What is open science, continued
Rules and regulations from NSF, intro to terminology
- Clinic: setting up data tables for your research
- Students will be assigned groups and given access to their project dataset
Becoming open scientists: what skills do you need?
Intro to collaborative writing using Authorea/Google Docs Intro to open notebooking and class blog
- Exercise: test blog post
- Exercise: set up collaborative writing infrastructure
Understanding other people’s data: an introduction to metadata
Guest speaker: Stephanie Wright, data science librarian, Mozilla Science Lab
- Exercise: write metadata file for project data
- Reflection: what are the challenges you faced in trying to understand data produced by others?
Christie away- Mozilla work week
- Please meet with your group mates to discuss how you’d like to approach your project
- Exercise: summarize research plan
- Exercise: determine analysis approach for project data
Data cleaning: introducing OpenRefine
- Exercise: QC on project data
Grey data: can it be liberated?
- Reflection: how can we save the grey data?
Open Licensing: Creative Commons
Guest Speaker: Kaitlin Thaney, MSL, Creative Commons
Projects and version control in R
Code documentation
- Exercise: get set up on R Studio, Github
Reproducibility (Nuzzo paper)
- Reflection: what steps do we need to take to address the reproducibility crisis in science?
Simple software in R (Functions)
Authorship in massive collaborative projects
Guest speaker- Titus Brown, UC Davis, on khmer
- Reflection: How do you determine who is an author?
Spring break
In Canada, we call this Reading Week. So get reading!
No class
Simple software in R continued (Loops)
Sharing data (Mills paper)
- Reflection: What are the risks of data sharing, and can they be mitigated?
Adapting code produced by others
- Exercise: Complete simple analysis on project data
Academic publishing and open access journals: predatory publishers, impact factors and the scientific enterprise, oh my!
Guest Speaker: Richard Smith-Unna, Mozilla Science Fellow
- Reflection: how do you measure the quality of a journal?
Supported work period: creating basic plots using ggplot2
- Exercise: finish figures for your project
Visualization as an outreach tool
Guest Speaker: Joey Lee, Mozilla Science Fellow
- Reflection: How can we engage broader audiences in our work?
Supported work period: assessing project progress
Non-manuscript scientific products
Guest Speaker: Abby Cabunoc Mayes, MSL on Mozilla Badges
- Reflection: Can we incentivize open science at all steps in the research process?
Supported work period
- Exercise: MS drafts to Christie
Crowdsourcing and engaging the public in massive research projects
Guest Speaker: Jason Bobe, Mozilla Science Fellow
Submitting a manuscript to a journal
- Exercise: What will you need to submit with your MS?
Managing collaborative projects on the web
Guest Speaker: Zannah Marsh, Mozilla Science Lab
- Reflection: can we use open science to foster diversity in science?
Student’s choice: what tools are you interested in learning?
- Exercise: If we feel it’s ready, we will submit MS to Peer J together, otherwise continue working on edits
- Collaborator assessments due