diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Character.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Character.md
index 5f2450027..d056b158c 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Character.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Character.md
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ Inherits from object
|CurrentAnimation|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Character's current playing animation.|
|Grounded|bool|False|Character's grounded status.|
## Methods
-|GetKilled(killer : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
killer : [String](../static/String.md),
damage : int
)|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
-|Emote(emote : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
animation : [String](../static/String.md),
fade : float = 0.1
)|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
-|GetAnimationLength(animation : [String](../static/String.md))|float|Gets the length of animation.|
-|PlaySound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
-|StopSound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Stops the sound.|
-|LookAt(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration
)|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
-|Reveal(delay : float)|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) = ,
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll
)|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
-|RemoveOutline()|none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
+|GetKilled|killer : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
+|GetDamaged|killer : [String](../static/String.md)
damage : int|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
+|Emote|emote : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
+|PlayAnimation|animation : [String](../static/String.md)
fade : float = 0.1|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
+|GetAnimationLength|animation : [String](../static/String.md)|float|Gets the length of animation.|
+|PlaySound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
+|StopSound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Stops the sound.|
+|LookAt|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
+|AddForce|force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
+|Reveal|delay : float|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
+|AddOutline|color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) =
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
+|RemoveOutline||none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Collider.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Collider.md
index debc514f3..3304ac112 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Collider.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Collider.md
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Inherits from object
## Methods
-|ClosestPoint(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)||
-|ClosestPointOnBounds(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)||
start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
end : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
maxDistance : float,
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)
+|ClosestPoint|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)||
+|ClosestPointOnBounds|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)||
+|Raycast|start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
end : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
maxDistance : float
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)|[LineCastHitResult](../objects/LineCastHitResult.md)||
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Collision.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Collision.md
index 21a6df7e2..7e5d8b704 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Collision.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Collision.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Inherits from object
## Methods
-|GetContact(index : int)|none||
+|GetContact|index : int|none||
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Color.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Color.md
index 6403d363c..e48f7dd2d 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Color.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Color.md
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ Inherits from object
|B|int|False|Blue component of the color|
|A|int|False|Alpha component of the color|
## Methods
-|ToHexString()|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts the color to a hex string|
+|ToHexString||[String](../static/String.md)|Converts the color to a hex string|
## Static Methods
a : [Color](../objects/Color.md),
b : [Color](../objects/Color.md),
t : float
)|[Color](../objects/Color.md)|Linearly interpolates between colors a and b by t|
a : [Color](../objects/Color.md),
b : [Color](../objects/Color.md),
t : float
)|[Color](../objects/Color.md)|Creates a gradient color from two colors|
+|Lerp|a : [Color](../objects/Color.md)
b : [Color](../objects/Color.md)
t : float|[Color](../objects/Color.md)|Linearly interpolates between colors a and b by t|
+|Gradient|a : [Color](../objects/Color.md)
b : [Color](../objects/Color.md)
t : float|[Color](../objects/Color.md)|Creates a gradient color from two colors|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Dict.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Dict.md
index cbc5f471b..2403a06c0 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Dict.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Dict.md
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ example = Dict()
|Keys|[List](../objects/List.md)|False|Keys in the dictionary|
|Values|[List](../objects/List.md)|False|Values in the dictionary|
## Methods
-|Clear()|none|Clears the dictionary|
key : Object,
defaultValue : Object =
)|Object|Gets a value from the dictionary|
key : Object,
value : Object
)|none|Sets a value in the dictionary|
-|Remove(key : Object)|none|Removes a value from the dictionary|
-|Contains(key : Object)|bool|Checks if the dictionary contains a key|
+|Clear||none|Clears the dictionary|
+|Get|key : Object
defaultValue : Object = |Object|Gets a value from the dictionary|
+|Set|key : Object
value : Object|none|Sets a value in the dictionary|
+|Remove|key : Object|none|Removes a value from the dictionary|
+|Contains|key : Object|bool|Checks if the dictionary contains a key|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Human.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Human.md
index a12076e9e..694e1c7d2 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Human.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Human.md
@@ -57,29 +57,29 @@ Inherits from [Character](../objects/Character.md)
|CurrentAnimation|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Character's current playing animation.|
|Grounded|bool|False|Character's grounded status.|
## Methods
-|Refill()|bool|Refills the gas of the human|
-|RefillImmediate()|none|Refills the gas of the human immediately|
-|ClearHooks()|none|Clears all hooks|
-|ClearLeftHook()|none|Clears the left hook|
-|ClearRightHook()|none|Clears the right hook|
mapObject : [MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md),
positionOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|none|Mounts the human on a map object|
transform : [Transform](../objects/Transform.md),
positionOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|none|Mounts the human on a transform|
-|Unmount()|none|Unmounts the human|
-|SetSpecial(special : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Sets the special of the human|
-|ActivateSpecial()|none|Activates the special of the human|
-|SetWeapon(weapon : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Sets the weapon of the human|
-|DisablePerks()|none|Disables all perks of the human|
-|GetKilled(killer : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
killer : [String](../static/String.md),
damage : int
)|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
-|Emote(emote : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
animation : [String](../static/String.md),
fade : float = 0.1
)|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
-|GetAnimationLength(animation : [String](../static/String.md))|float|Gets the length of animation.|
-|PlaySound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
-|StopSound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Stops the sound.|
-|LookAt(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration
)|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
-|Reveal(delay : float)|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) = ,
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll
)|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
-|RemoveOutline()|none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
+|Refill||bool|Refills the gas of the human|
+|RefillImmediate||none|Refills the gas of the human immediately|
+|ClearHooks||none|Clears all hooks|
+|ClearLeftHook||none|Clears the left hook|
+|ClearRightHook||none|Clears the right hook|
+|MountMapObject|mapObject : [MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)
positionOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Mounts the human on a map object|
+|MountTransform|transform : [Transform](../objects/Transform.md)
positionOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationOffset : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Mounts the human on a transform|
+|Unmount||none|Unmounts the human|
+|SetSpecial|special : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Sets the special of the human|
+|ActivateSpecial||none|Activates the special of the human|
+|SetWeapon|weapon : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Sets the weapon of the human|
+|DisablePerks||none|Disables all perks of the human|
+|GetKilled|killer : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
+|GetDamaged|killer : [String](../static/String.md)
damage : int|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
+|Emote|emote : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
+|PlayAnimation|animation : [String](../static/String.md)
fade : float = 0.1|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
+|GetAnimationLength|animation : [String](../static/String.md)|float|Gets the length of animation.|
+|PlaySound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
+|StopSound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Stops the sound.|
+|LookAt|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
+|AddForce|force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
+|Reveal|delay : float|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
+|AddOutline|color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) =
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
+|RemoveOutline||none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/LineRenderer.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/LineRenderer.md
index 71766b526..2b7736321 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/LineRenderer.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/LineRenderer.md
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Inherits from object
|WidthMultiplier|float|False|The width multiplier of the line renderer|
|ColorGradientMode|[String](../static/String.md)|False|The color gradient mode of the line renderer|
## Methods
-|GetPosition(index : int)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the position of a point in the line renderer|
index : int,
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|none|Set the position of a point in the line renderer|
+|GetPosition|index : int|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the position of a point in the line renderer|
+|SetPosition|index : int
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Set the position of a point in the line renderer|
## Static Methods
-|CreateLineRenderer()|[LineRenderer](../objects/LineRenderer.md)|[Obselete] Create a new LineRenderer|
+|CreateLineRenderer||[LineRenderer](../objects/LineRenderer.md)|[Obselete] Create a new LineRenderer|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/List.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/List.md
index 0a491730a..5bcf85024 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/List.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/List.md
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ example = List((CustomLogicSetBuiltin))
|Count|int|True|The number of elements in the list|
## Methods
-|Clear()|none|Clear all list elements|
-|Get(index : int)|Object|Get the element at the specified index|
index : int,
value : Object
)|none|Set the element at the specified index|
-|Add(value : Object)|none|Add an element to the end of the list|
index : int,
value : Object
)|none|Insert an element at the specified index|
-|RemoveAt(index : int)|none|Remove the element at the specified index|
-|Remove(value : Object)|none|Remove the first occurrence of the specified element|
-|Contains(value : Object)|bool|Check if the list contains the specified element|
-|Sort()|none|Sort the list|
-|SortCustom(method : UserMethod)|none|Sort the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature int method(a,b)|
-|Filter(method : UserMethod)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Filter the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature bool method(element)|
-|Map(method : UserMethod)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Map the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(element)|
method : UserMethod,
initialValue : Object
)|Object|Reduce the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(acc, element)|
-|Randomize()|none|Randomize the list|
-|ToSet()|[Set](../objects/Set.md)|Convert the list to a set|
+|Clear||none|Clear all list elements|
+|Get|index : int|Object|Get the element at the specified index|
+|Set|index : int
value : Object|none|Set the element at the specified index|
+|Add|value : Object|none|Add an element to the end of the list|
+|InsertAt|index : int
value : Object|none|Insert an element at the specified index|
+|RemoveAt|index : int|none|Remove the element at the specified index|
+|Remove|value : Object|none|Remove the first occurrence of the specified element|
+|Contains|value : Object|bool|Check if the list contains the specified element|
+|Sort||none|Sort the list|
+|SortCustom|method : UserMethod|none|Sort the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature int method(a,b)|
+|Filter|method : UserMethod|[List](../objects/List.md)|Filter the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature bool method(element)|
+|Map|method : UserMethod|[List](../objects/List.md)|Map the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(element)|
+|Reduce|method : UserMethod
initialValue : Object|Object|Reduce the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(acc, element)|
+|Randomize||none|Randomize the list|
