Thanks for considering contributing to AmsterdamUMCdb. This document is currently work in progress.
- (local) installation of AmsterdamUMCdb in postgres
- access to the BigQuery instance
Tests are currently developed using the Python unittest
Unit testing framework package. Please make sure you are able
to run the tests succesfully before submitting a pulling request:
python -m unittest -v
- Increase version number in
- Update Build tools
pip install --upgrade build
- Build the package
python -m build
Get a PyPI API token:
Update Twine
pip install --upgrade twine
- Upload the package to TestPyPI:
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
- Test the package
Since Colab is the main supported environment for the BigQuery instance, it is important to test the package from the getting_started.ipynb notebook:
From the Install the AmsterdamUMCdb package cell, change the cell contents to:
# get the amsterdamumcdb package from TestPyPI repository for use in Colab
!pip install --index-url --no-deps amsterdamumcdb
import amsterdamumcdb as adb