All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
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1.9.3 - 2021-04-02
Note: Backup your world before upgrading to this version!
- Actually Additions
- Advanced Rocketry
- Alchemistry
- Atum 2: Return to the Sands
- Capability Adapter
- Ceramics
- Corail Tombstone
- CraftTweaker
- Cyclops Core
- EnderIO
- Flux Networks
- FoamFix
- FTB Quests
- FTB Utilities
- Gravisuit
- GunpowderLib
- IC2C Extras
- IC2 Classic Tweaker
- IC2 Classic
- Integration Foregoing
- LazyAE2
- LibVulpes
- MysticalLib
- Patchouli
- Psi
- Random Patches
- Random Tweaks
- Rustic
- Scannable
- Simply Jetpacks
- TickCentral
- Unidict
- WanionLib
- shielding recipes from NuclearCraft
- advancements on joining from SimplyJetpacks
- Hardened Thrusters being unobtainable
- Flux-infused Jetplate being unobtainable
- JEI recipe lookup for Energy Cells
- insanely high amount of mob head drops when using Diamond Spikes to kill them
- added recipes for different tiers of Energy Cells
- changed recipe of Hardened Thrusters to use a Compression Dynamo instead of an unobtainable Magmatic Dynamo
1.9.2 - 2020-10-18
- conversion recipe for Steel Rods to Arc Furnace
- Advanced Rocketry
- CraftTweaker
- FTB Quests
- Lazy AE2
- LibNine
- NuclearCraft
- conversion recipe for Steel Rods from Smeltery and Melter
- conversion recipe for Steel Rods from High Oven
- steel duplication exploit (#250)
1.9.1 - 2020-10-03
- forge version
- Astral Sorcery
- Atum 2: Return to the Sands
- Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
- Brandon's Core
- Common Capabilities
- Controlling
- Corail Tombstone
- CraftTweaker
- Draconic Evolution
- Ender IO
- Just Enough Items
- Lazy AE2
- LibNine
- Logistics Pipes
- MysticalLib
- Netherending Ores
- NuclearCraft
- Psi
- RandomPatches
- Rustic
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Tool Progression
- Torchmaster
- newly added jetpacks by the new Simply Jetpacks version
- quest completion toasts not displaying
1.9.0 - 2020-08-03
- item descriptions
- how to obtain Plutonium
- how to obtain Near-depleted Uranium Cells
- to show that you can scan chests with the Thaumometer
- Alchemistry guide book to Akashic Tome
- Loot Capacitor Tooltips
- IC2 Classic secret recipes are now visible
- Advanced Rocketry
- Astral Sorcery
- Building Gadgets
- Carry On
- Common Capabilities
- Corail Tombstones
- CraftTweaker
- Cyclops Core
- Flux Networks
- FTB Quests
- FTB Utilities
- IC2 Classic
- IC2C Extras
- Item Filters
- Just Enough Items
- Lazy AE2
- Logistics Pipes
- NuclearCraft
- Psi
- RandomPatches
- RandomTweaks
- Recipe Stages
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Torchmaster
- Astral Sorcery Lucerna ritual no longer stops Resturbed Mob Spawner (HellFirePVP/AstralSorcery#1307)
- exploit for infinite resources by crafting metal dusts
- added recipe for Controller Slave
- added Enhanced Ender Ingots to Advanced Rocketry multiblock recipes to get more uses for the Ender Crafter
- added Plutonium Dust to Petro Petunia recipe to match progression
- fixed several metal block recipes
- fixed Iridium Ore recipe with UU-Matter
- Combination Crafting
- added recipe for Steel Casing for automation purposes
- added recipe for Ender Star for automation purposes
- added recipe for Enhanced Ender Ingot for automation purposes
- Mana Infusion
- added Manasteel Plate recipe
- added Manasteel Block recipe
- added Mana Diamond Block recipe
- added Mana Quartz Block recipe
- added Mana Glass Pane recipe
- added Manasteel Nugget recipe
- slightly increased Mana cost for Mana Quartz
- slightly increased Mana cost for Mana Glass
- added protection suit to "Chernobyl Diaries"
- added Chemical Combiner to "Splitting the Atoms" to match progression
- added information to "Thaumaturge" that Thaumometer supports inventory scanning
- removed Chemical Combiner from "Combining the Atoms"
- fixed "Man-Made-Osmium" spelling
- renamed "Combining the Atoms" to "Chemical Metal"
- "Splitting the Atoms" now ignores NBT data to also accept machines with leftover energy