+|ToSet||[Set](../objects/Set.md)|Convert the list to a set|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/MapObject.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/MapObject.md
index b13b1d000..cbf8f705b 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/MapObject.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/MapObject.md
@@ -28,29 +28,29 @@ Inherits from object
|Tag|[String](../static/String.md)|False|The tag of the object|
|Layer|int|False|The layer of the object|
## Methods
-|AddComponent(name : [String](../static/String.md))|CustomLogicComponentInstance|Add a component to the object|
-|RemoveComponent(name : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Remove a component from the object|
-|GetComponent(name : [String](../static/String.md))|CustomLogicComponentInstance|Get a component from the object|
name : [String](../static/String.md),
enabled : bool
)|none|Set whether a component is enabled|
-|SetComponentsEnabled(enabled : bool)|none|Set whether all components are enabled|
collideMode : [String](../static/String.md),
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md),
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
radius : float
)|none|Add a sphere collider to the object|
collideMode : [String](../static/String.md),
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md),
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md) = ,
size : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md) =
)|none|Add a box collider to the object|
team : [String](../static/String.md),
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
radius : float
)|[MapTargetable](../objects/MapTargetable.md)|Add a sphere target to the object|
team : [String](../static/String.md),
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
size : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[MapTargetable](../objects/MapTargetable.md)|Add a box target to the object|
-|GetChild(name : [String](../static/String.md))|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Get a child object by name|
-|GetChildren()|[List](../objects/List.md)|Get all child objects|
-|GetTransform(name : [String](../static/String.md))|[Transform](../objects/Transform.md)|Get a child transform by name|
-|SetColorAll(color : [Color](../objects/Color.md))|none|Set the color of all renderers on the object|
-|InBounds(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|bool|Check if a position is within the object's bounds|
-|GetBoundsAverageCenter()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds average center|
-|GetBoundsCenter()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds center|
-|GetBoundsSize()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds size|
-|GetBoundsMin()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds min|
-|GetBoundsMax()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds max|
-|GetBoundsExtents()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds extents|
-|GetCorners()|[List](../objects/List.md)|Get the corners of the bounds|
parameter0 : Object = ,
parameter1 : Object = ,
parameter2 : Object = ,
parameter3 : Object = ,
parameter4 : Object =
)|none|[OBSELETE] Add builtin component|
name : [String](../static/String.md),
param : [String](../static/String.md)
)|Object|[OBSELETE] Read a builtin component|
parameter0 : Object = ,
parameter1 : Object = ,
parameter2 : Object = ,
parameter3 : Object = ,
parameter4 : Object =
)|none|[OBSELETE] Update a builtin component|
+|AddComponent|name : [String](../static/String.md)|CustomLogicComponentInstance|Add a component to the object|
+|RemoveComponent|name : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Remove a component from the object|
+|GetComponent|name : [String](../static/String.md)|CustomLogicComponentInstance|Get a component from the object|
+|SetComponentEnabled|name : [String](../static/String.md)
enabled : bool|none|Set whether a component is enabled|
+|SetComponentsEnabled|enabled : bool|none|Set whether all components are enabled|
+|AddSphereCollider|collideMode : [String](../static/String.md)
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
radius : float|none|Add a sphere collider to the object|
+|AddBoxCollider|collideMode : [String](../static/String.md)
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md) =
size : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md) = |none|Add a box collider to the object|
+|AddSphereTarget|team : [String](../static/String.md)
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
radius : float|[MapTargetable](../objects/MapTargetable.md)|Add a sphere target to the object|
+|AddBoxTarget|team : [String](../static/String.md)
center : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
size : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[MapTargetable](../objects/MapTargetable.md)|Add a box target to the object|
+|GetChild|name : [String](../static/String.md)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Get a child object by name|
+|GetChildren||[List](../objects/List.md)|Get all child objects|
+|GetTransform|name : [String](../static/String.md)|[Transform](../objects/Transform.md)|Get a child transform by name|
+|SetColorAll|color : [Color](../objects/Color.md)|none|Set the color of all renderers on the object|
+|InBounds|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|bool|Check if a position is within the object's bounds|
+|GetBoundsAverageCenter||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds average center|
+|GetBoundsCenter||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds center|
+|GetBoundsSize||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds size|
+|GetBoundsMin||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds min|
+|GetBoundsMax||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds max|
+|GetBoundsExtents||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Get the bounds extents|
+|GetCorners||[List](../objects/List.md)|Get the corners of the bounds|
+|AddBuiltinComponent|parameter0 : Object =
parameter1 : Object =
parameter2 : Object =
parameter3 : Object =
parameter4 : Object = |none|[OBSELETE] Add builtin component|
+|ReadBuiltinComponent|name : [String](../static/String.md)
param : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|[OBSELETE] Read a builtin component|
+|UpdateBuiltinComponent|parameter0 : Object =
parameter1 : Object =
parameter2 : Object =
parameter3 : Object =
parameter4 : Object = |none|[OBSELETE] Update a builtin component|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/NetworkView.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/NetworkView.md
index 97985a7ae..e716b92c9 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/NetworkView.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/NetworkView.md
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ Inherits from object
|Owner|[Player](../objects/Player.md)|False|The network view's owner.|
## Methods
-|Transfer(player : [Player](../objects/Player.md))|none|Owner only. Transfer ownership of this NetworkView to another player.|
target : [Player](../objects/Player.md),
msg : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Send a message to a target player. This will be received in any of the MapObject attached components through the OnNetworkMessage callback.|
-|SendMessageAll(msg : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Send a message to all players including myself.|
-|SendMessageOthers(msg : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Send a message to players excluding myself.|
-|SendStream(obj : Object)|none|Send an object to the network sync stream.
This represents sending data from the object owner to all non-owner observers,
and should only be called in the SendNetworkStream callback in the attached component.
It only works with some object types: primitives and Vector3.|
-|ReceiveStream()|Object|Receive an object through the network sync stream.
This represents receiving data from the object owner as a non-owner observer,
and should only be called in the OnNetworkStream callback.|
+|Transfer|player : [Player](../objects/Player.md)|none|Owner only. Transfer ownership of this NetworkView to another player.|
+|SendMessage|target : [Player](../objects/Player.md)
msg : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Send a message to a target player. This will be received in any of the MapObject attached components through the OnNetworkMessage callback.|
+|SendMessageAll|msg : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Send a message to all players including myself.|
+|SendMessageOthers|msg : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Send a message to players excluding myself.|
+|SendStream|obj : Object|none|Send an object to the network sync stream.
This represents sending data from the object owner to all non-owner observers,
and should only be called in the SendNetworkStream callback in the attached component.
It only works with some object types: primitives and Vector3.|
+|ReceiveStream||Object|Receive an object through the network sync stream.
This represents receiving data from the object owner as a non-owner observer,
and should only be called in the OnNetworkStream callback.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Physics.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Physics.md
index 7a9b71d2e..933d45e88 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Physics.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Physics.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Physics
Inherits from object
## Static Methods
start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
end : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)
)|Object|Performs a line cast between two points.|
start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
end : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
radius : float,
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)
)|Object|Performs a sphere cast between two points.|
+|LineCast|start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
end : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Performs a line cast between two points.|
+|SphereCast|start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
end : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
radius : float
collideWith : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Performs a sphere cast between two points.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Player.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Player.md
index 1e476c9eb..3c552b8c4 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Player.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Player.md
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Inherits from object
|SpectateID|int|False|The player's spectating ID. If not spectating anyone, returns -1.|
|SpawnPoint|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|False|Player's respawn point. Is initially null and can be set back to null, at which point map spawn points are used.|
## Methods
-|GetCustomProperty(property : [String](../static/String.md))|Object|Get a custom property at given key. Must be a primitive type. This is synced to all clients.|
property : [String](../static/String.md),
value : Object
)|none|Sets a custom property at given key. Must be a primitive type. This is synced to all clients.|
-|ClearKDR()|none|Clears kills, deaths, highestdamage, and totaldamage properties.|
+|GetCustomProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Get a custom property at given key. Must be a primitive type. This is synced to all clients.|
+|SetCustomProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)
value : Object|none|Sets a custom property at given key. Must be a primitive type. This is synced to all clients.|
+|ClearKDR||none|Clears kills, deaths, highestdamage, and totaldamage properties.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Quaternion.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Quaternion.md
index 5c4eb3e08..d72827785 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Quaternion.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Quaternion.md
@@ -13,24 +13,24 @@ Inherits from object
|Identity|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|False|The identity rotation (Read Only).|
## Methods
-|\_\_Copy\_\_()|Object|Override to deepcopy object on assignment, used for structs. Ex: copy = original is equivalent to copy = original.\_\_Copy\_\_()|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement addition, used for + operator. Ex: a + b is equivalent to a.\_\_Add\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement subtraction, used for - operator. Ex: a - b is equivalent to a.\_\_Sub\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement multiplication, used for * operator. Ex: a * b is equivalent to a.\_\_Mul\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement division, used for / operator. Ex: a / b is equivalent to a.\_\_Div\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|bool|Override to implement equality comparison, used for == and != operators. Ex: a == b is equivalent to a.\_\_Eq\_\_(a, b)|
-|\_\_Hash\_\_()|int|Override to implement hashing, used for GetHashCode - Used for Dictionaries/Sets. Ex: hash = obj.GetHashCode() is equivalent to hash = obj.\_\_Hash\_\_()|
+|\_\_Copy\_\_||Object|Override to deepcopy object on assignment, used for structs. Ex: copy = original is equivalent to copy = original.\_\_Copy\_\_()|
+|\_\_Add\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement addition, used for + operator. Ex: a + b is equivalent to a.\_\_Add\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Sub\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement subtraction, used for - operator. Ex: a - b is equivalent to a.\_\_Sub\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Mul\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement multiplication, used for * operator. Ex: a * b is equivalent to a.\_\_Mul\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Div\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement division, used for / operator. Ex: a / b is equivalent to a.\_\_Div\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Eq\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|bool|Override to implement equality comparison, used for == and != operators. Ex: a == b is equivalent to a.\_\_Eq\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Hash\_\_||int|Override to implement hashing, used for GetHashCode - Used for Dictionaries/Sets. Ex: hash = obj.GetHashCode() is equivalent to hash = obj.\_\_Hash\_\_()|
## Static Methods
a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
t : float
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Interpolates between a and b by t and normalizes the result afterwards.|
a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
t : float
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Interpolates between a and b by t and normalizes the result afterwards. The parameter t is not clamped.|
a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
t : float
