diff --git a/contracts/struct/DistributionParameters.sol b/contracts/struct/DistributionParameters.sol
index 644ab17..8efdf8f 100644
--- a/contracts/struct/DistributionParameters.sol
+++ b/contracts/struct/DistributionParameters.sol
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
 struct DistributionParameters {
-    // ID of the reward (populated once created)
+    // ID of the reward (populated once created). This can be left as a null bytes32 when creating distributions
+    // on Merkl.
     bytes32 rewardId;
     // Address of the UniswapV3 pool that needs to be incentivized
     address uniV3Pool;
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ struct DistributionParameters {
     // are automatically detected and so there is no need to specify them here. Check out the docs to find out
     // which need to be specified and which are not automatically detected.
     address[] positionWrappers;
-    // Type (Arrakis, Gamma, Blacklist, ...) encoded as a `uint32` for each wrapper in the list above. Mapping between
+    // Type (blacklist==3, whitelist==0, ...) encoded as a `uint32` for each wrapper in the list above. Mapping between
     // wrapper types and their corresponding `uint32` value can be found in Angle Docs
     uint32[] wrapperTypes;
     // In the incentivization formula, how much of the fees should go to holders of token0
@@ -26,22 +27,25 @@ struct DistributionParameters {
     uint32 propToken1;
     // Proportion for providing a useful liquidity (in base 10**4) that generates fees
     uint32 propFees;
-    // Timestamp at which the incentivization should start
+    // Timestamp at which the incentivization should start. This is in the same units as `block.timestamp`.
     uint32 epochStart;
-    // Amount of epochs for which incentivization should last
+    // Amount of epochs for which incentivization should last. Epochs are expressed in hours here, so for a
+    // campaign of 1 week `numEpoch` should for instance be 168.
     uint32 numEpoch;
     // Whether out of range liquidity should still be incentivized or not
     // This should be equal to 1 if out of range liquidity should still be incentivized
-    // and 0 otherwise
+    // and 0 otherwise.
     uint32 isOutOfRangeIncentivized;
     // How much more addresses with a maximum boost can get with respect to addresses
     // which do not have a boost (in base 4). In the case of Curve where addresses get 2.5x more
-    // this would be 25000
+    // this would be 25000.
     uint32 boostedReward;
     // Address of the token which dictates who gets boosted rewards or not. This is optional
-    // and if the zero address is given no boost will be taken into account
+    // and if the zero address is given no boost will be taken into account. In the case of Curve, this address
+    // would for instance be the veBoostProxy address, or in other cases the veToken address.
     address boostingAddress;
     // Additional data passed when distributing rewards. This parameter may be used in case
     // the reward distribution script needs to look into other parameters beyond the ones above.
+    // In most cases, when creating a campaign on Merkl, you can leave this as an empty bytes.
     bytes additionalData;
diff --git a/test/foundry/DistributionCreator.t.sol b/test/foundry/DistributionCreator.t.sol
index 3cf7b19..6ab7b13 100644
--- a/test/foundry/DistributionCreator.t.sol
+++ b/test/foundry/DistributionCreator.t.sol
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ contract DistributionCreatorOOGTest is Fixture {
+    /*
+    // Commented because of an update in Foundry which does not handle well out of gas issues
     function testFuzz_GetDistributionsOutOfGas() public {
         address[] memory positionWrappers = new address[](3);
         uint32[] memory wrapperTypes = new uint32[](3);
@@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ contract DistributionCreatorOOGTest is Fixture {
         creator.getPoolDistributionsAfterEpoch(address(pool), startTime);
+    */
     function testFuzz_getActiveDistributions() public {
         uint256 lastIndexDistribution;