- "I built a Rocket, Man!" now required 6 Liquid Fuel Tanks instead of 4
1.8.0 - 2020-06-30
Known issues:
- Thermal Expansion Dynamos do not output power when they aren't producing anything although their buffer is full
- read this for more information:
- item description to Scribing Tools that they need to be crafted in a vanilla table or the inventory to count towards the Thaumonomicon task
- item description to Thaumometer that there is a Mana Glass Pane in the middle of the crafting grid since it's almost invisible
- item description to Quantum Quarry that it's not able to mine all ores
- item descriptions to Thermal Expansion Satchels that they lose their inventory when upgraded
- Spice of Life Food Book to Akashic Tome
- ore dictionary for Water Buckets
- The One Probe now shows extended information without the need of the probe
- AgriCraft Sprinklers are not that efficient anymore to give Garden Cloche more sense
- growth chance reduced from 25% to 10%
- growth interval slightly increased
- water usage slightly increased
- Advanced Rocketry
- AppleSkin
- Corail Tombstone
- CraftTweaker
- Ender IO
- FTB Library
- FTB Quests
- FTB Utilities
- IC2 Classic
- IC2 Classic Tweaker
- Just Enough Items
- Lazy AE2
- Logistics Pipes
- LootTweaker
- NuclearCraft
- Patchouli
- some update notifications
- different Probe items from The One Probe as they are no longer necessary
- Botania Pylons and Astral Sorcery Crystals are now visible again (TinyModularThings/IC2Classic#387, TinyModularThings/IC2Classic#402)
- item description of Akashic Tome not being visible
- getting the correct loot tables because of the new format of LootTweaker
- armored Jetpacks not being convertible (#247)
- crafting Steel Rods by hand only gives 2 Steel Rods so the Metal Press is more efficient
- Dough now also accepts crafting with Clay Bucket
- AgriCraft Sprinklers are now fairly harder to craft so they aren't used so excessively and giving the Garden Cloche more sense again
- Luminessence now requires 6.000 blood in the Blood Altar (was 10.000 before)
- Mekanism
- Pressurized Tubes now have recipes
- Thermodynamic Conductors now have recipes
- Basic Universal Cable now uses Compressed Obsidian
- Universal Cables now depend on eachother
- Combination Crafting
- Nocturnal Powder now gives 10 instead of 1
- Illumination Powder now gives 24 instead of 1
- Empowerer energy costs
- Machine Case (from 50k to 300k RF)
- Inscriber presses (from 200k to 500k RF each)
- ME Capability Adapter (from 200k to 500k RF)
- added informational quest that you can only get one extra layer of hearts by eating different food
- added informational quest that saplings can't grow if they are planted next to each other
- added informational quest that IC2Classic machines can be upgraded with the Transformer Upgrade to let them use more Overclockers to speed them up
- added information to "Thaumaturge" that Scribing Tools need to be crafted in a Vanilla crafting grid to get them tracked in the Thaumonomicon
- added information to "Thaumic Infusion" that the required research in the Thaumonomicon will be unlocked with the quest reward
- added information to "Mining or Farming?" that weeds are disabled and crops can improve their stats by spreading
- added lighter items to "Who put that char on my coal?" to avoid confusion that Flint and Steel is not obtainable early on
1.7.0 - 2020-06-10
Known issues:
- Astral Sorcery collector crystals and Botania pylons are not visible as items
- caused by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic
- TinyModularThings/IC2Classic#387
- TinyModularThings/IC2Classic#402
- descriptions to help how to obtain seared stone
- description to flint and steel that a firecharge can be used early on
- description how to get rubber tree saplings, resin and rubber
- creosote oil bucket to JEI for recipe lookup
- Astral Sorcery
- EnderCore
- ImmersiveEngineering
- Logistics Pipes
- unused ores from JEI
- unused Modular Machinery parts from JEI