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Spherically linear interpolates between unit quaternions a and b by a ratio of t.|
a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
t : float
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Spherically linear interpolates between unit quaternions a and b by t.|
-|FromEuler(euler : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Returns the Quaternion rotation from the given euler angles.|
forward : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
upwards : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md) =
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Creates a rotation from fromDirection to toDirection.|
-|Inverse(q : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md))|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Returns the Inverse of rotation.|
from : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
to : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md),
maxDegreesDelta : float
)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Rotates a rotation from towards to.|
+|Lerp|a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
t : float|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Interpolates between a and b by t and normalizes the result afterwards.|
+|LerpUnclamped|a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
t : float|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Interpolates between a and b by t and normalizes the result afterwards. The parameter t is not clamped.|
+|Slerp|a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
t : float|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Spherically linear interpolates between unit quaternions a and b by a ratio of t.|
+|SlerpUnclamped|a : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
b : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
t : float|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Spherically linear interpolates between unit quaternions a and b by t.|
+|FromEuler|euler : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Returns the Quaternion rotation from the given euler angles.|
+|LookRotation|forward : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
upwards : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md) = |[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions.|
+|FromToRotation|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Creates a rotation from fromDirection to toDirection.|
+|Inverse|q : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Returns the Inverse of rotation.|
+|RotateTowards|from : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
to : [Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)
maxDegreesDelta : float|[Quaternion](../objects/Quaternion.md)|Rotates a rotation from towards to.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Range.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Range.md
index 34fe1cc64..653e95029 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Range.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Range.md
@@ -8,20 +8,20 @@ example = Range((Object[]))
|Count|int|True|The number of elements in the list|
## Methods
-|Clear()|none|Clear all list elements|
-|Get(index : int)|Object|Get the element at the specified index|
index : int,
value : Object
)|none|Set the element at the specified index|
-|Add(value : Object)|none|Add an element to the end of the list|
index : int,
value : Object
)|none|Insert an element at the specified index|
-|RemoveAt(index : int)|none|Remove the element at the specified index|
-|Remove(value : Object)|none|Remove the first occurrence of the specified element|
-|Contains(value : Object)|bool|Check if the list contains the specified element|
-|Sort()|none|Sort the list|
-|SortCustom(method : UserMethod)|none|Sort the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature int method(a,b)|
-|Filter(method : UserMethod)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Filter the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature bool method(element)|
-|Map(method : UserMethod)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Map the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(element)|
method : UserMethod,
initialValue : Object
)|Object|Reduce the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(acc, element)|
-|Randomize()|none|Randomize the list|
-|ToSet()|[Set](../objects/Set.md)|Convert the list to a set|
+|Clear||none|Clear all list elements|
+|Get|index : int|Object|Get the element at the specified index|
+|Set|index : int
value : Object|none|Set the element at the specified index|
+|Add|value : Object|none|Add an element to the end of the list|
+|InsertAt|index : int
value : Object|none|Insert an element at the specified index|
+|RemoveAt|index : int|none|Remove the element at the specified index|
+|Remove|value : Object|none|Remove the first occurrence of the specified element|
+|Contains|value : Object|bool|Check if the list contains the specified element|
+|Sort||none|Sort the list|
+|SortCustom|method : UserMethod|none|Sort the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature int method(a,b)|
+|Filter|method : UserMethod|[List](../objects/List.md)|Filter the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature bool method(element)|
+|Map|method : UserMethod|[List](../objects/List.md)|Map the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(element)|
+|Reduce|method : UserMethod
initialValue : Object|Object|Reduce the list using a custom method, expects a method with the signature object method(acc, element)|
+|Randomize||none|Randomize the list|
+|ToSet||[Set](../objects/Set.md)|Convert the list to a set|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Set.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Set.md
index be4639d3c..94636d4c1 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Set.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Set.md
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ example = Set((CustomLogicListBuiltin))
|Count|int|True|The number of elements in the set|
## Methods
-|Clear()|none|Clear all set elements|
-|Contains(value : Object)|bool|Check if the set contains the specified element|
-|Add(value : Object)|none|Add an element to the set|
-|Remove(value : Object)|none|Remove the element from the set|
-|Union(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|none|Union with another set|
-|Intersect(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|none|Intersect with another set|
-|Difference(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|none|Difference with another set|
-|IsSubsetOf(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|bool|Check if the set is a subset of another set|
-|IsSupersetOf(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|bool|Check if the set is a superset of another set|
-|IsProperSubsetOf(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|bool|Check if the set is a proper subset of another set|
-|IsProperSupersetOf(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|bool|Check if the set is a proper superset of another set|
-|Overlaps(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|bool|Check if the set overlaps with another set|
-|SetEquals(set : [Set](../objects/Set.md))|bool|Check if the set has the same elements as another set|
-|ToList()|[List](../objects/List.md)|Convert the set to a list|
+|Clear||none|Clear all set elements|
+|Contains|value : Object|bool|Check if the set contains the specified element|
+|Add|value : Object|none|Add an element to the set|
+|Remove|value : Object|none|Remove the element from the set|
+|Union|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|none|Union with another set|
+|Intersect|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|none|Intersect with another set|
+|Difference|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|none|Difference with another set|
+|IsSubsetOf|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|bool|Check if the set is a subset of another set|
+|IsSupersetOf|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|bool|Check if the set is a superset of another set|
+|IsProperSubsetOf|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|bool|Check if the set is a proper subset of another set|
+|IsProperSupersetOf|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|bool|Check if the set is a proper superset of another set|
+|Overlaps|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|bool|Check if the set overlaps with another set|
+|SetEquals|set : [Set](../objects/Set.md)|bool|Check if the set has the same elements as another set|
+|ToList||[List](../objects/List.md)|Convert the set to a list|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Shifter.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Shifter.md
index 222f8da6d..36331fe56 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Shifter.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Shifter.md
@@ -48,23 +48,23 @@ Inherits from [Character](../objects/Character.md)
|CurrentAnimation|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Character's current playing animation.|
|Grounded|bool|False|Character's grounded status.|
## Methods
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
range : float,
ignoreEnemies : bool
)|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to move towards a position. If ignoreEnemies is true, will not engage enemies along the way.|
enemyObj : Object,
focus : float
)|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to target an enemy character or MapTargetable for focusTime seconds. If focusTime is 0 it will use the default focus time.|
-|Idle(time : float)|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to idle for time seconds before beginning to wander. During idle the titan will not react or move at all.|
-|Wander()|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to cancel any move commands and begin wandering randomly.|
-|Blind()|none|Causes the shifter to enter the blind state.|
-|Cripple(time : float)|none|Causes the shifter to enter the cripple state.|
-|GetKilled(killer : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
killer : [String](../static/String.md),
damage : int
)|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
-|Emote(emote : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
animation : [String](../static/String.md),
fade : float = 0.1
)|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
-|GetAnimationLength(animation : [String](../static/String.md))|float|Gets the length of animation.|
-|PlaySound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
-|StopSound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Stops the sound.|
-|LookAt(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration
)|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
-|Reveal(delay : float)|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) = ,
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll
)|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
-|RemoveOutline()|none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
+|MoveTo|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
range : float
ignoreEnemies : bool|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to move towards a position. If ignoreEnemies is true, will not engage enemies along the way.|
+|Target|enemyObj : Object
focus : float|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to target an enemy character or MapTargetable for focusTime seconds. If focusTime is 0 it will use the default focus time.|
+|Idle|time : float|none|Causes the (AI) shifter to idle for time seconds before beginning to wander. During idle the titan will not react or move at all.|
+|Wander||none|Causes the (AI) shifter to cancel any move commands and begin wandering randomly.|
+|Blind||none|Causes the shifter to enter the blind state.|
+|Cripple|time : float|none|Causes the shifter to enter the cripple state.|
+|GetKilled|killer : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
+|GetDamaged|killer : [String](../static/String.md)
damage : int|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
+|Emote|emote : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
+|PlayAnimation|animation : [String](../static/String.md)
fade : float = 0.1|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
+|GetAnimationLength|animation : [String](../static/String.md)|float|Gets the length of animation.|
+|PlaySound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
+|StopSound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Stops the sound.|
+|LookAt|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
+|AddForce|force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
+|Reveal|delay : float|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
+|AddOutline|color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) =
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
+|RemoveOutline||none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Titan.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Titan.md
index 7f626ac0d..15035112c 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Titan.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Titan.md
@@ -53,23 +53,23 @@ Inherits from [Character](../objects/Character.md)
|CurrentAnimation|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Character's current playing animation.|
|Grounded|bool|False|Character's grounded status.|
## Methods
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
range : float,
ignoreEnemies : bool
)|none|Causes the (AI) titan to move towards a position and stopping when within specified range. If ignoreEnemies is true, will not engage enemies along the way.|
enemyObj : Object,
focus : float
)|none|Causes the (AI) titan to target an enemy character or MapTargetable for focusTime seconds. If focusTime is 0 it will use the default focus time|
-|Idle(time : float)|none|Causes the (AI) titan to idle for time seconds before beginning to wander. During idle the titan will not react or move at all.|
-|Wander()|none|Causes the (AI) titan to cancel any move commands and begin wandering randomly.|
-|Blind()|none|Causes the titan to enter the blind state.|
-|Cripple(time : float)|none|Causes the titan to enter the cripple state for time seconds. Using 0 will use the default cripple time.|
-|GetKilled(killer : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
killer : [String](../static/String.md),
damage : int
)|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
-|Emote(emote : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
animation : [String](../static/String.md),
fade : float = 0.1
)|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
-|GetAnimationLength(animation : [String](../static/String.md))|float|Gets the length of animation.|
-|PlaySound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
-|StopSound(sound : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Stops the sound.|
-|LookAt(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration
)|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
