip=$(kubectl --context="$cluster" get svc -n emissary emissary-ingress \
-o 'go-template={{ (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0).ip }}')
echo "https://${lb_ip}:6443"
Now that we have a way to get the APIserver address, we can use it to link clusters.
NOTE: The linkerd multicluster link
command and the kubectl apply
command use different contexts here. This is intentional: we get the
credentials from the east
cluster and use that to define a link
using information in the east
cluster, but then we need to actually apply
that link
object into the west
cluster. And vice versa, of course.
echo ""
echo "east APIserver is at $(apiserveraddr east)"
echo "west APIserver is at $(apiserveraddr west)"
# First, link east to west...
linkerd multicluster --context=west link \
--cluster-name=west \
--api-server-address="$(apiserveraddr west)" \
| kubectl --context east apply -f -
# ...then link west to east.
linkerd multicluster --context=east link \
--cluster-name=east \
--api-server-address="$(apiserveraddr east)" \
| kubectl --context west apply -f -
At this point our clusters are linked, meaning that they're ready to mirror
services – but they'll only mirror services that have been explicitly
exported. We'll export the emoji-svc
service in each of our clusters.
kubectl --context=east -n emojivoto label svc/emoji-svc \
kubectl --context=west -n emojivoto label svc/emoji-svc \
We should now see mirrored services in both clusters, still in the emojivoto
namespace, but named emoji-svc-$othercluster
kubectl --context east get svc -n emojivoto
kubectl --context west get svc -n emojivoto
At this point, everything should still be working from the browser. The
mirrored services are in the clusters, but they're not taking any traffic yet.
We can see this using linkerd viz stat
linkerd --context=east viz stat -n emojivoto svc
linkerd --context=west viz stat -n emojivoto svc
And, of course, we can see it in the browser too.
There's one last step before we can try a failover: we need to set up a
resource, because the linkerd-failover
extension actually
uses the linkerd-smi
extension for its heavy lifting.
What happens here is that all linkerd-failover
does is modify the weight in
a TrafficSplit
; it trusts linkerd-smi
to actually reroute the traffic. In
turn, for our use case here, linkerd-smi
is effectively trusting
to bridge from one cluster to another.
So. We start by installing a TrafficSplit
that can switch traffic between
and emoji-svc-west
Here's what the TrafficSplit
looks like. Pay careful attention to the
weights, and also to the labels and annotations:
- The linkerd-failover
label is what tellslinkerd-failover
that's it OK to for it to change thisTrafficSplit
. - The emoji-svc
annotation is what tellslinkerd-failover
which service it should prefer, if nothing is going wrong.
more failover-config/emoji-split-east.yaml
Let's go ahead and apply that.
kubectl --context east apply -f failover-config/emoji-split-east.yaml
This shouldn't affect anything in our application at all, so let's go check
that out. We can see that we're still using the primary service using linkerd viz stat
watch linkerd --context=east viz stat -n emojivoto svc
And, again, we can check it in the browser.
We can test failover by simply scaling east
's emoji
deployment to zero
kubectl --context east scale -n emojivoto deploy emoji --replicas=0
At this point, we should see the TrafficSplit
weights flip:
kubectl --context east get ts -o yaml -n emojivoto
Everything should still be working fine from the browser!
We can see that we're now using the west
service using linkerd viz stat
watch linkerd --context=east viz stat -n emojivoto svc
This is a rather exhaustive view into how to set up a pair of clusters for multicluster failover with Linkerd – and it barely scratches the surface. In particular, the layered approach where
handles communications and service mirroring between clusters;linkerd-smi
handles traffic splitting for a single service; andlinkerd-failover
just modifies the traffic split rules
means that you have enormous flexibility in constructing custom failover logic
and more complex splits. As always, you can find us at