As contributor for SimpleX Chat I know translation can be very overwhelming and tedious. This document is here to help you with translating Privacy-Links to your language. Feel free to add any languages you want - let's spread privacy across the globe!
Fork repository and start working. All translations are in the "lang" directory.
Create new directory in lang directory named "ISO632SET1CODEOFYOURLANG" (eg. lang/cz) with subdirectory named "sites" containing "" and "". In the main directory create and Please, translate everything. If you want, you can also include and translate It would help a lot!
All files under lang/en are preconfigured to support other languages.
When finished, create Pull request. After review your translation are going to be added to the next release of privacy links! Please write your username in the PR comment. If you want to stay anonymous, inform me about it. If you want full privacy please contact me via mail/DM (visit my github for more informations).
Privacy Links is for masses. Privacy should be accessible to anyone. Your translations should be written in an informal style. Use jokes, don't translate everything 1:1, add something from you :)
Please, create Issue regarding your problem. Use "[Translation] Need help with translation" as topic for the issue. I'll try to explain everything. If it's a problem which I can't solve (eg. you need help from other people using your language to make translation better) use "[Translation] Need community help with translation. Input needed" as topic for the issue.
Your submisions are licensed to me (Artur Mickiewicz, 0xA43 and noone else) under Contribution License Agreement