-|Reveal(delay : float)|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) = ,
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll
)|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
-|RemoveOutline()|none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
+|MoveTo|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
range : float
ignoreEnemies : bool|none|Causes the (AI) titan to move towards a position and stopping when within specified range. If ignoreEnemies is true, will not engage enemies along the way.|
+|Target|enemyObj : Object
focus : float|none|Causes the (AI) titan to target an enemy character or MapTargetable for focusTime seconds. If focusTime is 0 it will use the default focus time|
+|Idle|time : float|none|Causes the (AI) titan to idle for time seconds before beginning to wander. During idle the titan will not react or move at all.|
+|Wander||none|Causes the (AI) titan to cancel any move commands and begin wandering randomly.|
+|Blind||none|Causes the titan to enter the blind state.|
+|Cripple|time : float|none|Causes the titan to enter the cripple state for time seconds. Using 0 will use the default cripple time.|
+|GetKilled|killer : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Kills the character. Callable by non-owners.|
+|GetDamaged|killer : [String](../static/String.md)
damage : int|none|Damages the character and kills it if its health reaches 0. Callable by non-owners.|
+|Emote|emote : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Causes the character to emote. The list of available emotes is the same as those shown in the in-game emote menu.|
+|PlayAnimation|animation : [String](../static/String.md)
fade : float = 0.1|none|Causes the character to play an animation. If the fade parameter is provided, will crossfade the animation by this timestep. Available animations can be found here: Human, Titan, Annie, Eren. Use the right-hand string value for the animation.|
+|GetAnimationLength|animation : [String](../static/String.md)|float|Gets the length of animation.|
+|PlaySound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Plays a sound if present in the character. Available sound names can be found here: Humans, Shifters, Titans. Note that shifters also have all titan sounds.|
+|StopSound|sound : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Stops the sound.|
+|LookAt|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Rotates the character such that it is looking towards a world position.|
+|AddForce|force : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = Acceleration|none|Adds a force to the character with given force vector and optional mode. Valid modes are Force, Acceleration, Impulse, VelocityChange with default being Acceleration.|
+|Reveal|delay : float|none|Reveaal the titan for a set number of seconds.|
+|AddOutline|color : [Color](../objects/Color.md) =
mode : [String](../static/String.md) = OutlineAll|none|Adds an outline effect with the given color and mode. Valid modes are: OutlineAll, OutlineVisible, OutlineHidden, OutlineAndSilhouette, SilhouetteOnly, OutlineAndLightenColor|
+|RemoveOutline||none|Removes the outline effect from the character.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Transform.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Transform.md
index c78c95f1a..13776472e 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Transform.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Transform.md
@@ -17,20 +17,20 @@ Inherits from object
|Up|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|False|Gets the up vector of the transform.|
|Right|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|False|Gets the right vector of the transform.|
## Methods
-|GetTransform(name : [String](../static/String.md))|[Transform](../objects/Transform.md)|Gets the transform of the specified child.|
-|GetTransforms()|[List](../objects/List.md)|Gets all child transforms.|
anim : [String](../static/String.md),
fade : float = 0.1
)|none|Plays the specified animation.|
-|GetAnimationLength(anim : [String](../static/String.md))|float|Gets the length of the specified animation.|
-|PlaySound()|none|Plays the sound.|
-|StopSound()|none|Stops the sound.|
-|ToggleParticle(enabled : bool)|none|Toggles the particle system.|
-|InverseTransformDirection(direction : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms a direction from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirection.|
-|InverseTransformPoint(point : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms position from world space to local space.|
-|TransformDirection(direction : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms direction from local space to world space.|
-|TransformPoint(point : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms position from local space to world space.|
-|Rotate(rotation : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Applies a rotation of eulerAngles.z degrees around the z-axis, eulerAngles.x degrees around the x-axis, and eulerAngles.y degrees around the y-axis (in that order).|
point : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
axis : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
angle : float
)|none|Rotates the transform about axis passing through point in world coordinates by angle degrees.|
-|LookAt(target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at worldPosition.|
-|SetRenderersEnabled(enabled : bool)|none|Sets the enabled state of all child renderers.|
+|GetTransform|name : [String](../static/String.md)|[Transform](../objects/Transform.md)|Gets the transform of the specified child.|
+|GetTransforms||[List](../objects/List.md)|Gets all child transforms.|
+|PlayAnimation|anim : [String](../static/String.md)
fade : float = 0.1|none|Plays the specified animation.|
+|GetAnimationLength|anim : [String](../static/String.md)|float|Gets the length of the specified animation.|
+|PlaySound||none|Plays the sound.|
+|StopSound||none|Stops the sound.|
+|ToggleParticle|enabled : bool|none|Toggles the particle system.|
+|InverseTransformDirection|direction : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms a direction from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformDirection.|
+|InverseTransformPoint|point : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms position from world space to local space.|
+|TransformDirection|direction : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms direction from local space to world space.|
+|TransformPoint|point : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Transforms position from local space to world space.|
+|Rotate|rotation : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Applies a rotation of eulerAngles.z degrees around the z-axis, eulerAngles.x degrees around the x-axis, and eulerAngles.y degrees around the y-axis (in that order).|
+|RotateAround|point : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
axis : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
angle : float|none|Rotates the transform about axis passing through point in world coordinates by angle degrees.|
+|LookAt|target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at worldPosition.|
+|SetRenderersEnabled|enabled : bool|none|Sets the enabled state of all child renderers.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector2.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector2.md
index 0f567b30d..79819f4c0 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector2.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector2.md
@@ -20,29 +20,29 @@ Inherits from object
|NegativeInfinity|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|False|Shorthand for writing Vector2(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity).|
|PositiveInfinity|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|False|Shorthand for writing Vector2(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity).|
## Methods
x : float,
y : float
)|none|Set x and y components of an existing Vector2.|
-|Normalize()|none|Makes this vector have a magnitude of 1.|
-|\_\_Copy\_\_()|Object|Override to deepcopy object on assignment, used for structs. Ex: copy = original is equivalent to copy = original.\_\_Copy\_\_()|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement addition, used for + operator. Ex: a + b is equivalent to a.\_\_Add\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement subtraction, used for - operator. Ex: a - b is equivalent to a.\_\_Sub\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement multiplication, used for * operator. Ex: a * b is equivalent to a.\_\_Mul\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement division, used for / operator. Ex: a / b is equivalent to a.\_\_Div\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|bool|Override to implement equality comparison, used for == and != operators. Ex: a == b is equivalent to a.\_\_Eq\_\_(a, b)|
-|\_\_Hash\_\_()|int|Override to implement hashing, used for GetHashCode - Used for Dictionaries/Sets. Ex: hash = obj.GetHashCode() is equivalent to hash = obj.\_\_Hash\_\_()|
+|Set|x : float
y : float|none|Set x and y components of an existing Vector2.|
+|Normalize||none|Makes this vector have a magnitude of 1.|
+|\_\_Copy\_\_||Object|Override to deepcopy object on assignment, used for structs. Ex: copy = original is equivalent to copy = original.\_\_Copy\_\_()|
+|\_\_Add\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement addition, used for + operator. Ex: a + b is equivalent to a.\_\_Add\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Sub\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement subtraction, used for - operator. Ex: a - b is equivalent to a.\_\_Sub\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Mul\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement multiplication, used for * operator. Ex: a * b is equivalent to a.\_\_Mul\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Div\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement division, used for / operator. Ex: a / b is equivalent to a.\_\_Div\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Eq\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|bool|Override to implement equality comparison, used for == and != operators. Ex: a == b is equivalent to a.\_\_Eq\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Hash\_\_||int|Override to implement hashing, used for GetHashCode - Used for Dictionaries/Sets. Ex: hash = obj.GetHashCode() is equivalent to hash = obj.\_\_Hash\_\_()|
## Static Methods
from : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
to : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|float|Gets the unsigned angle in degrees between from and to.|
vector : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
maxLength : float
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength.|
a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|float|Returns the distance between a and b.|
a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|float|Dot Product of two vectors.|
a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
t : float
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Linearly interpolates between vectors a and b by t.|
a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
t : float
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Linearly interpolates between vectors a and b by t.|
a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.|
a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.|
current : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
target : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
maxDistanceDelta : float
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Moves a point current towards target.|
inDirection : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
inNormal : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Reflects a vector off the vector defined by a normal.|
from : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
to : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
)|float|Gets the signed angle in degrees between from and to.|
current : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
target : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
currentVelocity : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md),
smoothTime : float,
maxSpeed : float
+|Angle|from : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
to : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|float|Gets the unsigned angle in degrees between from and to.|
+|ClampMagnitude|vector : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
maxLength : float|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength.|
+|Distance|a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|float|Returns the distance between a and b.|
+|Dot|a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|float|Dot Product of two vectors.|
+|Lerp|a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
t : float|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Linearly interpolates between vectors a and b by t.|
+|LerpUnclamped|a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
t : float|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Linearly interpolates between vectors a and b by t.|
+|Max|a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.|
+|Min|a : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
b : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.|
+|MoveTowards|current : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
target : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
maxDistanceDelta : float|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Moves a point current towards target.|
+|Reflect|inDirection : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
inNormal : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|Reflects a vector off the vector defined by a normal.|
+|SignedAngle|from : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
to : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)|float|Gets the signed angle in degrees between from and to.|
+|SmoothDamp|current : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
target : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
currentVelocity : [Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)
smoothTime : float
maxSpeed : float|[Vector2](../objects/Vector2.md)||
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector3.md b/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector3.md
index 81e1f7aa1..c1c98c5dc 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector3.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/objects/Vector3.md
@@ -23,40 +23,40 @@ Inherits from object
|NegativeInfinity|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|False|Shorthand for writing Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity).|
|PositiveInfinity|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|False|Shorthand for writing Vector3(float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity, float.PositiveInfinity).|
## Methods
x : float,
y : float,
z : float
