Set up requirements.txt
- tox (venv manager)
- pytest (junit for python)
- coverage (checks code covered)
- praw (reddit api)
Guide on venv activation
- auto activation for mac/linux
- step by step guide for mac/linux/windows
Set up tox
- placeholder tests and command
- install all dependencies from requirements.txt
- uses py37
Updated requirements.txt
- added kivy 1.10.1
Set up simple Reddit functionality
- Created simple way to create OAuth link
- Utilized refresh token from OAuth link
- Submitted a post on the private subreddit Postr
- Currently have all permissions set, may need to consider lowering amount.
- Need to separate into modules as to OAuth use (one time set up) and refresh token use (always use)
Reddit functionality
- Fixed Module use to conform with api
- Started implementing methods
- Utilized config for secret keys
- Created class for Reddit usage
- Typed methods
Updated Makefile
- Now properly uses venv
- Added creation of venv on windows and other OSes
Reddit functionality
- Added creating wiki pages (subreddit bio essentially)
- Added editing wiki pages
- Added functionality for returning a list of wiki pages from a subreddit
- Added basic foundation of parsing subreddit posts
Set up simple YouTube functionality
- Added google requirements to requirements
- Set up basic template
- Generated link
- Utilized refresh token
YouTube functionality
- Utilized token to upload video. Added basis for adding videos.
- Converted sample code found here
- Need to convert video uploading service into a more serviceable and integrated version.
- Need to save refresh token.
YouTube functionality
- Set up refresh token function
- Reused refresh token generated
- Added functionality to provide statistics
- Need to figure out how to properly integrate YouTube (post values are upload and there is little need to post)
YouTube functionality
- Integrated functionality for add, delete, and get subscriber count (equivalent to like count) onto api interface
- Commented on implementation reasons behind several interface functions
- Added typing to all functions and interface functions, with relevant sample code from google typed to Any if type unable to be determined
- Need to figure out still how to properly integrate into gui functionality, be it through disabling and adding option to post link of uploaded
- to other sites.
Assisted in creation of the Poster
YouTube functionality
- Added a way for the user to retrieve recent uploaded video_ids
- Allows for displaying of uploaded videos
- Allows for access to uploaded videos to delete or re upload
Assisted Adam Beck with creation of some of the Poster (around 10-20% helped such that 1-2 hours were done)
Set-up Sphinx documentation
- Setup Makefile to allow for `make help` for Sphinx documentation setup
- The most basic Sphinx documentation setup is `make html`
- Once this is called, the folder containing the documentation from the main Poster folder is `/_build/html`. Open `index.html` for the homepage.
- Generated rst files for all modules utilizing apigen (library is not included in venv because it is a one-time make for each module) using command `sphinx-apidoc postr -o .` in the main Postr folder.
- Note that is setup to point to our `postr` module folder.
All api coding has been finished so mostly documentation touch ups and poster assistance.