A plugin for Better Discord that allows you to send fancy embed messages like this
I can not be held responsible if this happens.
- Clone this repository
- Copy SendEmbeds.plugin.js to your plugins folder, you can acces this by going into your user settings, plugins and clicking "Open Plugin Folder"
/e title: Your title
description: Your description
url: The url your title sends you to when you click it
color: The hex color code of the embed
timestamp: True or False - If you want a timestamp at the bottom of your embed or not
footer_image: The url of the image in the footer
footer: The footer text
thumbnail: The url of the thubmnail image
image: The url of the main image
author: The name of the author
author_url: The url clicking the authors name send you to
author_icon: The url of the author's icon
The title should be enclosed in double quotes and there needs to be a #
infront of the color code
Here's an example:
/e title: My cool title
description: Cool embeds
url: https://discordapp.com
color: #1243ff
timestamp: true
footer_image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png
footer: WOW! Footers!
thumbnail_image: https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png
image_url: https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png
author: ABCD
author_url: https://discordapp.com
author_icon: https://cdn.discordapp.com/embed/avatars/0.png
The same way you do it normally with Shift + Enter
The current update has broken this functionality. This will be fixed a some point in the future
Try installing this plugin https://github.com/samogot/betterdiscord-plugins/tree/master/v2/1Lib%20Discord%20Internals
And if that fails, create an issue with all the detail you can and I will respond as soon as possible
I would like to give credit to Septeract, https://github.com/hepteract/, as he originally wrote the code this is based off. Here is the original gist for anyone interested.
Come visit me on discord! DeltaDeveloper#5381