)|none|Set x, y and z components of an existing Vector3.|
-|Scale(scale : Object)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the Vector3 multiplied by scale.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the multiplication of two Vector3s.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the division of two Vector3s.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Gets the relational Vector3 "b" using "a" as a reference. This is equivalent to setting MapObject.Forward to Vector "a", and finding the relative "b" vector.|
-|\_\_Copy\_\_()|Object|Override to deepcopy object on assignment, used for structs. Ex: copy = original is equivalent to copy = original.\_\_Copy\_\_()|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement addition, used for + operator. Ex: a + b is equivalent to a.\_\_Add\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement subtraction, used for - operator. Ex: a - b is equivalent to a.\_\_Sub\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement multiplication, used for * operator. Ex: a * b is equivalent to a.\_\_Mul\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|Object|Override to implement division, used for / operator. Ex: a / b is equivalent to a.\_\_Div\_\_(a, b)|
self : Object,
other : Object
)|bool|Override to implement equality comparison, used for == and != operators. Ex: a == b is equivalent to a.\_\_Eq\_\_(a, b)|
-|\_\_Hash\_\_()|int|Override to implement hashing, used for GetHashCode - Used for Dictionaries/Sets. Ex: hash = obj.GetHashCode() is equivalent to hash = obj.\_\_Hash\_\_()|
+|Set|x : float
y : float
z : float|none|Set x, y and z components of an existing Vector3.|
+|Scale|scale : Object|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the Vector3 multiplied by scale.|
+|Multiply|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the multiplication of two Vector3s.|
+|Divide|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the division of two Vector3s.|
+|GetRotationDirection|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Gets the relational Vector3 "b" using "a" as a reference. This is equivalent to setting MapObject.Forward to Vector "a", and finding the relative "b" vector.|
+|\_\_Copy\_\_||Object|Override to deepcopy object on assignment, used for structs. Ex: copy = original is equivalent to copy = original.\_\_Copy\_\_()|
+|\_\_Add\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement addition, used for + operator. Ex: a + b is equivalent to a.\_\_Add\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Sub\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement subtraction, used for - operator. Ex: a - b is equivalent to a.\_\_Sub\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Mul\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement multiplication, used for * operator. Ex: a * b is equivalent to a.\_\_Mul\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Div\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|Object|Override to implement division, used for / operator. Ex: a / b is equivalent to a.\_\_Div\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Eq\_\_|self : Object
other : Object|bool|Override to implement equality comparison, used for == and != operators. Ex: a == b is equivalent to a.\_\_Eq\_\_(a, b)|
+|\_\_Hash\_\_||int|Override to implement hashing, used for GetHashCode - Used for Dictionaries/Sets. Ex: hash = obj.GetHashCode() is equivalent to hash = obj.\_\_Hash\_\_()|
## Static Methods
from : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
to : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|float|Calculates the angle between vectors from and.|
vector : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
maxLength : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Cross Product of two vectors.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|float|Returns the distance between a and b.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|float|Dot Product of two vectors.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
t : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Linearly interpolates between two points.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
t : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Linearly interpolates between two vectors.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.|
current : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
maxDistanceDelta : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Calculate a position between the points specified by current and target, moving no farther than the distance specified by maxDistanceDelta.|
-|Normalize(value : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Makes this vector have a magnitude of 1.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Projects a vector onto another vector.|
vector : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
plane : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.|
inDirection : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
inNormal : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal.|
current : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
maxRadiansDelta : float,
maxMagnitudeDelta : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Rotates a vector current towards target.|
from : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
to : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
axis : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|float|Calculates the signed angle between vectors from and to in relation to axis.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
t : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Spherically interpolates between two vectors.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
t : float
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Spherically interpolates between two vectors.|
current : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
currentVelocity : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
smoothTime : float,
maxSpeed : float
+|Angle|from : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
to : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|float|Calculates the angle between vectors from and.|
+|ClampMagnitude|vector : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
maxLength : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns a copy of vector with its magnitude clamped to maxLength.|
+|Cross|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Cross Product of two vectors.|
+|Distance|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|float|Returns the distance between a and b.|
+|Dot|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|float|Dot Product of two vectors.|
+|Lerp|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
t : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Linearly interpolates between two points.|
+|LerpUnclamped|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
t : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Linearly interpolates between two vectors.|
+|Max|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors.|
+|Min|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors.|
+|MoveTowards|current : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
maxDistanceDelta : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Calculate a position between the points specified by current and target, moving no farther than the distance specified by maxDistanceDelta.|
+|Normalize|value : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Makes this vector have a magnitude of 1.|
+|OrthoNormalize|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none||
+|Project|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Projects a vector onto another vector.|
+|ProjectOnPlane|vector : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
plane : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.|
+|Reflect|inDirection : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
inNormal : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Reflects a vector off the plane defined by a normal.|
+|RotateTowards|current : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
maxRadiansDelta : float
maxMagnitudeDelta : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Rotates a vector current towards target.|
+|SignedAngle|from : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
to : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
axis : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|float|Calculates the signed angle between vectors from and to in relation to axis.|
+|Slerp|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
t : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Spherically interpolates between two vectors.|
+|SlerpUnclamped|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
t : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Spherically interpolates between two vectors.|
+|SmoothDamp|current : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
target : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
currentVelocity : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
smoothTime : float
maxSpeed : float|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)||
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Camera.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Camera.md
index 0080386b9..ab8cd9c03 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Camera.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Camera.md
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ Inherits from object
|Up|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|False|Up vector of the camera.|
|FollowDistance|float|False|Distance from the camera to the character.|
## Static Methods
-|SetManual(manual : bool)|none|Sets the camera manual mode. If true, camera will only be controlled by custom logic. If false, camera will follow the spawned or spectated player and read input.|
-|SetPosition(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Sets camera position.|
-|SetRotation(rotation : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Sets camera rotation.|
-|SetVelocity(velocity : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Sets camera velocity.|
-|LookAt(position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md))|none|Sets the camera forward direction such that it is looking at a world position.|
-|SetFOV(fov : float)|none|Sets the camera field of view. Use 0 to use the default field of view.|
-|SetCameraMode(mode : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Forces the player to use a certain camera mode, taking priority over their camera setting. Accepted values are TPS, Original, FPS.|
-|ResetDistance()|none|Resets the follow distance to player's settings.|
-|ResetCameraMode()|none|Resets the camera mode to player's settings.|
+|SetManual|manual : bool|none|Sets the camera manual mode. If true, camera will only be controlled by custom logic. If false, camera will follow the spawned or spectated player and read input.|
+|SetPosition|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Sets camera position.|
+|SetRotation|rotation : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Sets camera rotation.|
+|SetVelocity|velocity : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Sets camera velocity.|
+|LookAt|position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|none|Sets the camera forward direction such that it is looking at a world position.|
+|SetFOV|fov : float|none|Sets the camera field of view. Use 0 to use the default field of view.|
+|SetCameraMode|mode : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Forces the player to use a certain camera mode, taking priority over their camera setting. Accepted values are TPS, Original, FPS.|
+|ResetDistance||none|Resets the follow distance to player's settings.|
+|ResetCameraMode||none|Resets the camera mode to player's settings.|
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index 9a9d70963..647d7e0cf 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Convert.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Convert.md
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
# Convert
Inherits from object
## Methods
-|ToFloat(value : Object)|float|Converts a value to a float|
-|ToInt(value : Object)|int|Converts a value to an int|
-|ToBool(value : Object)|bool|Converts a value to a bool|
-|ToString(value : Object)|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts a value to a string|
-|IsFloat(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is a float|
-|IsInt(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is an int|
-|IsBool(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is a bool|
-|IsString(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is a string|
-|IsObject(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is an object|
-|IsList(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is a list|
-|IsDict(value : Object)|bool|Checks if the value is a dictionary|
cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance,
variableName : [String](../static/String.md)
)|bool|Checks if the class instance has a variable|
cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance,
variableName : [String](../static/String.md),
value : Object
)|none|Defines a variable for the class instance|
cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance,
variableName : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Removes a variable from the class instance|
-|GetType(cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance)|[String](../static/String.md)|Gets the type of the class instance|
+|ToFloat|value : Object|float|Converts a value to a float|
+|ToInt|value : Object|int|Converts a value to an int|
+|ToBool|value : Object|bool|Converts a value to a bool|
+|ToString|value : Object|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts a value to a string|
+|IsFloat|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is a float|
+|IsInt|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is an int|
+|IsBool|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is a bool|
+|IsString|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is a string|
+|IsObject|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is an object|
+|IsList|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is a list|
+|IsDict|value : Object|bool|Checks if the value is a dictionary|
+|HasVariable|cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance
variableName : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Checks if the class instance has a variable|
+|DefineVariable|cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance
variableName : [String](../static/String.md)
value : Object|none|Defines a variable for the class instance|
+|RemoveVariable|cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance
variableName : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Removes a variable from the class instance|
