Releases: 2600hz/monster-ui-voip
Changes for 5.1.2
Changes to branch 5.1
after version 5.1.1
PROD-169: split failover from forward - by İ c e H Ξ S S
Duplicate call forwarding settings into a failover object (account, user, device) and remove ‘failover’ as a call forward option.
The intend is to allow users to be able to change their call forwarding settings without impacting the failover settings and have failover set independently from forward.
Changes for 5.1.1
Changes to branch 5.1
after version 5.1.0
- mspb-215: fix teammate device payload - by Mauricio Martínez
Changes for 5.0.52
Changes to branch 5.0
after version 5.0.51
- mspb-215: fix teammate device payload - by Mauricio Martínez
Changes for 5.1.0
Changes to branch 5.1
after version 5.1
Update .base_branch - by Joris Tirado
Release 5.1 - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-215: add support for teammate device - by Mauricio Martínez
5.0 PR: #406
<img width="1884" alt="CleanShot 2022-03-17 at 17 40 06@2x" src="">
<img width="1840" alt="CleanShot 2022-03-17 at 17 40 49@2x" src="">
<img width="1884" alt="CleanShot 2022-03-17 at 17 41 20@2x" src="">
<img width="1884" alt="CleanShot 2022-03-17 at 17 42 12@2x" src="">
<img width="1884" alt="CleanShot 2022-03-17 at 17 42 29@2x" src="">
MSPB-167: Add given main number as e911 if it's valid - by Ricardo Merino
If the account already a emergency cid, it doesn't do anything
If there is no emergency cid in the account, we check if the given number already have the e911 setup, if true, is added as emergency cid.
Update .shipyard.yml - by bitbashing
MSPB-225: Deselect caller IDS when non-existing - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-225: Deselect caller IDS when non-existing - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-216: Remove double confirmation prompt on device deletion - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-223: Fix incorrect to field - by Joris Tirado
MSBP-222: Revert "Implement CID number selector for account" - by Joris Tirado
PROD-199: Implement CID number selector - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-193: Office Holidays: Add support to time_window_start and time_window_stop - by Pilar Candia
MSPB-201: Require an extension for user vmbox feature - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-182: Default vm to email to true for new smart vmboxes - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-197: Preserve non smart conferences when disabling user bridge - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-72: Fix issue for header for 'Import Holidays' - by Pilar Candia
PROD-199: Implement CID number selector - by Joris Tirado
PROD-199: Implement CID number selector - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-72: Add support to Import national holidays from a specific country - by Pilar Candia
MSPB-181: Fix check to determine whether call recording is set - by Joris Tirado
5.0 -> #375
MSPB-182: Auto enable voicemail to email when toggling voicemail on - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-190: Automatically split the hours if any that are overlapping are added - by Pilar Candia
MSPB-142: Fix validation error message position - by ramandeepromana
MSPB-186: Only apply the setting fax_option = false for new devices - by Pilar Candia
MSPB-71: Add office holidays import from CSV - by Pilar Candia
MSPB-181: Fix user call recording settings rendered improperly - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-181: Fix user call recording settings rendered improperly - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-70: Implement Office holidays, make it more user friendly - by Pilar Candia
MSTR-214: Validate list of space separated e911 email addresses - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-180: Re-add outbound privacy options to appFlags - by Guillermo Gutiérrez
The outbound privacy options seem to be accidentally removed by #336
MSPB-176: Add SFPT support for users call recording setup - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-89: Update voicemail transcription text - by ramandeepromana
MSPB-177: Normalize provisioner data casing - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-176: Add SFTP as supported protocol for recording destionation - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-157: Move row validation to CSV uploader common control - by Joris Tirado
Relies on:
MSPB-171: Unset default audio codecs on device creation - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-155: Allow free form office hours editing - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-60: Store value in a hidden input value every time 'skip instructions' is checked and unchecked - by Pilar Candia
MSPB-65: Stop overriding provision key for all devices - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-165: Fix holidays rendered twice after save - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-161: Apply SIP device specific defaults on creation - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-161: Apply SIP device defaults on creation - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-160: Remove default feature codes config enforcer - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-159: Normalize temporal rules time window values - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-161: Apply SIP device defaults on creation - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-154: Remove auto migration of temporal rules - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-151: Fix incoming call handling tabs display - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-149: Fix userMainCallflow reference - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-138: Solve device statuses from listing endpoint - by Joris Tirado
The goal of this PR is to remove the need for the UI to keep a track of registrable devices. Although this operation could have been abstracted into a util, the fact is that when kazoo introduces a new device type, we have manually to update our list.
Thanks to the new
flag on/devices
, we can now request device statuses in the same payload to determine both registrability and registered states. That information is exposed by theregistrable=true|false
props respectively.Requires
Related PRs:
MSPB-144: Update section header's selector - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-139: Fix office after hours policy applied in reverse - by Joris Tirado
MSPB-93: Add office hours import from CSV - by Joris Tirado
[MSPB-93: Add office hours export as CSV](
Changes for 5.0.51
Changes to branch 5.0
after version 5.0.50
MSPB-215: Add support for teammate device - by Mauricio Martínez
master PR #405
Changes for 5.0.50
Changes to branch 5.0
after version 5.0.49
MSPB-167: Add given main number as e911 if it's valid - by Ricardo Merino
If the account already a emergency cid, it doesn't do anything
If there is no emergency cid in the account, we check if the given number already have the e911 setup, if true, is added as emergency cid.
Changes for 5.0.49
Changes to branch 5.0
after version 5.0.48
- PROD-199: Remove CID number selection as fax-to-email origin - by Joris Tirado
Changes for 5.0.47
Changes to branch 5.0
after version 5.0.46
- MSPB-225: Deselect caller IDS when non-existing - by Joris Tirado
Changes for 5.0.46
Changes to branch 5.0
after version 5.0.45
- MSBP-222: Revert "Implement CID number selector for account" - by Joris Tirado