- all parts from LogisticsPipes that are not implemented yet (#236)
- pyroconvective loop augment being unobtainable (#246)
- anima mundi being unobtainable
- added recipe for huge energy input hatch
- added recipes for crystal cluster and crystal cluster brick (#236)
- changed recipes for huge fluid input/output hatches to match energy hatch recipe
- changed recipe for pyroconvective loop augment because wrong bees were used
- changed recipe of heat conductor, now contains coal coke
- changed recipe of steam dynamo, now contains refined iron
- changed recipe of corrupted starlight, now uses 4x the corresponding will instead of will clusters to make it automatable (#236)
- recipe for coke bricks now give 3 instead of 1
- recipe for Schwarzschild's Sphere was moved from runic altar to blood altar (tier 6) (#236)
- added an optional quest how to obtain charcoal to Tier 0
- rearranged some quests to keep the symmetry
- added an optional quest to inform about AgriCraft
- Tier 1 quests overhaul
- Tier 5 quests overhaul (#236)
1.6.2 - 2020-06-03
Known issues:
- Astral Sorcery collector crystals and Botania pylons are not visible as items
- caused by IndustrialCraft 2 Classic
- TinyModularThings/IC2Classic#387
- TinyModularThings/IC2Classic#402
- enchanter recipe (#241)
- default keybinds and options to match changes and different resolutions
- power storage of several jetpacks (#243)
- Advanced Rocketry
- AppleCore
- Corail Tombstone
- CraftTweaker
- Cyclops Core
- Deep Mob Learning
- FTB Quests
- Game Stages
- IC2C Extras
- JEI Integration
- Lazy AE2
- Logistics Pipes
- NuclearCraft
- Rustic
- Spice of Life: Carrot Edition
- Storage Drawers
- lens of disenchanting from JEI (#244)
- advanced crafting table being unobtainable because of new ender ingot recipe (#234)
- arc furnace outputting refined iron ingots instead of steel ingots
- crusher crashes the instance or is terribly slow (#238)
- steel block having the wrong ore dict
- empowerer recipes energy cost in item descriptions (#242)
- adjusted several Simply Jetpacks recipes (#244)
- creative flux pack
- creative jetpack
- conductive iron thruster & jetpack
- electrical steel thruster & jetpack
- energetic thruster & jetpack
- vibrant thruster & jetpack
- hardened thruster
- capacitor packs
- "I'm so slippery" now tracks the correct blocks and amount (#237)
1.6.1 - 2020-05-07
- Advanced Rocketry
- Lazy AE2
- LibVulpes
- palis crystal using lapis dust instead of lapis at atomic reconstructor
- precision assembler duplicated and interfering recipes
- steel is no longer obtainable from blast furnace (#231)
- Mekanism supports unified materials again
1.6.0 - 2020-05-06
- Akashic Tome
- Actually Additions guide
- Open Blocks guide
- certus quartz seed
- uses a runic altar recipe instead of crop breeding
- only grows on a sky stone block with a me controller underneath it
- doesn't drop an item everytime
- can't be bonemealed
- uses the same texture as the nether quartz plant since Applied Energistics doesn't add own plants
- custom item descriptions
- items made in empowerer now show how much power is required
- scrap now shows how it's obtained
- how to obtain liquid xp
- pack logo and name to Discord rich presence
- Capability Adapter
- Clumps
- DefaultOptions
- Ding
- FastFurnace
- FastWorkbench
- Just Enough Throwing in Fluid
- Just Enough Petroleum
- More Overlays
- PlusTiCMinusBad
- TickCentral
- Tinker's JEI
- application window now shows modpack name
- Actually Additions guide is no longer given on first craft
- Applied Energistics facades are now hidden in JEI
- prevents filling several pages from JEI
- the stone facade is now used as a template on how to craft facades
- EnderIO tile entities are no longer paintable
- Immersive Engineering metal press is 50% faster now
- improved the modpack loading time
- the world now uses the Garden of Glass skybox
- unified wooden gears and stone gears
- UU matter uses are shown by default in JEI now
- various fluid containers are now hidden in JEI