+|GetType|cInstance : CustomLogicClassInstance|[String](../static/String.md)|Gets the type of the class instance|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Cutscene.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Cutscene.md
index 712adebba..f6fe8d885 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Cutscene.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Cutscene.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Cutscene
Inherits from object
## Methods
name : [String](../static/String.md),
full : bool
)|none|Start a cutscene|
icon : [String](../static/String.md),
title : [String](../static/String.md),
content : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Show a dialogue box|
icon : [String](../static/String.md),
title : [String](../static/String.md),
content : [String](../static/String.md),
time : float
)|none|Show a dialogue box for a certain amount of time|
-|HideDialogue()|none|Hide the dialogue box|
+|Start|name : [String](../static/String.md)
full : bool|none|Start a cutscene|
+|ShowDialogue|icon : [String](../static/String.md)
title : [String](../static/String.md)
content : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Show a dialogue box|
+|ShowDialogueForTime|icon : [String](../static/String.md)
title : [String](../static/String.md)
content : [String](../static/String.md)
time : float|none|Show a dialogue box for a certain amount of time|
+|HideDialogue||none|Hide the dialogue box|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Game.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Game.md
index c90b700f4..a1c8bfd05 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Game.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Game.md
@@ -23,34 +23,34 @@ Inherits from object
|ForcedCharacterType|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Forced character type|
|ForcedLoadout|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Forced loadout|
## Methods
-|Debug(message : Object)|none|Print a debug statement to the console|
-|Print(message : Object)|none|Print a message to the chat|
-|PrintAll(message : Object)|none|Print a message to all players|
-|GetGeneralSetting(settingName : [String](../static/String.md))|Object|Get a general setting|
-|GetTitanSetting(settingName : [String](../static/String.md))|Object|Get a titan setting|
-|GetMiscSetting(settingName : [String](../static/String.md))|Object|Get a misc setting|
-|End(delay : float)|none|End the game|
-|FindCharacterByViewID(viewID : int)|[Character](../objects/Character.md)|Find a character by view ID|
-|SpawnTitan(type : [String](../static/String.md))|[Titan](../objects/Titan.md)|Spawn a titan|
type : [String](../static/String.md),
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationY : float = 0
)|[Titan](../objects/Titan.md)|Spawn a titan at a position|
type : [String](../static/String.md),
count : int
)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Spawn titans|
type : [String](../static/String.md),
count : int
)|none|Spawn titans asynchronously|
type : [String](../static/String.md),
count : int,
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationY : float = 0
)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Spawn titans at a position|
type : [String](../static/String.md),
count : int,
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationY : float = 0
)|none|Spawn titans at a position asynchronously|
-|SpawnShifter(type : [String](../static/String.md))|[Shifter](../objects/Shifter.md)|Spawn a shifter|
type : [String](../static/String.md),
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationY : float = 0
)|[Shifter](../objects/Shifter.md)|Spawn a shifter at a position|
-|SpawnProjectile(parameters : Object[])|none|Spawn a projectile|
-|SpawnProjectileWithOwner(parameters : Object[])|none|Spawn a projectile with an owner|
-|SpawnEffect(parameters : Object[])|none|Spawn an effect|
player : [Player](../objects/Player.md),
force : bool
)|none|Spawn a player|
-|SpawnPlayerAll(force : bool)|none|Spawn a player for all players|
player : [Player](../objects/Player.md),
force : bool,
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationY : float = 0
)|none|Spawn a player at a position|
force : bool,
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
rotationY : float = 0
)|none|Spawn a player at a position for all players|
-|SetPlaylist(playlist : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Set the music playlist|
-|SetSong(song : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Set the music song|
start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
dir : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
color : [Color](../objects/Color.md),
duration : float
)|none|Draw a ray|
-|ShowKillScore(damage : int)|none|Show the kill score|
killer : [String](../static/String.md),
victim : [String](../static/String.md),
score : int,
weapon : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Show the kill feed|
killer : [String](../static/String.md),
victim : [String](../static/String.md),
score : int,
weapon : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Show the kill feed for all players|
+|Debug|message : Object|none|Print a debug statement to the console|
+|Print|message : Object|none|Print a message to the chat|
+|PrintAll|message : Object|none|Print a message to all players|
+|GetGeneralSetting|settingName : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Get a general setting|
+|GetTitanSetting|settingName : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Get a titan setting|
+|GetMiscSetting|settingName : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Get a misc setting|
+|End|delay : float|none|End the game|
+|FindCharacterByViewID|viewID : int|[Character](../objects/Character.md)|Find a character by view ID|
+|SpawnTitan|type : [String](../static/String.md)|[Titan](../objects/Titan.md)|Spawn a titan|
+|SpawnTitanAt|type : [String](../static/String.md)
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationY : float = 0|[Titan](../objects/Titan.md)|Spawn a titan at a position|
+|SpawnTitans|type : [String](../static/String.md)
count : int|[List](../objects/List.md)|Spawn titans|
+|SpawnTitansAsync|type : [String](../static/String.md)
count : int|none|Spawn titans asynchronously|
+|SpawnTitansAt|type : [String](../static/String.md)
count : int
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationY : float = 0|[List](../objects/List.md)|Spawn titans at a position|
+|SpawnTitansAtAsync|type : [String](../static/String.md)
count : int
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationY : float = 0|none|Spawn titans at a position asynchronously|
+|SpawnShifter|type : [String](../static/String.md)|[Shifter](../objects/Shifter.md)|Spawn a shifter|
+|SpawnShifterAt|type : [String](../static/String.md)
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationY : float = 0|[Shifter](../objects/Shifter.md)|Spawn a shifter at a position|
+|SpawnProjectile|parameters : Object[]|none|Spawn a projectile|
+|SpawnProjectileWithOwner|parameters : Object[]|none|Spawn a projectile with an owner|
+|SpawnEffect|parameters : Object[]|none|Spawn an effect|
+|SpawnPlayer|player : [Player](../objects/Player.md)
force : bool|none|Spawn a player|
+|SpawnPlayerAll|force : bool|none|Spawn a player for all players|
+|SpawnPlayerAt|player : [Player](../objects/Player.md)
force : bool
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationY : float = 0|none|Spawn a player at a position|
+|SpawnPlayerAtAll|force : bool
position : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
rotationY : float = 0|none|Spawn a player at a position for all players|
+|SetPlaylist|playlist : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Set the music playlist|
+|SetSong|song : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Set the music song|
+|DrawRay|start : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
dir : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
color : [Color](../objects/Color.md)
duration : float|none|Draw a ray|
+|ShowKillScore|damage : int|none|Show the kill score|
+|ShowKillFeed|killer : [String](../static/String.md)
victim : [String](../static/String.md)
score : int
weapon : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Show the kill feed|
+|ShowKillFeedAll|killer : [String](../static/String.md)
victim : [String](../static/String.md)
score : int
weapon : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Show the kill feed for all players|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Input.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Input.md
index 5ab3d686f..c059a98cf 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Input.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Input.md
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# Input
Inherits from object
## Static Methods
-|GetKeyName(key : [String](../static/String.md))|[String](../static/String.md)|Gets the key name the player assigned to the key setting|
-|GetKeyHold(key : [String](../static/String.md))|bool|Returns true if the key is being held down|
-|GetKeyDown(key : [String](../static/String.md))|bool|Returns true if the key was pressed down this frame|
-|GetKeyUp(key : [String](../static/String.md))|bool|Returns true if the key was released this frame|
-|GetMouseAim()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the position the player is aiming at|
-|GetCursorAimDirection()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the ray the player is aiming at|
-|GetMouseSpeed()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the speed of the mouse|
-|GetMousePosition()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the position of the mouse|
-|GetScreenDimensions()|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the dimensions of the screen|
key : [String](../static/String.md),
enabled : bool
)|none|Sets whether the key is enabled by default|
key : [String](../static/String.md),
enabled : bool
)|none|Sets whether the key is being held down|
+|GetKeyName|key : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Gets the key name the player assigned to the key setting|
+|GetKeyHold|key : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Returns true if the key is being held down|
+|GetKeyDown|key : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Returns true if the key was pressed down this frame|
+|GetKeyUp|key : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Returns true if the key was released this frame|
+|GetMouseAim||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the position the player is aiming at|
+|GetCursorAimDirection||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the ray the player is aiming at|
+|GetMouseSpeed||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the speed of the mouse|
+|GetMousePosition||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the position of the mouse|
+|GetScreenDimensions||[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Returns the dimensions of the screen|
+|SetKeyDefaultEnabled|key : [String](../static/String.md)
enabled : bool|none|Sets whether the key is enabled by default|
+|SetKeyHold|key : [String](../static/String.md)
enabled : bool|none|Sets whether the key is being held down|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Json.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Json.md
index 6c32069dc..5169a3334 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Json.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Json.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Json
Inherits from object
## Static Methods
-|LoadFromString(json : [String](../static/String.md))|Object|Loads a json string into a custom logic object|
-|SaveToString(obj : Object)|[String](../static/String.md)|Saves a custom logic object into a json string|
+|LoadFromString|json : [String](../static/String.md)|Object|Loads a json string into a custom logic object|
+|SaveToString|obj : Object|[String](../static/String.md)|Saves a custom logic object into a json string|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Map.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Map.md
index 8f5fc9e0d..ea0025659 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Map.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Map.md
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
# Map
Inherits from object
## Methods
-|FindAllMapObjects()|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects|
-|FindMapObjectByName(objectName : [String](../static/String.md))|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find a map object by name|
-|FindMapObjectsByName(objectName : [String](../static/String.md))|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects by name|
-|FindMapObjectByComponent(className : [String](../static/String.md))|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find all map objects by component|
-|FindMapObjectsByComponent(className : [String](../static/String.md))|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects by component|
-|FindMapObjectByID(id : int)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find a map object by ID|
-|FindMapObjectByTag(tag : [String](../static/String.md))|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find a map object by tag|
-|FindMapObjectsByTag(tag : [String](../static/String.md))|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects by tag|
-|CreateMapObjectRaw(prefab : [String](../static/String.md))|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Create a new map object|
mapObject : [MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md),
includeChildren : bool
)|none|Destroy a map object|
mapObject : [MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md),
includeChildren : bool
)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Copy a map object|
-|DestroyMapTargetable(targetable : [MapTargetable](../objects/MapTargetable.md))|none|Destroy a map targetable|
-|UpdateNavMesh()|none|Update the nav mesh|
-|UpdateNavMeshAsync()|none|Update the nav mesh asynchronously|
+|FindAllMapObjects||[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects|
+|FindMapObjectByName|objectName : [String](../static/String.md)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find a map object by name|
+|FindMapObjectsByName|objectName : [String](../static/String.md)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects by name|
+|FindMapObjectByComponent|className : [String](../static/String.md)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find all map objects by component|
+|FindMapObjectsByComponent|className : [String](../static/String.md)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects by component|
+|FindMapObjectByID|id : int|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find a map object by ID|
+|FindMapObjectByTag|tag : [String](../static/String.md)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Find a map object by tag|
+|FindMapObjectsByTag|tag : [String](../static/String.md)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Find all map objects by tag|
+|CreateMapObjectRaw|prefab : [String](../static/String.md)|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Create a new map object|
