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Releases: Acuant/AndroidSDKV11


08 Aug 18:25
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• Improved the Sample App to enable the user to choose either HG or IP liveness, based on the credentials provided. If user has the proper credentials, they can toggle between the two libraries (MOBILE-626)
• Added an ability to show text in different languages for AcuantIPLiveness module (MOBILE-629)
• Improved the cropping process by separating it into two steps: detect and crop. Detect returns the four corners of the document (MOBLE-641)
• Resolved an internal memory leak issue (MOBILE-652)


26 Jun 23:17
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  • Resolved a memory leak issue (MOBILE-601)
  • Fixed Data Group Hash check for ePassports (MOBILE-494)
  • Includes updates to the following library versions:
    • com.github.mhshams', name: 'jnbis', version: '1.0.4'
    • org.jmrtd:jmrtd:0.7.11 (MOBILE-497)
    • org.ejbca.cvc:cert-cvc:1.4.6
    • org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.61
    • net.sf.scuba:scuba-sc-android:0.0.18
    • com.iproov.sdk:iproov:4.4.0@aar (MOBILE-607)
  • Removed CroppingOptions class for cropping in AcuantImagePreparation (MOBILE-563)
  • Removed ProcessingMode from the IdOptions class in AcuantDocumentProcessing (MOBILE-563)
  • Added real-time detection of the document border (configurable) and modified the Crop function to return corner points of the detected document (MOBILE-590)
  • Modified the user authorization for Keyless SDK users (MOBILE-558)


02 May 18:16
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Updated the acuant.config.xml file


29 Apr 20:59
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Added advanced Liveness detection (AcuantIPLiveness Library).


11 Apr 23:35
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Acuant's latest SDK with most advanced image capture technology and optimized user workflow.

  • Auto/live capture of documents
  • Feedback on image capture quality, does several checks on the captured image to ensure its optimal quality
  • Optimized image capture and processing workflow (reduces bad captures, unknowns, and poor results)
  • SDK broken down into small different modules so that developers can include only the modules they want