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7Seg Grove

This module allows you to control four 7-segment LEDs using I2C signals through a Grove connector.

🇯🇵 7セグLEDをI2Cで制御するGroveモジュール

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I2C Protocol

  • Address: 0x73

example: Sample Firmware (


address R/W reset
0x00 Direct IO for LED 1 R/W 0x00
0x01 Direct IO for LED 2 R/W 0x00
0x02 Direct IO for LED 3 R/W 0x00
0x03 Direct IO for LED 4 R/W 0x00
0x10 Number uint16 input(Upper bit) W 0x00
0x11 Number uint16 input(lower bit) W 0x00
0x12 Point location(0x00 is OFF) (Not Impremented) W 0x00

Direct IO bits

bit Function
1 LED A(1: ON, 0: OFF)
2 LED B(1: ON, 0: OFF)
3 LED C(1: ON, 0: OFF)
4 LED D(1: ON, 0: OFF)
5 LED E(1: ON, 0: OFF)
6 LED F(1: ON, 0: OFF)
7 LED G(1: ON, 0: OFF)
8 LED DP(1: ON, 0: OFF)

PCB Documents



  • 利用したいGroveポートの電源電圧にあわせて、実装してください
    • VCCに3.3Vを流す場合: U7を未実装にし、JP1を短絡してください
    • VCCに5Vを流す場合(M5Stackなど): U7を実装にし、JP1を未接続にしてください
  • CH2 Groveソケットは、U1-4 7セグLEDより先に実装してください。7セグLEDは高さがあるため、はんだ付けが若干難しくなります。
Reference Name Package Quantity
C1 Capacitor 100nF SMD I0603 M1608 1
C2-3 Capacitor 10uF SMD I0603 M1608 2
CH2 HY2.0 (Grove) or SH1.0 (Qwiic) Socket SMD 4Pin - I2C SMD 1
D1 LED BLUE SMD I0805 M2012 1
R1-8 Register 100Ω SMD I0603 M1608 8
R9 Register 10kΩ SMD I0603 M1608 1
R10-11 Register 1kΩ SMD I0603 M1608 2
U1-4 7Seg LED OSL10561-LW TH 4
U6 USB Power Protection IC CH213K SOT-23 1
U7 Regulator 3.3V AMS1117-3.3 SOT-89 1

Firmware for CH32V003

using ch32v003fun.


🇯🇵 キットに付属のCH32V003には、既に書き込んであります

Sample Firmware for M5Stack Atom Lite

There is a sample firmware that allows you to see this module in action. It uses M5Stack Atom Lite.

Please check ./sample-firmware/ for how to write it.

🇯🇵 このモジュールの動きを確認できるサンプルのファームウェアがあります。 M5Stack Atom Liteを使います。



only use ch32v003 firmware

Since the firmware has the following pinout, you can also just use the CH32V003F4P6 and this firmware without using this module. See the schematic for details.

🇯🇵 以下のピン配置のファームウェアとなっているため、本モジュールを使わずに、CH32V003F4P6と本ファームウェアを使うだけを使うこともできます。詳しくは回路図を見てください。

Pin No Pin Role
1 PD4 LED3 Cassode Common
2 PD5 LED2 Cassode Common
3 PD6 LED1 Cassode Common
4 NRST - (Internal PullUp)
5 PA1 All LEDs SDP
6 PA2 I2C Indicator LED
8 PD0 -
9 VDD 3.3V
10 PC0 LED4 Cassode Common
11 PC1 I2C SDA
12 PC2 I2C SCL
13 PC3 All LEDs SB
14 PC4 All LEDs SA
15 PC5 All LEDs SF
16 PC6 All LEDs SG
17 PC7 All LEDs SE
19 PD2 All LEDs SD
20 PD3 All LEDs SC