+|DestroyMapObject|mapObject : [MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)
includeChildren : bool|none|Destroy a map object|
+|CopyMapObject|mapObject : [MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)
includeChildren : bool|[MapObject](../objects/MapObject.md)|Copy a map object|
+|DestroyMapTargetable|targetable : [MapTargetable](../objects/MapTargetable.md)|none|Destroy a map targetable|
+|UpdateNavMesh||none|Update the nav mesh|
+|UpdateNavMeshAsync||none|Update the nav mesh asynchronously|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Math.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Math.md
index d0a7db1e8..9e4d058ea 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Math.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Math.md
@@ -10,43 +10,43 @@ Inherits from object
|Deg2RadConstant|float|False|The value of Deg2Rad constant|
|Epsilon|float|False|The value of Epsilon|
## Methods
value : Object,
min : Object,
max : Object
)|Object|Clamp a value between a minimum and maximum value|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Get the maximum of two values|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Get the minimum of two values|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Raise a value to the power of another value|
-|Abs(value : Object)|Object|Get the absolute value of a number|
-|Sqrt(value : Object)|Object|Get the square root of a number|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Get the remainder of a division operation|
-|Sin(angle : Object)|Object|Get the sine of an angle in degrees|
-|Cos(angle : Object)|Object|Get the cosine of an angle in degrees|
-|Tan(angle : Object)|Object|Get the tangent of an angle in degrees|
-|Asin(value : Object)|Object|Get the arcsine of a value in degrees|
-|Acos(value : Object)|Object|Get the arccosine of a value in degrees|
-|Atan(value : Object)|Object|Get the arctangent of a value in degrees|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Get the arctangent of a value in degrees|
-|Ceil(value : Object)|Object|Get the smallest integer greater than or equal to a value|
-|Floor(value : Object)|Object|Get the largest integer less than or equal to a value|
-|Round(value : Object)|Object|Round a value to the nearest integer|
-|Deg2Rad(angle : Object)|Object|Convert an angle from degrees to radians|
-|Rad2Deg(angle : Object)|Object|Convert an angle from radians to degrees|
a : Object,
b : Object,
t : Object
)|Object|Linearly interpolate between two values|
a : Object,
b : Object,
t : Object
)|Object|Linearly interpolate between two values without clamping|
-|Sign(value : Object)|Object|Get the sign of a value|
a : Object,
b : Object,
value : Object
)|Object|Get the inverse lerp of two values|
a : Object,
b : Object,
t : Object
)|Object|Linearly interpolate between two angles|
-|Log(value : Object)|Object|Get the natural logarithm of a value|
current : Object,
target : Object,
maxDelta : Object
)|Object|Move a value towards a target value|
current : Object,
target : Object,
maxDelta : Object
)|Object|Move an angle towards a target angle|
t : Object,
length : Object
)|Object|Get the ping pong value of a time value|
current : Object,
target : Object,
currentVelocity : Object,
smoothTime : Object,
maxSpeed : Object,
deltaTime : Object
)|Object|Smoothly damp a value towards a target value|
-|Exp(value : Object)|Object|Get the exponential value of a number|
current : Object,
target : Object,
currentVelocity : Object,
smoothTime : Object,
maxSpeed : Object,
deltaTime : Object
)|Object|Smoothly damp an angle towards a target angle|
a : Object,
b : Object,
t : Object
)|Object|Smoothly step between two values|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Perform a bitwise AND operation|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Perform a bitwise OR operation|
a : Object,
b : Object
)|Object|Perform a bitwise XOR operation|
-|BitwiseNot(value : Object)|Object|Perform a bitwise NOT operation|
value : Object,
shift : Object
)|Object|Shift bits to the left|
value : Object,
shift : Object
)|Object|Shift bits to the right|
+|Clamp|value : Object
min : Object
max : Object|Object|Clamp a value between a minimum and maximum value|
+|Max|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Get the maximum of two values|
+|Min|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Get the minimum of two values|
+|Pow|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Raise a value to the power of another value|
+|Abs|value : Object|Object|Get the absolute value of a number|
+|Sqrt|value : Object|Object|Get the square root of a number|
+|Mod|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Get the remainder of a division operation|
+|Sin|angle : Object|Object|Get the sine of an angle in degrees|
+|Cos|angle : Object|Object|Get the cosine of an angle in degrees|
+|Tan|angle : Object|Object|Get the tangent of an angle in degrees|
+|Asin|value : Object|Object|Get the arcsine of a value in degrees|
+|Acos|value : Object|Object|Get the arccosine of a value in degrees|
+|Atan|value : Object|Object|Get the arctangent of a value in degrees|
+|Atan2|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Get the arctangent of a value in degrees|
+|Ceil|value : Object|Object|Get the smallest integer greater than or equal to a value|
+|Floor|value : Object|Object|Get the largest integer less than or equal to a value|
+|Round|value : Object|Object|Round a value to the nearest integer|
+|Deg2Rad|angle : Object|Object|Convert an angle from degrees to radians|
+|Rad2Deg|angle : Object|Object|Convert an angle from radians to degrees|
+|Lerp|a : Object
b : Object
t : Object|Object|Linearly interpolate between two values|
+|LerpUnclamped|a : Object
b : Object
t : Object|Object|Linearly interpolate between two values without clamping|
+|Sign|value : Object|Object|Get the sign of a value|
+|InverseLerp|a : Object
b : Object
value : Object|Object|Get the inverse lerp of two values|
+|LerpAngle|a : Object
b : Object
t : Object|Object|Linearly interpolate between two angles|
+|Log|value : Object|Object|Get the natural logarithm of a value|
+|MoveTowards|current : Object
target : Object
maxDelta : Object|Object|Move a value towards a target value|
+|MoveTowardsAngle|current : Object
target : Object
maxDelta : Object|Object|Move an angle towards a target angle|
+|PingPong|t : Object
length : Object|Object|Get the ping pong value of a time value|
+|SmoothDamp|current : Object
target : Object
currentVelocity : Object
smoothTime : Object
maxSpeed : Object
deltaTime : Object|Object|Smoothly damp a value towards a target value|
+|Exp|value : Object|Object|Get the exponential value of a number|
+|SmoothDampAngle|current : Object
target : Object
currentVelocity : Object
smoothTime : Object
maxSpeed : Object
deltaTime : Object|Object|Smoothly damp an angle towards a target angle|
+|SmoothStep|a : Object
b : Object
t : Object|Object|Smoothly step between two values|
+|BitwiseAnd|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Perform a bitwise AND operation|
+|BitwiseOr|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Perform a bitwise OR operation|
+|BitwiseXor|a : Object
b : Object|Object|Perform a bitwise XOR operation|
+|BitwiseNot|value : Object|Object|Perform a bitwise NOT operation|
+|BitwiseLeftShift|value : Object
shift : Object|Object|Shift bits to the left|
+|BitwiseRightShift|value : Object
shift : Object|Object|Shift bits to the right|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Network.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Network.md
index 1a69bb261..9c65e2cf5 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Network.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Network.md
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Inherits from object
|NetworkTime|double|False|The network time|
|Ping|int|False|The local player's ping|
## Methods
player : [Player](../objects/Player.md),
message : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Send a message to a player|
-|SendMessageAll(message : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Send a message to all players|
-|SendMessageOthers(message : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Send a message to all players except the sender|
timestamp1 : double,
timestamp2 : double
)|double|Get the difference between two photon timestamps|
target : Object,
reason : [String](../static/String.md) = .
)|none|Kick the given player by id or player reference.|
+|SendMessage|player : [Player](../objects/Player.md)
message : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Send a message to a player|
+|SendMessageAll|message : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Send a message to all players|
+|SendMessageOthers|message : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Send a message to all players except the sender|
+|GetTimestampDifference|timestamp1 : double
timestamp2 : double|double|Get the difference between two photon timestamps|
+|KickPlayer|target : Object
reason : [String](../static/String.md) = .|none|Kick the given player by id or player reference.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/PersistentData.md b/Assets/Docs/static/PersistentData.md
index 256b7c543..402b6ab47 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/PersistentData.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/PersistentData.md
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# PersistentData
Inherits from object
## Static Methods
property : [String](../static/String.md),
value : Object
)|none|Sets the property with given name to the object value. Valid value types are float, string, bool, and int.|
property : [String](../static/String.md),
defaultValue : Object
)|Object|Gets the property with given name. If property does not exist, returns defaultValue.|
fileName : [String](../static/String.md),
encrypted : bool
)|none|Loads persistent data from given file name. If encrypted is true, will treat the file as having been saved as encrypted.|
fileName : [String](../static/String.md),
encrypted : bool
)|none|Saves current persistent data to given file name. If encrypted is true, will also encrypt the file instead of using plaintext.|
-|Clear()|none|Clears current persistent data.|
-|IsValidFileName(fileName : [String](../static/String.md))|bool|Determines whether or not the given fileName will be allowed for use when saving/loading a file.|
-|FileExists(fileName : [String](../static/String.md))|bool|Determines whether the file given already exists. Throws an error if given an invalid file name.|
+|SetProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)
value : Object|none|Sets the property with given name to the object value. Valid value types are float, string, bool, and int.|
+|GetProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)
defaultValue : Object|Object|Gets the property with given name. If property does not exist, returns defaultValue.|
+|LoadFromFile|fileName : [String](../static/String.md)
encrypted : bool|none|Loads persistent data from given file name. If encrypted is true, will treat the file as having been saved as encrypted.|
+|SaveToFile|fileName : [String](../static/String.md)
encrypted : bool|none|Saves current persistent data to given file name. If encrypted is true, will also encrypt the file instead of using plaintext.|
+|Clear||none|Clears current persistent data.|
+|IsValidFileName|fileName : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Determines whether or not the given fileName will be allowed for use when saving/loading a file.|
+|FileExists|fileName : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Determines whether the file given already exists. Throws an error if given an invalid file name.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/Random.md b/Assets/Docs/static/Random.md
index e7f5470bc..d941a1818 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/Random.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/Random.md
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Random
Inherits from object
## Methods
min : int,
max : int
)|int|Generates a random integer between the specified range.|
min : float,
max : float
)|float|Generates a random float between the specified range.|
-|RandomBool()|bool|Returns random boolean.|
a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md),
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Generates a random Vector3 between the specified ranges.|
-|RandomDirection(flat : bool = False)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Generates a random normalized direction vector. If flat is true, the y component will be zero.|
-|RandomSign()|int|Generates a random sign, either 1 or -1.|
x : float,
y : float
)|float|Returns a point sampled from generated 2d perlin noise. (see Unity Mathf.PerlinNoise for more information)|
+|RandomInt|min : int
max : int|int|Generates a random integer between the specified range.|
+|RandomFloat|min : float
max : float|float|Generates a random float between the specified range.|
+|RandomBool||bool|Returns random boolean.|
+|RandomVector3|a : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)
b : [Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Generates a random Vector3 between the specified ranges.|
+|RandomDirection|flat : bool = False|[Vector3](../objects/Vector3.md)|Generates a random normalized direction vector. If flat is true, the y component will be zero.|
+|RandomSign||int|Generates a random sign, either 1 or -1.|
+|PerlinNoise|x : float
y : float|float|Returns a point sampled from generated 2d perlin noise. (see Unity Mathf.PerlinNoise for more information)|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/RoomData.md b/Assets/Docs/static/RoomData.md
index f77eca9b4..1ed18f00b 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/RoomData.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/RoomData.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# RoomData
Inherits from object
## Static Methods
property : [String](../static/String.md),
value : Object
)|none|Sets the property with given name to the object value. Valid value types are float, string, bool, and int.|
property : [String](../static/String.md),
defaultValue : Object
)|Object|Gets the property with given name. If property does not exist, returns defaultValue.|
-|Clear()|none|Clears all room data.|
+|SetProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)
value : Object|none|Sets the property with given name to the object value. Valid value types are float, string, bool, and int.|
+|GetProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)
defaultValue : Object|Object|Gets the property with given name. If property does not exist, returns defaultValue.|
+|Clear||none|Clears all room data.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/String.md b/Assets/Docs/static/String.md
index 61aaa479e..9dbf78bdf 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/String.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/String.md