- prevents filling several pages from JEI
- all basic forms are still shown
- huge script overhaul and refactor
- Advanced Rocketry
- Advanced Solars Classic
- Alchemistry
- Animus
- Astral Sorcery
- Atum 2: Return to the Sands
- Blood Transmutation
- Brandon's Core
- Building Gadgets
- Chisel
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- Common Capabilities
- ConnectedTexturesMod
- Controlling
- Corail Tombstone
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- CraftTweaker
- Cyclops Core
- Doomlike Dungeons
- Draconic Evolution
- EnderCore
- Floralchemy
- Forestry
- FTB Library
- GameStages
- Integration Foregoing
- Inventory Tweaks
- JEI Integration
- JourneyMap
- Just Enough Dimensions
- JustEnoughIDs
- Lazy AE2
- LibNine
- LibVulpes
- Logistics Pipes
- LootTweaker
- ModTweaker
- MysticalLib
- Netherending Ores
- NuclearCraft
- Ore Excavation
- Psi
- Quark
- Random Things
- Random Patches
- Random Tweaks
- Redstone Flux
- Rustic
- Storage Drawers
- Tesla Core Lib
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Innovation
- Tinkers Construct
- TOP Addons
- UniDict
- a lot of old modpack version fragments
- carbon value from Mekanism sawdust
- Chicken Chunks chunk loaders
- the mod is kept so admins can use it to see statistics
- use FTB Utilities to chunkload
- enchantments curse of vanishing and shimmer from JEI (#225)
- saves a JEI tab
- join notifications
- ingame wiki mod from Extra Cells
- Recurrent Complex
- recipes from orechid and orechid ignim from JEI
- saves a JEI tab
- recipes from EnderIO painting machine from JEI
- saves a JEI tab
- several blocks that give an infinite water sources
- sink is still available
- ElecCore
- Light Overlay Reloaded
- MCMultiPart
- MPUtils
- PlusTiC
- Reborn Core
- Sonar Core
- SuperSoundMuffler
- ZeroCore
- empty slot in Akashic Tome
- duplicated empowerer recipe for machine casing
- inscriber recipe for elementium processor being the wrong order
- ImmersiveEngineering loottables
- some broken world generation
- Discord rich presence no longer shows server IP
- added Extended Crafting recipes for illumination powder, nocturnal powder and luminessence
- they are a lot harder and more expensive to be available in the late game
- is intended to make them automatable when you are far in progression
- adjusted redstone output by several machines to keep it balanced
- angel ring now accepts primordial pearl with any damage
- getting a full pearl when collapsing rifts just takes ages and tons of luck
- atomic reconstructor also accepts crystal blocks now but it costs 10x the power
- bag of holding recipe has been removed
- it had serious bugs with saving items in it
- existing ones won't be deleted
- diamond gear is now dependent on gold gear
- ender crafter, ender alternator and ender ingots
- now uses vapor of levity so it has a use now
- fixed orb of transcendence recipe not accepting liquid xp tank
- flux anodizers augment is more expensive now
- plasma core only uses single ingredients now
- satchel recipes
- make the first one available in the early game since it replaced the Traveller's Sack
- adjusted the upgraded satchels so they can be crafted when progressing through the pack
- sink recipe nerfed to make it a little harder
- traveller's sack recipe has been removed
- it has well known duping methods and is not recommended to keep
- existing ones won't be removed but it's better if you empty and remove them
- void sacks recipe has been removed too since it was dependent on the traveller's sack
- added wand of the forest to "Mana Storage and Transfer" quest
- colors of the wand are ignored
- corrected several spelling mistakes (report more if you find any)
- changed Traveller's Sack quest to Satchel
- added description that satchels can be upgraded and enchanted
- improved some quest descriptions
- new quest for ImmersiveEngineering oil processing (pumpjack and distillation tower)
- petro petunia quest is now dependent on it
1.5.0 - 2020-01-25
Note: We are still working on this project! Updated all mods.
