Subscribers can send messages to the list at [email protected]. Expect to see links to talks and research projects as well as weekly lab business. If you know of interesting talks around campus, please share to the list-serve.
https://socialdynamicslab.slack.com We do a lot of communication via Slack. Please let us know if you want to join.
####github / wiki
Tutorials, samples and WEEKLY REPORT template for undergraduates https://github.com/socdyn/wiki especially: https://github.com/socdyn/wiki/blob/master/ura/weekly_reports.md
####Shared Google Drive Folder (login with Cornell netID for read/write access)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6vSNQnSCoMGTE5hSi1CTWZNUk0 In particular, see the team project summaries for ongoing projects and the list of useful Cornell courses.
####Computing resources:
The lab maintains a server (8-Core, 32 GB Ram) with a curated collection of software packages (Python3, MongoDB and PostgreSQL) We encourage Python3 as the language of choice for research code and R/Python for analysis and visualization. We also have some code in C and Scala. If your research projects needs computing resources, get in touch with [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].