@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ Inherits from object
|Newline|[String](../static/String.md)|False|Returns the newline character.|
## Static Methods
val : float,
decimals : int
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Formats a float to a string with the specified number of decimal places.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
list : [List](../objects/List.md)
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Equivalent to C# string.format(string, List).|
toSplit : [String](../static/String.md),
splitter : Object,
removeEmptyEntries : bool = False
)|[List](../objects/List.md)|Split the string into a list. Can pass in either a string to split on or a list of strings to split on, the last optional param can remove all empty entries.|
list : [List](../objects/List.md),
separator : [String](../static/String.md)
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Joins a list of strings into a single string with the specified separator.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
startIndex : int
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Returns a substring starting from the specified index.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
startIndex : int,
length : int
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Returns a substring of the specified length starting from the specified start index.|
-|Length(str : [String](../static/String.md))|int|Length of the string.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
replace : [String](../static/String.md),
with : [String](../static/String.md)
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
match : [String](../static/String.md)
)|bool|Checks if the string contains the specified substring.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
match : [String](../static/String.md)
)|bool|Checks if the string starts with the specified substring.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
match : [String](../static/String.md)
)|bool|Checks if the string ends with the specified substring.|
-|Trim(str : [String](../static/String.md))|[String](../static/String.md)|Trims whitespace from the start and end of the string.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
insert : [String](../static/String.md),
index : int
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Inserts a substring at the specified index.|
-|Capitalize(str : [String](../static/String.md))|[String](../static/String.md)|Capitalizes the first letter of the string.|
-|ToUpper(str : [String](../static/String.md))|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts the string to uppercase.|
-|ToLower(str : [String](../static/String.md))|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts the string to lowercase.|
str : [String](../static/String.md),
substring : [String](../static/String.md)
)|int|Returns the index of the given string.|
+|FormatFloat|val : float
decimals : int|[String](../static/String.md)|Formats a float to a string with the specified number of decimal places.|
+|FormatFromList|str : [String](../static/String.md)
list : [List](../objects/List.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Equivalent to C# string.format(string, List).|
+|Split|toSplit : [String](../static/String.md)
splitter : Object
removeEmptyEntries : bool = False|[List](../objects/List.md)|Split the string into a list. Can pass in either a string to split on or a list of strings to split on, the last optional param can remove all empty entries.|
+|Join|list : [List](../objects/List.md)
separator : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Joins a list of strings into a single string with the specified separator.|
+|Substring|str : [String](../static/String.md)
startIndex : int|[String](../static/String.md)|Returns a substring starting from the specified index.|
+|SubstringWithLength|str : [String](../static/String.md)
startIndex : int
length : int|[String](../static/String.md)|Returns a substring of the specified length starting from the specified start index.|
+|Length|str : [String](../static/String.md)|int|Length of the string.|
+|Replace|str : [String](../static/String.md)
replace : [String](../static/String.md)
with : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring.|
+|Contains|str : [String](../static/String.md)
match : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Checks if the string contains the specified substring.|
+|StartsWith|str : [String](../static/String.md)
match : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Checks if the string starts with the specified substring.|
+|EndsWith|str : [String](../static/String.md)
match : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Checks if the string ends with the specified substring.|
+|Trim|str : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Trims whitespace from the start and end of the string.|
+|Insert|str : [String](../static/String.md)
insert : [String](../static/String.md)
index : int|[String](../static/String.md)|Inserts a substring at the specified index.|
+|Capitalize|str : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Capitalizes the first letter of the string.|
+|ToUpper|str : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts the string to uppercase.|
+|ToLower|str : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Converts the string to lowercase.|
+|IndexOf|str : [String](../static/String.md)
substring : [String](../static/String.md)|int|Returns the index of the given string.|
diff --git a/Assets/Docs/static/UI.md b/Assets/Docs/static/UI.md
index d4e879abe..d4414dc36 100644
--- a/Assets/Docs/static/UI.md
+++ b/Assets/Docs/static/UI.md
@@ -14,25 +14,25 @@ Inherits from object
|BottomRight|[String](../static/String.md)|False|"BottomRight" constant|
|Popups|[List](../objects/List.md)|False|Returns a list of all popups|
## Static Methods
label : [String](../static/String.md),
message : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Sets the label at a certain location. Valid types: "TopCenter", "TopLeft", "TopRight", "MiddleCenter", "MiddleLeft", "MiddleRight", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight", "BottomCenter".|
label : [String](../static/String.md),
message : [String](../static/String.md),
time : float
)|none|Sets the label for a certain time, after which it will be cleared.|
label : [String](../static/String.md),
message : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Sets the label for all players. Master client only. Be careful not to call this often.|
label : [String](../static/String.md),
message : [String](../static/String.md),
time : float
)|none|Sets the label for all players for a certain time. Master client only.|
popupName : [String](../static/String.md),
title : [String](../static/String.md),
width : int,
height : int
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Creates a new popup. This popup is hidden until shown.|
-|ShowPopup(popupName : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Shows the popup with given name.|
-|HidePopup(popupName : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Hides the popup with given name.|
-|ClearPopup(popupName : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Clears all elements in popup with given name.|
popupName : [String](../static/String.md),
label : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Adds a text row to the popup with label as content.|
popupName : [String](../static/String.md),
label : [String](../static/String.md),
callback : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Adds a button row to the popup with given button name and display text. When button is pressed, OnButtonClick is called in Main with buttonName parameter.|
popupName : [String](../static/String.md),
label : [String](../static/String.md),
callback : [String](../static/String.md)
)|none|Adds a button to the bottom bar of the popup.|
popupName : [String](../static/String.md),
labels : [List](../objects/List.md),
callbacks : [List](../objects/List.md)
)|none|Adds a list of buttons in a row to the popup.|
text : [String](../static/String.md),
style : [String](../static/String.md),
arg : [String](../static/String.md) =
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Returns a wrapped string given style and args.|
cat : [String](../static/String.md),
sub : [String](../static/String.md),
key : [String](../static/String.md)
)|[String](../static/String.md)|Gets translated locale from the current Language.json file with given category, subcategory, and key pattern.|
-|GetLanguage()|[String](../static/String.md)|Returns the current language (e.g. "English" or "简体中文").|
-|ShowChangeCharacterMenu()|none|Shows the change character menu if main character is Human.|
-|SetScoreboardHeader(header : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Sets the display of the scoreboard header (default "Kills / Deaths...")|
-|SetScoreboardProperty(property : [String](../static/String.md))|none|Sets which Player custom property to read from to display on the scoreboard. If set to empty string, will use the default "Kills / Deaths..." display.|
panel : [String](../static/String.md),
category : [String](../static/String.md),
item : [String](../static/String.md)
)|[Color](../objects/Color.md)|Gets the color of the specified item. See theme json for reference.|
-|IsPopupActive(popupName : [String](../static/String.md))|bool|Returns if the given popup is active|
+|SetLabel|label : [String](../static/String.md)
message : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Sets the label at a certain location. Valid types: "TopCenter", "TopLeft", "TopRight", "MiddleCenter", "MiddleLeft", "MiddleRight", "BottomLeft", "BottomRight", "BottomCenter".|
+|SetLabelForTime|label : [String](../static/String.md)
message : [String](../static/String.md)
time : float|none|Sets the label for a certain time, after which it will be cleared.|
+|SetLabelAll|label : [String](../static/String.md)
message : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Sets the label for all players. Master client only. Be careful not to call this often.|
+|SetLabelForTimeAll|label : [String](../static/String.md)
message : [String](../static/String.md)
time : float|none|Sets the label for all players for a certain time. Master client only.|
+|CreatePopup|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)
title : [String](../static/String.md)
width : int
height : int|[String](../static/String.md)|Creates a new popup. This popup is hidden until shown.|
+|ShowPopup|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Shows the popup with given name.|
+|HidePopup|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Hides the popup with given name.|
+|ClearPopup|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Clears all elements in popup with given name.|
+|AddPopupLabel|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)
label : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Adds a text row to the popup with label as content.|
+|AddPopupButton|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)
label : [String](../static/String.md)
callback : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Adds a button row to the popup with given button name and display text. When button is pressed, OnButtonClick is called in Main with buttonName parameter.|
+|AddPopupBottomButton|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)
label : [String](../static/String.md)
callback : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Adds a button to the bottom bar of the popup.|
+|AddPopupButtons|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)
labels : [List](../objects/List.md)
callbacks : [List](../objects/List.md)|none|Adds a list of buttons in a row to the popup.|
+|WrapStyleTag|text : [String](../static/String.md)
style : [String](../static/String.md)
arg : [String](../static/String.md) = |[String](../static/String.md)|Returns a wrapped string given style and args.|
+|GetLocale|cat : [String](../static/String.md)
sub : [String](../static/String.md)
key : [String](../static/String.md)|[String](../static/String.md)|Gets translated locale from the current Language.json file with given category, subcategory, and key pattern.|
+|GetLanguage||[String](../static/String.md)|Returns the current language (e.g. "English" or "简体中文").|
+|ShowChangeCharacterMenu||none|Shows the change character menu if main character is Human.|
+|SetScoreboardHeader|header : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Sets the display of the scoreboard header (default "Kills / Deaths...")|
+|SetScoreboardProperty|property : [String](../static/String.md)|none|Sets which Player custom property to read from to display on the scoreboard. If set to empty string, will use the default "Kills / Deaths..." display.|
+|GetThemeColor|panel : [String](../static/String.md)
category : [String](../static/String.md)
item : [String](../static/String.md)|[Color](../objects/Color.md)|Gets the color of the specified item. See theme json for reference.|
+|IsPopupActive|popupName : [String](../static/String.md)|bool|Returns if the given popup is active|
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Editor/GenerateCLDocs.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Editor/GenerateCLDocs.cs
index 341129781..4acf78582 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Editor/GenerateCLDocs.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Editor/GenerateCLDocs.cs
@@ -505,34 +505,29 @@ private string GenerateMethods(System.Type type, System.Xml.XmlDocument XMLdoc,
if (methods.Length > 0)
doc += $"{header}\n";
- List headers = new List { "Function", "Returns", "Description" };
+ List headers = new List { "Function", "Parameters", "Returns", "Description" };
List> rows = new List>();
foreach (var method in methods)
var clMethod = (CLMethodAttribute)method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CLMethodAttribute), false)[0];
var methodName = DelimitStyled(method.Name);
- // methodName should look like name(param1 : type1, param2 : type2)
- // optional params look like name(param1: type1, param2 : type2 = defaultValue)
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
- string signature = $"{methodName}(";
- string separator = parameters.Length > 1 ? "
" : "";
+ string signature = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
var param = parameters[i];
var paramType = ResolveType(param.ParameterType.Name);
if (param.HasDefaultValue)
- signature += $"{separator}{param.Name} : {paramType} = {param.DefaultValue}";
+ signature += $"{param.Name} : {paramType} = {param.DefaultValue}";
- signature += $"{separator}{param.Name} : {paramType}";
+ signature += $"{param.Name} : {paramType}";
if (i < parameters.Length - 1)
- signature += ",";
+ signature += "
- signature += $"{separator})";
- methodName = signature;
var returnType = ResolveType(method.ReturnType.Name);
var description = ResolveMethodDescription(type, method, XMLdoc, clMethod.Description);
- rows.Add(new List { methodName, returnType, description });
+ rows.Add(new List { methodName, signature, returnType, description });
doc += CreateTable(headers, rows);