Items table
ProjectID DOI ItemType
ARC Grant ID or similar Digital object identifier Dataset, Article, Report LP0990134 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.05.004 Article
Participants table
PersonID ProjectID
Internal on ACEMS page ARC Grant ID or similar sam-clifford LP0990134
Authorship table
PersonID DOI
sam-clifford 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.05.004
Projects table
ProjectID Funding amount Start date End date
ARC Grant ID or similar $
LP0990134 774000 2010-10-25 2014-12-31
People table (maybe already in reportal)
PersonID ORCID Other attributes
sam-clifford 0000-0002-3774-3882
We then discussed the data sources that we have access to.
In terms of open data, we discussed:
- Australian Flights Data
- Australian Road Deaths
- UK police data: UKpolice R package, UK police data website
- Pedestrian count data in Melbourne
- E atlas data
We then discussed the different datasets that we each work with
Earl Duncan:
- Cancer Registry data (private data, cannot share - simulated data is available for use)
- Each row is aggregated at the SA2 level, for the number of people with cancer, and diagnosis of cancer, and other demographic
- ABS data: Population estimates for each area + shapefiles
- Cancer Registry data (private data, cannot share - simulated data is available for use)
- Canadian temperature data
- Berkeley Growth data: heights of boys + girls in California (available online)
- Google flu trends data (available online)
- Fruit fly data (available online)
- birth rate of fruit flies + different experimental conditions (diff flies fed different things)
- Gene data for different expressions (Available online)
- Different conditions for different people
- Traffic data (possibly cannot share)
- Speed, flow, density, and flow of cars in Melbourne
- Dengue Fever data (private data)
- Number of dengue fever cells in a particular cell culture
- Trying to estimate the number viruses in a particular cell culture
- Patient level data, and their immunoglobolin response to a virus
- Collected from patients who are affected by Dengue
- Dengue Fever data (private data)
- Growth measurement of children(need permission to use it, but it is possible to access)
- SES info, height, weight
- Interested in the incident of Diahorrea
- Global Health Analytic platform (GHAP)
- R packages which have data
- Growth measurement of children(need permission to use it, but it is possible to access)
Sam Clifford
- Coral Reef data (coral data, from 1990s - Now)
- Citizen science coral reef data (possibly available for sharing)
- Pointed camcorder at the sea floor and recorded
- Derived estimates of the amount of the coral and other things
- Other data available from this project:
- Each row has a grid location and contains the raw data
- Professional survey data
- User provided data
- Grid of locations
- Available via a JSON feed.
- 24,040 instances of an individual point in an image
- Air quality data (could possible be served up online)
- QLD State GVT provides data
- Possibly discuss other datasets of use
- Anomaly detection
- Powerline data
- Report available as PDF
- Data available as separate files, but the main data package is the Gen3i files
- When fires might start from the powerlines
- Data taken from department of conservation, can download from online, but Uses a proprietary file format
- Performances of groups
- League of Legends data - Game level data
- Every minute, what every player has done (Moved to position, killed other player)
- Summary of a game
- Tools for including include:
- League of Legends data - Game level data
- Testing algorithms (classification, optimisation)
- Collect features of each dataset E.g., the number of classes in iris dataset
- Collected data from University of California Irvine
- machine learning data and OpenML.
- Which contains many datasets, mostly used for benchmarking
- Collates the features from the datasets. These are saved into a dataset, (number offeatures, what models was used)
- Olliveti faces dataset (available online) - 400 images - 10 reps for each individual - Grayscale - Used to develop image recognition - Could be interesting to access the different images data
- Bitcoin Data