a complete xaml rating control
More informations in
The Bratched Rating Control is used to show or Edit rate information.
This solution include :
- common RatingControl source code
- Project to build Rating control in Universal App, WP8.1, WP8.0, WP7.0
- Demo source in Universal App, WP8.1, WP8.0, WP7.0
Compatible with:
- Windows Phone 7.1
- Windows Phone 8
- Windows Phone 8.1
- Windows 8.1 (WINRT App)
###Nuget There is a nuget package to easily add RatingControl in your project.
In your solution, choose manage nuget package and install Bratched Rating Control.
###Into the XAML Header Page of your project Into the Page header add :
####Windows Phone 7 xmlns:rating="clr-namespace:Bratched.Tools.RatingControl.Controls;assembly=Bratched.Tools.RatingControl_wp71"
####Windows Phone 8.0
####Windows Phone 8.1
####Universal Apps, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 XAML app
###Into the XAML Page
Add the rate control with this code
<rating:RatingControl ItemsCount="5" Value="2.5" />
##Main Properties of the RatingControl
###ItemsCount To change the number of rate items
###Value The value of the rate
- False : Not Editable
- True : User can change the value with click or tap
###ItemsSpacing Space between each items in percent. Each items has a theoretical width of 100 units. To have the same space that an item you need to have 100 in this value.
###ItemTemplate Choose predefined forms to change star rate to other pattern like :
- Heart
- Like
- Smiley
- Trophy
- Star
note: You can also define your own pattern (see in advanced properties)
Round the Editing value.
example 1 : RoundValueSlice = 0.5 will accept only values like 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, ...
example 2 : RoundValueSlice = 0.25 will accept only values like 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, ...
if RoundValueSlice == 0,all the values are accepted.
You can personalize aspect of ratingcontrols with 2 lists of properties :
- EmptyItemsDefinition
- FullItemsDefinition
To change background color of the empty rate items you can use this syntax (Change the background color of the default yellow star in Red):
<rating:RatingControl ItemsCount="5" Value="1" >
<rating:RateItemDefinition BackgroundColor="Red"/>
To Change the background color of the full rate items you can use this syntax.
<rating:RatingControl ItemsCount="5" Value="1" >
<rating:RateItemDefinition BackgroundColor="Red"/>
Of course you can combine empty and full items but you can also define cyclic schemes like this.
(first empty items are in green, last are in yellow and all the selected items are red)
<rating:RatingControl ItemsCount="5" Value="1" >
<rating:RateItemDefinition BackgroundColor="Green"/>
<rating:RateItemDefinition BackgroundColor="Yellow"/>
<rating:RateItemDefinition BackgroundColor="Red"/>
The color of the item
The color of the outline of the figure
The depth of the outline of the figure
The geometry Path Data of the figure in a string. See https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/ms752293(v=vs.110).aspx
Example with all the properties
<rating:RatingControl ItemsCount="8" Value="2">
PathData="M 0,0 A 15,5 180 1 1 200,0 L 200,100 L 300,100
L 300,200 A 15,5 180 1 1 100,200 L 100,100 L 0,100 Z"/>
PathData="M 0,0 A 15,5 180 1 1 200,0 L 200,100 L 300,100
L 300,200 A 15,5 180 1 1 100,200 L 100,100 L 0,100 Z"/>
##Version history
- First public release of the current implementation.