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+# Bratched.Tools.RatingControl
+a complete xaml rating control
+## Introduction ##
+The Bratched Rating Control is used to show or Edit rate information.
+This solution include :
+ * common RatingControl source code
+ * Project to build Rating control in Universal App, WP8.1, WP8.0, WP7.0
+ * Demo source in Universal App, WP8.1, WP8.0, WP7.0
+Compatible with:
+ * Windows Phone 7.1
+ * Windows Phone 8
+ * Windows Phone 8.1
+ * Windows 8.1 (WINRT App)
+## How to use it ? ##
+There is a [nuget package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/BratchedTools.RatingControl/) to easily add RatingControl in your project.
+In your solution, choose manage nuget package and install Bratched Rating Control.
+###Into the XAML Header Page of your project
+Into the Page header add :
+####Windows Phone 7
+ xmlns:rating="clr-namespace:Bratched.Tools.RatingControl.Controls;assembly=Bratched.Tools.RatingControl_wp71"
+####Windows Phone 8.0
+ xmlns:rating="clr-namespace:Bratched.Tools.RatingControl.Controls;assembly=Bratched.Tools.RatingControl_wp80"
+####Windows Phone 8.1
+ xmlns:rating="clr-namespace:Bratched.Tools.RatingControl.Controls;assembly=Bratched.Tools.RatingControl_wp81"
+####Universal Apps, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 XAML app
+ xmlns:rating="clr-namespace:Bratched.Tools.RatingControl"
+###Into the XAML Page
+Add the rate control with this code
+##Main Properties of the RatingControl
+To change the number of rate items
+The value of the rate
+* False : Not Editable
+* True : User can change the value with click or tap
+Space between each items in percent.
+Each items has a theoretical width of 100 units. To have the same space that an item you need to have 100 in this value.
+Choose predefined forms to change star rate to other pattern like :
+* Heart
+* Like
+* Smiley
+* Trophy
+* Star
+note: You can also define your own pattern
+*(see in advanced properties)*
+Round the Editing value.
+**example 1 : RoundValueSlice = 0.5**
+will accept only values like 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ...
+**example 2 : RoundValueSlice = 0.25**
+will accept only values like 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, ...
+if RoundValueSlice == 0,all the values are accepted.
+## Advanced Properties of the RatingControl
+### Principe
+You can personalize aspect of ratingcontrols with 2 lists of properties :
+* EmptyItemsDefinition
+* FullItemsDefinition
+To change background color of the empty rate items you can use this syntax (Change the background color of the default yellow star in Red):
+To Change the background color of the full rate items you can use this syntax.
+Of course you can combine empty and full items but you can also define cyclic schemes like this.
+*(first empty items are in green, last are in yellow and all the selected items are red)*
+### RateItemsDefinition properties
+#### BackgroundColor
+The color of the item
+#### OutlineColor
+The color of the outline of the figure
+#### OutlineThikness
+The depth of the outline of the figure
+#### PathData
+The geometry Path Data of the figure in a string.
+See [https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/ms752293(v=vs.110).aspx](https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/ms752293(v=vs.110).aspx)
+Example with all the properties
+ ![](http://dev.bratched.com/fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/03/VisualStudioRatingControl2.png)
+##Version history
+ * v1.0
+ * First public release of the current implementation.