1.4.0 - 2020-01-03
- BloodMagic to CarryOn (#192)
- blast furnace recipes to arc furnace (bomber12309) (#94)
- names to ContentTweaker items (bomber12309)
- black quartz seed (Trinsdar)
- Block Drops Tweaker
- metal bender dropping machine block instead of advanced machine block when broken (#170)
- Advanced Solars Classic
- LootTweaker
- elementium processor recipe in circuit etcher (bomber12309) (#195)
- mundane ring recipe (#198)
- advanced rocketry circuit recipe (bomber12309) (#158)
- added command reward to luminous crafting table quest (#197)
1.3.0 - 2019-12-20
- combination crafting recipe for machine case
- totemic to CarryOn blacklist
- Super Sound Muffler
- AE2 presses are now made in empowerer
- AE2 meteors don't spawn anymore
- sky stone spawns in Atum now
- Mekanism metallurgic infuser turns enriched iron into thermal steel blend
- fermium from terrasteel chance increased to 75%
- Journey Map
- old bee receptacle recipe
- creative recipes not giving back ATM star
- forge industrium recipe
- fixed arcade quests not consuming coins
1.2.1 - 2020-12-16
Note: Credits to TheGoldCrayon for the update
- exchanging recipe to gamestages
- wyvern core to 100 kRF/t
- barrel connector recipe
- IC2 Classic Tweaker
- loot tables
- drying rack recipes for porcelain
1.2.0 - 2019-12-15
- elementium processor in circuit etcher
- precision assembler workaround
- some items to CarryOn blacklist
- some misc recipes
- BloodMagic snares recipe to give 3 per craft
- RF generated from SpectreCoil
- mob spawning in Atum decreased
- boiler conversion recipe
- moved ActuallyAdditions block breaker to tier 3
- flint and steel recipe
- firecharge recipe
- Journey Map
- manganese from Alchemistry
- scrap boxe items
- dilithium from overworld
- IC2 villagers
- guilty pool
- mining levels
1.1.1 - 2019-12-07
- recipes for the presses after removing crafting hammer
- colors to empowerer recipes (NobodyReal)
- recipe stages
- game stages
- dimension stages
- MCMultiPart
- Chicken Chunks
- LagGoggles
- Scannables
- AE2 meteorite spawn rate
- Quark caves
- small plate press
- Overloaded
- oregen and Y-level values added to descriptions of items (TheGoldCrayon)
- iron plate to refined plate added in blast furnace
- Gamestages added for the new questing shop
- removed overloaded creative item scripts
- beacon recipe changed again
- LootTweaker initial tweaks with new mod
- Time in a bottle moved to gamestage shop
- crates readded and moved to gamestage shop
- scannables added and moved to gamestage shop
- energy injector moved to gamestage shop
1.0.1 - 2019-12-02
Note: server owners only need to update the scripts
- crystal binding recipe
- beacon recipe
- elementium print language
- slimeboot recipe
- empowered enori block recipe
- loot tables (dungeon loot)
- XU2 gens
- deep dark portal recipes
1.0.0 - 2019-11-29
- initial release