- LanguageSettings
- Language: currently not working, as there is no other language than english
- DiscordSettings
- Token: Your Discord Bot-Token
- AdminIDs: A list of UserIDs that are allowed to control all Dockers
- DockerSettings
- BotName: The Name you gave this Container. Prevents shutting down itself
- Retries: The Amount of checks that should be performed before a command is considered failed
- TimeBeforeRetry: The Time between two checks in seconds
- ContainersPerMessage: Splits the list into multiple messages if more containers are found. Lower it to prevent Error 50035
All Settings not Listed here are managed with Commands. Do not Change!! For Info about setting Permissions, see commands
- UserWhitelist: If enabled, only users specified in UserIDs have control over AllowedContainers. Defaults to true
- UserIDs: List of Users allowed to control Containers specified in AllowedContainers. Only active if UserWhitelist is set to true
- UsersCanStopContainers: If set to true, every user can stop and restart AllowedContainers. Whitelist still applies
- AllowedContainers: List of Containers that will be listed and controllable for normal Users. Case-Sensitive!! Whitelist still applies